Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives in Majura, Australian Capital Territory, Australia | Community organisation
Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives
Locality: Majura, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Address: PO BOX 354 4103 Majura, ACT, Australia
Likes: 6523
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25.01.2022 #FridayPhoto #Redfern #Deadly #streetart
25.01.2022 The NSW Rural Doctor's Network have partnered with CATSINaM to offer our NSW student members financial relief in these challenging times. These bursaries have been created to support under-graduate health student Members in NSW during the COVID-19 crisis as part of the RDNs COVID-19 response plan. CATSINaM and the RDN have partnered to deliver these bursary funds to our NSW under-grad student members who are in need of financial relief as a result of current study & work restrictions. Check our website for T&Cs and how to apply
24.01.2022 Shout out to our deadly Tassie Members! CATSINaM is holding an online forum for you Mob on Wednesday 3rd June 2020. Follow this link to RSVP for the free event
23.01.2022 CATSINaM Members Head over and register for National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Worker Association Webinar 4 entitled 'Why we don't DO Self-Care and How we CAN do it Daily' being held from 12pm on Friday 28th August here We all know we should be practicing self-care, but how do we do it? Join Charlie Giles to find the key to sustainable self-care strategies that can help avoid feeling overwhelmed or burnt out.
23.01.2022 Have you downloaded the COVIDSafe App? Head over to the Australian Government's COVIDSafe webpage for more information and how to download #StoptheSpread #OurJobProtectOurMob #KeepOurMobSafe #AboriginalHealthinAboriginalHands
23.01.2022 Hey you mob - the rural doctors network are running webinars to help student nurses and midwives. Follow this link to find out more. The first webinar is on the 26 May and features the CATSINaM CEO Mel Robinson.
23.01.2022 Get in quick! Applications are open for entry into the Centre For Remote Health Postgraduate Remote Health Practice Programs. Applications will close the evening of Monday 13th July. Visit the website for more info Apply here
21.01.2022 Want to know what we have been up to? Check out the latest CATSINaM Newsletter here
21.01.2022 REGISTRATIONS CLOSE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! AIDA will be hosting webinar on Dealing with racism in the primary health care system on Wednesday, 17 June @ 7PM AEST fo...r Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members of AIDA, Indigenous Allied Health Australia, Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwivesand National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Worker Association. This webinar will include presentations by Professor Gregory Phillips and Dr Stephanie Trust. The session will be facilitated by AIDA Vice President, Assoc. Professor Shannon Springer. We strongly encourage you to submit questions when you register for the webinar and you can do that right up to midnight, Tuesday, 16 June. We will also be able to take some questions on the night. Register today:
20.01.2022 #FridayPhoto from our SA Member forum this week Have a great weekend everyone!
19.01.2022 The Elsevier Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Midwifery scholarship closing date has been extended to 31 July 2020! More information and how to apply here
19.01.2022 Shout out to CATSINaM's Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Nurse Practitioner Members 2020 is the 20th year of Nurse Practitioners in Australia! To celebrate and as part of our #RecogniseBlackNursesandMidwives2020 campaign, we want to profile our Deadly Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander NPs in a short piece in our annual report. We would love it if our NP Members could send us through a few short paragraphs on their journeys to becoming an NP to be included If you would like to participate, please email your story through to [email protected]
19.01.2022 Join National Rural Health Commissioner, Associate Professor Ruth Stewart, 'In Conversation' with our Chief Executive Officer Richard Colbran on Rural Health Pr...o, as they discuss the issues affecting the rural health workforce today. Don't miss your chance to help shape our discussion. Register for this webinar and submit a question via
19.01.2022 A conversation could change a life. Ask R U OK? Not just today but every day. Listen, encourage action and Check-in. For support call Lifeline 13 11 14. #RUOKstrongertogether
19.01.2022 Announcement We are proud to announce the launch of the new organisation logo as part of the ongoing evolution of our organisations brand. CATSINaM has grown and evolved over the years, and we felt it was time for a change. We have refreshed our logo to reflect where we have come from, who we are today and to symbolise our future. Click here to view the full Media Release-
18.01.2022 Congratulations to our deadly CATSINaM member & Registered Nurse Lauwana Blackley, who is a Dialysis Nurse on Bwgcolman/Palm Island, and is the 2020 Shine Awards Dedication winner. The @theweeklytimes Shine Awards recognise + celebrate rural women who make a real difference to their communities. FYI @CATSINaM... @RenalSociety 2020 Shine Awards Dedication winner and finalists 2020 Shine Awards Dedication winner
18.01.2022 Don't forget your nursing and midwifery registration is due on the 31 May. If you need financial assistance with your registration apply before you renew. Details about assistance is available on the NMBA website.
