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Catarina Sartor Yoga

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 422 596 260


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25.01.2022 So remember the name of THAT one who is illuminating every soul. #sunrise #morningroutine #morningritual #dobeyoga #yogaeverydamnday #meditation #bhakti #perfection #australiasunrise #australia #medicine This morning sunrise, too perfect not to share Medicine for everything and everyone!!!

25.01.2022 If you know me well, you heard me saying that I have torn meniscus in both knees and that I always access the practice at the moment. Did I hurt my knees practicing Yoga, the more specific primary series of Ashtanga Yoga? Did I always practice with no agenda? NO WAY! Do injuries teach you to be a better teacher? HELL YEAH!... The primary series itself is a challenging practice and many practitioners spend several years at this level. In any school or tradition of Yoga we may rely only on a teacher for guidance, safety, and ones ego perception. In the latest episode with my knees five years back I had to accept that many postures such as #padmasana or lotus were going to be taken out of my playlist for good. That was not hard to accept but I still ask the questions: *Why no one or my teacher at the time mention a safe, right way to get into such postures before? *Did they just want to give me postures and if I could do it regardless then keep going? *Why it matter so much about posture over healthy joints, muscles, and breath control? On that day I was blessed to remember the quote if you broke with Yoga then you fix with Yoga. I could barely walk; however, I bounced back into practice and teaching on the following day. I did what I could, modified for my needs, focused on my verbal communication during classes. Finally, the practice was mine and I was the teacher on my own mat! Six months of those routines, a simple anti-inflammatory diet and consistency brought back the joy of exploring postures I once thought were gone. I did not take the doctor's advice for surgery, I never saw a physiotherapist or any other rehabilitation practitioners. Until today the practice of Yoga continues to amaze me with its healing and therapeutic powers. It is a medicine for the human body and mind. p.s: I must admit to you the down point of the story... I became a little stubborn when it came to reaching out different modalities of healing and rehabilitation. The whole of me yells that Yoga and Ayurveda have it SO much for this human experience.

25.01.2022 Breath-control can change our life!!! Often I see experienced Yoga practitioners who find breath control a very challenging practice. Surely it is!! Its soothing for the agitated mind to be lost in distractions. ... To work with the breath we need focus and intention. The breath practice has marvellously change my life, it lights up consciousness. Since some years, I only share Yoga and Meditation as breathing practices, it gives me the opportunity to welcome everyone into the art! We all have our breath. This mysterious common denominator which bonds us into oneness Life force #prana that makes living possible. REMEMBER, BREATH changes your world #breathe #breathwork #breathinbreathout #pranayama #yogateacher An image from our time roof practices in #varanasi #india last 2019. Oh delight!

24.01.2022 We draw upon the breath to focus the mind, for years we move the body. Practices that are NOT there for us to achieve anything but simply to encounter, to remember what we already are and have!! The practice is beautiful and for everyone and anyBODY. If sounds too complicated, if your teacher seems to complicate things... please know that you or your teacher havent come across Yoga yet! #staysimple #practiceyoga ... #connect #expandconsciousness #transform #embrace #dontworry Inspiramos a respiração para focar a mente; durante anos movemos o corpo. Práticas que NÃO existem para conseguirmos algo, mas simplesmente para encontrarmos e relembramos o que já somos e temos !! A prática é linda, e para todos e qualquer um. Se parece muito complicado, se seu professor parece complicar as coisas ... saiba que você ou seu professor ainda não se depararam com o Yoga.

24.01.2022 It wasnt about learning and improving. It was about letting go of what I never needed.

24.01.2022 So many ways to try to express the inexpressible...A exploration that is unique to each individual. A practice that cultivates a place of inner quiet and discovery. A magnificent, magical, wild, delightful road to the higher self! #yoga #internationalyogaday #practiceyogachangeyourworld

23.01.2022 Guru Purnima 2020 Guru Purnima is the full moon(purnima) of Ashadh month(June to August) is one of the significant festival celebrated in India. It is the day to remember and worship our guru, mentor, teacher, master and to everyone of them who have taught us anything in our life.... Taking the opportunity to come back to the heart and give SO much gratitude to my guru and all my teachers. #gurupurnima #yogaaustralia #gratitude #gratitudepractice

