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Cargo Cult Culburra in Culburra Beach | Lounge

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Cargo Cult Culburra

Locality: Culburra Beach

Address: 159 Prince Edward Ave 2540 Culburra Beach, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 I am sharing this awful 84 year old article hoping it might be useful as a discussion-starter in schools or anywhere really, about cultural appropriation, white... privilege, colonialism, racist tropes ... you name it ... it has it all. It’s so bad it’s almost parody... but unfortunately real, and not funny. 10 November 1936 Sydney Morning Herald ENGLISHWOMAN MAKES ABORIGINAL DOLLS. Inspired by Childhood Memories. WIDGEON, KUMMERA, AND KING BILLY. THE dolls representing [Aboriginal people] reproduced with this article were made by Mrs. Sarah Ellen Midgley. She came out to Australia from England when a girl, and she had as playmates two Aboriginal children. The happy memories of those days in Queensland have inspired her to make the dolls. WHEN she was a small girl, Sarah Ellen came from England to Lake Cootharaba, Noosa, Queensland. All her short life had been spent in London. For eight years she knew only streets and houses, and then she was suddenly transplanted to the wildlife of the Queensland bush. Early Adventures. SHE remembers leaving the ship and being taken in a tiny steam launch up a river. For long hours they chugged happily on their way, until nightfall, when they ran on to a sandbank and stuck fast. Dense bush came to the river's edge, and Sarah Ellen and her small sister thought it a very wonderful and exciting place, especially when they found that they and their mother had to be carried ashore by the men. Then came a long tramp through the thick bush for the adults, but the children were carried. Sarah Ellen heard strange noises from a long way off, but as the noises became louder and nearer she began to feel frightened. Then lights flared ahead, and before her horrified eyes appeared flames and figures like fiends rushing madly about. Sarah Ellen had been strictly brought up and given a very definite description of where she would go if she wasn't good, so she knew what had happened and screamed, "Mother, we've got to Hell!" That was how Sarah Ellen first met the Australian [Aboriginal people]. She learned afterwards that the party from the launch had happened upon a genuine corroboree, and, had the [Aboriginal people] not been very friendly, there would have been real danger that night, for this was not a corroboree that whites might see. But they were friendly. After a time, Sarah Ellen became quite used to the [Aboriginal people] who surrounded her new home. There were about fifty [Aboriginal people] to one white at Lake Cootharaba at that time, and Sarah Ellen saw them every day and everywhere. Any lingering fear she still retained was finally driven out by two little girls, "Widgeon" and "Kummera," who became the playmates of the white children. Aboriginal Playmates. WIDGEON and Kummera worshipped these two wonderful white children who had come to live among them. They would catch Sarah Ellen's horse for her, saddle him, and then run beside her as she rode; also they rowed the white children about the lovely lake in a flat bottomed boat. Looking back on those happy days, Sarah Ellen can remember no single action that was not faithful and kind on the part of those two little children. Sarah Ellen has children of her own now, and the stories she told them in their childhood were nearly always of her little Aboriginal friends of long ago. Birth of An Idea. THEN one day Sarah Ellen Midgley had a great idea. She would make dolls in memory of her little playmates. So two dolls named Widgeon and Kummera were fashioned with loving care and infinite patience, until they really resembled their originals. Then their creator remembered Old King Billy, who was a very important personage at Noosa. So King Billy was made, correctly in every detail, even to the brass badge of rank which he proudly bore on his chest. Then Sarah Ellen Midgley's ambition grew, and she decided that if native dolls of other countries were popular, why shouldn't Australian children like Aboriginal dolls, and why shouldn't the Australian Aboriginal doll takes its place in the international doll world? So she showed Widgeon and Kummera and King Billy to a critical friend, who admired them, but suggested that if the Aboriginal doll was to become famous it must be more startling than these friendly figures. The word "startling" struck a chord of memory. Sarah Ellen Midgley remembered the corroboree. So she went straight home and made the aboriginal warrior in all his war paint as he had first burst upon her horrified sight. That is the story of how Sarah Ellen Midgley's dolls came to be made, and here is the story of how they are made. How They Are Made. MRS. MIDGLEY'S daughter in Townsville makes the faces, which are unbreakable. Her son In Brisbane hand-whittles the boomerangs and spears. Then Mrs. Midgley herself makes the bodies and assembles all the parts, and finally an artist paints on the tribal marks. Widgeon and Kummera carry shells and coral, and these are brought specially from the Great Barrier Reef. Other dolls have been added to the collection, and tiny figures are now made as well as the larger ones. The boxes in which the bigger dolls are packed are decorated with aboriginal symbols by Douglas Annand, and long days were spent in research to ensure that all these were correct. Sarah Ellen Midgley's workshop is in a little old-fashioned cottage at Woollahra now, and appropriately over the door is inscribed, "The Gunyah."

