Brisbane CBD BUG | Non-profit organisation
Brisbane CBD BUG
Phone: +61 423 974 825
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25.01.2022 Breakfast Creek Bridge - Improving the connections The CBD BUG has also provided a submission to Brisbane City Council on the proposed bridge to cross Breakfast Creek. Overall the CBD BUG is quite pleased with what is proposed but for the Bridge to have maximum benefit, connections have to be improved. This relates mostly to the Western side of Breakfast creek where we have recommended - Upgrade existing path from Breakfast Creek to Newstead Ave to have dedicated space for pe...ople on foot and bicycle - Upgrade existing path along Newstead Ave to have dedicated space for people on foot and bicycle - Reconfigure Newstead Tce so protected bikelanes are provided at minimum cost within existing kerb to kerb width. Suggested changes to Newstead Ave & Tce would have no impact on onstreet parking and would vastly improve the street environment and safety. It would also provide a alternative to riding along the Newstead section of the "Riverwalk", which at times is quite crowded. Bridges are great but connections also matter to ensure the biggest bang for dollar! See more
24.01.2022 Riding to avoid the risk of COVID or Not & why infrastructure matters! OPINION Best to start with the facts. I don't own a car, and walk, cycle or catch public transport for almost all of my journeys. "With the appearance of Covid-19 in the world, things are changing on how we view risk. The concept of contracting a disease (that can kill) simply by being within close proximity of another, has become a reality. When it was confirmed that cases of Covid-19 were in Australian...Continue reading
23.01.2022 Celebration of another CBD biklane opening
23.01.2022 We need protection & we're getting it. Continuing the theme of the week 7NEWS Brisbane last night ran a piece on the Citylink Cycleway (#minimumgrid) and the RACQ research showing that CBD streets are dangerous for people on two wheels. As stated in previous posts we thank both RACQ and Cr Ryan Murphy on their continued support for protected bikelanes in the CBD. We have not doubt that they will be a success as they have been in other cities when correctly installed.
22.01.2022 Howard Smith Again! New ferry pontoons In what was a complete surprise yesterday, it was announced by Minister Kate Jones and Grace Grace MP that new commercial ferry pontoons would be constructed at Howard Smith Wharves. According to the reports the State Government with be subsiding the construction to the tune of $5.5million. It is reported that this will add an extra 6000 pedestrian movements to the paths. As the paths through HSW have been a constant source of concern how these extra movements will be catered for needs to be considered. As Grace Grace is the local MP, she has been CC'ed in all CBD BUG correspondence regarding HSW. For this reason the CBD BUG will be very interested if Grace Grace and Brisbane City Council are working together to resolve the issues regarding the paths.
20.01.2022 North Brisbane Bikeway, Stage 4 - Construction Starts Yesterday we received word from Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland) that construction of stage 4 of the North Brisbane Bikeway will start this month. This is fantastic news and we thank minister Mark Bailey MP - Labor for Miller for ensuring this project is delivered. It has been a long hard road for Brisbane North BUG, Airport BUG and the CBD BUG to get to this point. It has taken the work of members past and present to continue the fight even when things looked as though they were not going to happen. While it has been hard, what makes it all worth it is seeing families out riding. Watching a child ride beside their parent or grandparent while having a beaming smile, knowing they are safe, makes it all worth it. Next #AllTheWayToEJ #8to80
18.01.2022 Discussing Protection. Providing that there is no major news events the CBD BUG will be discussing with ABC Brisbane after 9am the issues that are occuring on the New Farm - Newstead Bikeway. The riverside shared path is currently running at capacity during the peak periods and something needs to be done. One option is for Brisbane City Council to provide protected bikelanes along Newstead Ave and Newstead Tce.
18.01.2022 Bicentennial Bikeway Disruptions. As of tomorrow Urban Utilities will be doing sewer works at Toowong. Please see below for details. Thanks goes to Bicycle Queensland & Brisbane West BUG for doing the leg work.
