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Cecilia Macaulay | Designer

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Cecilia Macaulay

Address: Rosanna Station 3084 Rosanna, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 We can huddle at home till pharma saves us, or are we can take responsibility, look after each other, and use a the low-tech, people power solution scientists tell us will work. A home-made mask can stop 95% of your droplets from infecting people at the store, on the bus as you go to essential work, and they even protect you somewhat from the droplets of others. Of course you practice social distancing and hand washing, look after your immune system and and stay at home as w...ell. My blogpost has the links to the scientific evidence, and the story of how a people's movment in Czech republic shifted things from 0% masks to 100% in Three Days. They didn't wait for government. So if you live in a culture that mask-wearing is frowned upon, I'm so curious to see what you will do next. 'We should cease to look to power structures, hierarchical systems, or governments to help us, and devise ways to help ourselves. Bill Mollison, founder of Permaculture. See more

20.01.2022 Marie and I are basking after a day of declutter, in her flower-strewn, Retro-vibe Permaculture home. Its always been a kaleidoscope of captivating things, now there are fewer distractions, fewer obstacles. Visitors know they are somewhere special, where things are curated, freely-chosen, and they are part of the wonderland. After a recent break-up, she wanted to attract a new love into her life, starting with a bedroom to make her new life partner feel honoured. Together w...e used my best Permaculture-inspired, Japan-inspired tricks, and made something wonderful. To see the beauty we uncovered in our day together, visit 'Cecilia Macaulay Blog' on the internet There are no rules for declutter, just patterns. As if rules would be listened to by our inner monsters anyway. They is the real boss. Patterns, however, are innate. Get them right and they uplift any person, or creature, or even molecule. Creation loves being in harmony, loves everything to fit together just right. For the next few months I'm doing live declutter webinars, so you can make these patterns part of who you are. Will I be doing them a year from now? The things that capture my Permaculture energies shift every very few years. For now: Patterns include Zones, Protect Creative Void, Reduce useless diversity, increase useful diversity, Make families, Make see-able, make invisible, the edge effect, and more. . . . #Declutter

18.01.2022 When I first started creating my Permaculture fairyland communal homes, I'd find myself gazing at someones dirty dishes (often my own) and thinking 'If I can make this beautiful, without nagging, without 'discipline', I can do anything!' Well, Permaculture fixes anything thats fixable, and it does so while going with, not against, our nature. It took a few years, but I worked out how to use it's principles to wake up every morning to a kitchen sink that smiles at me, clear a...nd inspirational. This is a skill I've never seen anyone else teach, and its a skill that changes everything. Tomorrow afternoon my sister Katie and I are running a Kitchen Sink declutter and reset workshop, just for you. Its a 'giftivist' event, so finances don't have to stop you. Click here for the webinar: Here is my blog: Subscribe, so you don't miss out, as Ive got a Fridge declutter webinar coming up too, November 1st.

18.01.2022 My dear friend Robyn and I spend an hour or so resetting her laundry, and a dreaded task turned into a party. The key is listening to the true nature of each object you possess. Here are the names of the 'families' we made for items we kept: The Radiant White family, The Useful Rainbows family, ... The Danger family in racy leotard colors, and The Subdued Retiree family, of Silvo and leather polish. I've written a blog post called 'Declutter your laundry Monsters By making lovely Families'. Google 'Cecilia Macaulay Blog' to read it, or see the link in the comments. Subscribe. I'll be holding a 'Giftivist' declutter event tomorrow, Sunday 2pm. The link is in the comments, and I'd love you to join us, because we have a new culture to create. See more

17.01.2022 We are back! This Sunday afternoon, my sister Katie and I are leading another hands-on, online workshop. Its 'gifitivst', it's a party, other lovely designer-types will be there, so come! Our culture spends billions of dollars trying to get us to put their stuff in our fridges, then nobody helps us harmonize things once they get in there. ... I'll help! Permaculture design fixes everything, even uncooperative, bleak, or scary fridges. It's hard to put in expect calm and healthy meals of yourself, when your fridge isn't being helpful. Get supported, get inspired, and get a new big best buddy, standing silently in your kitchen. Then when you open him, you hear the angels sing. Our last lot of participants gave us so much joy, and such heartwarming 'before' and 'after' photos that we can't resist doing it again. Share this link with your friends. We have a culture to create!

