Councillor Carey-Ann Brett | Politician
Councillor Carey-Ann Brett
Phone: +61 430 089 797
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25.01.2022 As you know, the short-sharp lockdown of Perth, Peel and the South West is due to end tomorrow evening at 6pm. As of 8pm tonight, I can confirm that we have re...corded no new local cases of COVID-19. This is a remarkable achievement, and the credit belongs to each and every Western Australian. The short five-day lockdown has done the job it was designed to do to reassure us that we don’t have community spread of the virus. Provided that we continue to have no new local cases tomorrow, that lockdown will end at 6pm. But as we have flagged, some restrictions will need to remain until we can be absolutely sure that our community is COVID-free. Tonight I can outline to you what that transitional phase will look like for our State. Pending ongoing testing results and expert health advice, lockdown restrictions for Perth, Peel and the South-West will be lifted at 6:00pm tomorrow evening (Friday 5 February). Following that, stay-at-home rules will be lifted - and interim restrictions will apply to Perth and Peel. The South West will immediately return to pre-lockdown conditions at 6pm tomorrow (Friday 5 February). A post-lockdown transition period for the Perth and Peel regions to keep WA safe and resume a more COVID-safe way of life will remain in place until 12.01am Sunday morning, 14 February allowing for the full 14-day incubation period to run its course. All Western Australians must continue to practise physical distancing where possible and maintain good personal hygiene at all times. The post lockdown transitional measures for the Perth and Peel regions, include the following measures: - Everyone must continue to wear a mask in public and while at work, unless exempt or for outdoor vigorous exercise - All business and venues can reopen, except for the casino and nightclubs - 4 square metre capacity rule in place for most venues - 150-person capacity excluding staff at hospitality, entertainment and venues and events including weddings and funerals at these venues - Community sport can start, and involve up to 150 people including players, officials and spectators. - Seated service only at hospitality venues - Dancing only permitted at weddings and dance studios - 20-person limit for private indoor and outdoor gatherings - Visits to aged care and disability care facilities restricted to compassionate grounds - Residential school and boarding facilities can resume with a COVID Safety Plan - Only essential travel is permitted in and out of the Perth and Peel regions to other parts of WA. Under the post-lockdown transition measures, Perth and Peel schools will start from Monday, 8 February, with the mandatory mask rule applying to all school staff and secondary students. Masks are not required for primary school students. Masks are also mandatory for staff at childcare facilities as well as students and staff in higher education, including TAFEs and universities. Teaching staff are permitted to remove their mask if teaching at the front of the classroom to enable clear enunciation. People who need to leave the Perth and Peel region for essential purposes must wear a mask at all times in other regions of WA, as per the rules in place in Perth and Peel. Elective surgery at WA public hospitals will resume once the lockdown has ended and people will be contacted directly to re-schedule and re-book their appointments which were suspended due to the five-day lockdown. FIFO workers will once again be able to leave the Perth and Peel regions, but documentation will be required and they must follow strict health protocols. COVID-safe measures including the use of contact registers and SafeWA will continue to be crucial as part of post-lockdown life. Currently, the onus is on businesses to ensure a contact register is available for patrons. But from 6pm tomorrow the responsibility will be shared individuals will now also face penalties if they fail to scan in using either SafeWA or the contact register available. As always, authorities will apply a common-sense approach. For more information on our post-lockdown plans visit This is an important step for our State, and one which we are only able to take because Western Australians have overwhelmingly done the right thing under extremely challenging circumstances. This week we have seen the absolute best of WA. The community united behind one another, followed the rules, got tested and gave us confidence to move to this transitional stage. But this has been an extremely disruptive week, and I expect the next 24 hours and the following week will still be challenging for many people. I encourage everyone to support local businesses as much as they can - it will go a long way to help them recover from the events of the past week. I wish we could just snap back immediately to the life we had last week - but doing so would be too risky. It would be irresponsible. All things going well, and if we continue to see good results from our COVID testing, this phase will last for less than nine days. But to make sure that happens, I do need to ask one more thing: If you are unwell, if you have any symptoms please go get tested. And obviously, if you have been to any of the exposure sites, you need to get tested. And even if you have received a negative result, get tested again if symptoms develop. I cannot stress this enough. I know this week has been tough. But we live in the best country in the world and the best State in the country. And we will get through this. Thank you.
