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Milestones Early Learning Cranbourne in Cranbourne, Victoria | Nursery

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Milestones Early Learning Cranbourne

Locality: Cranbourne, Victoria

Phone: +61 3 5996 9066

Address: 270 Narre Warren - Cranbourne Rd 3977 Cranbourne, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 In our online learning, we read the book called In my Heart, athis book discussed feelings. After the story, we extended children’s learning by offering activities to enable them to discuss and express their feelings Children who learn how to understand emotions in themselves and others are better able to regulate their own responses to strong emotions.

24.01.2022 Rockyroadville, it has begun!! Feel free to grab an unpainted Rock from the garden and bring it back for Rockyroadville.

23.01.2022 Today we are celebrating Early Childhood Educator's Day - recognising the work of Australia's Early Childhood Educators! We want to highlight the incredible work of our passionate and nurturing team. Thank you for all you do to support our little lifelong learners. Do you have an amazing educator you want to thank? Comment below!

23.01.2022 Come dressed up tomorrow for our costume day, in celebration of halloween. If you would like to bring a book that matches your costume then please feel free! Please check story park for individual room acitvites and notices regarding tomorrow

22.01.2022 Can you guess what’s happening to our yards?! That’s right! YARD UPGRADES! We are excited to see the finish results

21.01.2022 Lots of remote learning happening. Children logging in from home to participate in the Sink and Float for Toddlers and nursery. Setting up a Floating and Sinking Learning Tray will invite them to play, experiment, and explore how and why different objects float and sink when placed into water. Through their observations, they'll learn that buoyant objects float and dense objects sink. Flipgrid learning for Pre Kinder and Kinder. Luca participating in the mould experiment remote learning at home. Pre Kinder and Kinder families and children are all enjoying the Flipgrid platform, it is great to see all the learning taking place.

21.01.2022 Ensuring children are safe, supported and respected is everybodies business!

21.01.2022 Activities you can do at home:- 1. Soapy Slippery Slime You don't need to source a big list of materials and follow complicated directions to make non-toxic Easy Slime. Safe to use with baby and toddler. What you will need..... 3 cups lux flakes (or any pure soap grated) Around 2.5 litres of warm to hot water, you may need more or less Glitter if you want to make sparkly slime. Food colouring if you want to make coloured soap slime. Whisks or egg beaters to mix it together and froth up Large tub or bucket for mixing What to do next Add lux flakes (or grated soap bars) to your bucket. If you plan to use the container you mix in as a sensory play tray then I suggest using a shallower tub so more children can access the slime at once the water trough works well. A large shallow tray placed flat on the grass or floor works well for the younger children especially if not confident standing and walking yet. When you have your soap in the bucket or tub you want to use carefully add the warm water (use only warm if doing this part with the children). Mix together using the whisks or beater and then I like to leave overnight or at least for a few hours as the mix will go beautifully thick and this way you can tell if you need to add more water or more flakes to get the consistency you desire. Add food colouring if you want at this stage or just keep white. Because it is a soap base it washes off easily when it is time to clean up and will keep in a covered container for quite a while if you keep it relatively free of other matter! Food dye will wash out of clothes easily. See more

20.01.2022 Daffodil Day. This experience helps children to broaden their understanding of the world in which they live, It allows children to express their thoughts and creativity through art whilst also developing fine motor and pre-writing skills.

19.01.2022 Rockyroadville, The outcome of this experience: involving all children and families Home/Online Learning: If you have rocks at home you can offer this community experience to your children. You can apply different art mediums - such as permanent markers, paints, glitter, materials, get creative. Getting everyone involved allows children and families to feel a sense of belonging.

