CC’s Eco Family Day Care | Education
CC’s Eco Family Day Care
Phone: +61 450 704 504
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25.01.2022 READING TIME! Here at CCs we help children to reach their full potential by teaching them more than basic skills with care and respect. - Since we share the love of books with many others we decided to sare some of our favourites: Little People, BIG DREAMS: is a series of childrens books that celebrate the life of amazing people like Frida Kahlo, Amelia Earhart, Mother Teresa and Marie Curie. ... Working in the Reggio Way helps teachers of young children bring the innovative practices of the schools in Reggio Emilia, Italy, to American classrooms. Written by an educator who observed and worked in the world-famous schools, this groundbreaking resource presents the key tools that will allow American teachers to transform their classrooms The ABCs of Yoga for Kids: A Guide for Parents and Teachers is a companion to The ABCs of Yoga for Kids, a 32-page, award-winning bestselling picture book that uses the alphabet, rhyming vignettes and colorful illustrations to introduce children to yoga in a kid-friendly way. My Culture and Me is a heartfelt and stirring story of cherishing and sustaining Indigenous cultures. Antiracist Baby introduces the youngest readers and the grown-ups in their lives to the concept and power of antiracism. Providing the language necessary to begin critical conversations at the earliest age. My country: An important and lovely little book for every Australian child to understand indigenous connection to the land we live in. - What is your little one favourite book? Help us expand our library. - CCs Eco is waiting for you! Message us now and book your visit!! . . . . . . #familydaycare #familydaycareaustralia #familydaycaresydney #playschool #playschoolactivities #letthembelittle #boostuplove #readingtime #readingisfun #toddlersreading #learningisfun #creativekids #childevelopment #booksforkids
23.01.2022 Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment. Maria Montessori - Here at CCs we believe that to teach children effectively you must touch their hearts long before you begin to teach their minds. We also trust that children learn most productively through playing in a nurturing, fun, calm and natural environment, with dedicated and qualified educators helping them to shape up their ...futures by facilitating opportunities for discovery, growth and development. - Based on the principle that the child determines his/her own rhythm of learning. Our mission is educating children from 8 months to 5 years old to be global individuals, exploring their thinking, feelings, and environmental awareness. - Message us now and book your visit! It will be a pleasure to receive you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness. We are already working with the waiting list for August. . . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #creativebeing #natureplay #montessoriactivity #playbasedlearning #thecuriosityapproach #childdevelopment #sustainableeducation #creativekids #sensoryboard #leraningindividuals #montessorikids #montessorilearning #playideas #motorskills #mariamontessori #babyplay #babyplayideas #busyboard #playathome #playandlearn #aussiemum
23.01.2022 Do you know that the best way of keeping your vegetables growing is to rehouse them? - Being green doesnt have to mean more work! There are many ways you can reduce your environmental impact. In todays video Dani Day Dream Succulents show us some tips on how to rehouse our lovely vegetables into our veggie patch. - Here some tips for plants that grow well in small spaces:... Beans Peas Radishes Spring onions Rocket Radishes Beetroot Any climbing fruit or veg Dwarf crops - Which vegetables is your favourite? Do you have a garden? Share with us some tips, thoughts or questions, we would love to hear from you and exchange experiences. - Want to have a closer look at our garden? Come pay us a visit! CCs Eco is waiting for you. It will be a pleasure to have you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness. . . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment ##diy #diyvideos #diycraft #diyvideo #lifehacks #diyproject #diyfood #doityourself #cool #good #crafts #diylife #diyblogger #diyideas #sustainableeducation #natureplay #sustainableeducation #natureplay See more
22.01.2022 For one month (15 August 15 September) the Australian Museum and the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney are collaborating to create an exciting and interactive virtual science experience for National Science Week 2020 and beyond. - The virtual expedition traverses many vital areas of science, from plants and animals, to earth, technology and space, showcasing the best of Sydneys science and research. You can check it out at: National Science Week - We love science! In our kind community you can expect activities such as gardening, composting. The environmental habits they learn, the environmentally conscious consumer choices they see, and the time they spend learning to love and appreciate the outdoors will shape them into the future of environmental sustainability. - We are already working with the waiting list for September. Message us and book your visit now to guarantee your vacancy! #sydneysciencetrail #nationalscienceweek #familydaycaresydney #familydaycareaustralia #daycareaustralia
21.01.2022 Good Morning ! Thank you CCs Eco Family for all the amazing reviews weve been getting on Google. - Our Family Daycare is located in Randwick - Sydney, and we are open Monday to Thursday, from 7:30 - 5:30. - Our daily routine is full of activities based on the principle that the child determines his/her own rhythm of learning. At our daycare, children will be supported on their spontaneity, caring for others, respect for nature and joy of living.... - Message us now and book your visit! It will be a pleasure to receive you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness. We are already working with the waiting list for August. #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #yogaforkids #yogatoddlers #childyoga #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #creativebeing #natureplay #childdevelopment #creativekids #learningindividuals #randwick #googlereviews #googlemaps
