Carriages with Class in Tamborine, Queensland, Australia | Event planner
Carriages with Class
Locality: Tamborine, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 417 190 511
Address: Verbena Rd 4270 Tamborine, QLD, Australia
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23.01.2022 Glengarry Morgana (aka Moggie) attended her first harness show at Clifton - she’s been out for 18months since I started her. She was unbelievable well behaved ...and took all the scary things with great aplomb. Even with a harness malfunction and serious crash in the arena - nothing phased her. Thanks to groom extraordinary Carol Spann for helping to prepare Moggie and Di Wilkes for the tips for sparkling white legs. Moggie was 2nd in her height class to Graham Wass’s beautiful mare (eventual Supreme winner) she worked solidly and rhythmically - soft and responsive. She has a huge future. As both harness and under saddle. Beautifully bred mare from Catherine Danielle Ashdown. Thank you. See more
23.01.2022 Thank u for all the kind thoughts and offers of help - I am sincerely touched by ur kindness. I have to acknowledge the superb service / treatment I received from the Ambos & ED at Logan Hospital. Update... Oh no oh no ... it’s off to surgery. I Go .... going to Greenslopes today for plates & screws - madeabit of a mess of it - this will ensure best outcome for me ....... so bring it on. More later ... See more
22.01.2022 Mr G - what a big boy - I feel like a midget next to him LOL. ... day one on the tyre drag. After a few hic ups he settled well and & relaxed. Measured him up for his new Jinker. Then his mum took the reins ... ... something to work on this week
21.01.2022 Just fabulous . Stolen from another site - too good to overlook Dear Horse, I love you very much, and I truly cherish your presence in my life. I woul...d never wish to criticize you in any way. However, there are a few trivial details regarding our relationship that I think might bear your consideration. First of all, I am already aware that horses can run faster than I can. ; I do not need you to demonstrate that fact each time I come to get you in from the field. Please remember that I work long and hard to earn the money to keep you in the style to which you have become accustomed. In return, I think you should at least pretend to be glad to see me, even when I’m carrying a bridle instead of a bucket of feed. It should be fairly obvious to you that I am a human being who walks only on two legs. I do not resemble a scratching post. Do not think that when you rub your head against me with 1,000 pounds of force behind it, I believe that it wasn’t your intention to send me flying. I am also aware that stomping on my toes while you are pushing me around is nothing but adding injury to insult. I understand that I cannot expect you to cover your nose when you sneeze, but it would be appreciated if you did not inhale large amounts of dirt and manure prior to aiming your sneezes at my face and shirt. Also, if you have recently filled your mouth with water you do not intend to drink, please let it all dribble from your mouth BEFORE you put your head on my shoulder. In addition, while I know you despise your worming medication, my intentions in giving it to you are good, and I really do not think I should be rewarded by having you spit half of it back out onto my shirt. Sometimes, I get the feeling that you are confused about the appropriate roles you should play in various situations. One small bit of advice: Your stone-wall imitation should be used when I am mounting and your speed-walker imitation when I suggest that we proceed on our way, not vice versa. Please also understand that jumping is meant to be a mutual endeavour. By mutual I mean that we are supposed to go over the jump together.. You were purchased to be a mount, not a catapult. I know the world is a scary place when your eyes are on the sides of your head, but I did spend a significant amount of money to buy you, and I have every intention of protecting that investment. Therefore, please consider the following when you are choosing the appropriate behaviour for a particular situation: When I put your head collar on you, attach one end of a lead rope to the head collar, and tie the other end of the lead rope to a post or ring or whatever, I am indicating a desire for you to remain in that locale. I would also like said head collar, lead rope, post, etc., to remain intact. While I admit that things like sudden loud noises can be startling, I do not consider them to be acceptable excuses for repeatedly snapping expensive new lead ropes (or head collars or posts) so that you can run madly around the yard creating havoc in your wake. Such behaviour is not conducive to achieving that important goal that I know we both share decreasing the number of times the veterinarian comes out to visit you. By the same token, the barn aisle was not designed for the running of the Derby and is not meant to serve as a racetrack. Dragging me down the aisle in leaps and bounds is not how leading is