25.01.2022 Make your WA Day extra special and support our local City of Gosnells coffee, ice cream and dessert trucks as they bring their treats to your streets! Coffee The Caffeine Machine - The Event Professionals - Canning Vale, Southern River, Huntingdale... Art vs Depression- Gosnells, Martin, Maddington, Orange Grove Fresh Brew Mobile Coffee - Langford, Beckenham, Thornlie, Kenwick Desserts Churro Central - All Suburbs Sash Sensational Refreshments - Canning Vale, Southern River MJ'Z Ice Cream - Huntingdale, Thornlie Kia Food Van - Langford, Beckenham, Kenwick Unicone Softserve Perth - Gosnells, Maddington, Orange Grove, Martin
24.01.2022 It should be a clear night, catch a glimpse of the space station!
24.01.2022 I’m so proud that our City is expanding its Meals on Wheels service to support vulnerable seniors in the community during COVID-19. People over the age of 65 years can call the My Aged Care contact centre on 1800 200 422 to be referred for Meals on Wheels. Follow this link > for the full story!
23.01.2022 It’s NAIDOC week! The City has many events on this week including a screening of ‘In My Blood It Runs’ by D Maya Newell at the Don Russell Performing Arts Centre this Sunday. The film has won many awards including: ... Winner Audience Choice Award Darwin IFF Winner ATOM Best Documentary Social and Political issues Winner Best Film Byron Bay Film Festival Winner Best Australian Documentary Stronger than Fiction Festival You can book tickets through our City’s website. I also suggest checking out Nungala Creative’s Instagram for great interactive art that you can share with your friends.
22.01.2022 2020 has been such a roller-coaster year for all of us, but I'm happy to say I feel like I’m finishing it on a high - joining the team at HFM Legal - who have an office here in Maddington! Commutes to council (and chicken treat) will be a lot quicker now.
21.01.2022 Thanking all the beautiful staff, volunteers and fellow board members at William Langford Community House this evening at their Christmas party. This year has definitely been trying but WLCH’s dedication and effort in our community should be celebrated! Can’t wait to work with you all in 2021.
21.01.2022 Sending my love and thoughts to those of you that may be struggling this Christmas. It’s been a difficult year and I know many of you may not be celebrating a typical Christmas. If you do need support, please know that Lifeline Australia is there for you - even today. Connect with them on 13 11 14 - you can even text them on 0477 13 11 14 from 3pm - 9pm.
21.01.2022 thank you City of Gosnells for our new bins - it will be hard for Ravens to get into bins now.
21.01.2022 Free Flu Jab (Asthma sufferer) Super convenient jumper for a flu jab Book yours in soon!
21.01.2022 If you’re in the Thornlie area please keep an eye out whilst you’re out and about!
20.01.2022 Happy Friday all! Here’s something cute for your Friday afternoon
20.01.2022 P L A N T S F O R L O C A L S TODAY! This morning from 9am noon residents of the City of Gosnells can collect up to 10 free plants per household from the Wilkinson Homestead Museum. Proof of address is required. Please bring photo ID (driver’s licence or passport), and a recent Rate Notice or utility bill... Plants will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis Don’t forget to bring a box to take them home. There’s will also be gardening tips, a sausage sizzle, coffee van and activities for the kids. This initiative is a partnership project with the lovely informative peeps at the Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group funded by the Federal Government’s Communities Environment Program. Find more info on our website here
20.01.2022 We regularly come across illegal traps in our local rivers. These traps are allowed to be sold in shops but are illegal to use in public waterways and wetl...ands. The traps are often used to catch freshwater crustacean such as marron, gilgies and yabbies. Unfortunately, they also trap, and drown, lots of other aquatic animals such as our native rakali, turtles and even fish Fishing for marron is a regulated activity, requires a license and is only allowed to be carried out during marron season with correct equipment. It is not currently marron season, and these types of traps are not allowed to be used at all. If you come across one of these traps, please check for and release any wildlife, remove the trap from the water and report it to FISHWATCH 1800 815 507.