20.01.2022 Meditating at home! - Teaching kids how to meditate can give them a jump start to accessing the many benefits of meditation and children have a natural feel for it. - Practicing mindfulness exercises and mindfulness meditation for even a few minutes a day can be very beneficial, allowing parents and caregivers to not only share the skills of happiness and acceptance with a new generation, but also take better care of themselves at the same time.... - How to Meditate: Meditation is a simple practice available to all and can reduce stress, increase calmness and clarity, and promote happiness. - One easy meditation you can do at home with your little one, The finger-counting breaths. - Create gentle fists with your hands, and with each breath, unfurl a finger from your palm. For example, on your first exhale open your left thumb from your fist. Pause and enjoy an inhale. - On your next exhale, unfurl your left index finger. Pause and enjoy an inhale. Continue until you have two open palms on your lap. - You can om for each finger unfurled, or use a mantra you like that evokes the feeling you are looking for, like peace, love, quiet, calm or relax. When children make up the mantra, it helps them have self-awareness of what they may need, as well as how they can take charge of how they want to feel. . . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #meditation #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #yogaforkids #mindfulnesskids #toddleryoga #kidsyoga #childmeditation #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment #meditationpractice #meditationwithkids
20.01.2022 Do you know what is a Sensory Board? - Sensory boards are a fun way for your baby or toddler to feel so many new textures and objects all in one place. The first time a child touches a rough, sticky, or slimy texture will be a learning experience. - The great thing about sensory boards is that it will keep your baby or toddler busy, and in one spot, for awhile! Since there are a variety of items to explore, they shouldnt lose attention that quickly.... - Here at CCs we help children to reach their full potential by teaching them more than basic skills with care and respect. - Message us now and book your visit! It will be a pleasure to receive you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness. . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #creativebeing #natureplay #montessoriactivity #playbasedlearning #thecuriosityapproach #childdevelopment #sustainableeducation #creativekids #sensoryboard #leraningindividuals #montessorikids #montessorilearning #playideas #sensoryplay #sensoryboard #motorskills #finemotorskills #babyplay #babyplayideas #busyboard #playathome #playandlearn #aussiemom See more
19.01.2022 CAULIFLOWER NUGGETS IN THE HOUSE! - In partnership with CCs Chef, @chef_alinedefreitas we want to bring to you some of the amazing recipes your little ones will be tasting in our house of kindness. - Here at CCs our weekly menus respect the seasons (autumn/winter) and all of our meals are partially organic. ... We want to encourage healthy eating habits, with fresh and healthy ingredients, we cook with zero sugar and zero salt! - The healthy cauliflower nuggets were totally a hit between the little ones (and the adults). Do you find it easy? What other recipes would you like to see here? Dont forget to share with us your favourite ones! - WE ARE OPEN! - Message us now and book your visit! It will be a pleasure to receive you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness. . . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment #doityourself #diylife #diyideas #sustainableeducation #sustainableeducation #natureplay #playbasedlearning #gardening #gardeningkids #veggiepatch #vegetablepatch #vegetablegarden #growyourownfood #cookingwithoutsalt #nosalt #nosugar #nuggets #vegetarianrecipes #sugarfree #saltfree See more
19.01.2022 Spinach Pancakes, they are fun, colourful and healthy! - Another delicious option for morning tea by our amazing chef @chef_alinedefreitas . - Here at CCs all of our meals are partially organic and will be planned to suit the best interests of your little one! We like to practice mindful eating, being aware of hunger cues and take time out to eat and experience the moment.... - We want to encourage healthy eating habits! Choose nutritious foods from the 5 core food groups with minimal processing and also sit down to share food moments with family and friends without distraction -. We love spinach pancakes and we serve them with homemade hummus. What is your favourite morning tea recipe? Share with us! . . . . . #ccsecofamilydayce #familydaycaresydney #familydaycareaustralia #kidsmenu #toddlersmenu #playschool #playschoolsydney #playschoolrandwick #spinachpancakes #pancake #recipe #foodmakeyouhappy #partiallyorganicmeals See more
