Caroline's Tarot and Oracle Card Readings in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Astrologist & psychic
Caroline's Tarot and Oracle Card Readings
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 413 952 397
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23.01.2022 One day soon we will all huggggg again!!!!!!! Luv and light always, Caroline
22.01.2022 CARD FOR 12TH JULY, 2020 UNTIL THE 18TH JULY, 2020 (pls remember cards are prescriptive not predictive) Queen Of Wands Introduction: The Queen of Wands is one of the most fertile (metaphorically and literally) and feminine/womanly energies in the Tarot deck. In a reading, like all court cards, she can often signify a literal person in our lives, most often female, and most often with hair tending toward the lighter shades in the spectrum. The Queen brings good energy, and is ...Continue reading
21.01.2022 CARD FOR 28TH JUNE, 2020 UNTIL THE 4TH JULY, 2020 (pls remember cards are prescriptive not predictive) THE SHADOW SIDE (15) ALSO KNOWN AS THE DEVIL CARD...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Luv and light guys - this is for all who see these cards moving forward today Xx
20.01.2022 CARD FOR 8th NOVEMBER, 2020 UNTIL 14TH NOVEMBER, 2020 (pls remember cards are prescriptive not predictive) BLESSINGS IN DISGUISE (from daily guidance - angels oracle cards - doreen virtue)... What appears to be a problem is actually part of your answered prayer. you'll understand the reasons behind your present situation as everything resolves. trust in heavens protection and infinite wisdom to answer your prayer in the best way. the angels have sent this card to help you recognise the blessing in the midst of an apparent challenge. what youve appear to have lost needed to fall away, and will be with be replaced with something better. have no fear for your future, but continue praying and following the guidance that comes to you through repetitive feelings, thoughts, visions, and words. one door closes, another one opens....the 'how' is up to the universe (source) with respect to the best way in answering your way forward....release the need to control and predict the outcome to this situation....TRUST. luv and light always Caroline xx
20.01.2022 Heres a fun and powerful exercise. Type in the comments I AM followed by the first three words you see. Focus on these words throughout the day and pay attention to how your thoughts and emotions start to shift into a more positive state. I would love to see your comments here on the words you found
18.01.2022 RANDOM CARD PULLS FOR YOUR GUYS who would like an angel card as guidance for an issue they are concerned about right at the moment you post your comment SAYING ME PLEASE? Il see how many i can do starting 3.10 pm today. In return i ask that you reply as an exchange of energy and tell me how it resonates for you...... luv and light always... Caroline xx See more
18.01.2022 pls feel free to join his healings when hes online. He just asks that you share his page wen you can
18.01.2022 Pls visit the site and chat with her
17.01.2022 CARD FOR 5TH JULY 2020 UNTIL 11TH JULY, 2020 (pls remember cards are prescriptive not predictive) The World Introduction: The World can often signify that you are figuratively feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, which is not an easy place to be....Continue reading
17.01.2022 The Spiritual Law of GRACE Grace is a Divine dispensation of mercy. It dissolves karma, creates miracles and can change matter. Our soul has accepted the opportunity to incarnate on this planet to learn about and experience emotions and a physical body. We also have free-will in order to create our own life in a place where every thought, word and deed manifests.We can invoke the Universal Spiritual Law of Grace to transmute our debts, change emotional feelings, heal relati...onships and the physical body - however, we must be ready to receive it. We created all of our situations with our consciousness and we must learn the lesson/s before we ask for grace.We can offer grace to others through our compassion, mercy, empathy, forgiveness and unconditional love. Whenever we open our hearts to another we too receive an inflow of Divine love. Compassion, empathy, mercy, unconditional love and forgiveness are Divine qualities which confer grace. Every