Carine's Healing at a Soul Level | Other
Carine's Healing at a Soul Level
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25.01.2022 Watching "the talk" on tv about the things people write or say on social media.. Words can destroy a person.... Sad but true but once said or written the words... can never be taken back. One negative comment can over ride so many positive ones... More people should watch this show because it's amazing :) Moral of the story think before you speak or type or spread unnecessary rumors, or simple go straight to the horses mouth before you believe a bullshitter Rant over and feeling great in rainy Canberra See more
24.01.2022 One of my teachers. Please check out Helen's you tube. Her gentle voice and teachings will inspire you even more.
24.01.2022 Once again time flies by and still trying to 'find' time to write more on this page. Many are feeling the changes the planets are sending us. I'm not that into astrology but do 'get it' (sort of).... What is being written, messages, you tube and other mediums re the planets influences is all a personal way of being. Metro grade ? Well, from my understanding life will be all over the place.....just go with the flow as these influences may effect us ( but really, on a personal level). I no longer panic about these changes as going with the flow and just 'being' in the moment seems to be a little easy these days..but, now I've said that ...Hahahaha. Breathe Smile Accept Tears welling up? Let them flow. Building your intuition muscle is what is now important. Heart Feel and trust your heart. Please don't trust what your head says as this is ego and cellular memories. Logic can get in the way and it has its place. Using the right side of your 'knoggin' is the creative spiritual side. Trust that gut feeling. Trust what your heart is making you feel. Love . Is the key.
24.01.2022 Please accept my apology for not being active for a long time. With my mothers health, work and other busy aspects of life...time flies...lots of experiences that are helping us grow with our team of spirit workers behind the scenes. We are but an actor on a stage acting our our life....hence, behind the scenes there are many workers to ensure the scene changes at the right time... *the actor is working on and in the scene. *the workers in the background have to be in their t...oes to ensure the scene the actor is playing according to the script .. well, at times the actor may forget their lines, forget what is supposed to happen. *the scene changes dramatically. *the props...there is scatter behind the curtain * if we are the producer...director...why have we gone off the rails ? *LIFE. *weather patterns change constantly. *if the workers behind the scenes are not 'on the ball' - the story can change. *this all adds up to us to take a breath *stop and listen...what is your inner guidance better known as intuition telling you. *don't listen to the head..listen with your heart. *gut feeling. There will always be times when life circumstances take over and out path to what we loves is put on hold. I miss my house I sold I miss the healing work I used to do. I miss the psychic mediumship work I used to be really good at. Life has just 'happened' This has made me stronger. I will be back soon and stronger. I thank you for reading and acceptance.
23.01.2022 Helen is one of my magnificent teachers. Love her work. Helen is world known for her trance work.... Love her to bits and so will you.
22.01.2022 With so much happening in my personal life, work life, I felt like i was a dead end. Nothing happening. Living with my mother can be like putting up with a child. She treats me differently than other people.... This is normal so the doctors tell me. So Scrolling through you tube i watched a doco on the Hubble space telescope..what a difference it made. The vast truly beautiful universe out there. The depth The beauty The incredible awesomeness of the photos. This made me think how boring my life is. Constant changes.. One month working hard in a joy i enjoy then loosing hours and now doing bits and bobs that i also enjoy. So, what is out there for me to work on,at, do to earn $$$$ My spiritual work has ceased The passion is still there but with circumstances beyond my control this will have to wait. I feel some good will come to me when the time is right. I ask spirit to give me strength every day. It works. All the problems with my left breast is all to do with stress As my adrenal glands are working overtime, hence, i need rest. Mum many only have a few more years of life left and i will continue to help out as much as possible - even when i do odd work in two different shopping centres. My passion is healing work and i can only do distant work that truly helps as i do this on myself . Healer heal thyself. I will endeavour to continue writing on this page to keep up the interest. I thank you for your support my lovelies . It means the work to me
21.01.2022 My nephew. Goes to show if you follow your heart, gut and go out on a limb your dreams can come true
20.01.2022 Life is short Follow your heart Work can get in the way Still focus on smiling at a stranger There smile makes the world a better place
20.01.2022 Quote by Aldous Huxley A child - like man is not a man whose development has been arrested; on the contrary, he is a man who has given himself a chance of continuing to develop long after most adults have muffled themselves in the cocoon of middle-aged habit and convention. "Vulgarity in Literature" 1930
20.01.2022 Imagine being on a massive cruise ship... Feeling safe, secure.. Then the weather turns rough.. The waves are mighty.. The ship moves violently..... Now feeling the force of Mother Nature.. Not feeling too safe now... What would you do?.... Trust The crew are trained Your instincts will take over Follow them Just like in life on stable ground... It also can be rough, can find a level of safeness Look at the deep ocean waves as those feelings that make us move in the right direction. Even if that direction feels safe yet that nagging thoughts right direction is felt within your soul
20.01.2022 I love this lady and so will you. A dear friend who is genuine truly beautiful lady
19.01.2022 Davey Woder, runner up in las years X Factor and good friend of the Music Cavern has shirts, caps and his CD "Life" available in store now!
