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Catmint Cottage Rescue


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25.01.2022 Caught me by surprise so had trouble not choking with laughter.

24.01.2022 With a cat like Jedda, it is easy to become complacent about looking for an adoption for her. I don't see much of her until dinner time when she comes to my chair while I am trying to motivate myself to get up and start feeding. Talk about smoochy!! putting the pressure on and using her golden yellow eyes to full effect is pretty convincing. Jedda is an affectionate cat and I have the impression she would be even more so if she had someone to herself. At other times I can fin...d her on one of the beds on the verandah with one of the boys for company. Or outside in the aerial tunnel overlooking the front yard where the birds come while she catches the afternoon breeze. She's not fussed about other cats but has recently decided she doesn't like Mimi, who is also a black girl, a few years older than Jedda. Mimi too is looking for a home of her own. Jedda is pretty good with other cats on the whole but would be fine by herself. She would very much suit a person working from home a few days a week otherwise we suggest a companion of the four legged feline kind would be next best option. Jedda is between 4-5 years of age, had her health check done in August 2019, vaccination update and a dental, has been tested for FIV and FeLV and is negative to both. She is of course desexed! Her chip number is 991003000269110. Jedda's adoption cost is $175.00 which includes life time registration so there is nothing else to pay. We offer a two to four week trial and are happy to deliver Jedda to her new home. If you would like to consider giving this girl a home of her own please pm us.

24.01.2022 Right now it is kitten season, abandoned mum cat season and the discovery of homeless street cats in bad condition season! We at Catmint Cottage and Street Cat Rescue feel like we are running on the spot to help them but so are some lovely supporters who keep raising money by selling off goods for us. @Anita Coad, is the person to contact if anyone is interested in these lovely items. It goes to a very good cause!... Margaretx See more

21.01.2022 Dennis has been at Catmint Cottage cat since he was a youngster. His best mate Charlie died two or more years ago from renal failure and Dennis, who was originally named Dennis the Menace, due to always appearing at the door for food, has mellowed quite a bit in retirement. He suns himself in the back courtyard, rests in the shade when hot, is still one of the first to arrive at the communal feeding plate in the evening and gets on well with the other cats. Dennis is one o...f the originals. If you would like to read episode 7 on our website here is the link: See more

21.01.2022 Feline Immune Deficiency Virus and cats that test positive. How important is this in the scheme of things? Nobody wants to expose a cat to a virus they could do without but where we have rescued in the South Western suburbs of Sydney, the virus is common. It has come to the stage where we and our members are surprised if a cat is negative! That may have something to do with the cat's age, sex and experience in street fighting and breeding. ... The idea of killing a cat who tests positive to the virus is anathema to me and thankfully to our members. These cats can have their other health issues treated and go on to live long happy lives. They are often cats with great charisma as was Larrikin, pictured here. IN looking back we don't think Larrikin was our first FIV+ cat. Old Grey Owl arrived one night when he was found checking out the milk bottles left by the milkman. I offered him a drink but he ran off, preferring to steal it without my help. Old Grey Owl lived to an estimated 23 years but he is another story. Larrikin went to the Rainbow Bridge just over a week ago. His story is here...

20.01.2022 Goodbye Dennis. It has been a long week. We thought we could keep on helping you but it was not to be. Final breath taken at 11.50 last night. Charlie, I hope you were there to help him over that enormous chasm.

20.01.2022 Please check out our website on the work we do and if you would like to support us in the rescue of these beautiful cats please use this link or pm us for our bank details. All donations are tax deductible over $2.00

17.01.2022 Phantom is an eleven month old female who was rescued last December. We had a LOT of trouble with her when she and her siblings first arrived just before Christmas. Phantom was so scared that she screamed, growled, hissed and bit! She upset her siblings and I had to use tough garden gloves to handle her. The whole litter were very underweight, covered in the worst Ringworm I had ever seen and loaded with worms. It seems that Phantom had reason to scream. As did I :)... After months of treatments Phantom's name had stuck. She had given up her dramatic screaming and her name Phantom (of the Opera) no longer applied but nothing else seemed to suit. Phantom has become such a sweetheart, compliant, playful, busy, companionable with the other cats, I am constantly and pleasantly surprised at her loving nature. Phantom is available for adoption. Her brother Jet Black and her friend Charlotte are also available. Phantom 991003000361379



11.01.2022 Anita Coad is once again selling off her collections to help us at Street Cat Rescue (the daily working arm of Catmint Cottage) to raise funds. In the past two weeks we have taken in three unsocialised adults (read wild :) and five of their kittens. The kittens were nurtured here, bathed, fed nutritious food, wormed, carted inside at night and out for fresh air and sun in the day to their own crates and bathed again before going to a rehoming vet yesterday. Phew, that was a ...lot of exercise. And work. I am now working with the three ladies in order to socialise them, Videos can be seen on that on our other page Street Cat Rescue. We have also taken in a boy we helped last year who has a very strange eye problem, his third eye has covered his eyes and he spent two days at our vet under observation, was given a blood test and viral test and sedated to investigate a cause. None as yet found so we wait and see if this resolves by itself. He needs another test yet and may need an opthalmologist. Many thanks to Anita for her love and support. Margaret

11.01.2022 Taking on the FIV+ cats, those with Renal issues, the elderly, the ones who hate people, the ones that love people, those who develop Cancer and the many who need high care, is part of the kind of rescue that we have always gravitated toward. Often when we have to say goodbye the only comfort we can give ourselves is that we were able to extend their lives and that in a meaningful way. ... Faith was just one of these.