22.01.2022 Simplicity & Magic #trikonasana The triangle pose. It gets you OPEN!!! Triangle requires focused concentration and attention to the breath to keep the ego from making us feel inadequate or unsteady. This breath, and total presence in the moment is the single most powerful tool in relieving stress. #simplicity ... #cosmicyoga #flexibility #stability #strength #breathe #meditation #dream #manifestation #abundance See more

22.01.2022 I am so excited to see all your beautiful faces at The Fee Alive event at nelsons park in February. Feel Alive is made of breath work, meditation and Asana. It’s a look into the practice of my morning retreat. All information is on my website. Link in bio. ... Love and Sparkles #yogapractice #feelalive #yogasydney #meditationsydney

21.01.2022 Let the waves of the universe rise and fall as they will. You have nothing to gain or lose. YOU ARE THE OCEAN ch-15 ~Ashtavakra Gita~ #myfavorite #yoga #life #quotes ... #yogaevents #yogasydney #yogateacher See more

20.01.2022 Another lap around the Sun for me What a gift to have this magnificent nature around meFamily, friends and so much more... It is SO sweet to be embrace by you, by all!!!

20.01.2022 Find yourself a physical, mental, spiritual ROUTINE that envolves nothing but the breath, mind, body and the nature of it all. Gratefully I am co-teaching the Mysore style -Ashtanga Vinyasa with @kerstinbilgmann at @elixrhealthclubs There are some news coming up soon so please reach out to us if you look into start a Yoga practice or maintain and share the space with us. ... In gratitude CS

19.01.2022 #blacklivesmatter #BLM

19.01.2022 As we get closer to having 2020 as apart of what was, keen an eye out for some interesting posts on Tapas DM for event, classes or any general inquiry. #yogapractice #2020vision

19.01.2022 Through gratitude for the present moment, your spiritual dimension of life will open up #yogateachersydney #spiritualgrowthjourney

18.01.2022 Do you feel the need to scape away from the world of normality? Do you looove breath and movement? Do you find yourself stuck on your yoga practice?... Do you need something else with that Yoga? Are you that kind of open minded folk? Or do you just need to get away from your disturbing thoughts and the stress in life? If, YES for any of the above ... this cosmic Yoga immersions is for you! We set time to connect, to breathe our way into lightness, inspiration, strength, ease and fun. Please contact Manumission Yoga for booking. Spaces are limited due to Covid restrictions- Please book early. I hope you can make it Please let me know if you have any questions.

17.01.2022 2021 is almost here. Have you been wanting to take your practice to the next level and not only feel amazing but also powerful. Let’s chat. #easymeditation #meditationpractice #yogapractice #ayurvedalifestyle

16.01.2022 Coming back from 3 weeks plunge in the Indian forest with brothers, sisters and Baba. Below the sharing of words from one of my journals in India this very recent time Words that came to me when I tried to possibly explain the experience of our retreat days. Immersed in the Mothers wild nature embrace. We bathe mind, body and heart. A cleanse through sitting meditation, pranayama, asanas practices and Satsang. Sitting comfortably, before dawn, the strength is within the s...pine. The silent gentle vibration of seemingly asleep forest is there. Baba Clive, us and all beings wrapped by a blanket of stars and the penetrating Moons light in the vast ocean space. The dawn of the day, the aliveness of living creatures. Intoxicated with Prana Shakti I walk to breakfast. Feeling it all, walking light in this awake dream of a brand-new day The rhythms of breath and body unrevealing their dance through the asanas. After the silence We come back to words and languages dualities. Walking to the forests park where we sit, the monkeys pause, the birds calling. Together we all seem to be gathering to receive nondual simplest Truth that is channelled through the words of the GuruOur beloved Baba. The senses are open, at times the eyes closed, we not longer need to understand words. The arrows of Divine Truth pierce the body, mind and heart and it is making its way into the Atman. The Satsang now plays and there is no one talking With the open eyes I see, I feel, I recognise I have always been carried by The Mist of the Love Mother. Walking away, quietly into the next moment. The spell of this precious Mist embrace. Balancing on our hands, bending the body backwards and very little forward, we once again got taken by the vibrating body/vehicle of the soul, ever so supple and light. Baba calls for another Shiva&Shakti immersion- Pranayama at dusk. When me isnt there, I am the vastness within space and sounds, I am the blanket of stars and the Moon, I dont need to return, I just got home, I am the ocean, I know who I am, I am you. See more

