Carolyn Revell in Eltham, Victoria, Australia | Business service
Carolyn Revell
Locality: Eltham, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 415 240 585
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25.01.2022 Years ago, anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked by a student what she considered to be the first sign of civilization in a culture. The student expected Mead talk about fishhooks or clay pots or grinding stones. "But no. Mead said that the first sign of civilization in an ancient culture was a femur (thighbone) that had been broken and then healed. Mead explained that in the animal kingdom, if you break your leg, you die. You cannot run from danger, get to the river for a drink or hunt for food. You are meat for prowling beasts. No animal survives a broken leg long enough for the bone to heal. "A broken femur that has healed is evidence that someone has taken time to stay with the one who fell, has bound up the wound, has carried the person to safety and has tended the person through recovery. Helping someone else through difficulty is where civilization starts, Mead said Painting by Allison Adams of Groundbreaking Girls
23.01.2022 I saw this in my Daughter's school newsletter and thought it so beautiful! Worth a read :) 1. If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies. 2. For a caterpillar to become a butterfly it must change. 3. We are all butterflies waiting to happen.... 4. Today a caterpillar tomorrow a butterfly. Don’t lose hope because you never know what tomorrow will bring. 5. Just when the caterpillar thought its life was over, it became a butterfly. 6. When you feel that you’re about to fail, it might actually be that you’re about to fly. 7. No one can do it for you, choose to use your wings. 8. Life is like a butterfly You go through changes before you become something beautiful. 9. It’s the ends of the world, said the caterpillar. It’s the beginning of the world, said the butterfly. 10. There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly. 11. Never underestimate that power that is, and has always been within you. 12. How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar. 13. Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that. 14. Don’t settle for being a caterpillar when you have butterfly potential. Allow God to transform you from the inside out. 15. Everything in your life is there as a vehicle for your transformation. Use it. 16. The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don’t give up. 17. After every storm there comes clear, open skies. 18. Have you ever seen a butterfly crawl back into its cocoon and become a caterpillar? Don’t go backwards. 19. Like a butterfly evolving, we must love each stage we pass through. Be not judgmental of yourself. You are becoming a wondrous butterfly. 20. We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. 21. Just like the butterfly, I, too, will awaken in my own time. 22. Pass through each stage of your life with attention. 23. Like the butterfly, I have the strength and hope to believe, in time I will emerge from my cocoon transformed. 24. The butterfly counts not the months but the moments, and has time enough. 25. The caterpillar dies so the butterfly could be born. And, yet, the caterpillar lives in the butterfly and they are but one. See more
23.01.2022 Habits are more powerful than we think! How are your habits getting in the way - or getting you to where you want to be? To change your habits and your life sign up for a 30 day Reboot!
22.01.2022 Are you finding someone who focuses on the negatives in life is trying to draw you into their story? How can you deal with it? Heres my Top Tip.4 on how to deal with negative people. Let me know what you think.
22.01.2022 I thought I would share with you today some insights from participants of my Burnout to Bounce 30 Day Reboot. Im running it again and it starts on Monday! If youre interested you can click here to find out more, or message me to find out more. #burnouttobounce #reboot #energy #vitality #confidence
21.01.2022 In challenging times it's so uplifting to see great acts of kindness like this one Have you been the recipient, giver or observer of acts of kindness in the last few weeks?
21.01.2022 Are you feeling drained by a negative person in your workplace, or life? Here is my top tip number 2 on how to deal with negative people. Let me know what you think!
21.01.2022 Thank you for your support this year, whether you are part of my community, a client or a friend. I have loved connecting with each and every one of you. May the festive season bring you love, connection and time to relax. May the new year challenge you to grow, thrive and to be your best! ... ~ Carolyn
20.01.2022 So what does your mindset have to do with how you can deal with negative people? In my third tip for dealing with negative people at work (or elsewhere), I will share with you my insights. Let me know what you think
20.01.2022 Are you feeling drained by a negative person in your workplace, or life? Here is my top tip number 2 on how to deal with negative people. Let me know what you think!