19.01.2022 I’m going to send this year out with the only way I know how - with a Simpsons meme. It’s been tough - but as a City I think we’ve accomplished a lot with: our Home But Not Alone program which saw our Community Engagement team deliver COVID safe events during isolation;... providing a freeze on the minimum general rate, reducing the rubbish charge and a general reduction in the Emergency Services Levy; providing an extra $14 million on the previous financial year’s budget to boost the 2020/21 capital works budget to $33 million, with the development of community parks, facilities and road safety projects receiving priority; and expanding the Meals on Wheels service, to assist more local, vulnerable residents using Federal Government funding. I hope you all see out 2020 in your own unique style! We’ll be here for you in 2021, come what may. [Credit to A.Bransgrove of Compuglobalhypermeganet]
19.01.2022 I had the great pleasure of participating in the age old debate of North v South of the River with the Mayor of Joondalup, Albert Jacobs, on Mix 94.5 with Clairsy, Matt and Kymba this morning! With only one minute to spruke us southies in Gosnells, I gave it my best shot! Dropping some truth bombs like: Ellisbrook Valley Reserve ... Johnny's Burgers Fika on Brix Perth HEAT Check out the podcast to hear the whole thing.
18.01.2022 Merry Christmas Eve to you all - if you have a chance this evening I would definitely recommend checking out the fabulous lights around our city - here’s a link to the winner of the City’s safe city lights comp:
18.01.2022 *UPDATED* Allan has been found! Have you seen Allan? Please keep an eye out! He was last seen at Blanche Street in Gosnells at 11am today (Saturday).
18.01.2022 Have you seen your local magpies become more aggressive towards each other recently? Yes, it is that time of year again! Australian magpies are defining their b...reeding territories and ensuring only suitable family members are allowed in the breeding territory. This might mean goodbye to the 1year olds and 2year olds. And it also means the matriarch is going to get more hungry and more determined. She needs excellent nutrition to lay healthy eggs and produce healthy, robust chicks while also defending her nest territory. What happens when people backyard feed? These females produce eggs lacking in nutrients. Then the developing chicks hatch malnourished and weak. And if the matriarch is continuously backyard fed, the innapropriate food is fed to the chicks, leading to abnormal development of the chicks. That is the story of this youngster who was admitted this week. She's stunted, tiny, has poor feathering and a thin, curved beak. Please don't feed magpies meat, mince or dog food. What is healthy for them? Earthworms!
18.01.2022 Looking for some plans this long weekend? Well we have your Monday evening sorted! From 7:00pm the City will light up the sky with four firework displays launching simultaneously from around the city. Look up to the skies and celebrate our state in the comfort of your own driveway.... Thank you to our community engagement team that continue to deliver these fantastic family friendly events during this difficult time. Follow City of Gosnells Programs and Events for more information and also ideas on how to keep your pets safe during this time.
17.01.2022 2021 Local Government Elections! Last night your council endorsed the Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC) to conduct the City’s 2021 election. If you have the slightest bit of interest in running in our October election, it's not a bad idea to start thinking about it now! ... Please get in contact with me if you have any questions - I contemplated having face to face meet ups named 'Beers with Brett' ... but it doesn't sound as good as Matt Keogh's 'Beers in Burt'. If you have a better suggestion, please let me know. Coronas with Carey? Craft beers with Carey? Consider Council over Crafts? **[Coffee and Zoom calls are also available]**
17.01.2022 Great job everyone! Let’s keep this up
17.01.2022 What fantastic news for our Melbourne friends and family
17.01.2022 Our Spencer Village Food Court getting some well deserved attention! Thank you to Broadsheet Perth for covering this local gem.
16.01.2022 Have you seen the Easter bunny this morning? Keep an ear out for sirens on your street and an eggstra special delivery
16.01.2022 Looking for some wholesome family fun this weekend? The City of Gosnells has you covered - click through and discover all the magic available at our Maddaganza event! Tickets are $10!
16.01.2022 UPDATE - SWAP MEET POSTPONED! The Swap Meet this Sunday has been postponed. The next will be planned for 14 February :)
16.01.2022 Gosnells residents - Please keep updated on changing fire conditions through the below FB page and website!
15.01.2022 The City of Gosnells is a state finalist in the Australian Event Awards for our community events during the COVID restrictions! Our residents & staff should be very proud of their resilience, ingenuity and willingness to engage in something different. Go Gosnells!