10.01.2022 This little fellow was rescued earlier this month from a stray colony that has been building up at a State Housing address. We are working with the feeder and another trapper to reduce the numbers. Little Blackie was fostered, socialised and treated for Cat flu by the feeder. We had him seen by our vets straight away, paid for the meds, had him vaccinated and just last week had him tested for Feline Immune Deficiency Virus and Feline Leukaemia. Thankfully he was negative t...o both of those and today we drove in to Newtown to Cat Protection Society where he was accepted. As a rule we don't hold on to kittens if we can help it so we pass them on to rehoming vets. There is a reason for this: the adults are more in need of our help and some of those are doing it tough. Little Blackie still cost us with funds to get him well enough and we are proud to say here is another life saved by a few people co-operating with each other with just this one aim in mind. Please consider donating to help us in this work. All donations are tax deductible.

09.01.2022 Phoenix is a real mummy's boy, always trying to get on my lap. We called him Phoenix because he came in to our vet at the age of eight weeks very close to death and the size of a four week old. Phoenix had a massive infection in his shoulder from an abscess. It damaged his shoulder so that he walks (or runs!!!!) with a limp. It doesn't bother him at all and he plays, jumps, climbs and does many other things without the slightest bother. Phoenix really did rise from the ashe...s. He is now nine months of age and available for adoption. He loves the other cats and is very playful. His best friend is Charlotte also up for adoption. They would make a great pair. Microchip number is 991003000268942 See more

08.01.2022 Help us keep on saving the cats. Donate just $10.00 a month.

07.01.2022 In only a matter of weeks we have had to say goodbye to these two girls after losing Dennis. Yesterday Madeline was put to sleep and three weeks back it was Ginge (Ginger Meggs). The photo of Madeline was taken in May last year. The photo of Ginge was only taken weeks ago.... We took Madeline in for some tests early in the year. At some point her underlying heart issue worsened and she was put on heart and kidney medication. Ginge and Madeline had blood tests recently and the prognosis was very bad for both. These two girls were lucky to live until they were thirteen and that is comfort amongst the feelings of hurt and grief. Madeline came from Blacktown Pound in 2013 from Death Row. Ginge came from Auburn with her sister Josephine as eight week old kittens. They came for a weekend after two of their siblings had died in a heatwave. I'm thankful we have so many good memories to cherish. Margaret

07.01.2022 Each year 'Rescue' with a capital 'R' becomes even more frenetic. 2020 started out with thirteen extras (kittens) even though I tried to find other solutions to help them. The ensuing months were fraught with problems, one being the kitten we named Cricket, due to the chirping noises she was making. She had Pneumonia in the first ten days of being here, a vet stay, oxygen, antibiotics, breathing problems that continued on and worsened during heatwave days. ... January 4 saw our temperature climb to 47 degrees Celsius and Cricket became an emergency. Laboured breathing, oxygen, a puffer, stress. As the weeks went on she was treated in case it was Lungworm and finally examined under anaesthetic at which point it was found her Pharynx was red raw from inflammation. Our vet had never seen anything like it. It is pleasing to say that Cricket no longer makes the sound that gave her that name. She runs and jumps and plays and eats like a horse, is best friends with her sister Sparrow and gets into mischief like any other seven month old kitten. That's Cricket on the Header. Toya turned fifteen. The first picture is Toya taken some time before last June. The second picture shows her as a youngster in our early days of rescue. I was concurrently nursing Toya for Renal Failure but in the end it was Cancer behind her eye which was the cause of her death. Toya became a house cat in the last several months of her life. She ate well most of that time and appeared happy. Toward the end I crated her in the lounge room so I could give her fluids, medications more easily but one day when I tried to remove her she kicked up such a stink that I put her back and that's where she stayed until that last trip. Toya's 'other' story was written last June, nine months before we said goodbye. You can read that one on our website Our 'Rescue' is a registered charity and the cats and kittens we save are only possible due to the donations we receive. Today is June 29. All donations are tax deductible if any of our supporters would like to do an EOFY. Many thanks for being here! Margaret

05.01.2022 Our Melbourne member Alison Bruce of Cats in Boxes fame has set up a fundraiser to help us with the rescue of street cats needing help and to celebrate her birthday :). Not all cats that we rescue thank us :) well not at first anyway!! but they very soon become fond of full bellies and the many other perks of life off the streets. Pictured here are two of the cats we rescued some years back living the life with Alison's son. The ginger boy JT was scooped off Death Row at Renbury and his mate Hattie from the streets of Cabramatta by Tu and Phill.

04.01.2022 Patrick and Wayne are bonded brothers. Please read their profile and contact us if in need of more information.

04.01.2022 EDITED POST FROM YESTERDAY. Autumn and Daisy have foster care until November 20th. At that point they will need short term care due to family coming from overseas to visit. At this point it is not known for how long family will be staying but if not adopted by that stage, foster carers will take back once family returns overseas. ... Please pm us if you are interested or can help. Profiles are on these links:

03.01.2022 Last chance for EOFY taxable donations. Help us keep on keeping on!


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