17.01.2022 Queensland Health NEW Service #recogniseblacknursesandmidwives2020
13.01.2022 Head over and have a read of this article by Donna Murray and Tanja Hirvonen from Indigenous Allied Health Australia on Croakey - independent, in-depth social journalism for health titled "To address racism, professions urged to engage with reflection, truth telling and courageous conversations" #BlackLivesMatterAustralia #CulturalSafety
13.01.2022 "The time has now come for the nation to turn a new page in Australia's history by righting the wrongs of the past and so moving forward with confidence to the future." - Kevin Rudd. Today we reflect on the Apology to Australia's Indigenous Peoples. Read the transcript of the Apology here #sorryday
13.01.2022 Congratulations to deadly CATSINaM Member, Renee Fiolet, who has submitted the last draft of her thesis! Amazing effort Renee!
13.01.2022 CATSINaM Announces the Appointment of New CEO SEPTEMBER 1ST 2020 - The Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINaM) today announces the appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer, Professor Roianne West CATSINaM Chairperson, Marni Tuala welcomed Professor West and said The Board and I are excited about the future of our organisation and the work we will do together. We truly believe we have secured the countrys best to lead CATSINaM. P...rofessor Roianne West is a Kalkadunga and Djaku-nde woman hailing from her grandmothers ancestral lands near Mount Isa giving her an excellent appreciation of challenges facing our members in rural, remote and regional settings. Her drive to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health is part of a long family tradition and includes careers of nursing spanning four generations. Prof. West has a twin sister and a brother who are also Registered Nurses and twin daughters who are studying Nursing and Midwifery. Read the full media release on our website here
13.01.2022 'Best doctors and nurses': Australia leads the world in COVID-19 ICU survival rates
13.01.2022 **AIDA WEBINAR SERIES** AIDA is hosting a series of webinars around racism and wellbeing to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members of AIDA, Indig...enous Allied Health Australia, Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives and National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Worker Association. AIDA will be hosting our second webinar on Dealing with racism in the primary health care system on Wednesday, 17 June commencing at 7pm AEST This webinar will include presentations by Professor Gregory Phillips and Dr Stephanie Trust. The session will be facilitated by AIDA Vice President, Assoc. Professor Shannon Springer. We encourage you to submit questions when you register for the webinar and you can do that, via the registration page, right up to midnight, Tuesday 16th June 2020. However, you will also be able to submit questions on the night through the webinar platform. Topics may include: Experiencing racism more often and more overtly at times of crisis Racism in the health care system Forms of racism - Institutional, structural, interpersonal, and intrapersonal racism Principles of Cultural Safety Dealing with racism at an individual level Register today:
11.01.2022 Webinar #4 in the AIDA Webinar series is coming up! The topic for this webinar is Selfcare - Looking after yourself, family and community during a crisis. Staying safe, strong and connected. Make sure you jump on and register here!
11.01.2022 ACT region Members! Your CATSINaM online members forum is being held at 5pm AEST tomorrow Tuesday 23rd June 2020. We hope to see you all there!
