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Carolyn Rabbitts
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25.01.2022 Wishing you a healthy, peaceful and happy holiday season Sending out love to you all this Christmas... especially those who are finding this time stressful, sad, lonely or heartbreaking You are deeply loved I'm officially on holidays now, and will be back at work on Tuesday 12th January. I'll reply to all messages on the 12th Whatever your Christmas season looks like this year, be kind to yourself and each other Carolyn xx... #merrychristmas #bekind #holidays
23.01.2022 "I think this is the true meaning of forgiveness: not to forget what has happened to you, but to stop wishing it had been different." - Toko-pa Turner, "Belonging, Remembering Ourselves Home" I love this!! This single sentence has resonated so deeply and clearly with me. I felt my soul sigh with recognition when I read it ... It's from a book I've been reading by Toka-pa Turner, and it has helped me recognise, shift, and release damaging beliefs I've held for many years. To come to a place of peace and awareness within myself. The messages contained in the book seem to apply to many people I've done readings for recently. I shared this quote with a couple friends, and they both had as deep a response to it as I did As timing is always divine, I thought I'd share it with you here, in the hope it may benefit someone Much love Carolyn xx #forgiveness #selflove #peace
21.01.2022 I felt the need to check in and see how you are all going A recurring theme that's been coming up in readings lately is feeling overwhelmed. I just want to acknowledge that during these very abnormal times, this is completely normal ... There are some very practical things you can do if you find yourself overwhelmed... 1. Check in with yourself, and ask what is the one thing that, if you completed it, would make the day a win? You can then break it down into little steps to get it done You don't have to aim too high... remember this is what would make the day a win by YOUR standards, not anybody else's 2. Check in with yourself and ask what am I doing right now? Is this what I should be focused on? Allow yourself some leeway, but keep yourself on track if you find that you've gone into avoidance/procrastination mode. Small steps add up to bigger achievements 3. Breathe. Everything will be OK Remember, you are loved You are awesome Oh, and did I mention you are loved? Carolyn xx
21.01.2022 Self love is so important for personal growth. Some people confuse self love with self care... sure, massages and pampering are great for relaxation and unwinding. They can help us to recharge by releasing stress from our physical and energetic bodies. However self care is just one aspect of self love. Self love encompasses much more, and it enables us to heal and create lasting wellbeing for ourselves. It allows us to be authentically ourselves in all areas of our lives. has been a strong recurring theme of clarity and boundaries for a lot of my clients this year. Part of self love is setting personal boundaries. Be your own advocate. Disengage from harmful behaviours. Prioritise your own heart. This can bring great clarity, and with it enormous healing Give yourself the love that you have been missing. Go ahead and saturate your life with love Much love to you all Carolyn xx
19.01.2022 If you feel in need of some guidance, I’m still available for readings. While face to face readings aren’t an option for the time being, I AM still doing phone and email readings I offer 30 minute or one hour phone readings , and single question or full email readings Contact me for more info or to book an appointment ... Stay safe Carolyn xx
18.01.2022 ... - the age I was when I had my spiritual awakening Even though I had my abilities from birth, I only became fully conscious of them in my mid 30's. Goes to show you're never too old, and it's never too late - the number of furkids that enrich my life - our 2 cats and 2 dogs bring me immense joy every single day. Animals are beings of endless and unconditional love ... - the number of countries I've lived in for 2 years or more Do YOU have a revealing number you'd like to share? #funfactfriday #revealingnumbers #aboutme
18.01.2022 How are you doing? Are you coping with the uncertainty in our lives currently? Personally I'm finding myself becoming overwhelmed at times. I find limiting my exposure to social media and tv helps me a lot, as does connecting and debriefing with friends and loved ones Due to social distancing, we are more physically isolated than we've ever been, but that doesn't mean we cannot CONNECT with others Reach out Reach out, because everyone is experiencing the same situation... right now. Call your friends and family members to see how they are doing. Talk about how you're feeling... sharing real feelings is a sure fire way to reduce some of the fear and distress you're experiencing. Things WILL change, but for now this is our temporary new normal. This WILL pass. For now, stay safe, stay home as MUCH as possible, and be kind to one another Much love, Carolyn xx
