Carratum Park in Kybong, Queensland, Australia | Horse riding school
Carratum Park
Locality: Kybong, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 437 340 384
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25.01.2022 Lessons next week Wednesday 5.00 Noah 5.45 Aivah... 6.30 Tammy 7.15 Linda 8.00 Sarah 8.45 Avail Thursday 5.00 Carlie 5.45 Laura 6.30 Izzy 7.15 Jorja 8.00 Mel
25.01.2022 Had an absolute blast teaching all the kids from Zone 8 on the weekend. It’s so rewarding teaching riders that really want to learn. We touched on all things horses from boots, bandages, bits, plaiting, quarter marks, showjumping, course walking, sheath cleaning and how to check vital signs. Look forward to the next clinic already
25.01.2022 To steer your horse and direct his energy toward your line of travel without losing alignment "Imagine channeling him between your shoulders, elbows, knees an...d feet." Annie Morris See more articles with Annie Morris here Illustration by Sandy Rabinowitz Have a Solutions idea you'd like to see featured on our social media and in Practical Horseman magazine? Send it to [email protected] with the subject line "Dressage Solutions Concept."
24.01.2022 Last nights filly! #thoroughbred #foal #racehorse #horsesofinstagram #thoroughbredsofinstagram #riverjunction #love #equestrian #baby
23.01.2022 Teaching at Yandina today. Should be a good day with good kids
22.01.2022 This weeks lessons - I won’t be back for a fortnight. Wednesday 5.00 Noah 5.45 Aivah 6.30 Layla... 7.15 Laura 8.00 Skye Ryan Thursday 5.00 Tennessee 5.45 Linda 6.30 Summer 7.15 Jorja 8.00 Mel
22.01.2022 MUMS ONLY CAMP! **FULL - message if you would like to be put on a waitlist Spaces are limited, and like usual - they will fill quickly!... Going to be a fun, stress free, very casual weekend for you all to enjoy your own horses! See more
21.01.2022 Showjumping & Flatwork Clinic 6th & 7th February With Clem Smith & Dezi Roos Preference will be given to zone 16 members. If not all places are filled within, places will be offered to outside members. Please send a message if you would like to be added to the list.
21.01.2022 To help put the horse in front of your leg in walk... "Imagine that you’re pedaling a bike. Without moving your body left or right, step down to the left each t...ime your horse’s left hind leg leaves the ground and step down to the right each time his right hind leg leaves the ground. When successful, you will be following your horse’s barrel in harmony while feeling anchored to the earth and balanced independently from him. As a result, your horse will balance around you and be in front of your grounded leg." Annie Morris Illustration by Sandy Rabinowitz
19.01.2022 Extra grateful for this soul today. Spent the majority of the day tied to the trailer in the pouring rain while I was assessed on different areas for my @ponyclubaust A certificate. Only for the remainder of the day postponed due to COVID and a sudden lock down in Brisbane. We are now nearly 7 hours into our trip home due to traffic, and he hasn’t made a peep. He doesn’t know about COVID, or why he stood at the trailer in the rain all day, his day started at 4am along ...with mine. We forget how generous and willing these animals are when they don’t understand nor have the ability to reason with why we are doing things. They do not get enough credit for being the saints they are when the vast majority of what we do with them is completely unnatural: Thankyou Thomas #ponyclubqld #ponyclubaustralia #ponyclubproud #thoroughbredsofinstagram #ott #powerfulsphere #widebay #frasercoast #herveybay #coach #hbpc #carratumpark #equestrian #showjumping #kingstonsruralsupplies #teamtuffrock #tuffrockaustralia #thejtaime
18.01.2022 16 useful tips from Ingrid Klimke, but I especially love #5: 1. Quiet with your hand use your fist not your whole arm. 2. Keep your horse out in front of you n...ot underneath you. 3. All fingers have to be closed. 4. Do not give with the outside. The outside always stays. Only the inside gives. 5. Your half halt has to be more interesting than everything around your horse. 6. Put the spur away. 7. Diagonal aids. The outside rein holds and the inside leg pushes to the outside. 8. Supple the ribs. 9. Keep the rhythm with your rising. 10. Take give. Don't hold or pull too long. 11. You are not a passenger. You are responsible for your horses ride. 12. Stretch. And more stretching. It's good for him and he will like it. 13. Active from behind. More active. 14. Canter in the light seat. 15. Hands down, hands down, hands down. 16. Hands together, hands together, hands together
18.01.2022 No lessons this Wed/Thus due to the whole venue being booked. Back to normal next week
18.01.2022 Noah strengthening his lower leg (much to his disgust?) Holding a dressage test under each leg. His leg came loose once and the test fell and scared the shit out of chevy, safe to say our legs stayed on for the remainder of our lesson .
