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Carly Walker

Locality: Carlton, Victoria, Australia


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to load big map

24.01.2022 BECOMING A MASTERFUL COACH IS YOUR KEY TO FULFILLMENT, FREEDOM AND MAKING A DIFFERENCE Let's talk about something incredibly close to my heart. Coaching is a fucking incredible profession. Having a coach changed my life. Completely....Continue reading

23.01.2022 THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY TO MOVE PAST THE FEAR OF SHOWING UP ONLINE (save for later when you're procrastinating about writing that post) "But Carly, I'm afraid to be seen online, I'm scared my family and friends will judge me."... Do you know how many times I've heard this? I've got news for you Nobody is born excited to show up online to sell. Not a single person. Everybody has the initial fear of being seen online, especially the fear of being judged by friends and family. It's an in built evolutionary mechanism that we have to ensure we don't get cast out from the tribe. But you know what makes this fear worse? Staying stuck in the fear and allowing it to build up. The ONLY way you can get over the fear, is by changing HOW you think about being seen online and actually taking action to move through the fears. Here's some mindset shifts that have helped my clients move through this fear recently 'My friends and family don't want to be sold to' >> 'Those who truly love me will watch with pride.' 'I barely get any likes or comments' >> 'I am so grateful to those who do love when I show up' 'I have to have the perfect script before I can get on stories' >> 'My tribe appreciate my messy imperfection' 'I'm not getting any bites on my offers, why bother?' >> 'Everytime I show up, I'm nurturing and building trust with my audience and over time I'll get to harvest the seeds I'm sowing now.' 'People hate to be sold to so they will hate me if I sell to them' >> 'Sales is service - those who need my offers will love purchasing them from me' P.S. Did you know that The Abundant Online Entrepreneur Masterclass Bundle is on sale right now for the next 48 hours at over 60% off? This is the bundle you need to work through these fears and shift into a mindset and energy of abundance, so that you can show up bravely and excitedly, magnetising leads and sales for your offers. Grab this for $37 - link in bio!

23.01.2022 I've just heard that The Midas Academy humans have all been in contact with each other BEFORE we've even started. They're all welcoming one another in and creating such beautiful energy. We're building an incredible tribe of coaches who are taking their businesses to six figures in 2020 AND finding full-on fulfilment, meaning and community while they do it. Because what's the point of having more money if you aren't happy with yourself?... And what's the point of creating a business that feels hard and unaligned to who you are and how you want to show up every day? This is exactly what we're overcoming in The Midas Academy. Creating true, lasting fulfilment in yourself. Building a business that is fun and easy to show up in, breaking the so-called rules and blowing your income up to six figures with your own signature 'pizazz'. Reaching more clients and creating the impact you were born to make - on society and on the lives of those you love the most. We start Monday 20th January. There are a few spots left. PM me "Midas Academy" if you'd like to hear more details.

20.01.2022 There is no 'one' process that is going to shift everything for you. The years of habits you want to quit, levels of success you want to break through, the patterns that keep you so safe, but cause you so much pain They will not be gone with the swish of your coach's wand.... Believing this is setting you up for failure. It's setting you up for expecting something that will not happen. When you don't experience the elusive quantum shift, you question if there's something wrong with you, and play with the idea of quitting There is no light switch for transformation. Your patterns will not shift until the old neuronal pathways are weakened, and new ones built. Transformation - sustainable, lasting, deep transformation is made in the moments when you decide, over and over again, to choose differently. Transformation is made in the moments you could have chosen your old pattern, but instead you fumbled for and selected a new response. Transformation is made in the moments where you're presented with an old trigger, and instead of running away, you lean in and feel. Transformation is made in the moments when old familial patterns start playing out, and instead, you decide to break the cycle. Then, and only then, can you move through the levels of success that were previously unsafe and undesired by you. My clients tell me frequently 'I heard your voice in my head, reminding me that THIS was the moment to LEAN IN." It is your ability to lean in, that creates the shift. Transformation CAN happen rapidly. But it doesn't happen without the work. But most people stop, when the work begins. Which is why most people, don't transform. But you're not most people, are you? See more

18.01.2022 [YOU ARE NOT THE EXCEPTION] You are just as worthy as everyone else. You can dream big. ... You can achieve big. You can receive big. Manifestation works for you too. Whether you deny it or not, it is already working. Why not learn to manifest on purpose, intentionally? The first two livestreams of 'Millennial Money Monday' - Psychology and Coaching meets Manifesting Money are up on This Millennial Life FB group. We're teaching over 100 beautiful people how to manifest and receive more money into their lives. What have you got to lose? Seriously...