18.01.2022 Are you interested in understanding how energy affects our lives? Join me to develop your psychic skills and abilities in a safe and friendly environment My online classes start this Thursday and run weekly. You can join in at 10am or 6.30pm, the choice is yours $25 per class, with no minimum commitment required Find out more here I look forward to seeing you there! Carolyn xx #onlineclasses #spiritualdevelopment #meditationclass
18.01.2022 ' !! My online Meditation and Spiritual Development classes start tomorrow! Running weekly on Tuesdays: Mornings 10am - 11.30am Evenings 6.30pm - 8pm... Cost is $25, and you will learn a how to develop your spiritual skills and abilities in a fun and safe environment Message me if you'd like to join in... everyone is welcome #spiritualdevelopment #onlineclass #meditation #joinin
18.01.2022 I thought it was about time I shared with you a little more about me... the person behind the "job" (because we're all more than just our job title ). Here are some things you might not know about me... I love reading , drinking tea (my tea of choice is Lady Grey), macrame and crochet but above all else, I LOVE to decorate cakes! There's nothing I like better than watching cake decorating videos on Insta (I call it cake porn) ... Here's a pic of a mini cake I made recently What's something you love doing?
16.01.2022 ! So, I've jumped feet first into my very first blog!! Ever wondered how a psychic reading works? I explain in detail how I conduct my readings, so you can gain insight into the process.... Check it out here #psychicreading #explaination #blog
15.01.2022 This recent hot weather is giving me tropical vibes, how about you? My creation of passionfruit and peach flavours for a tropical, fruity zing #ilovecakedecorating #tropicalcake #stencilcake
14.01.2022 Sending love and light to you all this Christmas... especially those who are finding this time sad, stressful, lonely or heartbreaking You are deeply loved I'm officially on holidays now, and will be back at work on Tuesday 7th January. I'll reply to all messages on the 7th Whatever your Christmas season looks like, be kind to yourself Carolyn xx
12.01.2022 Since around November last year, Spirit has been very clear with their message that 2020 was going to be a year of clarity and boundaries. That message has resonated with many of my clients since entering 2020, and it has continued to be a repeated theme, even with my readings this week. We are being given the opportunity to see things as they are, without any filters distorting the truth. From there, we have the power to create and enforce our own boundaries, if we so Globally as well as on a personal level, we are being offered the opportunity to assess and make changes to different areas in our lives. Stop persisting in patterns that aren't serving you well. Start opening to the possibilities of a better way of being. These changes can be large or small. It really doesn't matter. What matters is that you are aligning yourself with the truth of who you are; with your higher self Stand calmly in the certainty that YOU know what's best for you Much love, Carolyn xx #standcalmly #setboundaries #personaltruth
12.01.2022 With the easing of restrictions, I've had a number of people asking if I've started doing personal readings again. The short answer is no, not at this stage. I continue to take full precautions as I am in the high risk category. A few people have had questions about the level of accuracy of a phone reading compared to a personal reading, so I thought I'd share my answer here, in case others were wondering the same thing All types of readings I offer are equally as accurate... as each other Importantly, I don't need you in the room to connect with you and receive information for you. From my perspective, there is no difference between having a phone reading or a personal reading. I receive the information in exactly the same way as if you were sitting in front of me. The connection is made by talking with you, and having our focus on each other. (Sure, you don't get to see my expressions, or see me waving my arms about over the phone, but is that really a bad thing? ) For an email reading, it is a similar process, but the connection is made with your photo. This is why it's important to have a clear, current photo when I'm doing an email reading for someone. Feel free to send me a message if you'd like more info on my readings Much love Carolyn xx
