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Catalyst Communications

Phone: +61 402 829 936


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25.01.2022 I was recently reminded of one of the perils of media campaigns - clients' occasional reluctance to put themselves out there. I was asked to help a PR agency book media opportunities for an international speaker coming to Australia. But he was only available for an hour of interviews before arriving, so many interested journalists missed out. As a result, a lot of people didn't hear about his tour & ticket sales suffered. In this case, the client was so busy he just didn't have time for more interviews. But it illustrates an important point. To get your message out, you need to talk to as many media outlets as possible. Don't let time constraints, fear, or reluctance to put yourself forward affect your success!

24.01.2022 May be of interest to Brisbane entrepreneurs

22.01.2022 Linkedin is promoting these free courses until the end of the month. I thought they might be of interest!

20.01.2022 Wise words from an old friend ... I feel his pain.

20.01.2022 Hands up if you've ever been guilty of 'baltering'? Not sure why it's fallen out of use, it's a great word!

16.01.2022 Have you ever noticed the more stressed you are, the harder it is to get staff to do what you need them to do? Sometimes stress affects our manner, and people can misinterpret this as crankiness with them. I know this has happened to me. If this sounds familiar, take a minute to think about how you can influence others in a positive way instead of using the 'command and control' style of management.

16.01.2022 There’s always the rare exception to the rule ... This image brought to mind a story I was told about Tiger Woods and John Daly - an American pro golfer who is known for smoking, drinking and looking pretty out of shape ... During the 2004 Target World Challenge, Daly was in the bar having a drink with friends after finishing the pro-am when Tiger Woods walked in in his workout clothes. Daly urged him to stay for a beer. Woods declined, saying he was going to the gym. Daly persisted, You don’t need to work out ... have a drink with us. Woods’ answer is the stuff of legend. He said to Daly, If I had your talent I’d be doing what you’re doing. Daly may be that rare exception to the rule. But for the rest of us - like Tiger Woods, we have to work hard to succeed.

16.01.2022 Do you ever wonder how to stand from the crowd? My advice? Always go the extra mile. I was reminded of this recently when developing a lengthy, complex engagement strategy for a local government client. After drafting it and meeting the client for handover, the goalposts moved. Another subcontractor was running late with project work, so timelines had to be rejigged and a new round of consultation added. Although extra hours might be outside the agreed contract terms, it's important to deliver - no matter how long it takes.

15.01.2022 In the last few days, while working for different clients I've been reminded of the importance of 'Tone of Voice'. This can include the words we use in our written communication, whether our tone is formal or informal, friendly or brisk and business-like. How you use tone of voice in your writing will depend on your audience and your goal. For an internal audience, you might write in a chatty, friendly style. For an external audience who have to comply with certain policies or laws, you might be more formal and less friendly (particularly when talking about penalties for non-compliance)! It's important to take the time to think about what you want to achieve to get the result you want.

12.01.2022 A Facebook friend posted this today and I thought it was worth sharing.

10.01.2022 #toptip Written something - an offer, a blog post, a web page? Treat your words like a fine wine and let them b r e a t h e. Rest them, ideally overnight, and read them with fresh eyes. Opportunities for improvements will leap off the page - and you'll catch those pesky, sneaky typos.

09.01.2022 Thanks to all those who have ‘liked’ Catalyst Communications. I have been working as Director of this company as a Senior Consultant/ Project Manager for some years, delivering comms, media and engagement strategies, advice, materials and activities. I work with other consultancies, State and Local Govt, GOCs, big corporates and not-for-profits. Please keep me in mind for any work you might be considering outsourcing - strategic planning, action plans, corporate reports, comms audits and all comms/media and engagement advice, activities and materials. Cheers!

08.01.2022 Has anybody else been having back pain while working from home? This TED talk might help.

08.01.2022 I was reminded today of the importance of being 'market ready' before promoting your goods and services. By this we mean making sure your house is in order - people are happy with the goods and/or services you are supplying and you're not getting complaints. However, if you can't meet current demand or aren't responding effectively to each complaint you receive (and addressing the issues raised) there is no point promoting your business. If you can't cope with existing deman...d, why would you try to attract more? And if people are complaining you're not providing what they want or need, take the feedback onboard and fix any outstanding problems. Once you get your business back on track, then consider advertising or promotion. Until then, it's pointless and may even further anger existing customers who aren't happy with your offering.

06.01.2022 If anything good has come out of the Coronavirus pandemic, it’s the end of open plan offices where people are crammed in like sardines. In the future, I’m sure some organisations’ seating arrangements will be looked back on as being quite inhumane.

05.01.2022 Love this article....imagine how much good this one man has done in the world!

05.01.2022 Words matter ...

04.01.2022 With so many people out of work or in insecure or casual work, the ABC looks at the impact of the government’s new JobMaker measures. Anything to get people into work has to be good, and we know youth unemployment is particularly high. Are you worried about finding or keeping work if you’re older than 35? Interested to hear if anyone has any better ideas?

03.01.2022 Even if the spelling of a person's name seems obvious, it pays to double check. One letter out of place can create delays if emails go astray.

02.01.2022 Do you have a story about a time you didn't get something you really wanted, only to realise later it was a blessing in disguise?

01.01.2022 Congratulations to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna! It is the first time two women jointly win the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. More here: Image credit: Nobel Prize Nobel Media, Illustrator Niklas Elmeched

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