17.01.2022 How many times do I make you all do transitions to get your horses sitting up a bit more and using themselves!! And poles! Here’s the detailed explanation
17.01.2022 Because the best horse deserves the best treatment. Thomas loving his shockwave thanks to Wendy Bannerot!
16.01.2022 **BOTH CAMPS BOOKED OUT - MSG IF YOU WANT TO BE ON A WAITLIST SCHOOL HOLIDAY CAMPS! Only 2 camps, and 2 camps with the best 2 coaches! 12 riders each camp, we are half full without advertising, get in quick if you want to secure you spot!... Will be loads of fun and lots learnt with a great bunch of kids and very safe facilities. Message myself or Madie Hose to book.
15.01.2022 Thomas’ Amateur round on Saturday. 6th place
14.01.2022 Looking forward to a great weekend of jumping at Elysian. Thomas is in the 115.
14.01.2022 WHAT A MOB! So much fun over the weekend teaching the kids from Bororen Pony Club. What a wonderful club full of talented little riders. To finish in the much needed torrential rain was the icing on the cake! See you next year team
14.01.2022 Purchase any horse wormer and go into the draw to win a Portable Hot Water Washer!!! So convenient for shows!!!
14.01.2022 Lessons Wed 30 September Arvo/Night (Poles - if not confident with Poles can still do flatwork) 5.00pm Noah 5.45pm Aivah 6.15pm Hope... 7.00pm Anna 7.45pm Linda 8.15pm Izzy 9.00pm Grace 9.45pm 10.30pm $48 inc your facility fee.
13.01.2022 TUFFROCK ORDER! Doing a Tuffrock order guys if anyone wants anything. Bonus items for those that buy in larger quantities (10kg Joint Formulas, 8/10kg Poultice, 4L+ G.I or C+) Any of my regulars that would like products feel free to message me for prices. ... Placing order Wednesday! Just ask if you need any information. All my horses are fed EJF daily, plus those in work get C+ daily as well.
13.01.2022 I will never not share this! MUST READ! Parents, please let your kids read this and then help them understand what it means. "The message for me is that I must train each horse with the kind of pressure in which they can deal with. Each horse has a different tolerance for pressure. Us as riders have to be adaptable to each horse’s ability to deal with pressure. Personally I find that most behavioural problems stem from confusion, discomfort and too much pressure."... Photo is the equine brain in front of the human brain.
13.01.2022 Great night of teaching! Vids to come Noah was the lucky duck who got to ride on the freshly dragged arena.
12.01.2022 Thomas was super at Jump Club today. Looking forward to Spring Champs next week. Dressed head to toe from Kingstons Rural Supplies, powered by Barastoc and TuffRock Australia. Thankyou to everyone from @gympiejumpclub for a great day and super courses. ... #TuffRockAustralia #KingstonsRuralSupplies #Barastoc #showjumping #lifeafterracing #PowerfulSphere See more
12.01.2022 How often do you all clean you gear? Tell me, honestly?! This is how my gear looks every time I get on. My bridle, bit, reins, saddle, girth, and stirrups all get cleaned at the end of EVERY ride! And because my gear is constantly clean and supple it takes less than 10 minutes to clean everything every day. ... Now can you all guess how old my bridle is????? 8 years!! I bought this shockemohle bridle in Aachen in 2012 on the young riders tour and it is used as my home bridle and comp bridle every day for 8 years. Sometimes it will go on 8 different horses in one day. Look after your gear and it will last you forever! Plus the added benefit of looking a lot more professional and your horses being comfortable... because please, no one likes dirty bits. #ponyclub #ponyclubaustralia #ponyclubproud #carratumpark #shockemöhle #bridle #equestrian #pariani #showjumping #love #thoroughbred #dressage See more
12.01.2022 REGULAR WEEKLY LESSONS! I have the indoor at Maryborough booked every Wednesday for the rest of the year. Lesson times will be available tonight. 5pm -11pm pending work. Will be alternating flatwork and jumping, but totally fine for my flatwork riders that just want to only do dressage/poles $40
12.01.2022 Always a good day when you start it with little faces like this Day 2 Coaching at Widgee & District Pony Club Inc camp today. #ponyclub #ponyclubaustralia #ponyclubqld #widgeeponyclub #hbpc #carratumpark #coach #instructor #widebay #frasercoast #foalsofinstagram #horsesofinstagram #thoroughbredsofinstagram #equestrian
11.01.2022 To feel correct contact "Imagine a fishing line. When the horse is behind the hand or empty, the contact feels like the fishing line is just hanging on the... water [image on left], but once you get the horse pushing into the bit, the contact you feel is like a draw on your back, elbows, forearm and handjust like a fish taking the line [image on right]." Mica Mabragaña Illustration by Sandy Rabinowitz This image first appeared in the Fall 2020 issue of Practical Horseman magazine.