10.01.2022 !! Today is the longest day of the year in the southern hemisphere. Starting tomorrow, the daylight hours will progressively decrease until we reach the Winter Solstice next June. The summer solstice is a wonderful time to reflect on high moments in your life; things that you feel proud of such as personal accomplishments, and allow yourself to recognise and celebrate them, knowing you will now be reaping the rewards of the hard... work you've put in over the last 6 months Just as importantly, the summer solstice supports the letting go of old patterns, behaviours and beliefs that no longer benefit you. Contemplate what you are carrying energetically that has been a hindrance to you. This may be in the form of behaviour patterns, or relationships that drain your energy... there are many things that we carry with us that make life more difficult than it needs to be. Now is the perfect time to release those things. During the summer solstice we are literally being bathed in sun energy. Harness that abundance of amplified energy, and use it to focus and set your intentions for releasing that which no longer serves you Continue to grow, love, and evolve Carolyn xx #summersolstice #energy #release
10.01.2022 Pendulums are tools used to access information. Have you ever used one? Learning to use a pendulum is easy, and is a simple way to connect with your higher self for guidance to learn how to use a pendulum in my Meditation and Spiritual Development class! 10am or 6.30pm, details in my events ... #pendulum #spiritualclasses #fun
10.01.2022 The time has come for me to join the rest of the world and have some fun on Instagram too! Join me on my Insta journey @psychicmediumcarolyn
09.01.2022 !! I've had a lot of enquiries about when my classes will be running, so I've decided to adapt to the current situation, and take my classes online!! This means you can join me regardless of where you are The weekly classes will be an hour and a half long. Starting with a half hour guided meditation, we will then cover a different modality or topic each week Classes will be ongoing, so attendance will be flexible... To help me decide which days to schedule the classes on, I'd love your feedback on what days and times would suit you. *Basically, you can choose any day (Monday to Saturday), and evening or daytime Thanks for your help, more details to follow Carolyn xx #spiritualclasses #meditation #spiritualdevelopment
08.01.2022 My latest cake creation I hope you have a wonderful weekend and wonderful people to share it with Carolyn xx #ilovecakedecorating #succulentcake #happy
07.01.2022 Classes are a go! Join me in a weekly mediation and spiritual development class. No locked in attendance, join in occasionally or every week, the choice is yours! ... Classes will be held once a week on Tuesdays (mornings and evenings). Delivery is online (Messenger Rooms), so everyone is welcome, regardless of location. Each class runs for 1.5 hours, starting with a guided meditation, then we will focus on a different topic each week. Develop your spiritual skills and abilities with me, and fun while doing it! . So excited, can't wait to see you there! Carolyn xx
07.01.2022 - ? Join me in my spiritual development class tomorrow to learn how to read oracle cards intuitively Tuesday mornings: 10am - 11.30am... Tuesday evenings: 6.30pm - 8pm Message me or head to my events page for more info
05.01.2022 Sending calmness and peaceful energy to you all It can be easy to get caught up in the panic that is happening all around us at the moment. Only a few short months ago we showed incredible love, support and empathy to our fellow Australians during a time of unspeakable destruction, loss of life and grief. We pulled together and united as one. We stood in love, united with compassion for one another. ... Now we have a threat of a different kind on our doorstep, but sadly we appear to be responding in a very different way. Where we once came together and supported one another, by stark contrast we now seem to be allowing panic to rule our hearts and minds. Some people are so fear driven, they are focused on self preservation above all else. Much like an "everyone for themselves" mentality. I am saddened by the way fear has affected our country and our actions But we each have a choice. We can choose to remain centred, focusing on love. We can open up our hearts to others, quietly, with dignity, and demonstrate compassion; especially to those among us who are in the grip of fear. Be the person who stands out for being calm in the face of fear; for showing kindness amongst the swirl of panicked reactions. You CAN have a positive effect on those around you. You CAN create a more emotionally peaceful environment for yourself. You can stay safe without buying into the hysteria. Despite it sometimes feeling overwhelming, we CAN control ourselves and our attitude towards things. Choose your own experience. Choose positivity. Choose love. Much love to you all Carolyn xx