19.01.2022 CUTENESS OVERLOAD! Our little yogis are having so much fun with our teacher Aromas & Energia. - Yoga is one of the many activities the little ones will enjoy at CCs Eco Family Daycare. Through mindfulness practices such as yoga and meditation, CCs believes thats how the kids will build self-confidence, focus, and treat others and themselves with respect and appreciation, a gift they will have for the rest of their lives. - Through yoga children can learn and evolve different aspects of their lives. It improves their balance and flexibility and can give young children a sense of personal empowerment. Most important, when children learn to accept and love themselves for who they are, to see the good in others, to focus and calm their minds, they learn tools for resilience. What makes them more likely to be positive and optimistic about life and their abilities. In such a fast digital world, encouraging relaxation is a great way of slowing down and handling better future stressors and pressures that will begin to hit them as they get older. - What are your thoughts about yoga for the little ones? Would you like to see more of the activities they enjoy here at CCs? Message us now and book your visit! It will be a pleasure to receive you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness. . . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #meditation #yoga #yogafortoddlers #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #yogaforkids #mindfulnesskids #toddleryoga #kidsyoga #childmeditation #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment #yogapractice #yogawithkids See more
18.01.2022 Gardening with the little ones! Its important to teach your children about the environment at an early age because these teachings will become their normal. - Here at CCs, activities such as gardening are part of our little ones daily routine. There is nothing more special than growing your own food, for this week, Nina and I replanted this gorgeous celery in our veggie patch. A veggie patch is an excellent way to have quality food on your table and can be a great place... to develop a meaningful and fun learning experience for children. - How can you do it? Easy Peasy! Did you recently buy a stalk of celery from the grocery store? Dont throw it away! Instead, cut off the base. Set it in a bowl of water to soak, keeping it near a window. The cut stalks should face upward.After a week has passed, youll notice tiny green leaves growing in the center of the base, than you can transfer it to a pot or your veggie garden. - This is more than a fun time for children, the environmental habits they learn, the environmentally conscious consumer choices they see, and the time they spend learning to love and appreciate the outdoors will shape them into the future of environmental sustainability. . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment #lifehacks #doityourself #crafts #diylife #sustainableeducation #natureplay #sustainableeducation #natureplay #playbasedlearning #gardening #gardeningkids #veggiepatch #vegetablepatch #vegetablegarden #growyourownfood
17.01.2022 Practicing yoga have many benefits for toddlers and babies. Learning about their whole body from a young age helps children take ownership of their development in a way that will help them to understand their movements and abilities. - A baby who practices snake pose with you will have a heightened understanding of their neck and head weight and possibly use this knowledge to swing themselves over and roll on their own. - Most kids yoga poses cross the mid line of t...he body, and this can be important for brain stimulation. Through mindfulness practices as yoga and meditation kids will build self-confidence, focus, and treat others and themselves with respect and appreciation, a gift they will have for the rest of their lives. - Message us now and book your visit! It will be a pleasure to receive you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness. We are already working with the waiting list for September. . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #yogaforkids #yogatoddlers #childyoga #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #creativebeing #natureplay #childdevelopment #creativekids #learningindividuals #openingsoon #randwick See more
16.01.2022 Rise up this mornin/Smiled with the risin sun/Three little birds/Pitch by my doorstep/Singin sweet songs/Of melodies pure and true/Saying, (this is my message to you). - Did you know that music games can help your child develop fine motor skills? From an early age, we often think of music as something fun to wiggle our bodies too. But its so much more. Fun, educational music games help infants and toddlers grow and learn in many ways. - With the help of our amazing mus...ic teacher Douglas Aguiar our little ones enjoyed a very musical morning. - Want to know more about CCs and get to know our space? Message us and book your visit now to guarantee your vacancy. See more
15.01.2022 Plastic Free July! Why should I still join in? Every year beverage containers make up 3 out of the top 10 litter items found in the Ocean Conservancy International Coastal Cleanup. This is why switching to reusable is so important, as are bottle refund schemes to encourage returns and put the cost of recycling back on the producers. - We are already half through July but is never too late to start reducing our plastic waste! Plastic Free July (Plastic Free July) is a gl...obal movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. - Here at CCs we avoid single use plastics and we teach our little ones about recycling and sustainability! The environmental habits they learn, and the environmentally conscious consumer choices they see will shape them into the future of environmental sustainability. - Want to take a closer look at CCs Eco Family Daycare? Message us now and book your visit! It will be a pleasure to receive you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness! . . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment #plasticfreejuly #singleuseplastic #doityourself #notosingleuseplastic #plasticfree #plasticfreejuly2020 #diyideas #natureplay #sustainableeducation #natureplay #montessoriactivity #playbasedlearning #gardening #gardeningkids #veggiepatch #vegetablepatch #vegetablegarden #growyourownfood