11.01.2022 For a solid ten minutes tonight I could of told Noah I would give him a million bucks if he jumped the wave board and he still wouldn’t have done it. So proud of you overcoming your fears mate. You don’t give yourself enough credit! Super riding tonight.
10.01.2022 Hope and legend, being legends. Super upward transition working on not pulling back towards us as we ask for canter, and keeping our outside rein closed to avoid legend drifting out through the shoulder.
09.01.2022 2021 Dates! January and February is already completely booked out with clinics, camps and outside Rally Days. If you or your club/school are starting to plan dates and are thinking you would like me to coach please get in contact ASAP! ***EDIT - March now fully booked also. Up to April for earliest weekend availabilities guys!
09.01.2022 Excited to be holding an introduction to Hacking day with the equestrian team from Aldridge State High School. It will be a great day or learning how to plait and present your horse, ride your workouts and trot your horse up as well as what to do if everything goes wrong or your horse doesn’t want to behave for his workout/class. As let’s face it, we have all be there and it’s terrifying! Especially when you are just getting started. Looking forward to it! ... #kingstonsruralsupplies #tuffrockaustralia
08.01.2022 Remember when you dreamt of being where you are now? Horses don’t run in our family, for a large part of my childhood we were horse free. I remember getting up every day before the rest of my family so I could watch The Saddle Club (it was always on early - could never understand why?! ) and I would dream about one day owning a horse, or pony, or just being able to ride one. Fast forward a few years, I have Bazz, couldn’t do much, had no idea what we were doing, cried eve...ry time I got on and made mum lead me around. But by this time my dream had changed, now I wished I could canter, one day, just like Stevie and Comanche (Saddle Club). Few more years go by, I’m cantering, jumping probably not much more than a pole on the ground, I am literally the best. I use to think that anyway. In that moment, when I was cantering around (felt like flying), I thought I had made it, I was just as good as every other girl I saw riding their horses. Few more years go by (I’m 12 now, we got Milly pictured below) first competition horse, she was gorgeous, I sucked. I would fall off nearly every round, most times before I even got through the start pegs or if I did make it through the start pegs she’d turf me at jump 1. I remember being absolutely terrified jumping the height I am in the picture, terrified! I looked at all the other kids getting ribbons or rugs or even just clear rounds and wished I was one of them. Most of these kids had been riding twice as long as I had, but to me that didnt matter, in my eyes I should of been doing better than I was. I hated horses and I sucked. (If only I knew then what I know now) Fast forward 10 years, my warm up jumps now would be double this in height and I don’t think twice about it. I am still no where near the rider I aspire to be yet, but I owe everything I currently am to all the wonderful horses I had the privledge of owning as a kid. Don’t forget about the times you dreamt about where you are now. Appreciate where you are now and the people and horses who helped get you there. Never take anything for granted. Riding horses isn’t a right, it’s a priviledge. Set goals, admire other riders, don’t compare - you can’t compare yourself to them, you can be better every day, be dedicated, professional, love you horse, thank him no matter the colour of your ribbon, he doesn’t know whether he came 1st or 30th, he doesn’t know if you knock a rail or a barrel you don’t win, he’s trying his hardest day in and day out because he loves you. Always pat your horse and put him away clean, you owe him that. But most importantly, be a good role model - you never know what young riders are looking up to you and dreaming to be you.
08.01.2022 Summer and Cindy practiced their test for Maryborough CT coming up!
08.01.2022 Lessons Wed 23rd Arvo/Night (flatwork) 5.00pm Noah 5.45pm Aivah 6.15pm Alannah 7.00pm Summer... 7.45pm Alyssa 8.15pm Logan 9.00pm Izzy 9.45pm 10.30pm $40 $8 facility fee to be paid to the Showgrounds via nominate or directly to the office during work hours. If you would like to secure one of the above availabilities, give me a holla. Don’t stress if you are unable to do some weeks as there will be riders to take your place. This is only for Wednesday the 23rd. I’ll post the following Wednesday’s times and availabilities the Monday prior. Cheers
07.01.2022 Cross Country lessons this Saturday at Maryborough Showgrounds. Only 8 spots available! First group 9am-11am BOOKED OUT Second group 11am-1pm BOOKED OUT $50 per rider, includes facility fee. ... SAFETY VESTS MUST BE WORN First in best dressed. Payment on the day or bank transfer. These will be my only lessons this weekend as I am fully booked out after privately.