19.01.2022 My other gorgeous nephew wrote this to his beautiful wife. Tammy
18.01.2022 Which response will you pick?...
17.01.2022 I will be talking about the seven principles of spiritualism . Two version. Conclusion : we are all the same regardless of who we look like, speak, skin and the rest. I work with Muslims Indians afghans you name it I work with them security and cleaners. They are awesome, funny, friends, hard workers all working for a high degree in university .... They make us proud. Never judge what some one has. O idea about their background .. Love them. And thanks for the yummy mints, smiles, laughter, jokes and being so wonderfully human See more
17.01.2022 The last four years have been a huge learning curve that many do not understand . Even I didn't at first but challenges that throws at us whether it felt right or the right path for us at that time. Like a jig saw puzzle. I didn't know which part actually fit the picture at the time.... It was another's mental health journey I was involved in that pulled my puzzle of life all over the place. So. Detach from it. We look at your puzzle. How do you put it all together ? You know the one you want , See it Believe it Start at the ends or even in the middle or the parts that standout. Go with it Push away the parts that don't fit Bring in the parts that do All these shit times are all fab times for us to grow learn from share from. They make us stronger. I have not been very active due to this and now physical problems stopping me..why ? Easy...I was like a disphragment puzzle. Where the hell do this bits go? Are they mine? No but. Let's start again... By being with my own bubble and doing as my intuition tell me too. The new parts are replacing the parts I don't need. They don't belong to me as they were part of an others puzzle due to there health. It taught me how to feel the build up. How to cope. Who was I now to him How much he forget during treatments And fighting for him when I knew a treatment could end him back in the wheelchair. I fought hard. And the others .. Strangers filled with wild fantasy land. Drugs. All actors due to booze brigs and I had to get out of there ASAP. Not one regret as I had learnt so so much. How. strong we can be. I knowing deep,down how this,helps us see the strength within our own puzzle. Soon I will be doing more writing. And I troducing cards I have designed that won't be for everyone but they came to me via meditation breathing . Galactic cards. And now what you may think they are. So, soon to find a printer company who can make the into cards. With breast cancer scare and now foot problems . Time will come for me to start doing expos. With my own cards and shows. To those who feel. Can't .. Well, I have had stage training and entertaining .i was the flying medium..not psychic now the grounded psychic with a dash of medium
16.01.2022 It's now 2017 and all I see is hope, dreams, desires come to a reality for many. What I see right now is this crazy vortex spinning out to release the past negative thoughts and people out of the way .. not only that but it's spinning at a controlling speed to ensure all the tiny aspects that we can't see, feel or have forgotten about fly out of that vortex to have a clearer view, ideas, allow them to come thru. This will happen till end march; that will be the time for a rea...lity to shine. Like how a dog shakes..the tail end to the it flicks. Bring on all the dreams, hopes and desires. You will see the fruits bloom
15.01.2022 So, time flies by. So many changes for all. Spring is here Winter gone..moved on to go to another country The seasons of life...... Always moves Always changing Like our own lives....constant changes. See more
14.01.2022 Good advise with these changes of energy going around. Give that monkey mind something to do...
12.01.2022 Day three at Tony Stockwells Australian Academy of Mediumship. Day one emotional Day two an awakening...Soul Readings is my strength.... Healing at a Soul Level - i go into semi trance and see in full colour the essence of your Soul. Not your human side, the other side. Spirit do pop in to pass on a message as well. There are many facets to mediumship. Most of my dear beautiful friends Ive made over the years (9 years) attending this week long workshop are Evidential Mediums. Absolutely truly wonderful links to spirit. Look into the mirror and have a really good look into your eyes. Even take a selfie and look into each one. You may have a happy smile but what is going on behind the left and right brain? Are you smiling from your heart? Are you smiling from habit? As they say - the eyes are the mirror of the Soul This is also seen in the aura Love you all my happy Souls
12.01.2022 As this year comes to an end one tends to drift off to thinking about how and why did this year go by so fast. One tends to think about why they didnt achieve all they set out to do. I know for me i did more hanging out with a like minded soul who allowed me to just BE. With the pressures of living with my elderly mother who can drain my energy levels.....yes i know she is and how to recoup but it all just becomes far too much at times.... Her needs are different. She is now going out with elderly people once a week and enjoys it. My soul has been drained or is it that my physical body is drained. Yes, and it also effects the mental side too. Far too tired to focus on what it is i truly want to do. Having this page was intention to be of service. Healing is a passion But, Ive been busy with life that Im unable to continue. I have thought about shutting this page down. But, i might rename it. I am now back into writing. Writing for me. My thoughts With this year about to end i feel 2019 will be better for many including me. With the past few years behind me now i know that there was a lot of growth. And it continues. And knowing three people who are fighting cancer...all cancers are different. There life, thoughts, physical and mental attitudes change. For some it is a wake up call For some it is a time to just have fun. Fun? Yes, enjoy life when feeling good on those good days and resting on the bad days. Have a great one folks. Might be back on this page next year.
