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Senator Catryna Bilyk | Politician

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Senator Catryna Bilyk

Phone: +61 3 6229 4444

Address: Shop 3, Kingston Plaza, 20 Channel Highway 7050 Kingston, TAS, Australia


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25.01.2022 Despite inclement weather a wonderful day was had at the annual Kingston Rotary Mega Market yesterday. It was great to be able to have the market on again, and to see so many people out and about. My sincerest congratulations to Kingston Rotary on another sterling effort for our community.... As usual I was assisting on the Kingborough Helping Hands stall, and do not mind admitting it was a long day. There was a few sore knees and backs (me included) amongst the many wonderful committee members and other KHH supporters who assisted, but a wonderful feeling of camaraderie and community amongst us. An enormous effort goes on behind the scene for the market, whether it be sorting and pricing the goods prior to yesterday, transporting and setting up, supplying and selling other goods (with the profits going to KHH), sorting float money and banking the loot, keeping people fed and coffeed, or packing up at the end and putting away what was left over. And of course the ‘stall servers’. Apologies if I’ve left any jobs out. I didn’t even have time to make many photos and apologies for the quality of the ones I did take. Couldn’t resist photographing the three wise Rotary members. It takes a Team and I’m enormously proud to be part of the KHH Team. Now for the Sharing Tree (non) opening!!

24.01.2022 Delighted to join my fellow co-convenor of the Parliamentary Antarctic Alliance Senator Jonathon Duniam for the launch of this Parliamentary friendship group. Thank you to representatives of the Australian Antarctic Division and The Tasmanian Polar Network for also joining us to discuss their work. As a Senator for Tasmania I strongly support my state’s role as the Antarctic gateway. This sector is worth $186 million a year to the Tasmanian economy and generates 855 jobs.

24.01.2022 Today we would like to acknowledge the amazing community of students, staff and families that is St Aloysius Catholic College. The students participated in th...e St Vinnies sleepout raising much needed funds for those who are doing it tough. Yesterday at the school, attended by Edna Pennicott and Senator Catryna Bilyk, Edna was presented with a donation from the students. Great work everyone! Big thank you also for the weekly donations provided by the school community to Kingborough Helping Hands See more

23.01.2022 Some amazing Tasmanian nominees for this year’s Australian of the Year awards.

21.01.2022 23-29 November 2020 is Asbestos Awareness Week. This week serves to remind us that asbestos is still present in millions of houses in Australia. If you are planning a DIY renovation, it is important that you check for asbestos and seek professional help to remove it. If your house was built before 1990 it is likely to contain asbestos.... A checklist for homeowners to identify asbestos-containing material in their house is available at: For further information on Asbestos Awareness Week, follow the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency on Facebook.

21.01.2022 27,000 Australians are stranded overseas due to closed borders, cancelled flights and the Government's cap on international arrivals. Many of them are financially and medically vulnerable. As Australian citizens, they are looking to the Australian Government to help them get home, yet Scott Morrison has failed to take action.... Join Labor in calling on the Morrison Government to come up with a plan to help stranded Aussies return home safely.

21.01.2022 I was pleased to have the opportunity to congratulate Grace Tame in person after she received the Tasmanian nomination for Australian on the Year. It took incredible strength not only to survive the abuse she suffered as a child but to fight for her right for her story to be told, for the right of other survivors to tell their stories, and to use her experience as a catalyst for an important change which will improve the lives of many other survivors. For Grace’s courage, determination and inspirational example to others, she is absolutely deserving of this award.

19.01.2022 Today I signed the NTEU National Tertiary Education Union's pledge to vote NO to the Liberals' plans to make university degrees more expensive. During a recession, when around one in six young people can't find work (the worst youth unemployment rate in 20 years) the Morrison Government wants to make it harder to go to university. Not only will the cost of some degrees double under their proposed changes, but thousands of Australians will miss out on a university education al...together because they are failing to provide enough university places. Every one of Scott Morrison's Liberal Cabinet ministers went to university, but they don't think other Australians deserve the same chance. I will be joining my Federal Labor colleagues in opposing the bill.

18.01.2022 108,000 Tasmanian disability pensioners, aged pensioners and carer payment recipients will miss out on an increase to their pensions to help meet the rising cost of living. Average GP out-of-pocket costs alone have gone up by $11 under this Government and the cost of fresh fruit and vegetables has increased by over 5% in the last six months. With interest rates at record lows, pensioners with modest savings face a double whammy.... Help us call on the Morrison Government to end their pension freeze by signing Labor's petition.