18.01.2022 Tonight’s the night! We’re going deeper into the art of manifestation and some solid mindset strategies to propel you into that next level of earning, receiving and spending money as you desire. I’m super excited to jump on with you all tonight and bring you the next in this free series. ... Bring your beverage of choice, journal and get ready for some fun!

16.01.2022 I've been finalising the Magnetise curriculum today & I had to pause what I was doing because I had a huge light-bulb moment. Magnetise has been a LONG time coming. For over a year, I have known that I wanted a way to bring the most transformative 1-1 experience to the masses. I don’t believe that high-level transformation should be limited to 1-1 coaching. ... I believe that high-level transformation should be accessible to everyone. A couple of months ago, I finally felt ready to build Magnetise. I finally felt ‘ready’ to hold a container of transformation for a larger group of people. Sitting down today to pull it all together, I had a realisation. Magnetise is everything I have been working towards for the last 10 years. Magnetise is everything that I have learned is necessary to not only heal and transform your inner world, It’s everything you need to become the version of you who magnetises everything you have been dreaming of in business. Because there is something I have learned that is absolutely crucial to you growing your business. Your external world will ALWAYS be a direct reflection of your internal world. In other words, what you believe you are worthy of, believe you can have/create/receive, and how you feel about having that reality, is not only related to what you experience in reality. (and no-one escaped childhood with their sense of self-worth intact, which is why so many people never reach their full potential). Your internal world CAUSES your external world results. Which is why, if you are banging your head against your own glass ceiling, Struggling to grow your income/client base/, The only way to crack through this glass ceiling and experience greater external success is to change your internal relationship to that goal. It’s the only way. Make no mistake, Magnetise will change you. You will realise your inherent worthiness. Become a magnet for all you could ever want. But above all else, You will finally feel whole again. I know this is scary. Wholeheartedly, excitedly, commit to yourself and the life you want. Enrol now, See more

15.01.2022 >>you are not the exception to the rule<< Earlier this year a good friend and colleague said to me ‘You’re not a manifestation coach, yet sometimes you position yourself as one.’ Shit. She was totally right.... I am not here to teach you how to manifest. I am not here to help you cover up old limiting stories with glossy affirmations. I am not here to help you bypass trauma and difficult emotions and make you live in ‘high vibe’ land. No. I am here to help you find and forgive the stories that are causing you internal turmoil and results that never change. I am here to help you heal and process past traumas and emotions that no one has ever validated you for. This is about you becoming the greatest, most abundant, calm, centred and brilliant version of yourself & getting to decide how you want life and business to work for you. And as a result, you will magnetise an entirely different reality. Like these clients- One, who recently decided that she wanted new leads for her coaching business to pop into her inbox, asking to work with her. We worked through past limitations and helped her shift into this possibility. And then the next week, she had MULTIPLE leads pop into her inbox & had her biggest cash & sales month, ever. Another client held fear around being ‘irresponsible’ with money, and wanted to change this as it was affecting her ability to grow her income. We had a session & then the next week, she then locked in three new clients, including a guest coaching spot. I have had clients shift so far internally that they have had $6000 days, magically received a car out of nowhere, healed and deepened relationships with their partners, build multi-six figure businesses, but most importantly - Feel secure and enough in themselves. These stories are not exceptions to the rule. They are the rule. The rule: Shift your thoughts & feelings & your external world will readjust to match your expectation. You are always a magnet for your reality. In Magnetise, you get access to my processes to help you heal and shift as far as you could want to go. You can join us for only $287 today. We start See more

15.01.2022 THIS IS YOUR CALL TO TRANSCEND TO TRUE, LASTING FULFILMENT... (Because, when you strip away everything else, isn't that what you deeply, truly desire?) When I was 20, straight out of Uni, with a degree in Psychology, almost the only job I could get in my small home town was a retail job in a high-end fashion boutique....Continue reading

