CBRH in Mortdale, New South Wales, Australia | Carpenter
Locality: Mortdale, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 432 047 322
Address: PO BOX 2 2223 Mortdale, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.mattjollow.com/
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25.01.2022 Junk-Funk home workshop using waste and up cycled materials
24.01.2022 C.B.R.H are on vacation!We will re-open on Monday the 6th May 2019.
24.01.2022 Please contact us for any: Carpentry Work // Handyman Services // Remedial Repairs & Maintenance // Metal Roofing, Fascias, Flashings & Fencing Installations // Working Safely @ Heights // Difficult Height Access Design Strategies & Installations // Strata Maintenance // Site Project Management 35 years experience within the Domestic // Commercial & Industrial Buliding Industry ... Fully Licensed Carpenter Fully Insured Tickets for ALL Competencies Quality workmanship is assured and we take pride in all of our work. No job too big or too small. We USE: Fully Experienced and Professional Tradespersons ONLY! We have access to Certified Structural Engineers and Architects NO shortcuts = No Callbacks! Contact us now for: Site Visits // Quotations // Advice Cheers Matt Jollow
23.01.2022 MORE beautiful IronBark Hardwood Decking!! The best stuff for outdoors due to its density! Itll outlast YOU thats for sure!! #mattjollowcarpentry #cbrhmattjollow #australianhardwoods #hardasswood
23.01.2022 Breaking ALL of the Rules today. #safetyfirst #crocsandsocks #handymanservices #runyourownrace #workingsmarternotharder
23.01.2022 Ramp it UP a BIT! Cypress Pine to match existing floor, hand made to suit the step on site Nice Australian Timber Is getting harder to find. #cypresspineflooring #cbrhmattjollow #mattjollowcarpentry #naturaltreebeauty
23.01.2022 Fully Recycled workshop from junk...Most items were mostly repurposed to create a funky & fully functional home garage workspace Fridge doors hung for storage, Timber offcuts from decking jobs carved to create timber tool holders, shelving, A 1930s Oven stripped apart drawers and then re-installed into workbench, A recycled door to create security and natural lighting, recycled pallets, TV Screens used with laptop for music videos similar to RAGE non stop & Building site waste.....Kerbside Trading via Council CleanUPs! Inspires creativity and ignites more useful ideas that benefit our environment and to top it off costs you absolutely nothing to design & build. i#reduces landfill. #globalthinking #creativeart #industrialdesign #reducereuserecycle #repurposed #upcycle #urbanpermaculture
23.01.2022 Carpark Line-Marking & Lettering Services: We Are Available for ALL property types: Commercial, Domestic & Industrial. Kind Regards #cbrhmattjollow #carpentryskills ##linemarkingsydney #propertymaintenance #carparkmarking #workforyourself #createeveryday #handymanservices
23.01.2022 Safety First Always whilst Working @ Heights - A Fall Restraint system was set up here for the steep Gutter changeover. Using appropriately Rated Slings & Karabiners to form the initial Anchor Points. A 15 metre Adjustable Rope Grab system was then attached directly to my Roof Workers Safety Harness and then safe work positioning can be carried out when working near exposed and high hazardous edges where there is Fall Potential! Relocation of the system is always necessary to avoid a possiblePendulum Swing effect. #safetyfirstalways #roofheightsafety #takenoshortcuts #greatviewsfromthetop #lovemyjob
22.01.2022 Garage Roof Timbers are now Fully Protected from the elements. Bright & Fresh with the New Trim Deck Roof Sheets, Fascia Covers & Barge Flashings. #keepingitlocal #mattjollowcarpentry #runyourownrace
21.01.2022 GATES (Colourbond) that are site measured & made to order..... Keep them IN or OUT! #mattjollowcarpentry #runyourownrace #localchippy #mortdalesydney
20.01.2022 Gone with the curves, which has created a nice open space #mattjollowcarpentry
19.01.2022 A multi skilled Tradesperson/. Carpenter / Roofer / Fencer & Handyman. 31 years experience! No job too small & always quality workmanship guaranteed with a smile! Call 0432 047 322. Leave a message OR TXT. Cheers Matt Jollow
18.01.2022 OLD Hand Tools n Bits mostly handmade oiled & sharpened by a local old digger in his dusty back shed up the street... I wonder if the bloke had any hair on his scone or not? If Yes, then he more than likely used a popularhair product that was called Brylcreem & like most other fellow tradesmen did they used it back then to lubricate their nails, fixings etc OR if he was a baldy he wouldve probably carried a cake of soap to dip his nails into before driving them into those dense hardwoods by hand... The old school - slipping away, taking with them - the art & act of passing it on to another generation...... #oldschoolcarpentry #carpentryskills #handtoolwoodworking #keepinghistoryalive #lifelonglearner #lithiumbatteryworld #rushrush #poorquality #reducereuserecyle #yewww #bowerbird
16.01.2022 As usual I scored classic old school relics and home made tradesman tools #notmuchismadebyhandthesedays #handskillsarenearlygone
16.01.2022 Weve got you covered and are taking the necessary precautions during these difficult times. Feel free to call to discuss any issues you might have anytime. Kind Regards - Matt Jollow
16.01.2022 Up in the trees! A tricky cantilevered Sky Balcony restoration: now completed, over engineered & built to last like a German tank. #mattjollowcarpentry #overengineered #builttough
15.01.2022 A curious and friendly little fella on the job today. #furrycommunity