17.01.2022 Talking with McConnel Candidates - Queensland Labor Today the CBD BUG (as part of Space4cyclingbne) continued engaging with candidates for the State seat of McConnel (ie Brisbane CBD). Today was to be a sit down meeting that turned into zoom due to time constraints. Grace Grace MP herself does not ride but her husband does. As like before topics covered included - Cycling connections to Cross River Rail stations - New Bridge linking Kevin Grove to NBB - Roma St Ped/Cycle (landings built but no bridge) - Bicentennial Bikeway issues due to Queen's Wharf Brisbane - Dexus redevelopment of the Eagle Street Pier - Bulimba to Teneriffe Ped/Cycle Bridge As the election is just under 2 months away Labor are yet to officially announce their cycling commitments. When they do we will let you know (as we will for Queensland Greens & LNP - Liberal National Party) PS - picture is from 2017 See more
17.01.2022 RACQ supports CBD protected bikelanes On Wednesday when Brisbane Times reported about the protected bikelanes for Elizabeth and Edward St the RACQ put out a statement in support. Over the last five years the RACQ has provided continual support with regard to the CBD #minimumgrid. One of the first things to occur when Space4cyclingbne was formed was to brief the RACQ on our policies. It has been a long process but we are getting there. We thank the RACQ for their continuing support on this important matter.
16.01.2022 Bicentennial Narrowing Queen's Wharf Brisbane have begun to do their work to the Bicentennial Bikeway between Victoria Brisbane and Margaret St. We note that they are continuing their "bike washing" of calling the finished product an upgrade. A 6m shared path as demonstrated at Howard Smith Wharves is not an upgrade but a receipt for confusion and conflict between user groups.
16.01.2022 RACQ does not support Rego Over the weekend Brisbane's daily tabloid wheeled out one of it's #skyafterdark columnists to attack cycling. In the piece the individual demanded that, people that ride bicycles should pay "rego". Thankfully on the day in question Mark Bailey MP - Labor for Miller minister for Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland) dismissed the article as click bait. Further to this the RACQ has also "rejected" the call claiming "bikes arevery light... and therefore don’t damage roads in the same way cars do." Naturally we are gratefully that the RACQ rejected such nonsensical demands but the language they have used is unfortunate for two reasons. 1. REGO DOES NOT PAY FOR ROADS! Despite what some claim rego does not pay for roads. Like most government infrastructure/services road funding come out of consolidated revenue. The claim that rego pays for roads has been dismissed by TMR on multiple occasions 2. Most of Brisbane's roads are BCC property! Over 90% of the route kilometres in Brisbane's road network is owned by Brisbane City Council not the state. Therefore this infrastructure is funded from rate payer whether they own a motor vehicle or not. Ofcourse the tabloid ran a poll to support their #skyafterdark columnist but as the story was behind a paywall, the data is highly bias. As stated above we are grateful that the RACQ has rejected the rego claim but language matters. See more
16.01.2022 Edward St Bikelanes open! Tomorrow Brisbane City Council will open the next stage of the CityLink Cycleway project. While it is not meant to be a big affair some of us want to celebrate. Join Space4cyclingbne tomorrow evening in celebratory rides up and down the lanes. #minimumgrid
15.01.2022 CBD Bikelanes - It's happening Yesterday TransLink put out one of their regular email alerts, but with exciting news for those that ride. It notifies that bus services are being relocated to different stops on Edward St and Elizabeth St to allow for the installation of the Citylink Cycleway (aka #minimumgrid). This is the first notice other than media statements that construction is occurring. Hard not to get excited.
14.01.2022 North Brisbane Bikeway - Works Progressing Despite Brisbane's only daily printed paper making claims and assumptions about the North Brisbane Bikeway, works are continuing. Here is the latest works update from Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland).
14.01.2022 Scooters and Bike lanes This morning Brisbane Times wrote about the curious fact that scooters are not permitted in bike lanes. This is despite the fact that the majority of scooters have a similar speed and function as a bicycle. It makes sense that as the Citylink Cycleways (ie CBD #minimumgrid) is rolled out that people on scooters should be able to use them. This will free up space on the congested CBD footpaths.
14.01.2022 Joe Kelly (State Member for Greenslopes) announced on Facebook this morning the Qld Govt will build an overpass across O'Keefe Street for cyclists riding on the V1 Veloway.
