Cavalli | Education
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21.01.2022 SAN MARTINO. Beautiful poetry by my favorite Italian author: Giosue' Carducci. The poet is describing a typical autumn scenery in Northern Italy: a think fog is crawling up to the hills - left steep and bristly by the dormant, leafless trees - and leaving behind a light rain. A melancholic view that suggests to the reader of the slow, relentless fading of growing old. However, among the alleys of the town, life is fermenting - as the bubbling, stewing vats that are collectin...g the new wine - and the pungent smell of the must, diffusing through the roofs, is cheering up the souls. The burning spit is twirling on the fire: the hunter had come back with the gamey meat for the season. He is calmly whistling on his veranda, with the peace of mind of having accomplished all of his duties, at his best. He is also gazing at the sky, where a flock of black birds are flying towards the reddish horizon; the poet compares them with exiled thoughts, migrating away through the twilight - like unwanted worries, that you decide to let go, at the end of your busy day. See more
20.01.2022 Hello everyone, my name is Sofia Cavalli :) I am an experienced private teacher based in NSW, Australia, that teaches online via Zoom or Skype. I was born and raised in Venice, I have studied linguistics in a grammar school and attended University, under the faculty of History. I can teach you Italian, from beginners to advanced, encompassing both reading and writing, to listening and speaking. If you wish, I can cover cultural topics such as arts, food and travel :)... And most important, you can learn from the comfort of your home with flexible time and low price packages :)
15.01.2022 Here are some words that can be handy at dinner time
14.01.2022 Roma Nord: puoi pure sopravvivere al virus. Ma poi devi vedertela col cinghiale.
13.01.2022 A bit of Venetian for the most sophisticated
11.01.2022 VENEZIA Donna misteriosa, nel suo intreccio di canali antichi, timidamente mi sorride.... Un vino bianco secco, che asciuga ma disseta, le mie lacrime e la brama. Ti volti con sdegno nei tuoi umori di tempesta - quando le emozioni, salendo, inghiottono le strade. Eppoi irradi, con fiero ardore, i colori pastello dell'artigianato, della storia e dell'arte, impressi in ogni edificio. Venezia, donna ormai vetusta, che fu audace e fiera e libera. So leggere nel tuo incarnato l'antica bellezza, il pullulio di genti, l'odore salmastro e l'attraversare impervio di tante liquide pianure, per donare a terre lontane, il tuo rubesto nome. Sofia Cavalli
10.01.2022 IL PRIMO TRAGICO FANTOZZI - Italian classic movie from the '70s: a satyr of the typical Italian man of the middle class, an emblem of the "overwhelmed man": mediocre and unsatisfied of a lifestyle he didn't choose - but that Society assigned to him instead - and incapable to improve his situation, the protagonist Ugo Fantozzi just suffers any vexations, among shy attempt of rebellion and pitiful servility. Tragic and comic at the same time, it is an amazing movie - quite easy to follow with subtitles. Highly recommend it.
10.01.2022 (Italia - Renzo Pezzani) Ricca o povera, Italia, sei la patria mia. Sei così bella che somigli alla mia mamma. Ti vedo nelle città dove si lavora.... Ti vedo negli occhi della gente. Ti vedo nei colori della bandiera. Rich or poor, oh Italy, you are my homeland. You are so beautiful that you look like my mum. I see you in the city where we work. I see you in the eyes of the people. I see you in the colors of the flag. Italy will always be a homeland for those who belong to her.
10.01.2022 Would you like to learn some typical Italian expressions, very commonly used? Do you know different ones? Write them on the comment
08.01.2022 Do you know the difference between CONOSCERE and SAPERE?
05.01.2022 Proviamo a coniugare correttamente questi verbi?
01.01.2022 Some useful expressions, especially these quarantine times
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