15.01.2022 The National Tree day was last weekend and of course we would join in. We got a lovely tree from Waverley Council and with our little helpers assistance we plant it in our garden. - National Tree Day started in 1996 and has grown into Australias largest community tree-planting and nature care event. Its a call to action for all Australians to get their hands dirty and give back to the community. - Planting a tree or gardening can be a great activity to develop a meaning...ful and fun learning experience for children, its a natural match. Through gardening the children can learn the life cycle process, by which plants are grown, as well as responsibility, independence, and environmental awareness. Practicing new skills is the best way of getting them to become part of your routine. In our kind community you can expect activities such as gardening and composting. - We believe that the practice of sustainability empowers children to develop knowledge, explore values and an appreciation of the environment and its relationship to their worlds. - Lets all be ECO!!! - Want to know more about CCs and get to know our space? Message us and book your visit now to guarantee your vacancy. . . . . . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment #diyvideos #lifehacks #doityourself #crafts #diylife #diyblogger #diyideas #sustainableeducation #natureplay #sustainableeducation #natureplay #montessoriactivity #playbasedlearning #gardening #gardeningkids #veggiepatch #vegetablepatch #vegetablegarden #growyourownfood #nationaltreeday #plantatree
14.01.2022 Music Therapy! We listed a few of the many benefits music has in the little lives. - Music is everywhere, for the little ones, since birth, parents instinctively use music to calm and soothe children, to express love and joy, and to engage and interact. Parents can build on these natural instincts by learning how music can impact child development, improve social skills, and benefit children of all ages. Here at CCs Eco children participates in music activities invol...ving different instruments, rhythms, moving their bodies to the song through plays and singing along. - Music is for all ages, infants recognize the melody of a song long before they understand the words. Quiet, background music can be soothing for infants, especially at sleep time. - Toddlers love to dance and move to music. The key to toddler music is repetition, which encourages language and memorization. - Preschoolers and Music: Preschoolers enjoy singing just to be singing. They are not self-conscious about their ability and most are eager to let their voices roar. They like songs that repeat words and melodies, use rhythms with a definite beat, and ask them to do things. Preschool children enjoy nursery rhymes and songs about familiar things like toys, animals, play activities, and people. They also like finger plays and nonsense rhymes with or without musical accompaniment. - Music can bring up our moods, make us move, dance, sing along and release ourselves. What is your favourite little ones songs? Do they like to make up their own? - Want to know more about CCs and get to know our space? Message us and book your visit now to guarantee your vacancy. . . . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment #musicforkids #musicforchildren #musicbenefits See more
14.01.2022 Scientific observation then has established that education is not what the teacher gives; education is a natural process spontaneously carried out by the human individual, and is acquired not by listening to words but by experiences upon the environment. - Here at CC’s we believe that children learn most productively through playing in a nurturing, fun, calm and natural environment, with dedicated and qualified educators helping them to shape up their futures by opportunities for discovery, growth and development. - Based on the principle that the child determines his/her own rhythm of learning. Our mission is educating children from 8 months to 5 years old to be global individuals, exploring their thinking, feelings, and environmental awareness. - Message us now and book your visit! It will be a pleasure to receive you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness. See more
13.01.2022 World Children’s Day! - 'World Children’s Day was first established in 1954 as Universal Children's Day and is celebrated on 20 November each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children's welfare.' - More than celebrate our loved children, today is a day to advocate, promote and celebrate children's rights, translating into dialogues and actions that will build a better world for the little ones. Protecting our ch...ildren and young people from harm is everyone’s job. Here at CC's the little ones are our most precious gifts and we believe in education based in love and care, respecting their individuality and promoting a safe, supportive place that allows them to learn and grow with joy. We also believe that sustainability must be introduced in their lives since young age, is part of our mission embracing working cooperatively to make this planet a better place for all. Let's celebrate all children and take care of our citizens of tomorrow. For more information: . . . . . #worldchldrensday #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #leraningindividuals #globalcitizens
13.01.2022 Do you know what is a veggie patch and how to grow one? Come learn with us in our series of videos with the amazing @daydreamsucculents! Todays video we will show you the vegetables chosen to be part of our awesome garden and a sneak peak of the final result. . .... . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment ##diy #diyvideos #diycraft #diyvideo #lifehacks #diyproject #diyfood #doityourself #cool #good #crafts #diylife #diyblogger #diyideas #sustainableeducation #natureplay #sustainableeducation #natureplay #montessoriactivity #playbasedlearning #gardening #gardeningkids #veggiepatch #vegetablepatch #vegetablegarden #growyourownfood