11.01.2022 Impacts of not catering for Cycling Today Courier Mail ran a story on how Howard Smith Wharves is struggling financially due to covid and looking for additional spend from their clientele. We would point out part of that clientele should be the cycling demographic of Brisbane that they purposefully designed out. As quoted by Brisbane City Council "The Howard Smith Wharves Nominees’ consistent desire for the shared pathway not to have an overt through movement function is acknowledged"
11.01.2022 Bikelane removed at UQ. Recently The University of Queensland removed a buffered bike lane from Sir Fred Schonell Drive. The local state member Michael Berkman - Greens MP for Maiwar wrote to UQ on the matter. Please see below their response.
10.01.2022 How much does an intersection cost? Will it work? Let's start out with the Answers, $4.2million & NO! We often hear this or that road intersection has to be upgraded to resolve congestion and "Get you home quicker" This is flat out not true. International evidence shows the more money thrown at "upgrades" to make driving more practical, the more people drive, removing any benefit from an "upgrade". Often there are far cheaper options that resolve the issue at far cheaper cos...t, and improve the street environment. Case Example - Doggett St Newstead This should be a quiet neighbourhood street suitable for cycling, unfortunately it is used as a rat run. This congestion & ratrunning could of been cheaply resolved by making the street a left in left out at commercial. Unfortunately the cheaper more effective option was not chosen so the cycle will continue at the next busy intersection down the street. If councils want to ensure the biggest bang for buck in these uncertain times they need to stop wasting on an endless road upgrade spiral. We know what employs people in greater numbers and that is investing in Active and Public Transport. The first stage of the Citylink Cycleway (Edward and Elizabeth) is only costing $2.2million and a high frequency BUZ/Glider route about $4million both with positive cost/benefit returns. The real question should be, does this make Brisbane better for everyone? See more
10.01.2022 Another aspect of the very broad church that is Brisbane’s nascent bicycle riding community.
09.01.2022 Gabba Bikeway Danger When Brisbane City Council released the plans for the Gabba Bikeway, the left turn from Stanley St onto the SE Freeway was to be closed all the time. Up to that stage it had been only a peak hour (4-6pm) closure. The local state member Jackie Trad objected and appealed to Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland) minister Mark Bailey MP - Labor for Miller - Labor for Miller. Due to the intervention by the minister the proposal was altered to rem...ain a peak hour (4-6pm) closure only. Since that time people in control of motor vehicles have been running the red light (to turn left onto the freeway) posing a very real danger to people on foot or bicycle crossing the onramp. This is not new knowledge to Minister Bailey nor the Queensland Police Service minister Mark Ryan MP. Brisbane South BUG raised the matter with Minister Bailey in person and the CBD BUG tweeted the matter at Minister Ryan. Something needs to be done now. Peoples safety and potentially lives are being put at risk. PS - Ignorance is not an excuse by people in control of motor vehicles in this case. A CBD BUG member stood at this location in a Pale Blue shirt and black pants and not one person ran the red light for 30 minutes. The member walked away and people started running the red light. See more
09.01.2022 HSW gets another award? Yesterday evening it was reported in Brisbane Times that Howard Smith Wharves had been given two awards from the Planning Institute of Australia. In the article the Qld President of PIA is quoted as saying "clear planning vision, the investment in quality design and the commitment to embracing community values.....produced a truly great place" This is very surprising considering - HSW fought against advice from Brisbane City Council for a segregated a...ctive transport corridor - Provided a substandard shared corridor - Provided a substandard shared corridor pavement surface that did not comply with Austroads or DDA - Layed loose peebles over substandard shared corridor pavement surface when potholes appeared - Took over six months to correct pavement surface after being instructed by BCC - etc etc etc To put it diplomatically, we are perplexed at HSW receiving any award for planning let alone two! See more
09.01.2022 "it's a shared path not a bikeway" In recent times we have heard councillors inside and outside the Brisbane City Council Chamber utter the phrase, that is short says "it's a shared path not a bikeway". Now the CBD BUG has always strongly supported common courtesy of being mindful of others regardless of the mode of transport they are using. That said this phrase seems to be beginning to be rolled out when infrastructure is reaching its capacity or was designed to be substand...ard and ignores the historical context. Historically any active transport corridor in Brisbane that carried bicycle traffic separate from motor traffic has been called a "Bikeway" by BCC. This label was applied regardless if the "bikeway" was simply a widened footpath or a dedicated bicycle path. The printed maps that BCC use to produce as a booklet provided "bikeway maps" and simply broke the corridors down to "on road" or "Off road". As said before everyone needs to exercise manners but BCC also needs to accept responsibility that if conflict is occurring it is due to substandard design or design limitations. Buzz words are just that and action in the form infrastructure is the real answer. See more
07.01.2022 POPUP not so Popup. While we have been waiting for Brisbane City Council to release plans for the proposed Citylink Cycleway (ie CBD #minimumgrid) for consultation, City of Melbourne has been getting on with the job of installing protection to bikelanes. While called POPUP there installation looks very similar to the GABBA bikeway. Precast concrete dividers fixed to the ground with steel bolts. Amazing what can be achieved when one is determined!
