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25.01.2022 First round games this Saturday 17/10 Zooka (Mick's team) bye Player Pitch (Daniel's team)... 8am start at Casula LL Majors (Trent's team) 8am start at Casula Junior League (Craig's team) 10am start at Casula SATURDAY SENIORS (Mick's team) 12.30pm start at Catherine field. FRIDAY NIGHT 16/10 O35s Lee Richardson Cup (Frank's team) 8.30pm at Casula Your coach/manager will let you know what time you need to be there for warm up. Good luck everyone and have fun!
25.01.2022 If you haven't joined Team app, now is the time to do it. All communication, draw and documents will be available via the app this year. All competition draws, results and ladders are linked to the team lists. Rules and results sheets etc are there to be downloaded. News can be viewed here.... Change your settings to enable notifications. It's all there, please use it to ensure we have a great season.
25.01.2022 Mel is giving you the chance to never miss a pitch with her new food delivery straight to your chair. Think Uber Eats. Menus will be around the ground for you to choose from. Just text your order to the mobile number on the menu, along with your name and your preferred payment method of either CASH or EFTPOS (tap n pay) No delivery fees included.
25.01.2022 The draw is live for round 1! Head to It will be linked to Lakers Team app very soon but in the meantime you can apply for access to the Macarthur Team app.
23.01.2022 Don't forget that we will be at the ground between 6.30pm and 7.30pm to collect uniforms, scorers books etc PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHECK IN EVEN IF YOU ARE ONLY THERE FOR A FEW MINUTES
21.01.2022 Senior league,the draw is now up on the Macarthur Baseball league teamapp.Senior league,the draw is now up on the Macarthur Baseball league teamapp.
21.01.2022 Please download team app and ask for access to Macarthur Baseball League. This is where you will find the draw for the season.
21.01.2022 Please check the draw on Team App to see if you are playing next weekend. 23/1Please check the draw on Team App to see if you are playing next weekend. 23/1
21.01.2022 Good news!! If you have ordered a jersey, training shirt, hat or hoodie they will be available to pick up from the field on Wednesday 14/10/20 from 6.30-7.30pm. If you still have any money outstanding, we have eftpos facilities to finalise your payments. Senior league jerseys/training shirts will be given at tonight’s game. All other teams will need them for this weekend, so please make sure you pick them up.
20.01.2022 Senior league game Monday night 7pm start Be there 5.45pm. Hammondville oval ( behind Moorebank sporties)Senior league game Monday night 7pm start Be there 5.45pm. Hammondville oval ( behind Moorebank sporties)
19.01.2022 | : The Junior League game scheduled for Daruk Park, Casula at 9:30am between Moorebank/Casula Lakers and Bankstown Sports, has been moved to Boggabilla Reserve, Bass Hill. The game will start at the same time.
19.01.2022 Junior games this weekend 23/1-LL Minors Player Pitch vs Red Sox Hot Rods- 8.00am at Casula 23/1-LL Majors vs Red Sox Cannons- 8.00am at Casula... 25/1-Senior League vs Mets Athletics 7.00pm at Boggabilla All other games resume on the following weekend.
19.01.2022 | UPDATED @ 7:15am : , ... Games scheduled for Daruk Park are have been rescheduled as per below: LITTLE LEAGUE MINOR PLAYER PITCH Casula Rockets v Ghosts/Caspers Hellraisers 10:00am at Woodlands LITTLE LEAGUE MAJORS Mets Razorbacks v Casula Lakers Wild Childs 10:00am at Casperdome JUNIOR LEAGUE Moorebank/Lakers v Mets Jet Hawks 10:00am at Moorebank
18.01.2022 Round 5 and only the 2nd game on the field due to wash outs. Another win under your belts Laker SS.
16.01.2022 As a reminder of the association's Covid-19 safety plan, players are regularly reminded to wash hands and avoid touching faces. Hand shaking, high fives, team huddles, etc are strongly discouraged. Spitting and clearing of nasal/respiratory secretions on the diamond or surrounding area is not permitted.
16.01.2022 Some of the draws have been released and more will come very soon. Here is the link to the new Macarthur website. Once on the site, Click on the 3 lines in the top left corner. Then click MBL Draws.
14.01.2022 Thank you if you have put your hand up to Score, manage, coach for our club this year but we need you to register now. Just click the link below to take you directly to the registration page.......just like you did for your child only it's free!
13.01.2022 Well that’s round 1 under our belts. Well done to all our teams. Thank you to all the parents who made our new normal easy this week. Hope everyone enjoyed being back at the plate.
12.01.2022 Congratulations Nicolas and Julian!
12.01.2022 This will be our last round before our Christmas break. Friday 18th December O35s - 830pm Casula (home) ... Saturday 19th dec Zooka have the bye LLMPP - 8am Casula (home) LLMaj- 10am Woodlands (away) JL- 9.30am Casula. (Home) SS- 12.30pmCasula ( Home) Please ensure you are there and ready to play at the time your coach tells you.
12.01.2022 Games are still on unless notified otherwise.
09.01.2022 | ( ) Unfortunately, the recent persistent rain has meant that a majority of MBL fields have been closed, which means we have ...had to declare the final round of Lee Richardson Cup (Over 35s) baseball to be a WASHOUT. Enjoy your Christmas & New Year break and be ready for a return to the diamond on Friday 29 January, 2021.
09.01.2022 LEE RICHARDSON CUP o35s First game this Friday 16/10 at Daruk park 8.30pm. Be there 1 hour prior to game start. If you have ordered jerseys you can pick them up from the canteen on Wednesday between 630pm and 730pm.
08.01.2022 We have managed to get some helmets in for those who need helmets for tomorrow. Small, medium and large. $40 each. #helmets
07.01.2022 A little Thank you goes a long way. So I would like to send a BIG thank you to The Rameka family for all their effort in keeping Lakers running today. Also Thanks to Trent for all that you do and Scott for always putting up his hand to help out as well.
04.01.2022 FIELD CHANGE Seniors are now playing at Woodlands at 12.30
04.01.2022 Casula is closed today. Macarthur are currently trying to reschedule games. Stay tuned.
01.01.2022 We have noticed that not everyone who visits the field is checking in. Please make sure you check in every time you visit the field. With covid 19 back in the area we need to have these records for contact tracing if asked. It isnt hard and only takes 30 seconds.
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