14.01.2022 Gosnells’ runners - are you ready?
14.01.2022 Here at the City of Gosnells, we love our pets, and we encourage responsible pet ownership. All cats and dogs in the City must be microchipped and registered ...with annual registrations due by 31 October this year. You can even register your pet for life. In 2019/20, there were 10,532 dogs and 2,154 cats registered in the City, as well as 9,786 registered kennel dogs. To keep your precious pets safe, register them now at
14.01.2022 Have we seen you at Maddaganza yet? Thousands of people have already had a ball at this fabulous all-weather extravaganza under the Big Top at Maddington Recrea...tion Ground. The weather may be a little bit wet today, but there's still plenty of fun for the whole family. Tickets are still available for afternoon sessions get in quick to avoid disappointment. For just $10 you get 75 minutes of unlimited access to carnival rides a small animal farm, unicorn selfies, youth and children's zones and much more - rain, hail or shine! Watch out for special appearances by Dorothy the Dinosaur, Olaf from Frozen and Chase from Paw Patrol. Book your tickets at See more
13.01.2022 Thank you to the Beckenham - Kenwick Community Hub for the invite to your catch up this afternoon. The sense of community amongst these lovely people is so fun and heartening to be around. Special mention to the hub's admins: Terresa Lynes, Chelsea and Kristie. Thank you for being so welcoming. Great to also see Mayor David Goode JP - City of Gosnells, Cr Aaron Adams and Cr Adam Hort too! Always fun with these lads around.
13.01.2022 Some great tips from Ross at the Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group about the upcoming native plant give away for City of Gosnells residents! Remember: it’s on Saturday 15 August at Wilkinson Homestead from 9am - 12pm; ... first come first served! up to 10 seedlings per property are available; bring proof of your address, such as photo ID (driver’s licence or passport), and a recent Rate Notice or utility bill; bring a box! It’s hard to carry up to 10 seedlings! There’ll be lots of people helping out on the day (including me!) so make sure you say hi!
12.01.2022 I’m so happy to announce that last night your Council approved a budget that has been developed to stimulate the local economy while reducing the financial burden on ratepayers. Here is some key info: RATES! ... If you have not recently undertaken any work to your property that has improved its value, your total rates bill for 2020/21 will not be increased from the 2019/20 year. INFRASTRUCTURE We’ll also be undertaking $33 million in local infrastructure works, to keep businesses and trades operating. PANDEMIC RESPONSE You’ll find more details about the City’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Budget and Rates Newsletter that you will receive with your Rate Notice in a few weeks. WIN MONEY The newsletter also offers the chance for ratepayers to win a share of thousands of dollars in cash, or shopping vouchers. You’ve got to be in it to win it! [image Getty images] [post edited to provide further clarification- thanks Cr Adams!]
11.01.2022 Planting seedlings is pretty straight forward, but there are a few things you need to know to maximise the chance of survival. Check out this quick planting demonstration filmed at a recent community planting event.
11.01.2022 This is devastating and an unfortunate timely reminder for our residents to be responsible with their pets. We can all take proactive steps to protect our City’s wildlife.
10.01.2022 T H I S S A T U R D A Y!
10.01.2022 MAGPIES IN PERTH NEED HELP Please keep an eye out for any wobbly, weak or paralysed magpies in Perth and surrounds. We are experiencing an increase in cases an...d reports recently. And sadly have had reports of whole flocks dying in the space of a few days due to the disease. Good news? It's treatable! But only if the affected birds are taken to a wildlife hospital asap for supportive care. Species affected: -Australian magpies -Australian ravens -Mudlarks -Butcherbird species
10.01.2022 The City now has an easier way for you to submit petitions to Council - which includes a mechanism to share your petition online! Check out the below link which will direct you to a new platform within 'Your Say Gosnells'. There's lots of helpful information about what steps you can take if you would like to see a change in an existing Council policy, local local law, or one of our previous decisions. ... I've submitted more petitions this year than any other year on council. I'm really thankful to our staff for their design and set up of this new method - I have no doubt this will bring down some of the barriers that our residents faced when considering to prepare a petition to us.
09.01.2022 Fantastic work everyone!
09.01.2022 Safe City Christmas Lights judging is underway with Adam Hort - City of Gosnells Councillor Councillor Dave Griffiths - City of Gosnells
08.01.2022 What fantastic news for all you runners out there! If you’re like me and have been enjoying winter in hibernation, is there any better day to brush off those cobwebs than Halloween?
08.01.2022 Looking for something wholesome to do with your kids in the lead up to HaLLowEeN Grab free tickets to Forest Lakes Shopping Centre’s upcoming event!