19.01.2022 Gym day one of my favorite places! It takes commitment, consistency and discipline to get strong and stay strong. I started back into weight training about 9 months ago after I thought my body let me down.... but the body NEVER let's us down, it's always doing it's best given the circumstances. I gave my body everything it needed to be optimal, great nutrition, physical therapy, herbs and most of all love even though I gained weight and lost strength. Life is like thi...s in every way, like our bodies, just do what's needed, ride the ups and downs and celebrate the wins Stay committed, consistent, disciplined and inspired!! Carolyn See more
19.01.2022 How often do you catch some time outdoors in your work day? There is evidence that time in nature decreases our stress response and provides health benefits. It has been shown to decrease heart disease, obesity, chronic pain and diabetes and is even linked to longevity! How much time do you need for these benefits - 2 hours per week! That is around 15 minutes per day - certainly do-able if we prioritise it. Are you able to work this into your week? If you need a reset ...and would like to delve into other areas to help your wellbeing and get more energy into your life check out my Burnout to Bounce 30 Day Reboot here: #health #nature #restore #coaach #naturopath #burnouttobounce #30dayreboot
19.01.2022 Are you feeling you are into the so called Silly Season? How can you look at this time of year differently? Are you looking for a Reboot and to give yourself a gift of greater Energy, Clarity, Self-Connection and Self Confidence? Check out my reboot here:... #sillyseason #reboot #burnouttobounce
19.01.2022 In this video I'm sharing my final top tip on how to deal with negative people. This one is all about where you spend your time and who it is spent with. Let me know what you think To book a complimentary strategy call - click here:
19.01.2022 In this video I'm sharing my final top tip on how to deal with negative people. This one is all about where you spend your time and who it is spent with. Let me know what you think To book a complimentary strategy call - click here:
18.01.2022 In this video I am talking about what gets in the road of big decisions when we want to make a change - what gets us stuck in the process, and ultimately can stall or even stop us making the changes we really want to make. To find out more watch below!
17.01.2022 Sometimes letting go is the most powerful thing you can do. Letting go of the things you cant control, other peoples behaviour, trying to change others, just letting go of the constant push. What do you need to let go of? If its time to get a new perspective and give yourself a boost - check out my 30 Day Burnout to Bounce Reboot - restore, renew and let go of the old stuff... Check it out here: #letgo #renew #burnouttobounce #30dayreboot
16.01.2022 So what does your mindset have to do with how you can deal with negative people? In my third tip for dealing with negative people at work (or elsewhere), I will share with you my insights. Let me know what you think
16.01.2022 Only 3 days left to register for the next Reboot! BETTER HURRY...
16.01.2022 Do you get in your own way? Why do we sabotage ourselves? If you want to learn more about how to stop the sabotage as well as loads of other cool things to get you back on track, its not too late to join my 30 day Burnout to Bounce Reboot!
15.01.2022 Want To Know The Absolute #1 Surefire Way To Have The Relationships That You Desire (Guaranteed)? This is so simple that you will probably kick yourself (or me). The #1 way to have a relationship go the way that youre searching for is to simple be, act and focus on the quality that is missing. Ie: If you want loving relationships..... you need to first be loving. By being loving and being constantly on the look out for every potential (even not so obvious) sign of love, what... can you expect to experience more of? Love (right). FREE Cheatsheet: Download my free cheatsheet "The 5 essential steps to manifesting the perfect relationships". Simply Comment below and Ill send it straight over.
14.01.2022 Welcome back! Do you have plans or intentions for the year ahead? I am back in action and really excited about what I have planned for 2020 and would love to share with you. Let me know your goals and what you are working on too :) Book a strategy call here - To sign up for the Burnout to Bounce - 30 Day reboot -
14.01.2022 Our life is based on habits, some good for us, some... not so. I notice that if someone has a lot of what are viewed as healthy habits, often they are labelled fanatical. What does fanatical mean anyway? Extremely interested in something, to a degree that some people find unreasonable. ... So its all in context really, perception. And after all who cares if someone else finds it unreasonable? If you feel it is your passion, your time out and you know that it is doing you good - stick with it! I am probably fanatical about eating healthy, exercising, self improvement and my work... in some peoples eyes. But to me, they are my passions and purpose in life and I need to keep my own personal accountability as to how they play out for me. So keep up the good habits and forget about what others think! If you want to explore and develop more good habits - check out my online course: #healthyhabits #reboot #burnouttobounce #coaching
14.01.2022 In challenging times its so uplifting to see great acts of kindness like this one Have you been the recipient, giver or observer of acts of kindness in the last few weeks?