10.01.2022 There are times in our lives when sour lemons are thrown in our direction. Hence. We can turn them into lemonade. Easier said than done. Living with my mother and her deteriorating health presents challenges.... Now in hospital Called ambulance at 0400hrs. Now in great care. So much truth now being exposed.
10.01.2022 My gorgeous nephew.
08.01.2022 This is so true. I have been off this page for a while due to personal health issues which are now benign . Thank god .... But, much to share with you all soon
08.01.2022 My gorgeous nephew. The words in his songs are from the heart . The one about this mother is heart wrenching. She left Daveys dad my brother and loved with an ass hole. The words are powerful. It will produce tears .... He is truly talented. A blessing to all. Yes, one proud auntie I am. This song he wrote to his beautiful wife. The story behind their meeting is powerful. He is Australia's next big star See more
08.01.2022 How time flies..... With changing circumstances one cannot change I havent been on my page for a very long time. Challenges gives us growth if we are willing to accept and allow the lessons to seep into our consciousness.... Lots of internal growth. Trying to survive financially with job changes. Mothers health not the best. Almost lost her twice. This made me think of exit points in our life. She had three exit points...but her soul said not your time yet With her friends now in their 90s and many not being able to drive she now has an outlet..every Tuesday out with fellow seniors and loves it. Im off to mediumship boot camp today Sunday 24 March. I will be back with more inspirational thoughts.
07.01.2022 Wow, times flies by so quickly ! Spirit have slowed me down for a while now. Now at home after two surgeries on right foot.... Time to stop and allow the energies to blend. Everything happens for a reason. Foot healing extremely well ! Just swelling on big toe where the fusion took place.
07.01.2022 Sorry I have not posted inspiration messages from my guides but I will soon
06.01.2022 How To Love Without Attachment (Lessons in Love)
04.01.2022 Life has this way of getting in the way of doing what One needs to do. Or Is it the universes way of saying one has experiences that needs to be present for. Or Events show up as obstacles.. or are they ?... Just when one feels inspired to continue with ones passion people show up - but, these experiences are there for us to continue to grow - we realise how much we have. See more
02.01.2022 Life gives us many chalking I thank you all for being patient My soul knows healing is my souls purpose I have to go through healing via circumstances in order to grow further with within to be a better healer
01.01.2022 Sorry it has been awhile since i last posted. You see, living with my mother who is 88 is a challenge and one that i embrace even when it can be so hard. Amazing how ladies i work with have been through the same. A blessing to know that Im not alone in my personal feelings.... Mum has a lot of physical problems and issues and i am reminded that i need to have time out for me. I felt guiltily, yet, it IS important for my own sanity. Giving up ones life is not an easy thought but i did it. At 61, nothing to my name when i had it all. You see, back in 2002 when my surgeon said we need to operate to ensure the cancer has not spread.... That, my loves, was a turning point; i remember spirit showing me the feeling total trust and letting go- only those who have been through that will understand. Now, the next challenge is to get my left breast looked at. Pins and we go again...i trust that all will be well and draw on that feeling of all will be well Having lost people i know with breast cancer and those that have fought it and kicked it in the butt will know. I had a roof over my head. Disabled Mia puss is happy being with her human mama. At the end of the day all that is important (for me) is knowing i do make a difference at work/smiling at a stranger and those naughty teenagers that recognise me from a previous shopping centre getting arrested could mean them hunting security down. If only you knew. After many years of turmoil that i have not shared,this has made me stronger and being that way has made me need to brag. But just allow and go with the flow.
01.01.2022 I have met and attended work shops with Helen. Love her work and humour. (She puts up with mine hahaha) A true lady and fabulous.... If you ever get the chance to do her work shops please do. Helen is a senior tutor at Arthur Findlay College . The AFC. So on my bucket list !! See more