16.01.2022 A couple of throwback photos of me practicing in Brasil. Sometime ago, receiving some juicy brother love strong adjustments It is a bit that comes to mind and heart when I go back 6 years ago today when I lost my brother. A sudden car accident and in a split moment my colourful world went black and white. There isn’t any poetry in that, it is the way it felt. ... As an #advaitavedanta student I knew death belongs to life but to feel it in my heart and bones was a wild process. I knew that this event could change my life forever and it did. I don’t think we fully acknowledge life without death... it’s like they belong to each other. I don’t think we can polish our ego without surrender. I knew too that I was losing him to the heavens, losing him to the vastness of it all and losing him to a sweet home that we all destined to return. So I was blessed with that knowing. If you ask how does it feel for me these days? I am so grateful, I love getting up to this life, my night dreams are surreal, I hate wasting time in things or conversations that don’t matter, I know we can’t replace anyone, we learn to adapt, patiently loving the transformation. I feel a certainty that there is no end to our soul journey. I’m loving life here on Earth. To my determined, passionate, strong, talent, delightful handsome brother, to my hero: I know we will always meet again And to you reading this: with unlimited compassion and faith stay open. Keep growing, be yourself. Enjoy your journey because it’s a hell of a ride

15.01.2022 No comments!! #yoga #transformation #dobeyoga #relax ... #expandyourmind #yogapractice #onlineyoga See more

12.01.2022 Ive been told that being a senior had its beauty Thank you @yogaaustralia

11.01.2022 Merry Christmas to my friend, family and clients past present and future. Have an amazing day.

10.01.2022 I am in the north of India diving deeper into my "sadhana" yogic practices of meditation, pranayama, mantras and asana. Spending time by the sacred Ganges and simply BEing in my heart country and the place where Ayurveda and Yoga originated.

09.01.2022 Please take a time to hear this words. It speaks straight to the heart and mind. It is a strong message. I am sending lots of courage and love to us all. Stay strong in your body and breath, stay calm in the mind and centred in the heart. Reserve um tempo para ouvir essas palavras. Fala diretamente ao coração e à mente. É uma mensagem forte. Estou enviando muita coragem e amor a todos nós. Mantenha-se forte no corpo e na respiração, mantenha-se calmo na mente e centrado no coração.

09.01.2022 H.O.L.I ...days... Times where you let nature set your rhythms. Packed with colours, vivid and unexpected surprises that enchants the soul. ... 360views and naked foot surrender where the Yogui loves to disappear #nature_perfection #nature #yogainspiration #naturalhealing

09.01.2022 It is a passion of mine the teaching of Yoga to completely beginners and older people. Something about bringing the essence of Yoga so simply and alive. Creating space to breathe, find the body and connect. This sweetest group called The Young at Heart has made my day. What a joyful challenge for me. Big thanks to @rashidatayabaliwriter for bring them together and trusting that Yoga is for everyone and thanks to @sabrinademari for assisting us. ... Yoga unites ...... É uma paixão minha ensinar Yoga para iniciantes e pessoas mais velhas. Algo sobre trazer a essência do Yoga de forma tão simples e viva. Criando espaço para respirar, encontrar o corpo e se conectar. Este grupo mais doce chamado The Young at Heart fez o meu dia. Que desafio alegre para mim. Muito obrigado a @rashidatayabaliwriter por reuni-los e confiar que o Yoga é para todos e obrigado a @sabrinademari por nos ajudar. Yoga une

07.01.2022 Its magical, exciting and gives butterflies in the stomach remembering that we are moved beyond our volition. Who else is experiencing divine timing? The recognition that all the plans made by me has its own mover...and that mover isnt me.... Set the mind and heart into this unknown travels. Being a passenger is easier, WILD and FREE. #tbt #rishikesh #dobeyoga #yogaaustralia #onlineyogaclasses #yogaeverydamnday #tantralife #yogaforeverybody #yogaforeveryone #meditation #ganga #australia #sydney #brasil #india

05.01.2022 Merry Christmas everyone. After a tough year around the world I hope you all have a joyful holiday season. Keep an eye out for my events coming up in the new year. ... Comment if you’d like to be added to my email list. #yogateachersydney #sydneyyoga #yogachristmas

05.01.2022 Ah, Sunday, a day of rest. Now that’s something truly to be thankful for. This year has thrown everyone a curve ball, when things get overwhelming remember to breathe and appreciate the small things. Happy Sunday - Catarina #yogabondi #bethankfuleveryday