10.01.2022 Nominations are now open for the HESTA Awards 2020 HESTA Excellence Awards, which recognises the incredible professionals working in disability, allied health, aged care and community services. $60,000 in prizes is up for grabs, and you can nominate in more than one category. To start the process, click here
10.01.2022 Here's a LOL for your Monday
10.01.2022 Check out CATSINaM member Faye Clarke in this Deadly educational video by Ballarat & District Aboriginal Co-Operative on how to properly put on a mask during COVID 19
10.01.2022 Scholarship Opportunity The ACT Health Nursing & Midwifery Office is pleased to offer the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Enrolled Nursing Scholarship in conjunction with Canberra Institute of Technology. Apply here
09.01.2022 CATSINaM Members Have you updated your membership details yet? Get in quick to get your hands on one of these deadly CATSINaM merch items for FREE! Stocks are limited! Not a CATSINaM member yet? Jump on to our website to find out how to apply
09.01.2022 CATSINaM Members! The Update Your CATSINaM Membership Details giveaway is closing tomorrow (Friday 7th August) Don't miss out on your free CATSINaM merchandise! If you haven't already, head over to
09.01.2022 **Happening TONIGHT, 24 June from 5pm (AEST)** Free webinar event Open to all Indigenous members of National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Association, Indigenous Allied Health Australia, Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives Registrations have closed, but for last minute access email us at [email protected] for log in links to the webinar.
08.01.2022 On whose shoulders we stand
08.01.2022 Have you seen the new contact form on our website? Drop us a line!
08.01.2022 [NEWS] First COVID-19 vaccine trial in Canberra underway Federal Regional Health Minister, Mark Coulton visited the clinic where participants are taking part in Canberras first COVID-19 vaccine trial. More:
08.01.2022 Check out the latest scholarship and financial assistance opportunities over at our website
06.01.2022 Are you expecting a baby soon and would like to try to sleep your baby the Pepi-Pod way? Call one of Flinders University's Aboriginal researchers on 0466 229 149 or sign up via this link and they will contact you:
05.01.2022 Professional Development opportunity nursing leadership in social justice and anti-racism. Graduating Socially Responsible Nurses - Register here Link to register:
04.01.2022 Our Elders Our Strength
03.01.2022 If you haven't already, head over to ABC iView and watch In My Blood It Runs, a timely reminder of Aboriginal Australians struggling to get basic education for their kids while living in two worlds
03.01.2022 Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Australia, the national Indigenous wellbeing, mental health and suicide prevention leadership body, have launched three money stress, wellbeing and mental health support posters for Indigenous Australians for staying healthy and strong during the coronavirus outbreak. The new posters add to the seven tips posters Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) Australia has already published. In addition to being available on the organisations website, the 10 tips po...ster will be published in a full colour, full page spread in the upcoming edition of the Koori Mail, and printed versions are being distributed to Aboriginal Medical Services. The posters are designed to appeal to wide cross section of Indigenous audiences remote and urban, and young and old alike. For media enquiries please contact [email protected] See more
01.01.2022 Call Out for stories of Culturally Unsafe Health Practice Trigger Warning - This request may upset some readers by reminding them of negative experiences For CATSINAM Members, friends & family, CATSINaM is currently in the research stages of producing a suite of videos for CATSINaMs Cultural Safety e-Learning or Online Course. As part of the videos, we are seeking personal stories of culturally safe and unsafe provision of care from a diverse range of health profess...ionals nationwide. Contributors should be prepared to sign copyright permission for use of their image and voice (if applicable) and all contributors will be acknowledged in the final resource if their contribution is used. These authentic stories may be used as the basis for testimonials or training re-enactments with all identifying story features de-identified or removed for privacy. The stories collected will play a key role in building an honest, raw, & emotional portrayal of both positive & negative real-life culturally safe health provision. The targeted audience for these videos would include non-Indigenous Nurses & Midwives, we also hope this training will be used for all health professionals. Our intention is to make the viewer feel a sense of uncomfortableness - we know what racism & stigma feels like within our workplaces & communities, this is an opportunity for them to walk in our shoes. If you are interested in participating, please email your responses to the above to [email protected] If you have any questions please call the CATSINaM office on 02 6262 5761
01.01.2022 A $60,000 prize pool is up for grabs! Dont miss your chance to recognise someone remarkable working in the health and community sector in the HESTA Awards HESTA Excellence Awards. You can nominate your inspiring heroes here Be quick! Nominations close on the 2nd of August 2020
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