11.01.2022 Do you know what is Tapioca? This delicious treat is an addition of our fresh Spring/Summer weekly menu, made by our chef @chef_alinedefreitas - Tapioca is a typical Brazilian dish made with tapioca sta rch/flour. Its commonly eaten as a breakfast dish or light meal. Sometimes even as a snack, depending on how hungry you are. Is a Gluten Free and can also be a delicious vegan meal, depending on the ingredients you choose. - Tapioca is a starch extracted from the st...orage roots of the cassava plant (also known as manioc). This species is native to the north region and central-west region of Brazil, The plant was carried by Portuguese and Spanish colonizers to most of the West Indies and Africa and Asia. - The origin of the word Tapioca is derived from the word tipika, its name in the Tup language spoken by natives when the Portuguese first arrived in the Northeast Region of Brazil around 1500. - Where can I find it in Australia? Same same but different, for being very popular in South East Asian countries like Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam.The tapioca starch can be easily found on the International aisle of most groceries shops. To make the tapioca you have to hydrate the starch to create a thicker flour. Then it will be sieved and cooked over a hot pan. The process is simple and it works by adding water and slowly mixing through with your hands until it becomes crumbly. Once hydrated, you can use a sieve to eliminate large crumbs, pick your favourites ingredients and follow the steps above. - What is your favourite tapioca filling? If you have any questions about the recipe let us know. - Want to know more about CCs FDC? Message us now and book your visit!! . . . . . #ccsecofamilydayce #familydaycaresydney #familydaycareaustralia #kidsmenu #toddlersmenu #playschool #playschoolsydney #playschoolrandwick #tapioca #tapiocastarch #recipe #foodmakeyouhappy #partiallyorganicmeals See more
11.01.2022 Mathematics Time ! - Learning the numbers can be a fun and easy activity! - With easy materials as a cereal box for the base, a scissor and markers, you can make a sustainable number board. ... - The idea is to leave a couple of missing numbers for some fun reinforcement of number shapes to 20. You can let the kid play independently and later one introduce a timer, so they can beat their own record. - We are located in Randwick, Sydney! Message us now and come pay a visit. Will be a pleasure to receive you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness. #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment ##diy #diyvideos #tutorial #tutorials #diycraft #diyvideo #diycrafts #diyfood #5mincrafts #doityourself #cool #good #crafts #diylife #diyblogger #diyideas #learningthenumbers #numbersfortoddlers #counting
11.01.2022 Overload cuteness Friday! Whats is your little one favourite book? - Reading to toddlers has numerous benefits! Beginning early is important because the roots of language are developing in a babys brain even before he can talk! The more words your baby hears over time, the more words he learns. - Regular reading provides not only academic but emotional benefits that can help bolster the childs success in school and beyond.... - It also promotes longer attention span, which is an important skill for your kid to be able to concentrate.A study published in Perspectives on Psychological Science in January 2013 concluded that reading to a child in an interactive style raises his or her IQ by over 6 points. - Here at CCs we help children to reach their full potential by teaching them more than basic skills with care and respect. - Message us now and book your visit!! See more
09.01.2022 Veggie Falafels are the best! Easy, delicious and healthy, the veggie falafels bring some crunchiness and flavour to the table! - In partnership with CCs Chef, @chef_alinedefreitas we want to bring to you some of the amazing recipes your little ones will be tasting in our house of kindness.... - Here at CCs all of our meals are partially organic and will be planned to suit the best interests of your little one! We like to practice mindful eating, being aware of hunger cues and take time out to eat and experience the moment. - No more waiting, come pay us a visit, It will be a pleasure to receive you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness. Message us and book your visit now to guarantee your vacancy. . . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment #recipes #foodforkids #eatingwell #veggiefalafel #falafelrecipe #vegetarianfalafel #kidsmenu #organicfood #organicmeal #vegetarianmeal #kidsmeals #diy See more
09.01.2022 Music for the young minds! When did you start introducing the little ones to music? - This week at CCs we had the amazing Music Teacher Douglas Aguiar introducing the little ones to some musical activities. Having the kids participating and connecting with the sounds was an energetic and extraordinary experience. - When thinking about everyday life, music is present in a variety of social and educational activities. Music can benefit your child in many areas languag...e, maths, concentration, motor skills and social skills. - "Research undertaken by a team of researchers in the 1990s showed that the exposure to music from early childhood helps children to speak more clearly, develop a larger vocabulary, and strengthen social and emotional skills. The psychologist Howard Gardner already argued in 1983 that music intelligence is as important as logical and emotional intelligence. This is because music has the ability to strengthen the connection between the body and brain to work together as a team." - We are already working with the waiting list for September. Message us and book your visit now to guarantee your vacancy! See more