time you open your heart with compassion, the love emanating from you grants someone else grace. A change of attitude may take place or the release of a deeply held fear or even a physical healing. The more grace we offer, the more in turn we receive. Forgiveness is another Divine quality which dissolves and transmutes negative blocks. It results in emotional, attitudinal and physical healing taking place for both the giver and the receiver. Grace allows healing to occur because the high-frequency vibrations of love transmute the lower vibrations of pain and fear. We create karma with our attitudes. All ill-feeling and disputes are the karmic consequences of egotistical attitudes. When you are ready to be understanding and compassionate or are ready to forgive, the angels lead you to someone or a situation that can help you release your karma. Angels work with grace, constantly whispering to us to think, do or say that which will dissolve our negative karma. They try to help us forgive our sins and dissolve a backlog of karmic debt. The more you open your heart to welcome strangers, to let go of anger, to care for the sick and senile, the hungry and homeless, the more grace pours into the planet. Every time you pray for another or help someone with love, the planet becomes more filled with Divine light. The Universal Spiritual Law of Grace is the Divine mercy that sets people free. Joanne Walmsley Sacred Scribes
13.01.2022 CARD FOR THE 31ST MAY 2020 UNTIL THE 6TH JUNE,2020 (pls remember cards are prescriptive not predictive) THE EIGHT OF PENTACLES Introduction: The 8 of Pentacles can indicate a period of very hard work. This does not have to be a negative thing, but you must be prepared for it. Think about what it is that you are working for. This work can be personal or professional. Be prepared to ask for help if you need it.... General: : The 8 of Pentacles in general points to necessary efforts. You will have a lot on your plate that you must accomplish. Dedication to the tasks at hand is important (and admirable,) but working for its own sake can be counterproductive. Be clear on what you are trying to accomplish. Strive for balance. No one can or should work all the time. Work: If you are seeking employment, this card can indicate that you will be hired into a new position that tests your skills and is demanding. Have faith in yourself, that you can do what is needed to be successful in the position. If you are currently working, you may be saddled with far more responsibility and tasks than can be accomplished well. Dont hesitate to request assistance from supervisors with prioritising. You can only do so much; be realistic. Love: If you are currently committed, your workload or that of your partner may be interfering with the relationship. Make a point to make time and space for the relationship regardless of your jobs, otherwise things will suffer. If you are looking for love, the appearance of this card often tells us that you are actually too focused on money and what you do for a living to really create space in your life for a new relationship. Consider your priorities and where your time and energy goes. If you want love, make sure you have room for it. Finances: The 8 of Pentacles can tell you that you may receive financial assistance that you have been waiting for or hoping for. However, you dont want to squander these resources. Be cautious and circumspect. Think long-term. This is not a time to gamble. Money coming to you now comes as a result of work, not luck. Health: You may need to take action in order to improve your health status. Even if you are paralyzed from the neck down, there are things that you can actively do to help yourself, think about what these things might be, and then follow through. Every action makes a difference. Think positively. Spirituality: Consider the spiritual aspect of life with regard to your working life whether or not you work at a traditional job. Why are you doing what you are doing? What growth are you creating? You will benefit from actively reading more about spirituality and talking with those who come from belief systems other than your own. Be open, and you will benefit. luv and light always Caroline xx GUYS PLS DONT FORGET TO SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS THROUGH THE COMMENT SECTION.