18.01.2022 We are pleased to announce that Milestones Early Learning Cranbourne will be extending our 2020 Fee Freeze. This year has been tough for our entire community, and we are committed to supporting our children and families with access to high quality early education and care. Priority family bookings are being confirmed now for 2021, please contact us on the below link

17.01.2022 Did you know that we have a new centre manager starting with us on Monday?! Jess is very excited to meet you all and cannot wait to support the educators and families of Milestones Cranbourne

17.01.2022 Rockyroadville taking shape. Our Green Room Lead Educator Janine and her children Ann and David who used to attend our centre creating beautiful art rocks for our rocky community at home. So wonderful to see it all taking place.

17.01.2022 Summer Program is coming! Our educators and teachers are running a variety of extended programs and plenty of summer-themed fun and learning! Book in your additional Summer Program days directly in-centre or via KindyNow.

17.01.2022 Supporting children's learning, Kinder children at home joined a Zoom session with their peers. Topic: Threading with straws. Colour recognition Patterns Cognitive development... Things you need are: 1. Different coloured straws And string/thread or pipe cleaners. The session focused on hand and eye coordination together with making 2-3 colour patterns on different coloured straws. You can use beads or buttons to do threading as well. See more

15.01.2022 Wishing all the special people in your life a wonderful day.

13.01.2022 Father’s Day craft ideas to do at home (Home/Online Learning) Here is some creative and easy Father’s day card idea's for children to make for their dad's/special person at home. Print the templates and children can fill in/colour for the special person in their life.

12.01.2022 Does your child attend our Kindergarten program or are you interested in finding more out about it for 2021? Have you got questions such as, what will my child learn in a Kindergarten program, Has my child missed out on learning opportunities because of COVID-19, how can I best prepare my child for Primary School? We are hosting a free Kindergarten Information session for all exisiting and new families who want to know more!

10.01.2022 Today in our winter program we did some weather watching. Perfect conditions for this, a typical Melbourne day with rain, sunshine, and wind. The children often enjoy watching out the window, observing the trees blow in the wind, rain trickle down the windows and birds wander around the yard. This experience encourages children to observe the weather and recognize changes in weather conditions. It also promotes language development as they engage with their peers and around them. Remote/ Home learning. Sit by a window or venture outside and talk about what you can see, smell, and hear with your child. Encourage them to use their voice and experiment with language, while role modelling words to them.

10.01.2022 The busy season is coming! Book your casual days in advance up until the end of January 2021. Book via the KindyNow app, or in-centre.

07.01.2022 It’s fairy bread day! Fairy bread day supports mental health of our Australian youth To find out more visit

06.01.2022 Did you know our centre uses Storypark to keep families connected to their child's learning, development and fun whilst with us? Storypark is a safe and secure platform to share videos, photos and special moments. And best of all, it's free for parents! If you haven't already signed up, contact us and we will get you set up.

05.01.2022 Zoom Class Ella joined the online learning and created a chalk painting of Dinosaurs, it is great to see all the children online ready to participate and learn. Topic: DIY chalk paint. Materials needed Chalk ... Hammer or rolling pins Zip loc bags Water. Place chalk in Ziplock bag Crush thoroughly Place crushed chalk into a bowl or cup Slowly add water mixing well. Mix to a smooth paint. You are good to go !! See more

04.01.2022 Purple Room Pre Kinder children have been exploring the story of Where is The Very Hungry caterpillar. This has led to many opportunities supporting numeracy, literacy and problem-solving skills. Chloe participated while at home extending her learning by creating a diorama about the story.

03.01.2022 The Pre Kinder and Kinder families we will be doing a combined Zoom session today. Topic: Numbers Sorting and Categorising, matching, and number recognition. This is an extension of the learning currently on Flipgrid. Looking forward to seeing all our friends joining from home.

02.01.2022 30 Day Photo Challenge We have had so much "serious fun" in our 30-day photo challenge. The children now have control of the camera and we will add photo's taken by them. #smile #seriousfun #throughachildseye

01.01.2022 'Putting children first' was front of mind when National Child Protection Week was first launched 30 years ago, and it remains as important today. Our centre is proud to operate under the same mantra, with childrens' wellbeing and safety always being priority.

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