09.01.2022 CARROT CAKE BLISS BALLS! Do you know how to make this delicious snack? - Our veggie patch is green and growing and to celebrate our new carrots, its recipe time! The carrot cake bliss balls are a great lunchbox addition or grab and go snack. Youll love the flavours of this simple recipe. Easy as pie, or should I say cake? With no bake required, the recipe comes together in no time in a food processor. - Ground to table! Keep yourself posted, we have more coming up a...bout our veggies and the planting process. Here at CCs all of our meals are partially organic and In partnership with CCs Chef (@chef_alinedefreitas) we want to bring to you some of the amazing recipes your little ones will be tasting in our house of kindness. - DONT FORGET! CCs Eco is opening 13th of July in Randwick, Sydney. No more waiting, come pay us a visit, It will be a pleasure to have you and your little one(s). - Message us and book your visit now to guarantee your vacancy! - Do you find it easy? What other recipes would you like to see here? Dont forget to share with us your favourite ones! . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment #doityourself #diylife #diyblogger #diyideas #sustainableeducation #natureplay #sustainableeducation #natureplay #montessoriactivity #playbasedlearning #gardening #gardeningkids #veggiepatch #vegetablepatch #vegetablegarden #growyourownfood
08.01.2022 Life hacks to make your life easier! - An easy DIY tutorial that you can make at home to start your garden. Introducing children to gardening is a great way to increase their awareness of where food comes from and the importance of the environment in everyday life. -... We are open from monday to thursday in Randwick, Sydney. No more waiting, schedule through message or our website and come pay us a visit! It will be a pleasure to receive you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness. - All credits: @blossom . . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment #diyvideos #lifehacks #doityourself #crafts #diylife #diyblogger #diyideas #sustainableeducation #natureplay #sustainableeducation #natureplay #montessoriactivity #playbasedlearning #gardening #gardeningkids #veggiepatch #vegetablepatch #vegetablegarden #growyourownfood
08.01.2022 Easy peasy, bees in the breezy - Our daily routine is full of activities for your little ones! With reusable materials such as paper plates, paper and black and yellow paint, our morning was a lot of fun. - CCs Eco helps children to reach their full potential by teaching them more than basic skills with care and respect.Inspired by the Montessori method, founded on the principle that children determine their own rhythm of learning to become creative, confident and ind...ependent. - Message us and book your visit now to guarantee your vacancy! We are already working with the waiting list for September. See more
08.01.2022 When do we teach love? - To CCs, meditation is one of the many answers to this question.The general definition of meditation is to focus the attention on a particular theme with a corresponding withdrawal of attention from outside stimuli. This usually results in a state of relaxation where the children learn to concentrate one thing for extended periods of time, which causes more rapid learning potential. Through consistent meditation the child may expand his and creative imagination. - How can you start meditating with your little one? Do it with them, a simple guided meditations or just a planned silence time will help to keep children engaged. - Start small and slow a few minutes a day is enough to start creating the habit. The more you do it, the better youll get, and the more obvious the positive effects will be. - Be patient, dont expect instant success. It is a growth process like any other with both successes and failures. The results will become apparent as you listen to their responses and notice their increasing care and respect for themselves and each other. - Here a fun and calming meditation from the book Meditating with children, by Deborah Rozman: The WAVE MEDITATION Imagine you arc a wave on the sea going up ... and ... down . up and ... down ... as you breathe in ... and, .. out ... in . and out. Imagine how you feel, what you see (after a minutes silence I would continue). Now concentrate again on your breathing. (After 30 seconds) Im going to count slowly to the count of three and when you are ready slowly open your eyes (one ... two ... three ... ) - Do you have any meditation tips or questions? You can read more at our blog: . . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #yogaforkids #mindfulnesskids #toddleryoga #kidsyoga #childmeditation #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment
08.01.2022 Do you wanna see more of CCs Eco Family Daycare? Come have a sneak peek on our lovely Cot Room! Our comforting room will have an extra touch of relaxing and calming. Experience the aromatic benefits of essential oils, our go-to for the room is the peaceful Lavanda flavour (doTERRA Business Australia and New Zealand), the little ones will have a lovely time. Do you wanna see more of our house of kindness? Tell us in the comments which rooms and activities you are int...erested in. Dont forget to pay us a visit! CCs Eco is opening 13th of July in Randwick, Sydney. It will be a pleasure to have you and your little one(s). . . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment #cotroom #doterralavender #doterraessentialoil
08.01.2022 Sensory exploration with water beads! - Let your toddler sensory play with water beads is amazing for his/her development of fine motor skills. Development of the sense of touch. Is also a social activity requiring speaking and listening, also developing vocabulary. Practicing and experimenting with language. If you dont have a sensory table that is ok, you can add the water beads to a ziplock bag, creating a lovely pat mat. By popping the pat mat in front of the littl...e one you can keep them happy and distracted while they explore this whole sensory experience. What is your favourite sensory play? - We are open Monday to Thursday from 07h30 am to 5h30pm! - Our daily routine is full of activities based on the principle that the child determines his/her own rhythm of learning. - Message us now and book your visit!! Will be a pleasure to receive you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness.
