Catherine McAuley College in Bendigo, Victoria | School
Catherine McAuley College
Locality: Bendigo, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5445 9100
Address: Barkly Street 3550 Bendigo, VIC, Australia
Likes: 3351
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25.01.2022 TERM 4 RETURN Just one week* of remote online learning, starting Monday 5 October. Then, at last, we are all back on campus from Monday 12 October. (*VCE students note special arrangements for the GAT and SACs in Week 1.) Read the latest Principal's Update for full information about returning for Term 4. #cmcBendigo #cmcPrincipalUpdate #cmcOnlineLearning
23.01.2022 We encourage you to complete the youth food poverty research survey. It is the first survey of its kind in Central Victoria, to hear from young people aged 16-24 about the barriers to accessing food relief - so they can respond directly to their needs in future projects. Bendigo Foodshare is one of the local projects supported by students and staff at CMC, through awareness raising, fundraising and donations. It is great to see current and past students taking part in this video. Take the survey: #cmcBendigo #cmcJustice #cmcCommunity
23.01.2022 CMC are proud to serve our community by supporting the great work of Bendigo Foodshare. Our food drive, led by our Year 10 Virtues students, has encouraged our College community to donate staple food items and inspired one of our Virtues classes to make Christmas cakes, gingerbreads and rum balls to donate. All goods have been delivered to the wonderful volunteers at Bendigo Foodshare 200 kg of staples as well as the gift treats. Thank you to everyone for their generosity and support. #cmcBendigo #cmcCommunity #cmcYear10
22.01.2022 FLASHBACK FRIDAY: Looking back at the highlights of our Class of 2020 as they look forward to the end of an unprecedented final year of school! Today, Year 11 2019 #Classof2020 #2019 Year11 #cmcCommunity
22.01.2022 Today is Mercy Day and we remind ourselves that, despite the distancing we have experienced this year, we are very much connected as members of Catherine McAuley College and the global Mercy community. What does Mercy mean to our community? On the final day of Term 3 students and staff gathered online for a liturgy to celebrate Mercy Day. Here are some of their thoughts. #cmcBendigo #MercyDay2020 #cmcFaithandMission #cmcCommunity
20.01.2022 Be inspired to capture what isolation means for you and your family." Yr 10 photography students documented what isolation has meant to them and their family. #cmcBendigo #cmcArts #cmcPhotography #cmcSeniorYears #cmcRemoteLearning
20.01.2022 CONNECT: Talk & listen, be there, feel connected. R U OK Day? Student and staff VIDEO - we need you! Hey everyone! Watch this to find out more about the video we are making for R U OK? DAY on Thursday. We think its super important to get involved! See SIMON for upload info. Make sure you film in landscape (phone on side). Be active and stay connected from your SRC Student Leadership Team. | 5 ways to wellbeing across 5 weeks | Be Active - Connect - Give - Take Notice - Keep Learning #cmcConnect #5waystowellbeing #cmcWellbeing #cmcCommunity
19.01.2022 THROWBACK THURSDAY: After five weeks of looking back at the highlights of our Class of 2020, we have made it to Year 12, 2020. Congratulations on getting through this unprecedented final year of school you are so close to the end and we look forward to seeing you at Graduation. #Classof2020 #2020Year12 #cmcCommunity
18.01.2022 Key Transition Steps to Year 7, 2021 There are five key steps which allow us to best prepare for each child’s start at CMC. Our intention is to obtain as much information as possible, in partnership with our families, about their child’s learning and social needs before commencement. Transition Meetings are the first step and families were sent booking information via email yesterday. #cmcBendigo #cmcTransition #cmc2021Year7
17.01.2022 Since April, Charlotte and Tania have generously shared their experiences during the ups and downs of Year 12 in the time of coronavirus. This is their seventh diary entry for the Addy, following the most recent return to lockdown.
16.01.2022 At the end of Term 3 we always celebrate Mercy Day. Despite the challenges of 2020, we were determined to mark this event, significant to both our College and the global Mercy community. We couldn’t do everything we normally do, but we could dress up in our house colours and costumes. Thanks everyone who has shared a photo so far keep them coming. There will be a second cut of the Colours of Mercy Day video. Upload info in SIMON. #cmcBendigo #cmcMercyDay #cmcCommunity #cmc2020
16.01.2022 BE ACTIVE Competition Winners In the past fortnight, students clocked up a total of 2170.74 kms and the staff managed 2366.11 kms. Therefore, the winners of this year's Mental Health Cup by just 195.37 kms are the staff! There has been fantastic participation with 361 activities logged for a total of 4536.85kms in two weeks (217 student entries and 144 staff). Check SIMON for more details and prize winners. Well done to everyone who participated and contributed photos/videos;... we hope you enjoy watching the BE ACTIVE video. Stay well and Be ACTIVE! | 5 ways to wellbeing across 5 weeks | #cmcBeActive #5waystowellbeing #cmcWellbeing #cmcCommunity See more
15.01.2022 iGEN students have been meeting (virtually) with the residents at Bethlehem each week. The residents have put in a few requests and the students are now at work on clips, including virtual tours of local landmarks and images of the outdoors and new developments in the city. #cmcBendigo #cmcYear10 #cmciGEN
14.01.2022 On Mercy Day, 7C2 were amazing in their response to the ‘Call to Action’. They were invited to contribute further in our Mercy world, so they wrote letters to residents of Mercy Health Bethlehem Home for the Aged. Some residents have been isolated for several weeks and we know the letters and contact will be very welcome. #cmcBendigo #cmcMercyDay2020 #cmcFaithandMission #cmcCommunity