05.01.2022 Join us for Mysore style Ashtanga yoga classes in person @elixrhealthclub Bondi Junction! ALL LEVELS WELCOME When? Tuesdays and Thursdays - room open from 6am, teachers @dobeyoga & @kerstinbilgmann 6:30-7:30am. Get inspired by joining the group! Now Covid safe enhanced cleaning, 20 people max in the spacious studio. Verbal istructions only, no hands on adjustments... How do I sign up? Go to @elixrhealthclubs and follow sign up instructions. Pre-booking required (follow Elixr instructions) or turn up on the day and see if places are still availavle - places are guaranteed only when pre-booking. We are so excited and cant wait to see you in the room!!! #sydneyashtangayoga #mysorestyle #yogateachers #yogateacher #weteachwhatwepractice #sydneyaustralia P.s: photo taken when we taught mysore style in Surry Hills/Sydney 2017

04.01.2022 Another sweet bunch of freshly new Yoga teachers go out there today. What a lovely start to an infinite learning curve. 7 years into my career as I teacher I wanted to drop out. I felt yoga teaching to be boring, repetitive, dogmatic, yoga communities arguing over whos yoga is best and a place of too many spiritual egos. I wanted to get out completely... if I could only then delete that Yoga teacher label. I consider then becoming a hair dresser or a makeup artist, h...ave fun with my work and make people look prettier. I could practice yoga for myself, surf and disconnect from all that becoming b$u&h it. On the peak of my disappointment with teaching a quote from Buddha came about to save me we not here to do what we love, we here to love what we do! That came to my ears as words from the Divine... I tuned into this truth and I knew then I had to keep on going. I had to find the service, the Karma Yoga in that action. Back then my positive resolve or Sunkalpa became to Share yoga with who needs Yoga. Nowadays my conclusion is that all humans benefit from nuances of Yoga or Ayurveda. That this practices are medicines to humans body and mind and a powerful tool to remember who we really are beyond the body and mind. Teaching yoga is a service like any other... not a special service but and essential one. On my mentorship program for new teachers or uninspired teachers we go through spark up the love for the practice, the understanding of Yoga as a healing science. about our responsibility with our body and mind rather then any forced dogma, discipline or gymnastics performances. We practically look into safe teachings and the danger of certain postures when badly taught. New teachers committee with a teaching schedule !yep, your first students may be your parents, friends, your partner, and all the people who you care about. You want Yoga for them right? on the program I go from being strictly traditional to encourage you as a new teacher to rebel on your own skin, to find what authenticity could be. In comments....

03.01.2022 Yoga Day!!! So grateful for this epic exploration in life being call to the path of yoga is grace #everyday #everything .

03.01.2022 Inverted positions that are assumed in yoga alter the blood flow (including lymphatic drainage) and flow of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). If there is increased blood flow to the area, there will be increased bioavailability of oxygen and glucosethe two most important metabolic substrates for the brain. It follows then that cells bathed in a solution that is rich in factors required for the creation of neurotransmitters (like norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin) will b...e better able to produce these chemicals. However, its the emotional and psychological journey that makes inversion practice so valuable and enriching. Psychologically, inversions and arm balances can break down some personal barriers. When we approach this type of practice we realize that it is consistent mindful dedication without ambition. Inversions can also help develop patience, focus, and listening skills. This work through the asanawhether physically, visually, or energetically, EVEN AT THE PREPARATORY WORK STAGE (just as beneficial and easily accommodating)IS GREAT STIMULATION FOR THE MIND. #healing #yoga #dobeyoga #yogaishealing #yoguini #yogatransformation #yogateaching #secondseries #ashtanga @ Sydney, Australia

03.01.2022 Mystery create wonder and wonder is the basis of mans desire to understand. #neilarmstrong #explore #cosmic #consciousness

02.01.2022 Gratitude Mama What a strong, gorgeous shakti you are. You teach me to be strong, to be steady, to laugh out loud!!!!! You taught me to stand up when our world was broken and I do anything in this planet and any other to see you happy and healthy!!! I love you, Budhinha. Happy Mothers Day

01.01.2022 #challengeaccepted #strongwomen thanks for nominating me @jamileyoginie I nominate the strong, inspiring . @kerstinbilgmann @mikela.meli @mellowme13 @rmego @prana_motion @emvaughan108 @brookmccarthy @veraregina1907vregina1605 @arminda_denenyoga_ @vinuesallorachm @nadsy108 @yogaraumhamburg I have been SO blessed with the women in my life.

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