04.01.2022 Hi!! I'm excited to be back at work after my holiday break... it was such a great period of relaxation, and now I'm ready to jump right back into readings! I'm available for phone readings (30 minutes $60/one hour $100) and email readings (single question reading $25/full email reading $100). Full info available at Contact me via text, message, email or phone to book your reading Carolyn xx
03.01.2022 ? In my latest blog I explain the difference between angels and spirit guides. There is a lot of conflicting information online, so I've explained my understanding of angels and spirit guides, as taught to me by Spirit. Check it out here Hope you like it! Carolyn xx
03.01.2022 4 insights about what I do... 1. I have been doing readings full time for over ten years - I worked for 17 years in child care before beginning this amazing career. 2. I love the scope of my work - no two readings are the same, and information can cover past situations, current experiences and also future events, as well as connecting with loved ones who have passed (human and animal).... My classes bring an added dimension by allowing me to help people realise and grow their own psychic awareness and abilities. 3. I love making connections with my clients - I love how easily strong connections can be made regardless of the physical location of each client. 4. I work from the heart - I simply know no other way to do what I do. #funfactfriday #aboutmywork #aboutme #insights
03.01.2022 Your feelings are valid. Saying someone shouldn't be sad because it could be worse, is like saying someone shouldn't be happy because it could be better. That's just crazy, right? How many times have you said this to someone, had it said to you, or even said this to yourself? Think about how often we say "but other people are in far worse positions than me". While having a balanced perspective is important, doing this all the time only invalidates your feelings. ... Be kind to yourself. Think about what your words are implying. It's ok to feel a certain way. It will pass. But it will take longer to pass the longer you deny or invalidate yourself. Much love Carolyn xx #yourfeelingsmatter #bekind #bekindtoyourself
02.01.2022 Have you ever found yourself needing constant distraction? It's usually during times of high stress that we use external distractions to avoid emotional discomfort of some kind. High levels of stress can be deeply uncomfortable. You may have difficulty calming yourself or physically relaxing. It can create physical effects such as tension headaches or teeth clenching, and emotional effects like feeling on edge, sad, or angry. How comfortable are you in your own company, wit...hout things to serve as distractions? Granted, it's easier to do this when you are feeling calm and centred. When you are in a state of high stress, it can feel downright impossible. But it IS worth trying. When you let go of external distractions, you are letting go of ego. You are giving yourself the gift of freedom from invisible rules that say feelings of discomfort are bad, and allowing your energy to truly rest and resolve. To recalibrate. Create a safe space for yourself. Feel where the discomfort sits in your body, and breathe onto those areas. You WILL be okay. The discomfort WILL ease, and pass. Your body will intuitively know how to release the discomfort; it might be through tears, writing, sleeping, screaming, or something else entirely. Know that whatever form the release comes in is ok, and absolutely normal. Practice breathing into the feelings of discomfort when they arise, and you will find yourself lighter because of it. That stress energy will be lifted from you, and you will be lighter, clearer, and more balanced. Spending time in the space you've created, with only yourself for company, is deeply healing. Hold space for yourself, without judgement. Hold space for yourself with love and compassion Carolyn xx #holdingspace #holdspaceforyourself #healing
02.01.2022 You guys enjoyed my last cake post, so I thought I'd share another one... may the force be with you this weekend! Carolyn xx #cakemakesmehappy #princessleiacake #creativeoutlet
01.01.2022 Like so many at the moment, the step back from ‘normality’ has given me an opportunity to take some much needed time to contemplate my business. And to help with my re-evaluation, I’m super interested in your feedback What exactly you are looking for when you book a reading? Is it answers, clarity, or something else entirely? Feel free to comment below, or send me a message. Thanks so much guys, your feedback is very much appreciated Carolyn xx
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