07.01.2022 Wishing a Happy Fathers Day to all the daddys, grandpas and other paternal personalities out there! I hope you all have a fantastic day, full of love and joy. Our best wishes from CCs Eco Family Daycare! - Here is a collection of cards from our little ones to theirs beloved ones. ... #happyfathersday #fathersday #ccsecofamilydaycare #ccsecofdc #playschoolaustralia #playschoolsydney #familydaycaresydney #familydaycareaustralia #fathersdaydiy
07.01.2022 Today we are celebrating Australias Early Childhood Educators. A big thank you to all the hard working educators who make such a tremendous difference in the lives of children and families. - As educators, we love what we do and our little ones, we are always looking forward to make a positive impact in the little lives. - We believe that to teach children effectively you must touch their hearts long before you begin to teach their minds. I also trust that children lea...rn most productively through playing in a nurturing, fun, calm and natural environment, with dedicated and qualified educators helping them to shape up their futures by facilitating opportunities for discovery, growth and development. - Want to know more about CCs Eco FDC? Message us now and come pay a visit! Will be a pleasure to receive you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness. . . . . . #AustraliaEarlyChildhoodEducators #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #creativebeing #natureplay #childdevelopment #creativekids #learningindividuals #openingsoon #randwick See more
07.01.2022 It is painting time for our little Picassos! - We love getting messy and using our hands, sensory activities like finger painting are very fun and special for the little ones. -... Finger painting is great for the little ones development. Giving children opportunities to paint with their fingers helps them develop their fine motor skills and encourages them to be creative. Finger painting also gives you plenty of opportunities to teach children a variety of concepts. For example, you can tie finger painting to science by having children experiment with color mixing. - It can get messy, squishy and colourful but trust me, the paint will wash away in no time (well, maybe a little time) but the memories will stay forever. And of course, you can prevent some of it by trying covering a table with newspaper or a large plastic tablecloth. And for cleaning up, at a nearby table, set up a cleanup station. Prepare one dish tub full of warm, soapy water and another with warm, clear water. Have a stack of paper towels next to the water. - How do you feel about finger painting activities? Do you try to be organized to avoid the mess or Do you join the activity and focus more on having fun? . . . . . #familydaycareaustralia #familydaycaresydney #familydaycare #ccsecofamilydaycare #ccsecofdc #ccseco #learningthroughplay #letthembelittle #embracethemess #embracemessy #playschoolactivities #playschooleducation #fingerpainting See more
05.01.2022 If youve ever wondered what all those extra ingredients are in your childs shampoo, this DIY might be right for you. - Learn how to make your own natural shampoo! - Infused with Lavender oil (doTERRA Essential Oils Australia), this natural shampoo recipe helps cleanse and soothe the scalpperfect for little ones with sensitive skin.... - Childrens hair and skin have different needs to our adult scalps, as delicate young skin can be far more sensitive and susceptible to irritation. - Lets all be green and natural - We are already working with the waiting list for September. Message us and book your visit now to guarantee your vacancy! . . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment #diy #tutorial #tutorials #diycraft #doterraaunz #doterra #doterraessentialoils #essentialoils #diygift #diygifts #diyqueen #diyproject #instagood #5mincrafts #diyideas #sustainableeducation #natureplay #naturalshampoo See more
05.01.2022 Handprint Cactus for The Little Ones! - For our little explorers, art is more about the process than the end result, but sometimes you want something fun to hang up too. This handprint art project for kids lets you create a fun flowering cactus. - Fun and easy craft, the handprint cactus needs:... 1. White paper 2. Waterbased paint 3. Brush With a little adult assistance and the brush, paint the little one's hand with green waterbased paint and stamp it on the paper. To avoid smudging the handprint, slowly lift the hand. Using the imagination, now is time to make the vase and flowers and create a beautiful handprint card. - What is your favourite handprint activity? . . . . . . #handprint #handprintfortoddlers #handprintactivitie #sensoryplay #foodsensorialplays #familydaycareaustralia #familydaycaresydney #familydaycare #ccsecofamilydaycare #ccsecofdc #ccseco #learningthroughplay #letthembelittle #embracethemess #embracemessy #playschoolactivities #playschooleducation
04.01.2022 Composting time! - After we eat, all the organic leftovers go to the composting bin, and later on, they can fertilize our garden! - By making your own compost bin you can recycle leaves and other plant materials at home. Introducing children to composting is a great way to increase their awareness of nature and the importance of the environment in everyday life.... - What do you usually do with your organic waste at home? Did you know you could compost it and use as a highly efficient fertilizer for the plants? - CCs Eco is waiting for you! Message us and book your visit now to guarantee your vacancy. . . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment #familydaycarereview #composting #compostingbin #sustainableideas See more