08.01.2022 WELCOME TO DJILBA Have you noticed blooms of yellow wildflowers around already? August and September sees the arrival of Djiba, the Nyoongar season of c...onception a time to look for yellow and cream flowers starting to bloom on mass. Djilba is a transitional time of the year, with some very cold and clear days combining with warmer, rainy and windy days mixing with the occasional sunny day or two. This is the start of the massive flowering explosion that happens in the south-west of the state which starts with yellow flowering plants such as acacias. Others colours that are around at this time of year are creams, combined with some vivid and striking blues. Traditionally, the main food sources were land-based grazing animals included the Yongar (kangaroo), the Waitj (emu) and the Koomal (possum). As the days start to warm up, the first newborns of these species would start to be seen with proud parents out and about finding food, teaching them to forage and protecting family units from bigger animals, including people. The woodland birds will still be nest-bound which means the swooping protective behaviour of the Koolbardi (Magpie) starts to ramp up and, if watched closely, so to do the Djidi Djidi (Willy Wag Tails) and the Chuck-a-luck (Wattle Birds) among others. As the season progresses and the temperatures continue to rise, the flower stalks of the Balgas (Grass Trees) will emerge in preparation for the coming Kambarang season. The Nyoongar calendar has six seasons, each representing the changes we see in the environment. Learn more about the six seasons on the Bureau of Meteorology's website: Bureau of Meteorology. Edith Cowan University (ECU).
08.01.2022 I love this idea!
07.01.2022 These little Australian magpies are certainly keeping us busy! Our volunteers feed our baby magpies every hour, which is quite a big job right now with our hos...pital and a number of aviaries full of magpie patients. If you find a magpie fledgling, please try to look for a safe bush or tree to put them in and keep them with their parents. However, if they are injured or unwell, give us a call on 93940885 for advice or take them straight to a wildlife hospital or vet for assessment. It is VERY important that the EXACT found location is recorded because we need to get them back to their family when they are healthy again.
07.01.2022 Lisa: Dad, wake up! Homer: What? Lisa: I think a hurricane is coming! Homer: Oh Lisa! There's no record of a hurricane ever hitting Springfield. Lisa: Yes, but the records only go back to 1978 when the Hall of Records was mysteriously blown away... There’s no hurricane coming but there’s a severe storm forecast for Sunday here in Perth! Did you also know there’s a total fire ban? Make sure you take all necessary precautions today to secure loose items in your back garden. Yes, even those pesky trampolines. Stay safe everyone.
07.01.2022 Some beautiful photos! Glad to see the wetland filling up
07.01.2022 Hope everyone enjoyed the show!
06.01.2022 The more you know!
06.01.2022 Mark it in your calendar! 10,000 free native seedlings for our City’s residents!
05.01.2022 I was hit with a couple of Facebook memories this morning and I can’t believe it’s been almost three years since I was elected! (Note: I didn’t look like the left photo when I was elected - that was at the Forest Lakes Family Centre). I am forever grateful for the opportunity to represent you.
04.01.2022 CALLING ALL BIRD WATCHERS - we need your help. We are conducting bird surveys at some of our Landcare project sites. These surveys will take place every mo...nth and will show us over time whether our efforts towards managing weeds and planting native seedlings is encouraging birds to come back. We will be passing this information onto our funding bodies and also to the community. We are seeking experienced bird watchers who would like to be involved with this project. The hours and days per month you will be involved is really up to what suits you. If you are experienced and interested to know further please get in contact via [email protected] or message us here.
04.01.2022 It is not enough to be quietly non-racists, now is the time to be vocally anti-racist. Like many of you, I have been actively following the US protests. I see the intense outrage and pain that is being felt by the protesters over the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police and the systemic racism that propounds that pain, again and again. We need to reflect on Australia’s own history of indigenous deaths in custody. We need to centre the voices of those p...eople and educate ourselves. We have our own tortured, oppressive history. Read. Learn. Actively seek out indigenous voices on this subject. Here are some live campaigns for Aboriginal justice that you can join and follow: Justice for Walker: Justice for Tanya Day: First Nations Deaths in Custody Watch: See more
04.01.2022 It's tawny fledgling season! November is when cranky young tawny frogmouths in Perth area leave their nests. And for some, they do this a little bit too early ...and end up grounded. What's the best thing to do if you find a grounded nestling or fledgling? Firstly, make sure it isn't injured or showing any signs of illness. If healthy, you can try putting the juvenile up into a tree nearby, or you can use a hanging basket as an artificial nest, placed up in a tree. Tawny frogmouths are territorial and so an active breeding territory should only have one pair in it. Therefore mum and dad tawnies will be nearby to look after the chicks. If you are concerned about any wildlife, please call a wildlife hospital or the Wildcare Helpline for advice. Darling Range Wildlife Shelter - 93940885 Wildcare Helpline - 94749055
03.01.2022 It’s funny how there’s almost always a story behind our City’s buildings and businesses. We may pass by them every day not knowing about them! This page helps uncover those stories
03.01.2022 I hope everyone has enjoyed their first taste of Summer for the season. In Thornlie we had a not-so-little Dugite show up uninvited! We’ve never had a Dugite in the garden before and are very thankful for the services of Tania at the Thornlie Reptile Removals for her assistance in trying to help find and relocate the big-guy. Ultimately the Dugite did hurry away, but it’s an important reminder to be aware of what to do if you come across a Dugite. ... The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions advise: Do not approach or aggravate the snake in any way. Most bites occur when people accidentally step on snakes, or while attempting to kill them. As the warmer days of spring approach, snakes become more active as they leave their winter retreats in search of a mate and food. If you find a snake in your house, follow the advice above and search online for a snake removal service near you (for us it was Tania at Thornlie Reptile Removals ).
