Casa da Vovo in Burleigh in Burleigh Heads, Queensland | Business service
Casa da Vovo in Burleigh
Locality: Burleigh Heads, Queensland
Phone: +61 402 326 032
Address: Warrina Cresc 4220 Burleigh Heads, QLD, Australia
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24.01.2022 Dia muito especial na Casa da Vov in Burleigh: piscina, lanchinho, Artes de hoje (fazendo mais cartoes de Natal) e duas novidades! Nossa caixa de areia ficou pronta e nossos bebes-bonecas ganharam roupas novas!
24.01.2022 Look what a beautiful sandpit! Made by my favourite engineer! Very professional! By the bamboo shade... Thank you Vovô Peter!
23.01.2022 The sandpit was a success not only for the little ones... I had again a mother asking if there would be an adult session. I'm starting to seriously think of setting up a"Grownupgarden"... kkkkk What do you think?
23.01.2022 Christmas is coming... Production accelerated!
20.01.2022 Obrigado a todos que, de várias formas, fizeram dessa noite um momento tao gostoso!
20.01.2022 E comecamos a fazer nossos cartoes de Natal. Mutio especiais, em "3D".
20.01.2022 E mais ceramicas. As pecas tem ganchos atras, e podem ser penduradas na parede, ou usadas numa mesa como decoracao. Ai, ai... estamos bem contentes com nossa producao.
20.01.2022 Casa da Vovo in Burleigh
20.01.2022 Sabe aquela infância que alguns lembram e outros sonham? Com dois ou três amigos ou primos emprestados ou de verdade, de todas as idades, em paz, com momentos de silencio outros de gritaria de alegria... com liberdade de ficar na mesma atividades por horas, sem ser interrompido com regras e horários... sem competião, sem comparaão... brincar com lama... brincar de comidinha, com coisa da cozinha de verdade... lamber a tijela da massa de bolo... rir, danar... tirar um coc...hilo, se adormecer enquanto ouve histórias que a vovó conta... fazer casinha de caixa de papelão, ou casinha embaixo da mesa... ouvir msica classica e outras músiquinhas das quais reconhecem a letra... tomar um banho de banheirinha no jardim, com água esquentada pelo sol... ganhar um colinho... brincar sozinho também... correr a volta da casa... brincar de pique... esconde-esconde... mergulhar na piscina... fazer muita Arte e artezanato... cantar... Pois é... Estava falando da Casa da Vovó! See more
19.01.2022 CASA DA VOVÓ IS OPENING NEW GROUPS AND TIMETABLE IN 2017 Learning a second language at an early age develops our brain in ways that facilitate, later in life, the learning of language in general and much more. We’ll have group games, songs, art and play times when we’ll be using Portuguese. The children who are learning Portuguese will learn it naturally as they did with English: spontaneously, in real-life situations. Occasionally English can be used if a child or I feel th...e need. The aim is to improve not only their Portuguese language but also their social, artistic, physical and emotional skills through all the activities, toys and daily routine. As the number of children is very small, booking your child in advance will guarantee its placement. Please feel free to arrange a visit to Casa da Vovó. Below you find some important information to consider when making your decision. Groups and Timetable: Group Colinho da Vovó Age: 3 to 5 years old The aim is to complement the kindy week with one day at Casa da Vovó to learn or to boost the use of Portuguese language. BYO fruit, lunch and snacks, please. Maximum of 4 children per session. Available days: TUE, WED and THU Time: 8am to 3pm in sessions of 2 and 3 hours. Sessions available: 8-10am, 10am-12pm (2 hours blocks), 12-15pm (3 hours block) Each session will offer songs, group game, art activities and free play. Minimum of 2 hours and maximum of 7. Minimum of 2 children to open sessions. Groups Casa da Vovó The aim with the older children is to have, for 2 hours after school, a very creative and inspiring art time, while learning or improving the Portuguese language. Maximum of 6 children. Group I Age: 5 to 8 years old Available day: TUESDAYS Time: 3:30 to 5:30 pm Group II Age: 8 to 10 years old Available day: THURSDAYS Time: 3:30 to 5:30 pm Group III Age: 10 years old on Available day: SATURDAYS Time: 9:30 to 11:30am School Holidays and Pupil Free Days Age: 3 to 10 years old. Maximum of 7 children. Available days: TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and THURSDAYS Times: from 8 am to 5 pm BYO fruit, lunch & snacks, please. Please contact me if you wish to visit or book Casa da Vovó for your children in 2017. Facebook or email: [email protected] COSTS, PRICES AND PAYMENT METHODS: GROUP Colinho da Vovó SESSIONS: $20 per 2-hour session $30 per 3-hour session $50 per whole day (5+ hours) Payment methods: prior to commencement, total per term. Makeup day/session available. No refund. GROUP I, II and III 2-HOUR SESSIONS: $20 per 2-hour session $15 fee for material per Term.