14.01.2022 Do you have someone negative at work that you are finding difficult to deal with? Over the next few days I am sharing my Top 5 Tips for dealing with negative people at work (or anywhere else). Let me know what you think!
13.01.2022 I had a very interesting session with my own coach this week and I would like to share my personal insights from this with you. It all started with an observation of feeling bored with some aspects of what I do .... Have you ever realised there was a deeper message in your boredom that you could explore? What is the message under your boredom? That is exactly what I explored with my coach and this was the result! #coach #learnfromboredom #bored #insights
13.01.2022 On the topic of change - often workplace relationships can create big challenges that can be tough to overcome. In this video I share some different perspectives on how to tackle this. What have you found helpful in shifting a workplace relationship that wasnt working?
13.01.2022 Get Your Confidence Back This Xmas (Silly Season)! Dealing with family, expectations from xmas past, finishing up work for the year and planning for 2020 can all be stressful. Get my top 5 tips for gaining and maintaining confidence in any situation. Simply Comment below to receive my "5 Confidence Secrets" cheatsheet.
11.01.2022 5 Days To Go! My next 30 Day Reboot - Burnout to Bounce is starting next Monday 3rd February so there is still time to join! Start your year powerfully by setting yourself up to be your best! Join me as we unlock your bodys secrets to maximum Vitality, Clarity, Passion and Power!... Check the link below for info:
11.01.2022 Gym day one of my favorite places! It takes commitment, consistency and discipline to get strong and stay strong. I started back into weight training about 9 months ago after I thought my body let me down.... but the body NEVER lets us down, its always doing its best given the circumstances. I gave my body everything it needed to be optimal, great nutrition, physical therapy, herbs and most of all love even though I gained weight and lost strength. Life is like thi...s in every way, like our bodies, just do whats needed, ride the ups and downs and celebrate the wins Stay committed, consistent, disciplined and inspired!! Carolyn See more
10.01.2022 Only 3 days left to register for the next Reboot, hurry
10.01.2022 I remember the time when this picture was taken so well! It stands out in my mind as I was coming out of a challenging time about 2.5 years ago. I had felt myself tipping into the 'burnout zone' I had seen it in so many of my clients and now it was feeling like it was my turn ! After wallowing for a while, I made a plan, got the support I needed and made sure that burnout was not going to be my story!! I had chronic back pain, was likely overly inflamed, had gained weigh...t and felt myself tipping into peri-menopause, with all the lovely things that can bring! A business venture had not turned out as I expected along with other pressures - and somehow I found myself letting go of the self care and things that made me feel good, just when I really needed them!! I have always put top priority on my clients, both in my sessions and behind the scenes - planning, training and running a business - it is not surprising 'helping professions' are often those who end up burning out themselves. It was time to learn the lesson and apply my advice to myself! This is not a sob fest however! I am all about self growth, being your best, inspiration and growth. So what did I do? I worked on my mindset, I sought assistance for my aching back, I got back into exercise - I got my own coaches, ate even better than before, made sure I got enough rest.... and gave myself credit for my achievements, reflected on what hadn't worked and let it go - and learnt from it. I made a plan and set goals. I dug deep! And then.... I felt like my spark was back , it took a while, gradually the aches subsided, I was feeling fitter, more energised, feeling super inspired and not even feeling perimenopausal anymore (bonus!). And I kept it up - now I feel like I am ageing backwards, I feel even better than I did 10 years ago and just keep improving! I so get what it is like when things start to feel like they are getting on top if you, which is why I am passionate about helping others prevent or get out of burnout! I know how it feels and I know how to help :-) If this resonates with you, book a time for a chat
