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Rotary Castlemaine
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24.01.2022 Thanks to The Rotary Club of Melbourne we were invited today to hear Victorian Chief Health Officer Professor Brett Sutton speak. Brett spoke about his respect for Rotary particularly in its tenacious quest to eliminate Polio. He also spoke of the profound challenges Stage 4 Lock down presented with its own harms aside from Covid-19. Worldwide, the virus has infected 25,000,000 and killed nearly 1,000,000 'and we're only six months in'. Brett is becoming more optimistic with less than 100 cases per day now in Victoria and with a good chance of an effective vaccine in 6 months. Thank you Brett, an interesting way to spend an hour.
24.01.2022 A great opportunity. You're invited!
23.01.2022 Last night, our speaker was Jodie Pillinger from Blume’s bakery, Harcourt. Jodie and her husband Dave must love a challenge! Having done up 3 houses in Melbourne, the old Blume home with Scotch oven attached was appealing though near derelict. Despite the oven's disrepair, it drew the family to the site. Jodie having spent holidays in the country, was keen on a tree change from Melbourne’s far south east. A big broken wood oven added to the appeal. The beautiful old house o...n the same block of course played a part. Although always loving cooking, Jodie was no baker. She not only learned the craft of sourdough bread; she and Dave repaired the oven. The walls of the old bakery were crumbled, the building was damp, and the chimney had completely collapsed into the oven. White flakes were falling off the building from a past lime wash, while the original ceiling had been covered by a later render. It took them a year to do the restoration. It appeared they’d had trouble with the oven prior to stopping using, as there were a few obvious faults. The whole building has been given new life by the work they have done. But the bakery’s history still shines through, with its original fittings and fixtures set off by the careful work. Jodie said they have kept things as original as they can. The Scotch Oven is at least 143 year old, uses wood for fuel, and takes up an entire wall. Jodie thinks it could probably fit 300 loaves. The oven has stood at the site since the early 1900s, where it fed the Harcourt district with bread. But it's older than that. It was originally built at Barkers Creek, at least 143 years ago. The business was always known as Blumes' Bakery, after the family who owned it. And it’s not just the oven that’s been revived. The bakery itself is springing back to life, producing bread for the first time since 1967. Up until recently, the public could buy bread direct on Saturdays and Sundays from what is Harcourt's only bakery. Jodie and Dave have just obtained a Commercial permit, an extremely onerous process which will keep them busy with modifications for a while. Jodie said, We weren’t really sure what we were going to do with the oven other than get it going and maybe make some food for ourselves, but I just started this journey of making bread. Jodie with her family’s help has made up to 120 loaves a day. We look forward to buying and enjoying when Blume’s is up and running again. Thank you Jodie Pics and some text courtesy of Bendigo Advertiser Feb 16 2019
23.01.2022 We joined a great 'Zoom' meeting tonight courtesy of Rotary Eaglehawk. They had a speaker tonight from the Rotary Speaker Bank, Mike Dorahy. He spoke about "Epic Journeys - Cross-Continental Expeditions in Australia and the USA" featuring the Burke and Wills and the Lewis and Clark expeditions which were both amazing feats of stamina and courage.... Mike's talk outlined the rationale for each expedition and reviewed the parallels and contrasts while highlighting some of the incredible events which occurred during these treks. Fascinating stuff. There were four Castlemaine Rotarians who enjoyed the experience and we're now talking about a Zoom dinner party on Saturday 15th.
19.01.2022 A wonderful post from our sister club, The Rotary Club of Banchory-Ternon in Scotland. The table and bench ends were beautifully crafted at the Foundry of Rotarian, Max Billman.
18.01.2022 Quietly working in our Community to promote safe driving and increased awareness in young drivers.
18.01.2022 Good for any of Life's aspects.
18.01.2022 This is a great initiative for all during Covid-19 lockdowns. A way of exercising and having some company.
17.01.2022 Sewing machines safely delivered to Sisterworks Bendigo. Ginny Thomas not there but Leah was very grateful to receive them, especially when one of the sewer's machines had broken down. Of course our thanks goes to Castlemaine Secondary College & Denise Rhule, textile teacher for her fabulous organisation, making sure the machines were working and sending spare parts & manuals. Rotary Castlemaine is always happy to use Community networks and resources for this meaningful reusing and recycling of resources.