03.01.2022 As we close out Reconciliation Week, the City of Gosnells held the inaugural raising of the Aboriginal flag outside Council Chambers. This has been a long time coming. This is a small step towards reconciliation but an important one nonetheless. We need to continue to work hand in hand with our First Nations people in achieving reconciliation. Thank you to those residents who pushed for this to occur, our City Staff and my fellow Councillors for helping this happen. (Thank you Cr Hort for your picture!)
03.01.2022 I’m a cat lover. Many a black dress of mine has been ruined by the orange hair left by my overly affectionate ginger cat Ollie. My love of my cats does not stop me from acknowledging the harm that cats can cause to our native wildlife when they’re not managed properly. I’m looking forward to discussing this issue with my fellow Councillors at this evening’s workshop. As always, I welcome your comments and views on these issues as well!
03.01.2022 Just a headsup to our Thornlie residents who may get a visit from a slithery friend to try and contact professionals (like Thornlie Reptile Removals) to have the snake (or any type of reptile) safely relocated from your property.
03.01.2022 Our first council meeting of the year is tonight - luckily we have some solid coffee joints around to fuel us through the day! If you’re interested in what your council does, you can access our meeting agenda on the city’s website here:
02.01.2022 Huge thank you to City of Gosnells for concreting our log seat on walkway so vandal's have a hard time shifting the log again.
02.01.2022 Consulate Court, you’ve done it again! I think walking to and back from Consulate Court on Christmas Eve was one of my favourite Christmas traditions as a child. The folks on Consulate are raising funds for Cystic Fibrosis on Saturday. If you’re going to check it out I suggest do it then (or every night before Christmas ).... For safety - it’s highly encouraged that you consider parking at Forest Lakes shopping centre and making the short walk over. It’s a 500m walk
02.01.2022 What an accomplishment! Congratulations to Reno’s Hair Design!
02.01.2022 We occasionally get calls or passing comments about cleaning up the 'mess' that is in our rivers. Removing rubbish and other man-made objects from the river i...s generally a great idea, but we need to think a lot more carefully about removing logs, branches and other natural debris. A healthy, natural river system contains decades of fallen trees and branches. This debris performs some important ecosystem services. It helps slow and mix the flow of water which reduces erosion and improves water quality. It assists with increasing infiltration and recharging groundwater supplies. The debris also provides habitat for aquatic organisms such as macro-invertebrates (small insect-like organisms), fish and freshwater crustaceans (such as the Gilgie in our logo). Sometimes we need to adjust the filter that we use when we view our natural environment. Things that may seem messy, or out of order, could be playing a very important role in their ecosystems. River Guardians
02.01.2022 Thank you to 9 year old Taylah from Thornlie for reaching out to the Premier and asking a very important question. Fantastic news for all the kids out there this Easter!
01.01.2022 For all of you planning on doing some gardening in the Spring - take a look at this great post by Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group.
01.01.2022 it’s the most wonderful time of the yeaaaar - Liddelow Homestead Arts & Crafts Club Inc’s Spring Exhibition Come down the the Homestead from 10am-4pm today and tomorrow and check out the fabulous arts and crafts that are on display and for sale! Great to see the bright faces of Mayor David Goode JP - City of Gosnells, President Bryan Miller and Committee Member Sylvia Alberts as well. ... Enjoy your weekend Gosnells!
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