supposed to work, even if someone happens to drop a saddle on the floor as we’re passing. Pulling loose and running off is also discouraged (although I admit it does allow you to run faster). I assure you that blowing pieces of paper do not eat horses. While I realise you are very athletic, I do not need a demonstration of your ability to jump 25 feet sideways from a standing start while swapping ends in midair, nor am I interested in your ability to emulate both a racehorse and a bucking bronco while escaping said piece of paper. Also, if the paper were truly a danger, it would be the height of unkindness to dump me on the ground in front of it as a sacrificial offering to expedite your escape. When I ask you to cross a small stream, you may safely assume that said stream does not contain crocodiles, sharks, or piranhas, nor will it be likely to drown you. (I have actually seen horses swimming, so I know it can be done.) I expect you to be prepared to comply with the occasional request to wade across some small body of water. Since I would like to be dry when we reach the other side of the stream, deciding to roll when we’re halfway across is not encouraged behaviour. I give you my solemn oath that the trailer is nothing but an alternative means of transportation for distances too long for walking. It is not a lion’s den or a dragon’s maw, nor will it magically transform into such. It is made for horses, and I promise you that you will indeed fit into your assigned space. Please also bear in mind that I generally operate on a schedule, for wherever we are going, I would really like to get there today. For the last time, I do not intend to abandon you to a barren, friendless existence. If I put you in a turn-out paddock, I promise that no predators will eat you, and I will come back in due time to return you to your stable. It is not necessary to run in circles, whinny pathetically, threaten to jump the fence, or paw at the gate. Neither your stable mates nor I will have left the premises. The other horses standing peacefully in adjacent paddocks amply demonstrate that it is possible to enjoy being turned out for exercise. Finally, in closing, my strong and gentle companion, I would like to point out that, whatever might happen between horses and their people, we humans will always love you. In fact, our bonds with you help create new bonds among ourselves, even with total strangers. Wherever there are horses, there will be horse people, and for the blessings you bestow upon us, we thank you. Most sincerely yours, Your human
21.01.2022 Today Ms W’s first day in the breaker vehicle - not without an oh shit moment or two ... she’s a very clever pony and learned very quickly it was easier to cross her legs to turn and shaft than to just stop. Gently gently we go.
20.01.2022 Day 1 of orientation - no calm stationary stop / turn on both reins ... not ready for a vehicle! Ms W trying hard to please.
20.01.2022 My much awaited first outing with my Andalusian X Ollie under saddle at the Tanya Mitton mindset clinic was everything I hoped it would be. He was extremely well behaved and took all the new stimuli in his stride - outside arena birds flying under his nose resulted a couple of little spooks - indoor arena he was sure the sprinklers were going to eat him but settled and worked calmly and settled.... his favourite activity .... standing still lol This was only our first rid...e out of the roundyard and 4 since he arrived from NSW He’s also progressing well in harness. I couldn’t have done it without special people who encourage and support me - Fiona Strachan for being my wing man & Kim Bathard for the loan of her lovely Luc Childric saddle which fitted him like a glove (& now I want one) Stephen Crawford for removing Ollies kinks and ensuring he was happy, comfortable and safe to ride - Dalton Park for organising the clinic (indoor - it was bloody hot outside) and of course Tanya Mitton for providing a clinic that gave me the needed kick in the bum to keep riding ... just because I can, and Ollie for tolerating my at times unbalanced riding without complaining ... onward and upward
19.01.2022 6 weeks since I snapped my wrist & ive been very very good (well mostly) ortho today was pleased then dropped the bomb shell it’s 50% repaired and at your age breaks take longer- a large chunk of reality bit hard I always thought I was bulletproof - outcome no horse / activities for another 6 /8 weeks - I was devastated. I was hoping for a leave pass. It’s really hard now we can drive again to sit in the sidelines - I did sit in with a couple of students and the temptation to grab the reins was immense (and only did it once) but I know if I damage the wrist again it will be 6-12 months. Ce la vie
19.01.2022 Big Mr Gordy - day 1 out of the round yard dragging the tyre - winding around the trees - working both left & right rein and cementing his downward transitions to halt. Smooth and sensible. He needs lots more ground work before the vehicle is introduced. Watch out Gordy - school hols ... lots of extra work for u!