09.01.2022 Are you running life like everything has to be done NOW? Its pretty easy to fall into this pattern and most of us can relate to it at some time or other. When the pressure mounts in one area, such as workload - it somehow starts to melt over into other parts of life, particularly when were not managing it well. Ultimately it becomes overwhelming, frustrating and leads to burn-out. This is your reminder to pause, check in and ask yourself What can I let go of today"?... Is it time for a reboot for your life? #letgo #burnout #pluggedinculture #burnouttobounce #30dayrebot #coaching
09.01.2022 I remember the time when this picture was taken so well! It stands out in my mind as I was coming out of a challenging time about 2.5 years ago. I had felt myself tipping into the burnout zone I had seen it in so many of my clients and now it was feeling like it was my turn ! After wallowing for a while, I made a plan, got the support I needed and made sure that burnout was not going to be my story!! I had chronic back pain, was likely overly inflamed, had gained weigh...t and felt myself tipping into peri-menopause, with all the lovely things that can bring! A business venture had not turned out as I expected along with other pressures - and somehow I found myself letting go of the self care and things that made me feel good, just when I really needed them!! I have always put top priority on my clients, both in my sessions and behind the scenes - planning, training and running a business - it is not surprising helping professions are often those who end up burning out themselves. It was time to learn the lesson and apply my advice to myself! This is not a sob fest however! I am all about self growth, being your best, inspiration and growth. So what did I do? I worked on my mindset, I sought assistance for my aching back, I got back into exercise - I got my own coaches, ate even better than before, made sure I got enough rest.... and gave myself credit for my achievements, reflected on what hadnt worked and let it go - and learnt from it. I made a plan and set goals. I dug deep! And then.... I felt like my spark was back , it took a while, gradually the aches subsided, I was feeling fitter, more energised, feeling super inspired and not even feeling perimenopausal anymore (bonus!). And I kept it up - now I feel like I am ageing backwards, I feel even better than I did 10 years ago and just keep improving! I so get what it is like when things start to feel like they are getting on top if you, which is why I am passionate about helping others prevent or get out of burnout! I know how it feels and I know how to help :-) If this resonates with you, book a time for a chat
07.01.2022 Welcome back! Do you have plans or intentions for the year ahead? I am back in action and really excited about what I have planned for 2020 and would love to share with you. Let me know your goals and what you are working on too :) Book a strategy call here - To sign up for the Burnout to Bounce - 30 Day reboot -
07.01.2022 How do you deal with change? I have been exploring the big impact all sorts of change can have on us - be they work/business, health or relationship changes. What have you found helpful to get you through change in a powerful way?
07.01.2022 In this video Im sharing my final top tip on how to deal with negative people. This one is all about where you spend your time and who it is spent with. Let me know what you think To book a complimentary strategy call - click here:
06.01.2022 Do Something You Love & You Will Never Work A Day In Your Life.... Want 100% Job & Career Clarity? 2020 is almost upon us. Dont waste another moment being uncertain and un empowered in your career or role. Use my Career Empowerment Cheatsheet to find out exactly how to transform your current role or give it the flick.... Ill also include a bonus on how to choose a role that suits your personality type and emotional drivers. Simply Comment Below and Ill send you the cheatsheet.