11.01.2022 Science Week today: Milk Carton Confessions, free online event @ 1pm Do you want to share your ideas on our disposable culture and motives for recycling? Come along to the virtual performance at 1pm today. To access the performance click on these links: Students and staff: General public: The Milk Carton Confessions is a project that explores our disposable culture, motives for recycling + consu...merism. It is a performance featuring music, movement and film by percussionist Thea Rossen and composer Michael Sollis, exploring our disposable culture, motives for recycling and how we live in a world where we consume more than we need. #cmcBendigo #nationalscienceweek2020 #bendigotechschool #cmcScience See more
11.01.2022 Senior Years @ CMC: A seamless 3-year learning pathway for Years 10 - 12 Students design and map out a pathway from Years 10 - 12, supported by teachers and parents, that gives them the best opportunity to succeed as graduates, whether their chosen pathway is to tertiary study, apprenticeships or employment. Where are you heading? Find out more: #cmcBendigo #cmcSeniorYears #cmcStMarys
10.01.2022 Happy National Science Week! At St Mary’s, Yrs 10 & 11 students are looking at some fascinating areas of Biotechnology and Chemistry: Yr 10 Biotechnology: DNA structure and replication; the chemical structure of DNA and how DNA is copied so that’s its available for new cells Yr 10 Chemistry: Organic structures of hydrocarbons and functional groups; alkanes, alkenes and alkynes and key functional groups including alcohols, amines and carboxylic acids Yr 11 Chemistry: Redox chemistry; galvanic cell operation, half equations, oxidation numbers and corrosion #nationalscienceweek2020 #cmcBendigo #cmcScience #cmcSeniorYears #cmcStMarys
08.01.2022 A video from the 7B4 legends - their response to the call to action on Mercy Day, to let those in our Mercy community who are isolated know we care about them. We see you...We feel you...We miss you... #wecare #cmcBendigo #cmcMercyDay2020 #cmcFaithandMission #cmcCommunity
08.01.2022 Pop up shop shipping containers designed by Yr11 students. They created floor plans and elevations and finished by making these impressive scaled 3D models. #cmcBendigo #cmcArts #cmcVisComm #cmcYear11
07.01.2022 What has Nala, our wellbeing dog, been up to? Together with her daily training at home, lots of relaxing and walking in the bush! #cmcBendigo #cmcWellbeing #cmcNala #dogsconnect #wellbeingdogs #mentalhealth #connection
07.01.2022 Students enthusiastically joined in the netball activities at the beginning of term after months with no netball. Once a week, there was a practice game to give players a chance to get back on the court to play and, on a separate day, there was a skills session for students of all abilities to learn new skills from experienced netballers. Sadly these have ceased since the return to remote learning, but stay active at home. Read on to hear about the new Virtual Activities, which are updated daily. #cmcBendigo #cmcSport #cmcCoCurricular
06.01.2022 R U OK? Today is a national day of action when we remember that every day is the day to ask, "Are you OK?" Enjoy our community video and thanks to everyone involved. #cmcBendigo #cmcWellbeing #cmcCommunity #ruok
05.01.2022 Have you ever wondered about the plaque and rock at the front of Coolock? It is of great significance for tomorrow. On 15 August 1945, after more than three years of war in the region, the Japanese accepted the Allied Nation’s terms of surrender and the Prime Minister, Ben Chifley announced that the war was over. 50 years on, at Catholic College Bendigo (as it was known then), students used History Week to better understand the events leading up to Victory in the Pacific (VP...). The week culminated in a solemn ceremony at Junortoun on 15 August 1995. Students planned and helped build a Peace Garden which surrounded a plaque commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Peace in the Pacific. A time capsule was buried near the plaque and was intended to be opened on the 75th Anniversary in 2020. Unfortunately, the 75th Anniversary of VP Day in 2020 is marred by the restrictions relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. It has become necessary to delay the unearthing and opening of the time capsule to a time when our students can be present. A national service will be broadcast live across Australia by the ABC and streamed online from 10am on Saturday 15 August. #cmcBendigo #cmcCommunity #cmcHistory #VPDay2020
05.01.2022 Mercy Day tomorrow. Don't forget to dress in house colours or costumes. Even though we are celebrating virtually, we will bring you together in the House Colours video if you send a photo. Your Learning Mentor will send the link to participate in the Liturgy and Call to Action. #cmcBendigo #cmcMercyDay #cmcCommunity #cmcHouses
04.01.2022 Happy Fathers’ Day. Today we celebrate all the fathers in our community. We honour the inspiration and nurturing you provide, especially in these difficult times. We hope that you have found new ways to enjoy Fathers’ Day together even if you were forced to be apart. Thank you for everything you do. #cmcBendigo #cmcCommunity #FathersDay2020
01.01.2022 GIVE & HELP OTHERS Your time, your words, your presence...take the chance to "Pay it Forward" and "Give thanks" throughout this week. Scientific studies show that helping others boosts happiness, increases life satisfaction, provides a sense of meaning, increases feelings of competence and improves our mood and reduces stress. Even the smallest act can count, whether it's a smile, a "thank you" or a kind word. Larger acts, such as volunteering in your local community or contr...ibuting to global causes can also make a difference to the life of others and your own. More ideas for paying it forward and random acts of kindness: | 5 ways to wellbeing across 5 weeks | #cmcGive #5waystowellbeing #cmcWellbeing #cmcCommunity See more
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