15.01.2022 Katie’s once-cluttered cluttered garage is now a dreamy refuge for her family, and all I did was get things started, re-arrange a few shelves. She then knew how to do the rest. Now I need my friends help. I'm preparing for 'Create a Sacred Yoga Space in Your Home' Eventbrite webinar, for August 30. I'm looking for realty-based 'before' pictures, or stories and pics of how you created your special nook at home, and what you overcame to get it that way, or any questions you on what to do next. If you give permission, they may be shared publicly, when we have a good 'after' photo to go with them, or if you join the webinar and want to be the real-time case study : ) Looking at the ‘before’ photo, Katie says Never in a million years would believe I lived with that. It hurts just to look at it now. Feeling brave? Lets go! *How to take 'Before' photos:* Stand with your back to the middle of the wall. Line your camera up chest hight, so all the lines are parallel, and 'click'. All four walls. Do it in good light: not too sunny, not to shady. The standing spot makes it easy for the 'after' photo to line up like magic. Take some straight-on close-ups, and then take four 'diagonal photos, from the four corners. Again, back to the wall. About 20 photos is great. Just this act of close observation gets things blossoming! Warning: you cant get that splendid mess back. Most people are so eager to start decluttering, they forget and regret. Take them now. Subscribe to my blog for updates on my declutter webinar series, or book right in at Eventbrite: We have a 'Next Normal' to create. Spring is coming.

14.01.2022 Tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, I'm holding a 'gifitivst' webinar that will get you started in a fridge declutter and re-design adventure. I've lived and stayed so many homes, and discovered that when we get this fundamental place beautiful, our food choices and motivations naturally shift. Health and mood and family dinners go right, all by themselves. This event is part of a home-reset series I'm gifting followers of my blog. We've already turned our kitchen sinks into 'Shrines of beauty and love'. We've made our bathrooms helpful, spacious and shareable. From tomorrow, when we open our fridges, we will hear the angels singing. Colorful fresh food will be saying 'Eat me! Eat me!' Those mysterious jars that squat in the back of our fridges will be gone to a better place, and never come back. This is a one-hour online event. I'll be sharing inspiring 'before' and 'after' pictures, and we will do decluttering in real-time. We'll subtract one shelf (yes!) and amazingly have more space. User-friendly 'families' of food in your fridge will tell you exactly where to put things. New habits will feel as fun as making cubby houses when you were a kid, and soon become 'second nature'. Refrigerators have special powers. They are the 'edge' zone between the outside world of shops and gardens, and the inside world that becomes your body, your family. Once you've got your renewed fridge culture set, other areas of life transform. You can shop for unpackaged food, straight into containers, if you like. Unexpected food you grow or get gifted won't end up forgotten. Dinner menus almost suggest themselves. Your diet becomes fresh and alive, and so does your body. Cleanup after dinner stops being scary. Everything will be visible, most things stacked in containers, smiling back at you from their usual spot, with their 'family'. In this event you will: Do a Fridge declutter and re-set, in real-time, with opportunities to ask Cecilia questions as we go Learn design principles that are fascinating, fun and stay with you for life: Zones, Reduce useless Diversity, make families of objects, creative void, and more. Cecilia brings wisdom from Japanese culture and Permaculture ( nature-based design), right to where you can use it, daily. Learn how to communicate this new fridge culture to your family, and inspire them into habits that will become second-nature. Amaze yourself with 'Before' and After pictures. Be the hero who changes culture, starting from the Fridge "When you get a basic thing right, all these other things go right, by themselves" Bill Mollison, Permaculture founder

13.01.2022 To live in a home where you are wanted, understood, and valued is heaven. Marie and I spent a day resetting her home so that's how every one of her her posessions can feel. Here is her story.

12.01.2022 'Permaculture, starting at the kitchen sink: Declutter, reset, enjoy' is a webinar my sister Katie and I are holding next, next Sunday. You absolutely should come. That's because it will change your life. The 'Postcard' method will get you finding your 'visual DNA', the the pre-existing beauty that you now just expand upon. We turn a humble and sometimes scary place into a shrine of beauty, truth, and love. This changes the quality of dinnertimes, forever. The workshop is a... distillation of my many decades of permaculture teaching, and sneaks its most powerful principles right into where you will be reminded of them daily: Zones, Creative Void, make families, and more. Its interactive, hands-on, and gets results that are instant and lasting, a rare combination. I've made it a 'giftivist' workshop, so you can relax and know that finances don't have to be an obstacle. Here is what Angela said about last weeks 'Sacred Space' webinar: "What a wonderful workshop. You and Katie make a fantastic team! It was so good to be able to apply what we were learning in my space in real-time, whilst I was all inspired. Particularly loved the 'Five S', and I'm busting to use it in the rest of my room. Once you see harmony, this disharmony is so obvious and begging to be removed". So come. Bring a friend. Share this post too. We have a post-COVID amazing world to create, starting from exactly where we are.