07.01.2022 Fine statement by Bicycle Queensland regarding priorities for the 2020 Qld State Election that will be held at the end of this month on Saturday 31 October. It's as simple as this: 1) Funding for the Principal Cycle Network 2) Safety of vulnerable road users around heavy vehicles... 3) Cycle tourism and rail trails. Now is the key time to tell your local election candidates how easy it is to enable more people to ride bikes for transport, which is want many people want and will benefit the economy. Winning!
07.01.2022 Green Bridges in the News This morning Brisbane Times ran a piece on the Green Bridges. In short 70% favoured the designs. As Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner says these bridges will be job creators but more importantly create more jobs then equivalent road projects of the same value. Both Kangaroo Point to CBD and the Breakfast Point ped/cycle bridges will enable thousands of more people to choose active transport to get about.
06.01.2022 Talking with McConnel Candidates - LNP - Liberal National Party Yesterday the CBD BUG (as part of Space4cyclingbne) sat down with the LNP's Candidate Pinky Singh - LNP for McConnel. Pinky has not been on a bike in many years so felt more comfortible just having a chat over coffee. Pinky was very interested in the potential to integrate cycling into existing projects to gain maximum benefit. Discussion also turned to how quality infrastructure changes the gender dynamics so that cycling is appealing to everyone.
06.01.2022 Rebuilding local communities broken by the private motor vehicle.
05.01.2022 Kangaroo Point Ped/Cycle Bridge If you missed one of the recent information sessions or are unable to make future ones, there is the online option. Brisbane City Council is also running an online survey which can be found on their KP bridge webpage. The questions are highly subjective but you can still fill in your opinion after each multiple choice section. The CBD BUG is a long time supportive of this project as it will allow freer movement between the CBD and the inner east for people on foot or bicycle.
05.01.2022 Kangaroo Point Bridge - Our feedback Providing feedback is always important to try to catch things before they go wrong. Overall the CBD BUG is very pleased with the Kangaroo Point Ped/cycle Bridge as proposed by Brisbane City Council. That said it can still be improved learning off the lessons of the Goodwill & Kurilpa Bridges. If you would like to add your feedback, time is running out. Feedback closes tomorrow.
05.01.2022 Brisbane City Council Draft Off-Road Cycling Strategy out for consultation BCC is seeking community input though this project to identify areas where off-road cycling opportunities can be delivered in the future. The primary focus of this strategy is to develop new off-road facilities for recreational use. However, there are also potential opportunities though this strategy for new shared use trails that would enable people riding bicycles for utility purposes to travel thoug...h large bushland areas that currently pose a significant barrier to cycling. It should also not be overlooked that because of Brisbane’s generally cyclist-unfriendly road environment, more paths / trails through BCC parks and bushland reserves would provide a safer alternative for getting kids into bicycle riding. Council now invites all interested people to have their say on the draft strategy via completing a simple on-line survey by midnight on 28 February 2021.