18.01.2022 Ooops! A ultima!
17.01.2022 The new corners and special new things Vovo is making and organizing for the Little ones are getting ready, bit by bit... Not all is done but soon will be. And on 3rd of January the group named "Colinho da Vovo" (3 to 5 years for the old whole day) will begin. Looking forward to having them at Casa Da Vovó Burleigh!
16.01.2022 I know... I know... it's terrible! We can't do much about that... So let's look at this instead! Very interesting and it's all about what we do at Casa da Vovo in Burleigh! Art Influences Learning
15.01.2022 The week went well with some nice activities and fun rehearsing for the party!
14.01.2022 Mais ceramica saindo do forno! Sempre uma surpresa: "Olha como ficou o azul! Mas... Cade o verde, Vovo?"
14.01.2022 Casa da Vovo in Burleigh is nearly ready and beautiful for the Colinho da Vovo groups (3-5y.o). Sanpit, mud-kitchen, lots of little corners to explore and discover, built huts with bamboo and string, lots of art and fun - while learning and practicing Portuguese. Learning a second language at an early age develops our brain in ways that facilitate, later in life, the learning of language in general and much more. We’ll have group games, songs, art and play times when we’ll be... using Portuguese. The children who are learning Portuguese will learn it naturally as they did with English: spontaneously, in real-life situations. Occasionally English can be used if a child or I feel the need. As the number of children is very small, booking your child in advance will guarantee its placement. Please feel free to arrange a visit to Casa da Vovó. Below you find some important information to consider when making your decision. Group Colinho da Vovó Age: 3 to 5 years old The aim is to complement the kindy week with one day at Casa da Vovó to learn or to boost the use of Portuguese language. BYO fruit, lunch and snacks, please. Maximum of 4 children per session. Available days: TUE, WED and THU Time: 8am to 3pm in sessions of 2 and 3 hours. Sessions available: 8-10am, 10am-12pm and 3-15pm (a little adjustment here) Each session will offer songs, group game, art activities and free play. * NOW on WEDNESDAYS children can stay umtil 5pm. Minimum of 2 hours and maximum of 7. Minimum of 2 children to open sessions.
13.01.2022 Casa da Vovó is ready to start this New Year. It’s full of new things to play inside and around the house and a bunch of new ideas for Art, craft and to practice Portuguese. The groups are filling up, since I can’t have more than 4 children under 5 years old and no more than 6 children in total. The groups for under-5 are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30/8am to 3pm, and on Wednesdays from 7:30/8am to 5pm. The school children groups are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3/3:3...0 to 5:30pm. The group for 11-on is on Saturdays from 9:30 to 11:30. Have a great 2017! See more
12.01.2022 End of year is coming... But before that, school holidays! At Casa da Vovo in Burleigh we will be having a lot of fun on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: 13, 14 & 15 Dec, 20, 21 & 22 Dec. In January "Colinho da Vovo" for kids from 3 to 5, begins: also Tue, Wed and Thu, together with the older ones. Our Mud Kitchen will be ready, sand pit, and a new look in our "salinha". As I ccept only 6 kids, all together, please contact me to book your child. The school holidays will b...e 3 weeks in January. Schools re-start on the 23rd Jan. Have a nice week! See more
11.01.2022 E outras novidades pros pequetitos e pros nao tao pequenos assim! And some more new things for the tiny one and for the not so tiny!
09.01.2022 Então Nosso primeiro dia foi molhado mas um sucesso. Minha pequetitas tiveram uma irmã mais velha e a Lola pra brincar, exploraram algumas das Caixas-de-Brincar que a Vovó tem, cantaram, riram,pintaram, ouviram uma história que a Vovó contou, tiraram um cochilo bem gostoso e acordaram pra brincar ainda mais!
04.01.2022 Today was our last party of the year. All about circus. It was fantastic! They presented a full program including singing and acting (in Portuguese, of course!), dancing, acrobatics, training dog, duo playing violin & cello and pantomime. They were funny and very "professional". I wish to thank you all who took the time, the planning and the commitment to be here bringing your children, your smiles and such yummy food!
01.01.2022 Answering some questions about Casa da Vovo in Burleigh, here is a summary of its timetable: Morning Outdoors activities: Free choice among sandpit, mud kitchen, games, building blocks, puzzles, cars/train/tracks, dolls and/or activities with Vovó like science, math and Brazilian childhood games. Morning tea.... Indoors activities: group in circle for songs, chants, rhymes, hugs-in-a-ring and Art & Craft (most outdoors). Outdoors: free play, clean up, tidy up. Lunch. Afternoon: Indoors activities: resting time: warm towel for faces, stretching, breathing, resting eye lids and story Vovó tells or reads. Free individual & quiet play/work. Tidy up, pack up ready to go.. Outdoors: afternoon tea. Indoors/outdoors: puppet show, book dramatized or video in Portuguese. TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS PICK UP TIME AT 3pm. Afternoon (continuation): Indoors activities: baking, sewing or drawing. Outdoors activities: free play, tidy up, pack up ready to go. Indoors activities: group games. WEDNESDAYS PICK UP TIME AT 5pm.
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