16.01.2022 On Thursday, a group of us shifted trailer loads of furniture and unneeded equipment from Castlemaine Secondary College to the AutoPlex complex for safe storage prior to distribution or sale. This was a big day but once again, RCC is delighted to be involved in this sort of recycling. All of these chairs, tables and even stoves would have otherwise been sent to landfill. We’re thankful that Rotarian Lyn Ellery is on site to ensure RCC is kept in the loop. We’re also extremely... grateful to Denise Rhule, textile teacher who texted me with these magic words, As promised, I now have some sewing machines ready to collect. I had expected more, but when I sorted through, pinched parts from some and finally put these together, there were only 8 in total. We chucked out 15!!! Didn’t realise how many were busted. Of these 8, they have manuals, lots of spare parts, and are very clean and ready to go. If Rotary are still interested.. We couldn’t get there quick enough and we’re so grateful that Denise took the time to ensure they were complete and fully functional. These 8 machines will be taken by Lyndal next week to Ginny Thomas (recent speaker) at SisterWorks in Bendigo. SisterWorks is a not-for-profit social enterprise, based in Melbourne (and Bendigo). "Through work and entrepreneurship, our mission is to support women who are refugees, asylum seekers or migrants to improve their confidence, mental wellbeing and sense of belonging. Our Vision: An Australia where all migrant women are given the opportunities to become economically empowered. Currently, SisterWorks is making beautiful facemasks. See more
15.01.2022 Derek Guille - My Career on the Wireless. Much-loved former ABC Radio Melbourne & Victoria broadcaster Derek Guille is our Rotary Castlemaine Speaker (via Zoom) at 7.00pm TONIGHT Wednesday 9 September (check you email for the link sent by Kerry Anderson). John Tozer will be chairing.
15.01.2022 Under difficult circumstances, Rotary Castlemaine is thinking outside the box. Look here for this fabulous ‘pivot ‘. There is something here for everyone.
12.01.2022 We should never forget this terrible disease and its legacy. Rotary’s campaign End Polio Now is nearly there.
12.01.2022 START planning for next Sunday 29 November! A reverse truck convoy will commence at 9.00am along the main road of Campbell's Creek, continue along Johnstone Street and then north up Barker Street. Plenty of places to spread out and cheer the truckies on in an extraordinary year. And, please consider supporting Rotary with a small donation through this link so we can keep doing good for our community.
12.01.2022 Thought for the day.
11.01.2022 HISTORY OF TRANSPORT IN THE MOUNT ALEXANDER SHIRE - 7pm Weds 25 Nov. We commence our tribute to the trucking industry this Wednesday evening with a sneak preview of the Castlemaine Pioneers & Old Residents' 2021 exhibition on local transport. Some fascinating stories such as this one from Leech Transport, the first ever load of apples delivered by road from Harcourt coolstores to Brisbane in 1949. Round trip took 2 weeks. The truck is a 1948 International Model KB 8 Rotarians will receive the zoom link by email and anyone interested is welcome to join us. Just message us for the details.
11.01.2022 We are delighted to welcome Anita Jack as our special guest speaker TONIGHT (Weds 12 August) with the story behind the making of Dai Gum Loong, Bendigo’s latest imperial dragon, featuring never before seen time lapse photographs. Jane Anderson is in the chair. Castlemaine Rotarians please check your inboxes for a Zoom invitation sent yesterday by Kerry Anderson. If you would like to join us as a guest please contact us for the link. (Photo courtesy of Bendigo Advertiser)
10.01.2022 Some more good advice from our elders.
09.01.2022 7pm this coming Wednesday 25 Nov we are in for a treat as the Castlemaine Pioneers & Old Residents' Association give us a sneak preview of their exhibition The History of Transport in the Mount Alexander Shire. What a perfect lead up to the Truck Convoy! A Zoom link will be emailed to all Rotarians beforehand. Guests are most welcome so feel free to inbox us for the link if you'd like to join us.