06.01.2022 Thomas in his @horzeaustralasia Parker front and hind boots + Horze sheepskin bell boots. The Parker boots fit really well without over heating his legs. Cleaning is as quick as a wipe over. If you want these, head over to @kingstons_rural_supplies as there are different colours available and they are super affordable! ... #kingstonsruralsupplies #tuffrockaustralia #carratumpark #powerfulsphere #thoroughbred #showjumping #dressage #eventing #equestrian #coach #instructor #horze #horses See more
06.01.2022 Had such a fantastic day teaching some show ring tips and tricks with the kids from Aldridge high.
06.01.2022 A week ago Kev was tense, he was constantly behind the vertical and sucking back, and then there were moments where he pulled so hard down to the ground he’d pull you out of the tack. Anything new or something he was cautious about he would jig jog or just resort to trying to buck Laura off. A trot that was either on the bit or in front of the bit was completely impossible, and relax was a word he didn’t know. Whilst there is both respect and trust issues he also no longer ...enjoyed his riding time as it’s stressful, he gets anxious and he has had a few frights. After a few quick rides and lessons LOOK AT THIS HORSE AND RIDER! How happy is Kev, how easy does he look, how comfortable does Laura Westrop look. Baby steps but in the right direction. We will now only focus on letting him be in front of the bridle, in a relaxed manner, with lots of rewards and big fusses for small achievements. Super proud of this achievement and also Laura’s resilience for trying, tolerating and persisting with such a hard horse for such a long time! Don’t for a second undermine your ability kiddo as there were moments I was certain I was going to hit the deck. Can’t wait to see the improvement over the next few months .
06.01.2022 This is a big win for our horses
05.01.2022 Guess which superstar (Thomas) is hitting the XC course again with this superstar coach and one of my all time favourite people. Thomas, Palmer and I - Burpengary Summer School, noms just opened!!! Can’t wait to see you Rebel Morrow
04.01.2022 To prevent your reins from getting too long or too short ... Think of the rein contact as if you were talking to someone at a comfortable distance across a table. If you expand the distance and stop talking, the person loses attention and becomes distracted. If you suddenly shorten the distance and talk without a break, the person becomes uncomfortable and claustrophobic. Jane Karol Illustration by Sandy Rabinowitz
04.01.2022 Do you love show jumping? I am the show jumping coordinator at HBAR Check out this great clinic open to all. Jump over to our club page for all the details and nomination forms
03.01.2022 The riders aren’t the only ones that enjoy the social side of events. Our horses enjoy it too. Libby and Thomas having a chat after the Thoroughbred 1.20. @thejtaime ... #kingstonsruralsupplies #tuffrockaustralia #teamtuffrock #equineedgerehabilitation #timheebfarrier #lifeafterracing #ott #thoroughbred #showjumping #equestrian #love #frasercoast #herveybay #widebay #myea #coach See more
03.01.2022 Aivah FINALLY back in the saddle after a collar bone break on another pony. Baby Tito only having a handful of work and then a big break - handled the lights, his outing, his little rider, absolutely everything like a pro. So proud of you both Aivah working on using her seat and legs as her main aids. Halting without the use of our reins.
02.01.2022 This weeks lessons Poles this week 5.00 Noah Tyndall 5.45 Aivah Wood 6.30 Laura Westrop... 7.15 Linda 8.00 Jorjalee Sharpe 8.45 Melodee Sharpe 9.30 Avail if you really want it. See more
02.01.2022 My horses all get Tuffrock C+ with a bit of molasses every day after a ride and this is how much they all love it. They also all get EJF every day. They look and feel fantastic. ... #horses #equestrian #showjumping #eventing #thoroughbred #dressage #frasercoast #coach #instructor #herveybay #widebay #carratumpark #tuffrockaustralia #kingstonsruralsupplies #powerfulsphere See more
02.01.2022 One more week until our last comp of the year. Oz Shots
01.01.2022 Lessons are back guys! Here are the first two months dates. Jan 13th-14th 27th-28th... Feb 10th-11th 22nd 23rd - Summer Jump Night Also Availabilities for this week PM Lessons @ $50 each including facility fee! Wednesday 5.00 Noah Tyndall (permanent) 5.45 Aivah Wood (permanent) 6.30 Mik Opitz (permanent) 7.15 Jorja (Linda Permanent after 13th) 8.00 Skye Tanya Ryan (permanent) 8.30 Skye Thursday 5.00 Laura (Skye Hutchen permanent after 13th) 5.45 Linda (Tenessee permanent after 28th) 6.30 Jorjalee (permanent) 7.15 Melodee (permanent) 8.00 Larissa (permanent) 8.30
01.01.2022 Fit Fresh Who wants him? Poor Kasey having to put up with these two idiots.