Merino Dreaming | Other
Merino Dreaming
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25.01.2022 This Nuno Felted Hat was made for the Sea to Art Exhibition at the Waroona Visitor Centre Visit Waroona The technique I used included wet and painterly felting with steam treatment. Made from Ultra-Fine Merino Wool, the hat was shaped on a wooden hat form.
25.01.2022 A view of my dollies made for this special occasion. Some have gone and with a bit of luck all will find a new home. I enjoyed very much making them. Never made dolls before!
24.01.2022 That time of the year. Planning for the teaching trip up north to Dongara Midwest Craft Roundup 4,5 April.
23.01.2022 Starting to break out of the blue circleStarting to break out of the blue circle
21.01.2022 For the lovely lady who is having a birthday in Rottnest I want to wish you a very happy birthday hugs. Have fun!,,,,,For the lovely lady who is having a birthday in Rottnest I want to wish you a very happy birthday hugs. Have fun!,,,,,
20.01.2022 Where do I get my inspiration? I have been asked many times. When you see the world or more in tune with these days terminology ënvironment"in a special way where you are capturing colour combinations from nature, colours that change under different atmospheric variables you absorb these visual experiences and later on they raise to the surface and get expressed into the works I create. A person can also be a source of inspiration, the colour of the dress a friend is wearing.... Watching Attenborough sea adventures etc. From waking up in the morning with a view of an Ayers Rockmade with orangy bricks from next door house to the view I get after 12 steps where I see my backyard full of green leaves passing through my living room where I have very colourful cushions and some of my paintings on the walls is a start for the day and the creative "juices"start flowing. See more
20.01.2022 I have been resting an injured knee and have had to leave my felting for a while. However, I have not stopped creating in my mind! a certain idea has developed and I expect to have time in July to put my hands to work provided my knee can hold me up!
20.01.2022 Merino Dreaming studio has been actively creating new pieces to release to the market for winter 2020. At the moment also dedicating time to make new designs for summer scarves which are very light and with a variety of uses of different types of silks, be it fabrics and fibres and other.
18.01.2022 The items in this garland were entirely made with cold porcelain paste. Cold porcelain is a paste made at home with cornflour and wood glue plus oil and a preservative. It is airdried and similarly worked as icing paste. Walking in the bush inspired me to copy the natural eucalyptus pods. Also these pods will not age like the natural ones. A
18.01.2022 Studio Open today and Saturday and Sunday. From 10.30 to 4 pm.
18.01.2022 Felting is a simple process of tangling and re-locking animal fibers found in wool. In felting, the scales in each fibre are forced into interlocking through heat, warm water and friction and then gently tangled using various tools.
18.01.2022 My felt entries to Sea to Art 2019
17.01.2022 Getting ready for the second weekend of Peel Open Studios. I will be expecting more visitors this weekend however the high temperatures may cut down the number of people willing to go out in the heat. So looking forward to a busy day!!!
16.01.2022 Today Merino Dreaming Studio had four lovely visitors brought by Tracy Goldsworthy from the Waroona Visitors Centre. Four last year students ofTourism. I was delighted to show them the diverse range of arts and crafts I make. Thanks to Tracy for giving me the chance to show my work and to put forth the arts community in Waroona.
16.01.2022 Some knitted pieces
15.01.2022 Merino Dreaming Studio opens at 10.30 today and Sunday until 4 pmMerino Dreaming Studio opens at 10.30 today and Sunday until 4 pm
14.01.2022 I was invited to exhibit at Lost Eden Creative for SCARP which is part of the Alternative Archives exhibitions in WA. . Launched on Saturday 14 September in Dwellingup, open until 27 October. . My piece reflects loss and is shown here with a Wagga Rug that was lost in the1961 fires in Dwellingup. The owner, a little 5 year old girl, asked her father to recover the rug, the doll, treasure box and pillow as they were evacuating the town.
12.01.2022 Merino Dreaming will take part in the Peel open Sutios from the 2 to the 17 of November from 10 till 4 pm. Tea and coffee offered and have Square for you to pa...y with your card. This year I have made small gifts in felt , cold porcelain and other materials for Christmas for your loved ones. Apart from my textiles I am also showing my sculptures and paintings from some years ago. Most of my creations are unique and surely you have not seen them before. Friend and acquaintances please come over to make this an enjoyable occasion. See more
09.01.2022 Merino Dreaming will participate in the project Angels of Art. I will collaborate with three pieces made in felt and two branches of flowering eucalyptus and wa...ttle in bloom made with my cold porcelain paste. (Cold Porcelain Flowers Australia) in Facebook. This project was organised by the Shire of Waroona to create colour, vibrancy, and will involve several artists and business owners from Waroona. See more
08.01.2022 I have been too busy with other stuff. I cant wait to have time to felt some new ideas!
08.01.2022 Cleaning the dirty tips with a lice comb. Works fantastic. Enjoying tennis while I clean the Ultrafine merino wool.
07.01.2022 Please participate!
07.01.2022 Months of resting and planning and no working. The knee needed full time attention so the wool took a second place. Thank you for your support to those that were aware of the situation. Things are starting to get better. Then had my fall and around 20 days of difficult times. ... All gone. And getting back to my normal life and recovering nicely but slowly from my times having very poor sleep. It takes a while to get back to the routine of working everyday. Soon I will surprise you with some new pieces still on the drawing board. See more
07.01.2022 Hours of processing just 440 grams of wool!!!! You got to love what you do!!!!!
06.01.2022 Thinking about summer and the hot evenings was my inspiration to create this extra fine and flowy scarf. I dyed the silk of a colour that would match jeans.
05.01.2022 Merino Dreaming is on Mothers Day sale!!!!!
05.01.2022 Since my return from NZ I have been knitting the yarn I got there. Also tiding up my messy house. The patterns and colours bounce around in my head. Will have to put them into my felt as soon as I can. Couple more days of other stuff and will dive head first into my sea of silk and wool
04.01.2022 Thank you to my new followers. Appreciate your support.Thank you to my new followers. Appreciate your support.
04.01.2022 Three ambitious projects on the making for Angels of Art. Three items I will be making for the first time. Will have to figure out how to a few things. The little grey cells are working overtime. I want to achieve the best results!!!! Felt works!!!!
03.01.2022 This background somehow reveals my life during the last 6 weeks.This background somehow reveals my life during the last 6 weeks.
02.01.2022 A 1.8 mt summer scarf. Very fine silk fabric and very little Ultrafine merino wool / mix
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