18.01.2022 Wonderful night at the Kingborough Lions United Football Club Awards. Guess who presented the Laurie Harvey Award tonight? I had to get Ange Quinn (his grand... daughter) up too. Extra pleased to be asked to do this presentation. I first met Laurie and his wife Joan in 1967 when we moved to Moonah and they lived a few houses down from us. They became life long friends of my mum and dad. See more

17.01.2022 I'm delighted to join Probus South Pacific today in celebrating the inaugural Probus Day - coinciding with the United Nations Day of OIder Persons. Established in 1976, Probus is a not-for-profit organisation which provides opportunities for retired and semi-retired people to gather and meet people with similar interests. They have 110,000 members in 1,560 clubs across Australia. I assist three of my three local Probus clubs - the Men's, Women's and Combined Probus Clubs of Kingston - by printing their monthly newsletters. I can see from these newsletters that Probus members enjoy a wide variety of activities and have a lot of fun together.

16.01.2022 63,000 Tasmanians relying on JobKeeper will have their payments cut from Monday. Treasury told the COVID-19 Senate Committee it is "undisputed" that these cuts will hurt the Australian economy, which is already in a deep recession. It makes no sense to rip away this support from working Australians in the middle of a recession without a jobs plan to replace it.

16.01.2022 An informative visit to Incat Tasmania with Senator Carol Brown and Brian Mitchell Federal MP for Lyons. Incat has a reputation for building high-quality world-renowned vessels right here in Hobart, employing many Tasmanians. They deliver their vessels to clients throughout the world. Thank you to Robert Clifford, Tim Burnell, Craig Clifford and Judy Benson for taking the time to show us around.

15.01.2022 I was happy to lend my support to Rokeby Neighbourhood Centre's fantastic lunch fundraiser on Wednesday for Epilepsy Tasmania - an organisation which provides vital support and advocacy for Tasmanians living with epilepsy. It was great to see so many members of the Rokeby community getting behind this important cause. Thank you to the RNC for your excellent work in the community and happy birthday to centre co-ordinator Cate Clark!

15.01.2022 I enjoyed visiting Howrah Beach Child Care Centre (Phoenix Children's Services) with Julie Collins MP to discuss the importance of early childhood education and care - not just to workforce participation but because of the vital contribution it makes to the learning and development of children. We were excited to see progress on the centre's new premises. It was great to catch up with director Kathryn Laing, an old friend and colleague of mine from my time as a family day carer. Thank you, Kathryn, for taking time out of your busy day to see us, and for introducing us to some very passionate and dedicated educators, and some very inquisitive children!

14.01.2022 50 countries have now ratified the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which comes into force today. Under an Albanese Labor Government, Australia will sign and ratify the Treaty after taking account: - the need to ensure an effective verification and enforcement architecture, - interaction of the Treaty with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and... - achieving universal support. Nuclear weapons are so destructive that it is a global humanitarian imperative to consign them to the dustbin of history. Please share to show your support for the #nuclearban.

14.01.2022 Politicians shouldn't be above scrutiny. Public money your money should always be spent for public good. Let's just get it done.

14.01.2022 Two days to go until I Walk4BrainCancer. This is such an important cause. Only 1 in 5 Australians survive for five years after a brain cancer diagnosis, and it kills more Australian children than any other disease. Please sponsor me to help me reach my fundraising goal of $1,000.... Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

12.01.2022 It was wonderful to attend the Annual General Meeting of Dementia Friendly Tasmania Inc. last night with Bastian Seidel MLC. I am pleased to see the organisation receive a grant to create a 'dementia-friendly community'. With 459,000 Australians living with dementia, and this number expected to increase to one million by 2058, it is vital that all Australians are compassionate towards, and inclusive of, people with dementia. The dementia-friendly communities initiative is an ...important catalyst for raising community awareness and developing understanding of dementia. Congratulations to Kath Shearer and Di Carter on their election as President and Vice-President respectively. Thank you to the Channel Museum, Margate, Tasmania for providing a venue for the meeting.