12.01.2022 CARD FOR 14TH JUNE, 2020 UNTIL 20TH JUNE, 2020 (pls remember cards are prescriptive not predictive) DAILY GUIDANCE FROM ANGELS ORACLE CARD... LIFE PURPOSE. This card comes as a reminder that you neednt struggle to find your life purpose. dont worry about ow to make good money in a meaninful career. dont concerned yourself with quitting or starting jobs or professions. instead, follow the path of your natural desires, talents, and passions with the full intention of bringing joy to yourself and others. your life purpose doesnt need to be defined or pinpointed. its a process, not a category. ADDITIONAL MEANINGS for the card.... give all worries about money or career to the universe and the angels. youre on the right path toward your lifes purpose. focus on one step at a time with respect to your lifes purpose, and release fears about the future to the angels. what youre doing right now is part of your lifes purpose. This again is more validation for me personally and hoping that it is for you as well. would luv to see your comments..... luv and light always Caroline xx
12.01.2022 Here's a fun and powerful exercise. Type in the comments I AM followed by the first three words you see. Focus on these words throughout the day and pay attention to how your thoughts and emotions start to shift into a more positive state. I would love to see your comments here on the words you found
12.01.2022 Good afternoon guys. Choose a deck 1 left 2 middle or 3 right....... Then chose a number between 1-78 (first deck-left) OR 1-45 (middle deck) OR 1-44 (last deck-right side). I’ll post your coming week’s message for you a little later, on this thread in the comments . It will be different fir each one of you, I would love your feedback to see if the cards are aligning with your issue Luv and light always, Caroline xx
11.01.2022 CARD FOR 19TH JULY, 2020 UNTIL 25TH JULY, 2020 (pls remember cards are prescriptive not predictive) King Of Pentacles Introduction: The King of Pentacles speaks of authority, tradition, and success in money matters. When he appears in a reading, its a sign that now is not a time to be a maverick, now is a time to follow the establish way of doing things. When he stands in for a literal man in your life, it generally refers to a very masculine fellow with hair and eyes on the...Continue reading
10.01.2022 Because this is so beautifully presented, take a moment for your soul, its only a minute long xx luv and light always
09.01.2022 CARD FOR 24TH MAY, 2020 UNTIL THE 30TH MAY, 2020 (pls remember the cards are prescriptive not predictive) KNIGHT OF CUPS.... Introduction: The Knight of Cups like most if not all of the Cups suit, is an optimistic, good card to see in a reading. Like all Knights/Knights, this one often comes bearing messages. Usually these are the kind of good news that we all want to receive. General: In general the Knight of Cups would tell you that things are going to be going well. You are likely to be feeling charged up, ready for action. This card often means that good news (particularly in the realm of matters of the heart) is likely to be headed your way soon. Work: Work projects are likely to move ahead in a positive way, sooner than youre expecting, when this card shows in a reading. You should be proud of your accomplishments and your contributions. Love: This is a very, very positive card to get when you are asking about love. If you are single, this card often indicates that someone is about to "sweep you off your feet." If you are in a relationship, the Knight can indicate final commitments/marriage. At the least, in the context of love, this card means positive messages, things that you would like to hear. Be open to exploration of your feelings. Finances: This card can mean that you will soon get very good news about your finances. The Knight often indicates messages that are uplifting and positive. If youre concerned about finances and get this card in a reading, if nothing else figure out exactly where you are financially, to the penny. The situation is almost certainly not as bad as you think. Health: If you are waiting on test results regarding your health and you get this card, relax and know that the news will be good. In general with your health, the Knight means you will soon be feeling better/even healthier! Spirituality: You are getting ready to enter new realms in your spiritual exploration. The Knight often means that you will soon receive a message from spirit (this sometimes comes through another human, however,) which will open up new ways of looking at things for you. Pay attention to things that seem like coincidence. These are often the way that spirit "gets through" to us. I would luv to hear your feedback about how this card will or has affected your week, so pls comment below. PS. ANY COMMENTS HERE THAT TELL ME HOW YOU WILL NAVIGATE THE WEEK THROUGH THIS CARD WILL GET A SINGLE CARD THROUGH MESSENGER OR HERE, FOR THEMSELVES TO REPRESENT WHAT IS HAPPENING FOR THEM AT THE TIME I SEND THE CARD THROUGH, just tag me xxxxx luv and light always Caroline xx
08.01.2022 Just something fun to do .......... Type in what I want in life is .... and then hit the middle interpretive word above your keyboard and see wat your sentence says, its quite funny
07.01.2022 CARD FOR 17TH MAY 2020 UNTIL 23RD MAY 2020 (pls remember cards are prescriptive not predictive) THE MOON..........ALL IS NOT AS IT SEEMS ON THE SURFACE SO DID DEEP, YOU ARE NOT SEEING THE WIDER PICTURE....... Introduction: The Moon indicates that things may seem somewhat confusing to you now. You may find it hard to understand where you are coming from, much less what others are thinking and feeling! You need to try to sit with the uncertainty, dont try to force things or pe...Continue reading
07.01.2022 To all the beautiful mothers out there may luv and light surround you xx
06.01.2022 Wat do you need as todays message, breathe in, take three words from here and put them in the comments, wiukd love to see yours
06.01.2022 Lest we forget xx look at allllll the ones in this post ....... if you want to listen to the last post pls turn volume up xx