05.01.2022 V1 (south east) Bikeway closures The CBD BUG has been notified by Energex that they will be closing the V1 (south east) bikeway at night times for electrical work. Email states= "Please find attached information regarding Energex works to excavate, repair and text high voltage underground cable that will impact access to the Veloway1 Bikeway.... This work is required and being conducted under emergency work arrangements. All work will be undertaken at night between 8.00pm and 5.30am. Energex will have all the appropriate signage and traffic management in place for these nights and the bikeway will be temporarily reinstated and ready for use again at 5:30am each day. Below is the expected schedule of work activities for your further information. Night works for civil excavation Wednesday 7/10/2020 Night works for Joint# 3 of F7231 Monday 12/10 to 14/10 Night works for Civil to cover cable F7231 Thursday 15/10 Night works for cable test F7231 Friday 16/10 Night works for Joint #3 JT1 of F7232 Monday 19/10 to 22/10 Night works for Joint #3 JT2 of F7232 Wednesday 28/10 to 29/10 Night or weekend work for civil reinstatement and new carpet installation Friday 30 and Saturday 31 Night works for cable test of F7232 Saturday 31/10 ( work in with cable Test ) Please note the above timings are dependent on a number of variables including weather and the availability of specialist materials and resources at each work stage." See more
05.01.2022 Bring on the CBD protected bikelanes! This morning Brisbane Times ran an article on the protected bikelanes for Elizabeth and Edward Sts. We have to say Cr Ryan Murphy is quite right when stating * "Fundamentally, we have had to ask ourselves the question, what is the best use of scarce road space in the CBD?" "Is it to allow a handful of private vehicles to sit there for hours, or for thousands of cyclists and e-scooters to commute safely?" * According to the article ...the lanes will be implemented as a 12 month trial with people able to comment about the lanes in early 2021. Bus stops, disability car spaces, loading zones and taxi ranks will be relocated mainly to neighbouring streets. It has been a long road but everyone that forms Space4cyclingbne is excited about these lanes going in. We will be riding the first of these Citylink Cycleways (aka #minimumgrid) by Christmas and we can't wait. See more
03.01.2022 New Farm Park, Public Park or Car Park? Since Covid-19 surfaced the need to have outdoor space to exercise has had a renewed sense of importance. This has resulted in city councils throughout the world answering this call by closing vehicular access to parks so the internal paved surfaces can be used for walking, jogging, running and cycling. Unfortunately Brisbane City Council is yet to answer that call. New Farm Park is a prime opportunity to test this concept and return t...he park to the people. The internal ring road could easily function as a running circuit if there were just no cars. People already use it as such late at night when the park is closed to cars, but this is not an option during daylight hours as very few people in control of motor vehicles travel at the legal speed limit of 10kmph. With the internal ring road returned to people on foot, walking and running could all be done with greater social distancing. As we are seeing with second waves in Victoria, Europe and the United States the need to socially distance is not going to go away anytime soon. If you would like to sign please click on link below. For your signature to count you must confirm signature via a email that may appear in your junk email box.
02.01.2022 HSW gets an award? When it was announced in Brisbane Times back in September that the Planning Institute of Australia had awarded Howard Smith Wharves two awards for planning, it left many that ride a bike speechless. Yes it has taken some time but last night the CBD BUG sent off a letter questioning the awards. According to our tally so far - HSW fought against advice from Brisbane City Council for a segregated active transport corridor - Provided a substandard shared corrid...or - Provided a substandard shared corridor pavement surface that did not comply with Austroads or DDA - Layed loose peebles over substandard shared corridor pavement surface when potholes appeared - Took over six months to correct pavement surface after being instructed by BCC - etc etc etc We look forward to the reply. See more
01.01.2022 Dangerous roads are used by people on bicycles! Yesterday ABC Brisbane ran a story on the fact that often people ride on roads that may be dangerous for people on two wheels. The story features former Queensland Greens candidate for Brisbane Lord Mayor, Kath Angus. Kath loves getting about by bicycle but is very aware of the dangers. Due to this what should be a direct 5km commute blows out to be a 10km commute. This is due to Kath choosing a route mostly made of bikeways as ..."the safest way". For cycling to a practical form of transport, people should not have to choose between directness and safety. For this reason we are pleased to see RACQ continuing to support the call for protected bikelanes. As pointed out by the RACQ we do have a number of cycling corridor running to the CBD, but currently nothing in the CBD. This is about to change with Citylink Cycleway (aka cbd #minimumgrid)
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