03.01.2022 WHAT! HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A PURPLE CARROT BEFORE? One of the veggies brightening up our garden is a beautiful technicolor purple carrot. We already know this one will be one of the kids favourites, and our veggie superstar. You might be asking yourself, a purple carrot? Where did it come from? We asked the same and found out that until the 16th-17th century, almost all cultivated carrots were purple, with mutated versions occasionally including yellow and white car...rots. The carrots were domesticated in Afghanistan and spread to the eastern Mediterranean about a thousand years ago. They reached Europe and China in the 1300s. By the early 1500s, orange carrots could be found in Italy, Spain, and Germany. But purple, yellow, red, and white varieties persisted in Asia and the Middle East. In todays video Day Dream Succulents shows us a little bit more about our garden and presents to you the purple carrot. We cant wait to see it fully grown on the kids plates. Have you tried a purple carrot before? Let us know if you have any tips, thoughts or questions about our garden <3 Want to have a closer look at our garden? Come pay us a visit! CCs Eco is opening 13th of July in Randwick, Sydney. It will be a pleasure to have you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness. . . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #childdevelopment ##diy #diyvideos #diycraft #diyvideo #lifehacks #diyproject #diyfood #doityourself #cool #good #crafts #diylife #diyblogger #diyideas #sustainableeducation #natureplay #sustainableeducation #natureplay #montessoriactivity #playbasedlearning #gardening #gardeningkids #veggiepatch #vegetablepatch #vegetablegarden #growyourownfood #growyourownvegetables
02.01.2022 WE ARE OPEN! - Monday to Thursday from 07h30am to 5h30pm! - Our daily routine will be full of activities based on the principle that the child determines his/her own rhythm of learning. Our mission is educating children from 8 months to 5 years old to be global individuals, exploring their thinking, feelings, and environmental awareness. ... - CCs Eco is a place where they will feel the joy of growing while developing their critical side through activities such as gardening, recycling, composting, yoga, and meditation. - We help children to reach their full potential by teaching them more than basic skills with care and respect. - Message us now and book your visit! It will be a pleasure to receive you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness. . . . . . . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #creativebeing #natureplay #childdevelopment #creativekids #learningindividuals #openingsoon #randwick #opening
01.01.2022 We are in love with his video! Exposing children to music during early development has many benefits. It helps the body and the mind work together. Learn the sounds and meanings of words. Also, dancing to music helps children build motor skills while allowing them to practice self-expression. Children and adults can benefit from music, strengthen their memory skills.
01.01.2022 Its never too early to science! Little ones and science are just the perfect combo, they are filled with curiosity to discover and understand the world around them. - To celebrate science week we will be doing some fun experiments with the little ones. Baking soda and vinegar science experiments are some of the best simple science activities for children! - We used: baking soda, oil, vinegar and food colouring. The magic happens when the oil and water separate into tw...o layers, bringing the colorful fizzy bubbles to life. - What is your favourite science experiment? Share with us your ideas! - inspired by: MOTHERCOULD See more
01.01.2022 It is sensory play time!!! Do you know the benefits of sensory play? - Here are a few of them: - Language Skills Children are able to expand their vocabulary while they describe their play experience.... - Fine Motor Skills Their motor skills are improved by manipulating small objects, grabing and scooping. - Social Skills Social skills are worked on by learning about sharing, playing and communicating with others while engaged in their sensory play. - Science and Math Skills Children are also using skills useful for science and math in measuring, guesstimating and learning about cause and effect while manipulating sensory materials. - For this lovely arvo play we used the Beach ocean sea summer sensory box and Monster bamboo sensory, both from @littlewriggles.sensory. - Using this time to explore with the little ones asking questions like what do you feel?/see?/smell? or what does that make you think of? Make them to use their imaginations and let the magic happen. - What is your favourite sensory activity? . . . . #sensoryplay #sensoryplayideas #sensoryplaytime #learningwithlove #playschool #playschoolactivities #familydaycareaustralia #familydaycaresydney #randwick #earlychildhoodeducation #earlychildhood See more
01.01.2022 What is your favourite yoga pose? - Today we had our first yoga lesson with the amazing teacher @pritorritani, what a great day! Practicing yoga have many benefits for toddlers and babies. Learning about their whole body from a young age helps children take ownership of their development in a way that will help them to understand their movements and abilities. - Yoga is one of the many activities the little ones will enjoy at CCs Eco Family Daycare. Through practices as yoga and meditation, CCs believes thats how the kids will build self-confidence, focus, and treat others and themselves with respect and appreciation, a gift they will have for the rest of their lives. - Fly, fly, fly the butterfly in the meadow is flying high! Message us now and come pay a visit! Will be a pleasure to receive you and your little one(s) in our House of Kindness. . . . . #CCsEcoFamilyDaycare #familydaycare #familydaycarerandwick #familydaycaresydney #yogaforkids #yogatoddlers #childyoga #letthembelittle #boostuplove #candidchildhood #learningspaces #nourishtheirsenses #childhoodunplugged #creativebeing #natureplay #childdevelopment #creativekids #learningindividuals #openingsoon #randwick See more
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