12.01.2022 The ASU, together with the TWU and FAAA took Qantas to court as they are incorrectly applying JobKeeper and delaying the payment of shift penalties and overtime.... That didn’t fly with us or our members. The Federal Court has just handed down their decision and we won! We are now calling for Qantas to accept the court’s decision and back-pay all underpaid employees. There is never any excuse for wage theft.

12.01.2022 Thanks Robert Bilyk. for the photo....thanks David O'Byrne for the post! A wonderful evening of celebrating an amazing club. Pleased to be able to attend Kingborough Lions United Football Club.

11.01.2022 As if it wasn’t enough that Qantas has decided to axe and outsource 2500 jobs, it’s also trying to shut its workers up. Last week we were informed that our Save... Qantas Jobs page had been shut down at the request of Qantas, with no chance to argue the case for workers’ voices to be heard or how such a move infringes workers’ rights. So we wrote to the Attorney-General and Minister for Communications about this appalling attack on free speech. Now, miraculously, it's back. Follow Save Qantas Jobs to keep up with the fight. Paul Fletcher Christian Porter Mark Dreyfus Michelle Rowland MP Jenny McAllister

10.01.2022 The Pfizer vaccine has now been approved by the TGA. But Australians are being told that we'll have to wait until the end of February, maybe even March. Why? Be...cause Australia was late to the party on vaccine deals. Other countries were signing deals last March. It took us until September. Now we're at the back of the queue. More than 65 million doses in 56 countries have been given out. Australians deserve to know when we'll be able to get the vaccine.

08.01.2022 A great night at the Kingborough Lions United Football Club end of season presentation. With Julie Collins MP Senator Catryna Bilyk Alison Standen MP At the Sa...lty dog, making use of all the spaces here to ensure we all fit in. Great speech from Brian Downes, standing in one room and delivering across all the spaces in the pub. Remarkable times call for remarkable solutions!

06.01.2022 21-25 September 2020 is International Week of the Deaf and yesterday (23 September) was International Day of Sign Languages. Both these initiatives are important in highlighting inclusion for deaf and hearing impaired people. I've enjoyed once again participating in the Auslan Leaders' Challenge. In my message I focussed on the importance of captioning and sign language interpretation for conveying public alerts and community messages during emergencies. Thank you to The Deaf Society for adding interpretation and captioning to my message.

06.01.2022 The Morrison Government's backflip on a fibre-to-the-premises National Broadband Network is a belated admission that Labor had it right all along. Seven years wasted, $51 billion spent, and finally the Liberals realise that not only was Labor's plan better - it was cheaper too. How much economic opportunity have the Liberals squandered because they refused to deliver a fibre network for ideological reasons?

05.01.2022 No to Violence's Men's Referral Service receives calls from perpetrators of family violence and provides telephone and online counselling to deescalate violence and refer them to longer term support. There is no excuse for family violence, but there is support available for men who are ready to take responsibility for their violent and abusive behaviour. Call 1300 766 491 or visit the website below for an online chat.

02.01.2022 Today, 26 September, is the United Nations' International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. Labor has a proud history of advancing nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation including the Canberra Commission and establishing the International Commission on Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (ICNND). An Albanese Labor Government will build upon this legacy.

02.01.2022 Airservices Australia is cutting aviation firefighting crew numbers. However, just because many aircraft aren't flying doesn't mean the risk of a catastrophic incident is any less. In fact, with hundreds of planes parked and fuel reserves higher than normal the risk may be even greater. If aviation firefighting crew numbers aren't restored billions of dollars in aviation infrastructure risks going up in smoke.... It's just #planestupid. Please support the United Firefighters Union Aviation Branch's campaign by visiting the link below.

02.01.2022 Thank you to the Kingborough Bowls & Community Club for inviting me and Julie Collins MP to your season opening yesterday. It is great to see this sports club going from strength to strength, and also serving as a hub for a range of other community activities.

02.01.2022 Here's Team Bilyk earlier today doing the Walk4BrainCancer 2020. As you can see, things are a bit different this year and large fundraising events like Walk4BrainCancer Tasmania have been substituted for individual and small group walks such as this. We were also walking in solidarity with thousands of other Australians participating today in Walk4BrainCancer Virtual. It was a bit chilly with some light drizzle but nothing can deter us from this cause - not even COVID-19. Tha...nks to my trusty team for coming out and for helping me to raise close to $2,000 for Cure Brain Cancer. We are still accepting sponsorship. To donate visit Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

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