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Catriona Hoy | Writer

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Catriona Hoy


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24.01.2022 Off to set up my little book launch stall at the fete. Hope it doesn't rain. I'll be at the Solway Primary School Fair, Ashburton at 2pm to launch 'Isla Lu, Where ARe You?'

23.01.2022 Looking forward to Claire Saxby's book launch today for her new picture book 'Sea Dog.' It's hilarious and anyone who has ever owned a dog will relate the antics of this one. Andy Griffiths will be doing the launching so if you are looking for a great book to buy, it gets my hearty recommendation.

22.01.2022 A lovely review for The Little Dinosaur. Looking forward to the paperback coming out later this year.

19.01.2022 Hmm...not sure I should really ask my kids what to write about myself in a blurb. Should I change it? Do I want to be known as smelly?

17.01.2022 Have been asked to be a guest judge for the Eve Pownall Award for the CBC Vic Clayton's night. It's an unofficial short list of my favourites before the short list. Tough gig considering I'm also entered! I've a new appreciation for the work those CBC judges do!

15.01.2022 Thanks Tania and Kidsbookreview for this review of Isla Lu. I've just found it.

13.01.2022 Made it to the dawn service in Melbourne this morning. It was a lovely service. Yesterday I had a lovely time at Lyndale Greens Primary talking about ANZAC Day and some of my other books. Lots of great questions and great to share some photos with them of our Grandad and puggles. Although one little boy did say he didn't think I was Catriona Hoy because I looked to old and another girl said that a boy in her class said I was pregnant. Then when another child said I was probably 64 I thought...At least I'm uniquely the only 64 year old pregnant person around! This came on top of the fact that I was asked last week at the RSL if I was a senior! Gotta get some botox.

13.01.2022 Better late than never... As guest judge at the Victorian Clayton's Awards (not the official awards!!!) last week my selections for the Eve Pownall book of the year award were.... Lone Pine by Magaret Warner and Susie Hamers, illustrated by SebastianCiaffaglione... Life on the Goldfields by Doug Bradby Kevin Thinks by Gail Watts Sophie Scott Goes South by Alison Lester Python by Christopher Cheng, illustrated by Mark Jackson It was a really tough choice and I have a new appreciation of how difficult it is to by a judge and why the Notable's List is so necessary. Of course, I had to exclude The Little Dinosaur as it is also entered but fingers crossed now for the real list!

12.01.2022 Very exciting news for The Little Dinosaur. It was one of the books selected to go to the Bologna Children's Book Fair as part of the exhibition of Australian Children's Book Illustration arranged by Books Illustrated and the Copyright Agency's cultural fund next year. It will also be entered in the Bologna Ragazzi Award for graphic and editorial design. Fingers crossed and a big thankyou again to Jane Covernton my publisher and Andrew Plant the illustrator.

11.01.2022 Just saw Katrina Germaine's book 'My Dad Think He's Funny' on The Block!!! I love that book.

11.01.2022 My new little cutie.

11.01.2022 Hope some of you can come along to help me celebrate the launch of 'Isla Lu, Where Are You?' at the Solway Primary School Fair, Winton Rd Ashburton. 12pm this Saturday. Lots of other activities for kids at the fair too. Colouring competition for free copy of Isla Lu. Illustrator Annie White will also be coming to sign copies.

05.01.2022 Off to Sale in the morning to speak at Briagalong Primary School about dinosaurs. Then Rosedale library the next morning. Hmm what to pack?

03.01.2022 Book Launch: Isla Lu, Where Are You 2pm Saturday 17th November Solway Faces and Places Fair Solway Primary School,... Winton Rd Ashburton See more

03.01.2022 Ah, back to the real world after a lovely camping holiday. Hope to see some old and new friends at the Melbourne SCBWI meeting on Saturday.

02.01.2022 Thanks Claire for sending me this photo of Isla Lu in The Little Bookroom, Carlton.

02.01.2022 Thanks to all those wonderful independent booksellers who are knowledgable about books and support authors by recommending and hand-selling books. They do a great job in an increasingly competitive market. A big thumbs down to the bookseller who refused to talk to me on the phone yesterday and told her underling to ask me if I had a real publisher, or was I self published. And that they only spoke to publishers. In the past I have done many talks, readings at independent bookstores which are of mutual advantage. I don't charge, I have to travel, they promote my books. Soooo feeling like I'm better off teaching chemistry.

01.01.2022 Congratulations to those on the CBCA shortlist and notables for this year. Nice to see that some of my picks were there for the notables. Sadly, The Little Dinosaur didn't make it. So I guess it just shows that I'm better off being a chemistry teacher, although my students may disagree, lol. More red wine and will console myself that My Grandad Marches on Anzac Day didn't make it either and is still selling and being reprinted. Dummy spit?

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