09.01.2022 This has been one of my most favourite days in my business. Today I have... - Guest coached on The Content Emporium (@phoebekuhn)... - Had an incredible session with one of my amazing clients. She spoke of how she had finally felt like she had found her light, found her brilliance and is totally and completely loving her business (*dusts hands*). I might have teared up at this point. - Onboarded and had an intensive 90min planning session with a new client who is going to create some jaw-dropping results on her next launch, - Realised I’ve had my biggest CASH month in my business, I am in my zone of genius, doing the work I love, with clients that are absolutely my soul mate clients, and all the while I’m receiving beautiful payment. This is why we start our businesses, right? But, I did NOT start out that way. It’s taken me two years of full-time business to get to this point. There has been a lot of work. Back then, I was banging my head against the glass ceiling that I had imposed for myself. I did not feel worthy of my goals, of leading more clients, or of being paid. So it didn’t matter what action I took, it felt hard, and it did not create me the results I desperately needed. So when I ripped off the band-aid and hired a coach, it was my last option. I threw myself into the self-worth journey. And within a couple of months, I had signed $96,000 of business. I looked back at the work I had done and instantly knew I had to bring it to more entrepreneurs, people like YOU - Those who have big dreams of impact & influence & income. I built up my private coaching practise coaching clients who were just like I was. And it became my genius zone. Through doing this work, I’ve seen clients 4x their income, halve their working hours and start LOVING their work, But more importantly, Loving themselves. That this level of work is NEEDED desperately by entrepreneurs. I’ve distilled some of the most powerful work that I do 1-1 with clients and create it into: MAGNETISE. I have opened registration for the waitlist - this means that by jumping on the waitlist, you get first dibs on the program, a special bonus and $200 off the investment.

08.01.2022 THE COMEDOWN AFTER THE ASCENT (This is what you need to know to finally experience true, lasting fulfilment) I know that story all too well. For years and years, I strived for something external - the degree, the promotion, the pay raise, the first five-figure month in my business, the first six-figure year...Continue reading

08.01.2022 HOW BILL WENT FROM BURNING ENERGY IN HIS BUSINESS, EXHAUSTED WITH LITTLE RETURN, TO CREATING THE PROFITABLE 'WORK FROM ANYWHERE' BUSINESS OF HIS DREAMS In November of 2019, Bill had been in his business for nearly a year, was working 10 hour days and was seeing very little return for the effort he was putting into his business. He was frustrated, disappointed and was convinced he was letting his family - his support team, down. They were suggesting he should get a job. He had...Continue reading

05.01.2022 HI GUYS! I wanna get to know you! If I share a bit first, will you let me know some after? I'm Carly (Anna is my middle name) and this is my corner of the Instagrams. Here's some little facts about me..... I'm randomly talented at wiggling my eyebrows and my ears. And my nostrils. Which is a little strange I don't remember learning this, it just happened! One of my most coveted experiences is being alone, in a city, people watching and feeling completely anonymous and independent. I have done a lot of solo travel and exploring, it just makes me feel really happy. Can you relate? My human design profile is a 6/2 projector and my conscious sun is in Gate 13, meaning that it's my life's theme to help transform and guide those around me who ask for help. I only learned this recently but it's on point with who I've been my whole life and what I've ended up doing in my career. I live in Lake Wanaka, New Zealand (I'm a born and raised Kiwi) with my husband Matt and our choc lab Georgie. We just moved back here from Melbourne which we both miss tonnes. I spend most of my life in white tee shirts and jeans. No apologies. It's comfy. I am quite *obsessed* with pasta. Mostly the long type, like spaghetti or fettucine Cheese is a close second for favourite foods. Aaaaaannnnd lastly I reckon I have the best job in the world because I get to watch amazing people rediscover their true selves and create massive success and fulfillment for themselves in biz and life. I would love to get to know you too! Could you share? What's your favourite food? If you could live anywhere, where would you live? And what is something you are randomly talented at?

05.01.2022 You cannot have a profitable online brand if you do not have an online presence (and I know you're already realising that your present level of presence is not enough) Three years ago, I remember umming and ahhing about pressing 'post' on my Facebook biz page. ... I was so scared to come out as a business owner. That fear followed me through the next year. I had weak online presence because I - Didn't know what to say to my people - Was so scared to show up and say anything at all. Why was I so scared? I didn't want to rock the boat, worried about what my tribe would say, I was scared to be challenged, scared to stumble on my words. Honestly, I took my sweet time getting over the fear of showing up online. But when I finally started working through this, my business results soared. I had people reaching out asking to be my client, hitting five-figure months and having five figure launches like it was normal. This was no accident. Building my brand and presence online was exactly what I needed to do to build relationships and sell out programs. And it is for you, too. But not until you get over the fear and step into the IDENTITY of an abundant online entrepreneur. And, if you've been struggling with this, I'm sure you're experiencing slow (or no) growth in your business. You can't expect people to know about what you sell, or get to know, like & trust you (all prerequisites for the buying decision), If you stay small and hidden behind your smartphone. I see this time and time again, especially in newer entrepreneurs The faster you move through this fear and start showing up, the faster you can be serving your people and seeing your bank account fatten. To help you step into your future as an Abundant Online Entrepreneur, I've put together a series of free masterclasses for you (will become paid later). The Abundant Online Entrepreneur Live Masterclass Series is running M-F 4pm NZDT (tomorrow). Swipe for topics Join my group -The Fulfilled and Abundant Entrepreneur. Link in bio.

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