23.01.2022 THANKYOU 2020, was nice knowing you. We will return with new energy and new fun offerings in the year of 2021. January 1st we reopen with a recovery lunch for New Year’s Day Dawn Treaders> @freaksofnaturefoodvan is fully into nourishment, food is everywhere, nourishment from nature is what we love to do. . .... . #PowerOfPlants #NatureLovesYou #culburrabeach #shoalhavenbusiness #communtiy #Vincentia #Husky #burradise #ilovenowra #nowra #holidays #southcoastholiday #illawarra #shoalhaven #visitshoalhaven #jervisbaynsw #jervisbay #airbnb #tripadvisor

19.01.2022 Culburra Beach Surf Life Saving doing their majik. Summer about to take off... #ThisIsWhereWeLive . . . #Summer21... #culburrabeach #Currarong #Vincentia #Husky #Berry #burradise #ilovenowra #nowra #Culburra #GreenwellPoint #Callala #holidays #southcoastholiday #southcoastnsw #illawarra #shoalhaven #visitshoalhaven #jervisbaynsw #jervisbay #airbnb #tripadvisor See more

19.01.2022 Satisfying videos to cool off your brain sit back. It’s time to Relaxify.

15.01.2022 :: Desiderata :: Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.... Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. By Max Ehrmann 1927 Original Text . . #CLOSED #ReOpen New Years Day #RecoveryLunch with @freaksofnaturefoodvan #SuperChillSummer 2021 #ilovenowra #nowra #holidays #southcoastholiday #illawarra #shoalhaven #visitshoalhaven #jervisbaynsw #jervisbay #airbnb #tripadvisor #noncoffeebar #tumericbangbang #chaiandchill #fromtheboiler #elixir #regenbar #juicemechanic #desiderata

14.01.2022 SUMMER For LöVE . . More offerings @cargocultculburra // we love offering fresh food, prepared with care and intended to fuel and nourish your being.... . . FULL KITCHEN OPEN Saturday+Sunday with Grab+Go available Friday’s. . . #BoardGameChaiChill #lilshopofrandomness #PowerOfHemp #PowerOfPlants #NatureLovesYou #culburrabeach #shoalhavenbusiness #communtiy #Vincentia #Husky #burradise #ilovenowra #nowra #holidays #southcoastholiday #illawarra #shoalhaven #visitshoalhaven #jervisbaynsw #jervisbay #airbnb #tripadvisor See more

12.01.2022 OPEN JAN 8,2021

12.01.2022 B L U E S

12.01.2022 . Sunday lunch take away WholeFood nourishment. Swipe for menu. We serve 11-2pm #SoMuchLove . .... #culburrabeach #Vincentia #Husky #burradise #ilovenowra #nowra #Culburra #holidays #southcoastholiday #southcoastnsw #illawarra #shoalhaven #visitshoalhaven #jervisbaynsw #jervisbay #airbnb #tripadvisor See more

09.01.2022 NEW HOURS - click link below At the #secretkitchen #Culburra @freaksofnaturefoodvan

05.01.2022 . Numerology Readings, sit down with our friend Jules for an intuitive look at the beautiful You. . . Easter weekend between 10-3pm @cargocultculburra.... . . Bookings with @julie.joyce.754 or Swipe for@more info. . . #PsychicNumerology #IntuitiveNumerology #CulburraBeach #burradise #ilovenowra #holidays #southcoastholiday #southcoastnsw #illawarra #shoalhaven #visitshoalhaven #jervisbay #airbnb #tripadvisor See more

03.01.2022 Dizzee Rascal - You Don't Know This is our new show Woah Dude where we find the gnarliest clips and cut them to our favourite new music. Mad love to the many talented people who awesome content made this episode

01.01.2022 F L O Y D

01.01.2022 . #BeachViaFreaks Freaks of Nature OPEN 10am Friday xx plant based lunch made fun fresh in small batch. .... . #SoMuchLove #WeNourishYou #Culburra #Sand #Nowra #BlackCockatoo #YuinCountry #Jerrinja #DreamersDriftersCreators See more

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