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Caroline Cumming- My 120 Day Challenge

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20.01.2022 Day 128 - POST 2 - PHOTO ALBUM: "Layers" by Caroline Cumming. It was hard to have to choose just one photo this morning for my POST 1 poem called "Layers" - so now I am posting the rest of them here in POST 2. What can I say, I just love rock formations!

20.01.2022 Day 117 - "Mirror Image" by Caroline Cumming. I took this beautiful photo about a month ago in the Hunter Valley - yet strangely never felt drawn to write from it. Today however it asked to be fully created. Divine timing allowed the words to flow. We are whole and complete. Today's offering is another remembering of that. CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM "Mirror Image"... rest in me - and be balance drop from mind - sink into heart feast hungry eyes - upon my creation and know yourself - once more again find your discovering mine touch your feeling mine see your viewing mine hear your receiving mine we are both - but mirror images one complete whole - reflecting the other in this moment - all is well breathe in heaven - on this earth

20.01.2022 Day 112 - "Yin-Yang Bunny-Love" by Caroline Cumming. How could I not be creatively juiced-up to pen a poem after taking this gorgeous and pretty cool shot in Yarramalong?! Yay, it's springtime! - and rabbits and their holes are beckoning! CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM ;) "Yin-Yang Bunny-Love"... spring is in the air a buck rabbit's fancy turns to play as his thoughts begin to sidetrack towards some action in the hay in keeping with the season miss cottontail's fancy slowly wakens a passive vessel for her feelings intuitive - so not mistaken........... but spring remains in the frisky air and mr rabbit is now truly fruity the force within is pretty strong to go chase some bunny booty so round and round he goes a focused push here and a shove while soft and flowingly she yields - in the bunny "yin and yang" of love!

19.01.2022 Day 121- "Sunbeam" by Caroline Cumming. Moving forwards, I am continuing to post word/photo creations or just photos ( both of which independently and together have been my passion). The challenge isn't just in having my heart for 120 days straight - for me I have realized that it's actually also in whether I will continue to make it a daily choice in my life post-challenge. Now that's REALLY going to take will! At the same time, as I type, the cycle of conceiving, gestating ...and birthing is continuing to happen for new offshoots of this Challenge work. CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM "Sunbeam" sun's ray shoots straight at my heart to warm the dreams that I hold there sun's beam lays itself at my feet so as my action steps to greet sun's shine points just like a torch and illuminates all my gold sun's flash lasers out a path tells me to "forge ahead! Be bold!"

17.01.2022 Day 124 - 'Hanging With The Tension" by Caroline Cumming. Creating what you would love (the truth of your heart), sure does require an ability to master hanging with the psychological tension that can come up! To not give in to all that and to stay focused on what I want and take action from that place only, does not come naturally to me yet. ESPECIALLY for what feel like critical things and when time is running out! (So now I have had THAT thought, I will acknowledge it and........refocus!) CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM "Hanging With Then Tension" days ominously encroaching decisive deadline approaching is a gamechanger on the cards? STOP & switch focus disregard! back on the vision rock-solid decision but tension brews stomach stews insides sloppy temper choppy squally thoughts mind distorts revisit desire down to the wire this hour glass has nearly run itself out .

15.01.2022 Day 114 - 'Our Good Life" by Caroline Cumming. Inspired by a series of end results that Gordon and I are choosing to create in our life - and this fun shot I captured in Yarramalong during their annual scarecrow competition! Awesome scarecrow entries too - this one was the tamest I would say....but perfectly depicts us both don't you think?! CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM "Our Good Life" we are choosing to move to the country... and to live in the beautiful hinterland elevated and with views all around us but able to still go for walks on the sand there is ample space to grow veggies and juicy fruit trees that won't go amiss a fine brekky of eggs from our chooks and market goodies for more belly bliss it's a creative house that we happily share with family, dogs and some great mates a verandah that's homely and spacious an open fire-pit to drink around till late we enjoy being a lively part of community committed to serve, contribute and join in a witness to the great souls of it's people loving them almost as much as our kin our vision for this life is really quite simple connection to people, land, sea and our heart we'll still travel to beautiful, farflung places but from this existence we'll never be kept apart

14.01.2022 Day 116 - "Black and White" by Caroline Cumming. A gentle reminder for us all that we operate from fixed, limited assumptions all day long.....until we ask ourselves ONE question over and over again. CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM "Black and White" nothing is ever as black and white as we paint it... and if we assume the future will be like the past our subconscious thinks it has all the evidence becomes dedicated to make that continuity last but in truth we need to develop a willingness to take on the voice saying "this is how it is" to play the game of "how do I know that?" and shake up our fixed ideas until they fizz for as long as our cup is so full to the brim with our made-up stories of how things will go we are unable to receive our intuition details beyond what our brain's data-bank stows there are so many ways things can pan out various means by which our tide can come in multiple possibilites from different directions let's throw our foregone conclusions in the bin time to stop putting our energy into assumptions start to see through the child's innocent eyes and place our will in the mystery of our heart then life's daily magical unfolding is our prize

14.01.2022 Day 122 - "Contrast" by Caroline Cumming. Inspired by this colourful springtime shot taken in my street - and my continuing journey with learning to embrace contrast! CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM "Contrast" good or bad... wanted or unwanted birthed or not yet conceived it's simply contrast in it's beauty if we'd only stop to see a gift to sharpen our focus invitation to create what we'd love the difference in boldness and brilliance between the "smaller" us we have allowed and Who We Really Are.