06.01.2022 I saw this in my Daughters school newsletter and thought it so beautiful! Worth a read :) 1. If nothing ever changed, thered be no butterflies. 2. For a caterpillar to become a butterfly it must change. 3. We are all butterflies waiting to happen.... 4. Today a caterpillar tomorrow a butterfly. Dont lose hope because you never know what tomorrow will bring. 5. Just when the caterpillar thought its life was over, it became a butterfly. 6. When you feel that youre about to fail, it might actually be that youre about to fly. 7. No one can do it for you, choose to use your wings. 8. Life is like a butterfly You go through changes before you become something beautiful. 9. Its the ends of the world, said the caterpillar. Its the beginning of the world, said the butterfly. 10. There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you its going to be a butterfly. 11. Never underestimate that power that is, and has always been within you. 12. How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar. 13. Butterflies cant see their wings. They cant see how beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that. 14. Dont settle for being a caterpillar when you have butterfly potential. Allow God to transform you from the inside out. 15. Everything in your life is there as a vehicle for your transformation. Use it. 16. The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Dont give up. 17. After every storm there comes clear, open skies. 18. Have you ever seen a butterfly crawl back into its cocoon and become a caterpillar? Dont go backwards. 19. Like a butterfly evolving, we must love each stage we pass through. Be not judgmental of yourself. You are becoming a wondrous butterfly. 20. We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. 21. Just like the butterfly, I, too, will awaken in my own time. 22. Pass through each stage of your life with attention. 23. Like the butterfly, I have the strength and hope to believe, in time I will emerge from my cocoon transformed. 24. The butterfly counts not the months but the moments, and has time enough. 25. The caterpillar dies so the butterfly could be born. And, yet, the caterpillar lives in the butterfly and they are but one. See more
05.01.2022 How To Stop Negative People In Their Tracks & Have Them Instantly VANISH Off Of Your Radar.... Sick of having a particular person (or people) in your life who zap your energy and kill your high at every turn? That person at work who seams to have a problem for every damn solution. The relative who loves nothing else than telling you how terrible the restaurant or Uber driver was.... Check out my "5 Top Tips For Dealing With Negative People" cheatsheet. Simply Comment below and Ill send it straight to you.
05.01.2022 Do you have someone negative at work that you are finding difficult to deal with? Over the next few days I am sharing my Top 5 Tips for dealing with negative people at work (or anywhere else). Let me know what you think!
05.01.2022 The challenges of change effect us all. Here are my top 5 tips to help you deal with change in a positive, effective way. What are your tips?
05.01.2022 Such an inspiration! Turning hardships into happiness takes deep connection to self and the world
04.01.2022 Health challenges can really knock us around in a big way - they create big changes in life and how we see ourselves. Here is my take on how to make your health more empowering - either from a preventative perspective - or if you have a health issue
03.01.2022 I saw this in my Daughter's school newsletter and thought it so beautiful! Worth a read :) 1. If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies. 2. For a caterpillar to become a butterfly it must change. 3. We are all butterflies waiting to happen.... 4. Today a caterpillar tomorrow a butterfly. Don’t lose hope because you never know what tomorrow will bring. 5. Just when the caterpillar thought its life was over, it became a butterfly. 6. When you feel that you’re about to fail, it might actually be that you’re about to fly. 7. No one can do it for you, choose to use your wings. 8. Life is like a butterfly You go through changes before you become something beautiful. 9. It’s the ends of the world, said the caterpillar. It’s the beginning of the world, said the butterfly. 10. There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly. 11. Never underestimate that power that is, and has always been within you. 12. How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar. 13. Butterflies can’t see their wings. They can’t see how beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that. 14. Don’t settle for being a caterpillar when you have butterfly potential. Allow God to transform you from the inside out. 15. Everything in your life is there as a vehicle for your transformation. Use it. 16. The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don’t give up. 17. After every storm there comes clear, open skies. 18. Have you ever seen a butterfly crawl back into its cocoon and become a caterpillar? Don’t go backwards. 19. Like a butterfly evolving, we must love each stage we pass through. Be not judgmental of yourself. You are becoming a wondrous butterfly. 20. We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty. 21. Just like the butterfly, I, too, will awaken in my own time. 22. Pass through each stage of your life with attention. 23. Like the butterfly, I have the strength and hope to believe, in time I will emerge from my cocoon transformed. 24. The butterfly counts not the months but the moments, and has time enough. 25. The caterpillar dies so the butterfly could be born. And, yet, the caterpillar lives in the butterfly and they are but one. See more
03.01.2022 In challenging times it's so uplifting to see great acts of kindness like this one Have you been the recipient, giver or observer of acts of kindness in the last few weeks?
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