09.01.2022 We had a fabulous meeting last night with 30 Rotarians and friends attending. This included visitors from Rotary further up the line in Bendigo and Rochester. That is one big (and only?) advantage of Zoom; easy, world wide access. All tuned in to our 2 weekly Rotary Castlemaine Zoom meeting and to hear ex ABC Radio announcer Derek Guille talk about his career on 'the wireless'. Derek started by describing his early connection to Rotary which was as an exchange student in 1969...-70 with an African American family in Minneapolis USA. He spoke at a Rotary lunchtime meeting where he was introduced as a student from 'Switzerland'. "The Chairman thought that surely I must have been from Austria and not all the way from Australia; he covered his bases (he thought) with Switzerland". A description of Derek's wonderful career in Radio can be found at many sources. He described the personal side, "I learnt from listening and from doing" and learned to interview from David Attenborough. After asking 3 exquisitely crafted questions, Derek realised the interview was as boring as batshit, threw away the questions and listened, questioned and conversed explaining that the Interviewer should just disappear. His unforgettable experience was 2 weeks on the road, doing outside broadcasts with just his producer around the time and the affected places of Black Saturday in February 2009. Derek was awarded ABC Broadcaster of the year for this work. Derek loves Castlemaine and its Arts Community. He loves that of his music group The Ugly Uncles, 6 of the 8 performers now live here. Thank you Derek, we love you. See more
08.01.2022 Have you seen the short listed entries in our inaugural 2020 Castlemaine Truck Show Photo Competition? You don't have to be a truckie to pick a favourite. Watch the video, select your favourite numbered photo, then vote using this link: The winner with the most votes (excluding those already awarded a prize) will receive the People's Choice prize of a classic photograph donated by Chapman's of Castlemaine. Voting closes at midnight on Friday 27 November, 2020. The results will be announced at 2pm during our online event on Sunday 29 November.
04.01.2022 Today, with all Covid-19 social distancing conditions in hand, Peggy Ronnau was inducted into Rotary Castlemaine in, with ironic placement, the Rotary Commemorative Rotunda in the Castlemaine Botanic gardens. With a Bachelor Degree in Social Science and a keen interest in community wellbeing, the latest addition to Rotary Castlemaine, Peggy brings with her a great knowledge of the services sector. Peggy is a long term and now retired Manager in the ‘not for profit’ sector. Pe...ggy has long been an advocate for improved mental services and has worked with homeless people in inner Melbourne who experience mental illness and in the Local Government sector. She has not let the grass grow under her feet since moving to Castlemaine and is the current Chair of the Castlemaine Health Board of Management and regularly plays golf. Welcome Peggy; pictured here with President Christine Barkla, sponsor Jane Anderson and Membership Director Hugh Forrest. See more
03.01.2022 On Wednesday night, we had another great speaker at our Zoom meeting, Robert Weibringhaus. Robert was a Rotary exchange student from Germany to Castlemaine in 2004. He is originally from Hamm in Germany but has since studied and worked in Vienna, Berlin and now Munich in pursuit of his medical career. He is currently finalising his Ear, Nose and Throat specialisation. Robert spoke about the three major cities he has studied in and gave some fascinating insights into cultural highlights.
02.01.2022 Very sad to see this, until recently, very energetic club close down. Never a truer word spoken, "you don't know what you've got til it's gone".
01.01.2022 We've had a lot of contact with Castlemaine Health the past four months through the Pen Pal project and recently delivered chocolates to staff in all departments but TODAY is Aged Care Employee Day and we would like to reiterate our thanks to those who are caring for our elderly during an extremely difficult and stressful time. PS photo taken before masks required.
01.01.2022 Some really positive ideas being discussed about how we can still celebrate the Truck Show. Stay tuned!
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