15.01.2022 MASSIVE! Colourbond Fence Installation: Hoping the NEW 3 metre fence doesnt get blown away so we dug deep into the famous concrete like Roselands Clay.... 850mm deep per post, held by the ankles, inverted & simply loving every minute of it! Down with that Ivy covered beast next week & replace with a new fence#whereigrewupasakid #thegoodolddays #colourbondfences #mattjollowcarpentry #poisonivy #getridofit #lovelynewfence #windsailnever
15.01.2022 Please contact us for any of the following: Carpentry Works. Handyman Services. Colourbond Fencing. Metal Roofing, ... Fascias & Guttering. Height Safety Work. Roof Anchor Point Installation. Industrial Abseiling. Project Management. 35 years building experience Domestic Commercial Industrial CONTACT US ANYTIME CBRH - Carpentry / Building / Roofing / Handyman Phone 0432-047-322 Web www.mattjollow.com Email [email protected] Post PO BOX 2 Mortdale, 2223
14.01.2022 Mobile Home Studio Sound Absorption Panels are nearly complete - next time we will laser cut!! #insulatedpanels #skateboardtrucks #holyshit #toomuchdrilling
14.01.2022 Old-School novelty A $12 Rubber Stamp straight from the gutters of Cebu-City. Not a bad job at all.......sorry sir but no have ink #handmadestamp #keepingbusinesslocal #philippinestravel
12.01.2022 Mid Century Modern - James Bond, Spy movie, Cigars & a Pedestal Spinning Ashtray @ your side Passed down from 3 generations on dads side of family #midcenturymodern #funkyfurniture #handmedowns #familyhistory #goodnick #reducereuserecycle
12.01.2022 Carpentry via Rope Access #hangingaroundworking #mattjollowcarpentry #ropeaccesstechnicians
11.01.2022 Rope Access #gettingthejobdone #mattjollowcarpentry #industrialabseiling
11.01.2022 Integrity Check ‘Balcony Joist’ replacement gets the tick of approval. #mattjollowcarpentry #overengineered #hardasnails #runyourownrace
09.01.2022 MORE IDEAS for REDUCING WASTE A simple Coffee Table made from a mix of Australian Hardwood offcuts in the form of a CHEVRON pattern. The supporting rectangular frame is of pine material 70mm x 45mm & lightweight for attaching the decking scraps to. The legs were cheap and purchased or you could simply make your own. #coronatime #isolationcreation #boredomkills #creativeart #mattjollowcarpentry
09.01.2022 Mindchamps Childcare Centre - Late night building work constructing a new Cot-Room for the wee little ones which is actually looking a little LEGO! Late night construction under lights chopping up materials using electric Power Saws, Planers - its always sooo cranking loud especially @ 1:00am.....theyre definitely heavy sleepers in downtown Annandale as not a peep from anyone to tell me to Shut Up #mattjollowcarpentry #carpentryskills #mindchamps #childcarecenter #snortdustwemust #carpentrylife #dusttilldawn
08.01.2022 Bathroom Renos are so much fun Keep it down a bit mate!#bathroomremodel #bathroomrenovation #mattjollowcarpentry #runyourownrace #enjoythelittlethings #bustamove
07.01.2022 Bathroom Reno’s are so much fun Keep it down a bit mate!#bathroomremodel #bathroomrenovation #mattjollowcarpentry #runyourownrace #enjoythelittlethings #bustamove
04.01.2022 Downtown Cebu - Phillipines #imnotgettingonabike #ridetolivelivetoride
04.01.2022 Please contact us anytime for: Carpentry & Building Works. Handyman Services. Remedial Repairs & Maintanance ... Strata Property Maintanance Colourbond Fencing. Metal Roofing & Awnings Fascias & Guttering. Height Safety Work. Roof Anchor Point Installation. Industrial Abseiling. Site Project Management. 35 years building experience DomesticCommerciaIndustrial CONTACT US ANYTIME CBRH - Carpentry // Building / /Roofing / / Handyman Phone 0432-047-322 Web www.mattjollow.com Email [email protected] Post PO BOX 2 Mortdale, 2223
04.01.2022 Such a nice day for getting back to nature #blessed #crackerday
03.01.2022 Another day in paradise #outdoorliving #longweekend #mattjollowcarpentry
03.01.2022 Block IT Out...or Let IT Shine In....A great little idea for blocking out unwanted light from an existing internal skylight... A simple broomstick can operate to push the lightweight doors upwards that then stop, catch & stay connected to the installed magnetic cupboard latches... Design Functional Cost Effective
02.01.2022 Up-cycled these old school hand made gems from the kerb #dyingtrade #goodolddays #morestuffinthegarage #cleanupsoon
02.01.2022 New Trimdeck Roofing with Barge Flashings & Fascia Covers #metalroofing #mattjollowcarpentry
01.01.2022 We’ve got you covered and are taking the necessary precautions during these difficult times. Feel free to call to discuss any issues you might have anytime. Kind Regards - Matt Jollow
01.01.2022 To all my friends and loved ones on the Central Coast.... My good mate & lifelong friend Luke Maley is now: Out there & OPEN for Business Fully Qualified Horticulturist / Landscaper ... PLEASE SHARE This Post & Contact Luke for any Advice OR Help with: Garden Maintenance Horticulture Landscape Design Ideas PLEASE SHARE THIS AROUND SUPPORT SMALL BUSINESS KEEP IT LOCALLY & USE LOCAL Trades This HELP US the small man out SPREAD the Word Supporting anorher new starting small business like mine is a tough gig BUT very satisfying to be doing it on yer own!! I can highly recommend his services and use him regularly on my building projects when Im doing projects up north. Finally to BIG CORPORATIONS who are trying to squash us & monopolise the marketplace... This for you Cheers Matt Jollow
01.01.2022 A local friendly service that offers reasonable rates and of course looks after pensioners.... No job is too small or ever a hassle for me. Send me an SMS or TXT on M) 0432 047 322 or EMAIL me on: E) [email protected] Cheers Matt Jollow
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