14.01.2022 Day 129 - "Airbrush" by Caroline Cumming. My guides nudged me very very early this morning, urged me to go down to the jetty. A beautiful, grounding time spent watching the sunrise and feeling the wind. CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM "Airbrush" have you ever just stood there... arms and legs like a starfish barefoot on cold, dewy grass springy, earthy, grounding..... while a pre-dawn, spring breeze divinely smelling, fresh, soft, alive rushes & whooshes past your ears? brushing your hair, flapping your clothes blowing away all fear and despair and shaking out the "hopeless" you like a crisp linen sheet on the line airing your mind cleansing your soul opening your heart have you ever? I have. it's delicious. xxxx

13.01.2022 Day 127 - "OM" by Caroline Cumming. Because sometimes messages are staring you right in your face. Wishing you all a happy connecting to the cosmic vibration on this beautiful Sunday xx CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM "OM" this morning I received my message clear... when out of my window I chanced to see a symbol encompassing all potentials everything that can yet be XX See more

13.01.2022 Day 113 - 'First Light" by Caroline Cumming. My absolute favourite time of the day - magic! This shot taken at Ettalong/Ocean Beach. CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM "First Light" there's nothing better for your morning eyes... than the beautiful light of our pre-dawn skies no harsh, glaring sun yet to dazzle or blind just a simple ambient that feels more kind soft and enveloping like when you feel whole warm and vivid colours to wake up your soul this gentle transition-point between night and day has a glimmer that reveals yet keeps details at bay it's the best light I've found to connect with the Divine and to be in the mystery at her most heavenly shrine See more

12.01.2022 Day 115 - 'The Remembering" by Caroline Cumming. Dreamy shot taken at sunrise, my favourite time of the day to engage in "remembering". CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM "The Remembering" sky-spirits softly streak... fluffing up astral feathers stretching out wispy wings floating on heavenly zephyr the sun's celestial portal opens radiates rays of luminous light burnishing, tinging, warming bathing, basking, suffusing a divinely dreamy dawning as I remember Who We Are powerful, magical creators here to burst forth our gold and light up this whole world

11.01.2022 Day 118 - Day 118 - "Cry Me A Puddle" by Caroline Cumming. Last night I had to say goodbye to my mother-in-law who is now leaving her own home of over 25 years, to live with her daughter before eventually going into a nursing home. It was heartbreaking and I struggled in my vulnerability. There is discord in the family and I fear I will not be allowed to see Hazel ever again. I must remember I can't know that for sure and to keep my heart open. Goodbyes and ends of era's just... rip me apart. This poem is about how I felt at the time. "Cry Me A Puddle" sharp edges of her mind now worn down bright sparkle in her eyes all but gone memory more and more locked in a box clouds covering her face that once shone her hand trembles as she sits at her table confusedly moving her paper bits around it's the last night she'll live in her own home my heart's breaking but won't make a sound no more shuffling across this thick carpet in which years of memories have been trod and soon the loud sound of the golden clock will tick for noone in this room but for God an era that took many years to become draws to a close after just a few days barely time to register it all happening before family arrangements came into play there's no private time for my heart to speak so that I can share all that she's meant to me I'm watched by the daughter who'll house her and this is how my last goodbye must be half an hour before there had been a window a few seconds when it was just the two of us she'd said I looked tired and I said was sad and then it was gone.....noone to hold me, can't make a fuss an immense surge of grief rises deep within me mixed in with remorse for upsets from the past in the bathroom I could cry me the longest river but all I've time for is a puddle and to do it fast

10.01.2022 Day 128 - POST 1 - POEM: "Layers" by Caroline Cumming. Two separate posts today - firstly, this photo/poem creation and then a second post of just photos x CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM "Layers" layers laid down over time... to protect your heart from pain layers built up through the years to shield you from life's rain layers you no longer need when to life you just say yes layers free to crumble away once your heart you truly bless See more

10.01.2022 Day 126 - 'Float" by Caroline Cumming. It's set to get to 30 degrees on the Central Coast this weekend - summer is just around the corner! Have a joyous day everyone xx CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM "Float" there's joy in my heart... warm sun on my face I set loose the chains float off into space away from my cares just me and the sea and a little bobbing basket gently carrying me See more