05.01.2022 To anyone doing it hard at the moment ...........
03.01.2022 CARD FOR THE 21ST JUNE, 2020 UNTIL THE 27TH JUNE, 2020 (pls remember cards are prescriptive not predictive) SIX OF GABRIEL... Congratulations, youve done a brillian job, your hard work has paid off, and those around you are lightly impressed. expect awards, promotions, or other forms of public recognition for your efforts. enjoy this time of positive feedback but dont rest on your laurels too long. there are other great works ahead of you!!! this card often also indicates that its time to make choices that benefit you presonally, rather than ones that are self sacrificing. its okay to take care of you. ADDITIONAL MEANINGS: Recognition of your achievements, scholarships or grants, success in the arts and sciences. ************************ i would luv to hear your comments about the card that has been divinely given to you for your week. please share your comments below luv and light always Caroline xx
02.01.2022 I thought I would share this post with you, as I am very much in alignment with its meaning - Souls Choose Their Families And Friends Before Birth Our souls meet this world time and time again, as this happens we grow and change. We outgrow old soul contracts and make new ones as we go, this is just how things are.... Souls are born into many different bodies throughout many different lifetimes. Sometimes we have the same parents as we did in the life before and other times we do not. Who will be in our lives is something we determine when connected to the source, before returning here again. We do not remember making these decisions or choosing these people but we did. During our time at the source, we choose what lessons to learn, what kind of life we want to live, and everything in-between. During that time we are paired up with parents and partners who will guide us along our way. If you have experienced a life with someone specific you two might choose to reverse roles in the next life within reason. There is no limit to the things that can be done. Soul contracts consist of your time, date, and location of birth as well as the family you were born into and everything from death to what events might unfold. Everything is predetermined to happen before it is ever even considered while you are living. You do not remember the decisions you made while in spirit form, but they are still quite prominent and guiding your life towards a path you carved out for it. That being said, you do have free will and you can make changes to this as you see fit. Our destiny and fate is not something that can be so easily decided but regardless the outline is ever present. Our soul contracts are deals we have made with ourselves, they are meant to help us grow to a higher state of consciousness or awareness. If you feel like youre meeting the right person at the right time it is most likely because part of a soul contract is being fulfilled. While this can be confusing when you begin noticing the ways in which this kind of thing affects your life it will begin to make much more sense. We tend to incarnate here on this planet with the same people time and time again. You will know your soul family when you find them, but that does not mean you should ignore the family you were given this time around. This world is a very mysterious place but nothing is happening for no reason. You should take comfort in knowing you are carrying out the things your spirit self-wanted done. Learn the lessons before you and grow in all possible ways. Make your spirit self-proud. posted by VANEET
01.01.2022 CARD FOR 7th JUNE, 2020 UNTIL 13th JUNE 2020. (pls remember cards are prescriptive not predictive) DAILY GUIDANCE FROM ANGELS ORACLE DECK TIME TO GO........... the angels bring you this card to help you admit to yourself that its time to leave. you already know the situation theyre referring to.youve hesitated leaving because of loyalties and fear, yet the angels assure you that its the best way. work very closely with your angels during this transition to ensure its harmony for everyone concerned. surrender any guilt or other negative emotions to heaven, as your energy needs to stay high right now. Additional meanings.......completion and the end of a cycle are at hand. the purpose has been served in this relationship or situation. surrender and release. call upon archangel azrael for help with grieving, and archangel michael for help with courage. This is more meaningful to me that most will realise, so i hope to many others that it is just as meaningful. luv and light always Caroline xx
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