19.01.2022 Finally the correct explanation ....
18.01.2022 New driver Farmer Jude driving ever reliable Cookie - enjoying the road drive .. third lesson doing so well.
18.01.2022 Super Hero’s Show - 10th November 2019 - Sponsors Welcome - Fun Show for ridden horses and ponies - enclosed separate ring for new/assisted ponies & riders. ... All ages, any saddlery - simple single rein bridle - no spurs. No plaiting/jackets required. Hack classes, games and novelty led classes. FANCY DRESS - theme super hero. Ribbons and prizes for all classes 10th November 2019 - PROGRAM OUT 14/10 Jimboomba Equine Carriage Club grounds - crn Cusack & Henderson Rd Jimboomba. 9am start 12.30 - carriage driving demonstration of cone driving. Extensive menu fully catered. All enquires via fb page please Hope to see u there. . PLEASE SHARE
17.01.2022 Thank u to @Anika Green from @4GoldEquestrian for coming out to ride the beautiful Friesian Sporthorse Kohinoor Park Sylk after her spell. Bess behaved impeccably and will be in the market soon.
16.01.2022 Surgery went well - plates & screws to hold me together - certainly puts all plans on hold for a while. Typing with one finger on my left hand is slow!!! Thank u for all the kind wishes. from everyone. Greenslopes Hospital was amazing and i came home with treasure trove of drugs.
15.01.2022 Can 2020 get any worse ... crushed in float yesterday - result ambo ride - to A&E - broken wrist - specialist visit Wed (not good) Many thanks to Jo and others from Jimboomba Pony Club who assisted with first aid and keeping me comfortable. Sorry I didn’t get names I was a bit out of it - but greatly appreciated. That stuffs my plans for awhile.... bugger.
14.01.2022 Merry Christmas to family, friends & clients Some my ponies do anything for food even wear silly hats - Have a great day
14.01.2022 I tried to get Bessie to pose in her new rug - this was her response !
11.01.2022 I think Ollie is bored waiting for me to heal and thinks if I stand here long enuf maybe she’ll take me out. Sorry bud a few more weeks.
10.01.2022 I have had the pleasure/ challenge of starting an 8 yr old stallion pure bred Caspian Horse Jasenna Qadash foaled 25 Sept 2012 bred by Jenne Timbs. Jasenna ...Stud on his harness journey. For an 8 year old stallion who had never left home he was initially a little over whelmed - so many things happening here - being rugged and bathed, tractors, cars, dogs, cats, and peppa pig. Noises, bells, water bottle and so many straps. And that strap around his bum ... boy could he buck !!! 3 weeks in he’s calmly walking dragging shafts around the property thru the tree past scary monsters and up and down the road. Ready for the vehicle. Settled into such a nice horse. See more
10.01.2022 Classes for everyone and all ponies come & join the fun.
10.01.2022 Huge thank u to Aunty Ang from Love a Dog & Love a Pet for visiting us for a personal fitting of Bessies new oilskin coat. Fits perfectly and so warm.
08.01.2022 Nothing gladdens my heart like being with a new driver and their new carriage pony for their first drive together. Congratulation Lindy & Willow ... ... onwards and upwards. You did so well - but it helps to breathe and keep your hands together !! LoL
05.01.2022 What a beautiful way to spend a sunny Sunday morning. Driving beautiful Majestic Dorado for his first road trip - his next step in his carriage experience. Fiona Strachan was on the reins and even a couple of tiny hiccups - they both did exceptionally well. Such a lovely willing pony. Who will give Fiona her dream.
04.01.2022 Competition now closed! Congratulations to our winner Kaitlyn McNall! Huge thank you to everyone who has entered! Keep your eyes peeled for more competitions co...ming in the future! WIN A FULL FINER EQUINE TACK LUGGAGE RANGE! . We are giving one lucky winner a Bridle Bag, pair of Stirrup Covers and their choice of Saddle Cover (GP or Dressage)! . To enter: Like our page, share this post and tag a friend! . You DO NOT need to follow a link to claim a prize, we are aware of a fraudulent account trying to redirect people to another site, please do not follow this link. . Entries close at midnight on Monday 31st August! . Visit for full T&Cs
03.01.2022 Finally the answer to all my problems lol
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