09.01.2022 Day 125 - "Heart" by Caroline Cumming. Have a beautiful weekend everyone xxx "Heart" a seemingly simple bloom... presents you with its face yet that outer form is home to an inner treasure place it's not a single bloom at all but multiple flowers that chart those exquisite aspects of self the expressions of open heart a centre of depth and richness radiates gold to gift and enthrall the simple complexity of a daisy the intricate essence of us all See more

09.01.2022 Day 111 - "Tracking" by Caroline Cumming. Life can be a series of adventures or a book you have already is you who is the observer, writer and experiencer. This poem isn't so much about choosing to be fluffy-positive the whole time - more, a reminder for the gold of innocence and Greatness. Happy Friday - happy tracking! CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM "Tracking" when you spot me out in nature... am I a simple daisy or a work of art do you dismissively think you "know" me or gaze in awe through the eyes of your heart maybe I'm just a plain little white flower to you with a small and insignificant dot at it's core yet my centre is alive with vibrant colours and intricately designed - if you really saw so would you pick me for my beauty or leave me standing out in the rain reject me in a sweeping, judging instant due to my blemish and ugly little brown stain are you tracking for what you find to be wrong an unconscious deleter of anything that's right far less orientating from the truth of your soul and much more steered by an ego in full flight in truth how you look upon me is revealing about how you perceive others and you you're either mostly a lover of this and that or addictively hating what it is that you view but like this daisy we are whole and complete we can assume there is no missing piece it's time to celebrate the awesome wonder of us from criticism, ignorance and being blind - to cease

08.01.2022 Day 123 - "The Finger" by Caroline Cumming. Sometimes a thing is not the thing it is but something much more fun! This poem inspired by seeing something else in this bluebottle. Sometimes, our limiting beliefs need to get the message! CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM "The Finger" nothing says quite as much ... without saying anything at all as raising that middle finger so defiantly proud and tall people may say that it's not terribly polite to behave in such an ungracious fashion but there are times you just have to do it when thoughts try to strangle your passion so when limiting beliefs hang around in their bid to hold you back every day flip them off with this great little gesture make it clear you're not going to sway you've acknowledged their little agenda but now there's really no need to resist you don't have to get locked in a battle just tell them "bugger off" - with a twist each "less than" thought has an identity so it will probably start to get upset maybe yell and jump up and down at you but after a while your message it will get for nothing says quite as much without saying anything at all as raising that middle finger so defiantly proud and tall!

07.01.2022 Day 130 - "Innocence" by Caroline Cumming. I had beenso focused on "the view" that I had been momentarily annoyed when this little boy walked into my shot - and yet as many a photographer will tell you, often those things you think you don't want, turn out to be the gift! Watching him was the inspiration for today's creation. CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM "Innocence"... the innocence of a child immersed in the physical yet connected to magic orientation of "not knowing" a pure space from which what it loves..... will reveal itself an urge to explore here a nudge to look there and all that's required is to just show up inherently present where he just "IS" the innocence of a child? the innocence of us all if we will only choose it!

04.01.2022 Day 119 - PART 1 OF 2: "Coming In To Land" by Caroline Cumming. A very early post today because I am on a pretty awesome photography training all day (really looking forward to it!). This cool shot taken along Brisbane Waters. CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM. "Coming In To Land"... oh my, only one day of the Challenge left to go there's been talk of bringing this plane in to land my pilot friend revealed how to do it smoothly tricks of the trade and of course he's a dab hand he told me success lies in the well-executed circuit coupled with a consistent and very stable approach it's about bringing those flaps out at the right time drop the landing gear before ground starts to encroach then just pull back the engine power to "idle" and retract the yoke so the landing gear lands first "well", as I said to him, "it all sounds good in theory but what if after this Challenge I still have a thirst?!" they say that landing is the hardest part of flying could it be because it's more fun up in the air? do I really want to touch down and then stop when I have so much more in me to share? (wink)

02.01.2022 Day 120 - PART 2 OF 2: "Wings" by Caroline Cumming. Today, I couldn't resist revisiting a photo I took from our year-long Australia travels. This one was taken from up high in the Microlight I was in when I soared over the gorgeous Ningaloo Reef in W.A. The ease, thrill and sheer adventure of soaring like a bird is something I will never forget. It's a vibration that will serve me well to hang out in now, as I advance in my journey! CLICK PHOTO FOR POEM "Wings" of COURSE I di...dn't land! did you really think I would?! my heart has soared me places that my identity never could it's amazing how time flies when you're mostly having fun I've written 120 days straight so I'm sort of formally "done" but my trusty wings are on now there's a warm wind in my face adrenalin pumping in my body as I for new adventures brace from my birds eye view up here I'm loving everything I see the creations I've brought to life and the new ones yet to be see the challenge hasn't ended for it remains a daily choice having finally found my heart to let that heart still have a voice so I thank you for your support the encouragement you gave you're welcome to still join me - and to write the occasional rave!

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