10.01.2022 How to Go From Wired and Tired, to Chilled and Fulfilled is a wise and playful poem by Melbourne's professor of wellness, Dr Marc Cohen If we memorize it, overcome the excuses, and actually do the activities, we could turn this weeks new 'at home' existance into a quietly exciting, love-filled time of our lives. Which new activities will you try out today, and which will you set up for tomorrow? My answers are at the bottom. Hold someone’s hand, gaze into their eyes Run... barefoot in nature and bask in sunrise Choose a dance partner, go find your groove Do tai chi or yoga, mindfully move Share a massage, enjoy healing touch Focus on one thing and don’t think too much Make time for a hobby, play chess, fly a kite Make use of your hands, draw, paint, sew or write Help someone in need, donate to a cause Play games, meditate, read stuff from bookstores Turn off your screens, get a good sleep De-clutter, spark joy and love what you keep Dig around in a garden, pick up a guitar Slip into a bathtub, sauna, or spa Care for a pet, take up a sport Go on vacation, make your home a resort Lie in a hammock, release pent-up stress Relax and do nothing, then do even less Laugh out loud, share a joke, give someone a kiss Say a prayer, chant a mantra, follow your bliss Thank-you Dr Marc Cohen! Today for Cecilia: 1. Gaze into someone's eyes 2. Focus on one thing, and 3. Sew in a zip by hand. My Corona-denying mum is busting to go to the the dressmakers, and I have to use my wiles to keep her at home without locking her up. Tomorrow for Cecilia: 1. Play chess: I've asked my sister to send me a chess set 2. Tell a joke: I'm practicing. My delivery isn't funny yet 3. Feed my favourite magpies. They love protien snacks. Illustration by Kath Soave @Path of the Spirit

07.01.2022 There are so many ways to be a wonderful Permaculture fridge. There are Share house fridges: Intense! Vegan fridge (very small), scientific experiment fridge (...its alive!). Get a great relationship with your uniquely lovely fridge, and join my fridge declutter and reset webinar, this Sunday afternoon: Its 'giftivist', so finances don't have to be an obstacle. Saving the world is fun, but the results come in very slowly, and there is always someone out there waiting to undo your good work. Transforming your fridge, however, is a miracle you can see in a few hours. It changes you too, and you both stay that way. Avoid rules. Use patterns. They will have beauty as a side effect, get to amaze your family and friends, and they are usually inspired to join in. Once fridge life is easy, all these other food-related things in life become light, go right, all by themselves. You can sign up to my blog to hear about upcoming webinars. They are wonderful.

07.01.2022 Home-made masks could be the cheapest, most painless way to turn around the Corona crisis. We can do this ourselves, without waiting for government, for permission. The ‘experts’ have changed their mind. Make a mask, while its still an adventure. #masks4all

04.01.2022 This Sunday my sister and I get to shape culture with 'Create a Beautiful and Sacred space at Home', a lovely online event: Come!... This Album is of yoga-at-home moments in the share houses I've created. This 'spirit time' and play time together was a big part of making communal life work. For the past few months, I've been staying with my Mum in Footscray, inner-city Melbourne. Every morning I put on my Vitamin D costume (swimsuit and jumper), roll out a mat, and do my calm-and-strong routine from the nook I've made on her balcony, overlooking the river. Yoga, journal, gratitude list. Then I'm good to go start the day. Separated from friends and livelihood and puzzled over what happening, I've been ruminating, having fitful sleeps, and I find this helps. Katie's students always said her yoga classes had been the highlight of their demanding weeks. Now with lockdown, they don't have the heart to do self-care time at home. We soon realized they didn't even have the basics: a still, peaceful corner that they liked being in. No wonder it's hard! Cecilia to the rescue. I make special places wherever I go, and with a bit of encouragement, declutter, and re-arranging, anyone can. So join us this Sunday. Its a 'Giftivist' event, so finances don't have to be a barrier. Here is the link so book yourself in and share with your buddies:

02.01.2022 There are so many ways to be a wonderful Permaculture fridge. There are Share house fridges (Intense) Vegan fridge (can be tiny), scientific experiment fridge (its alive!). Get a great relationship with your uniquely lovely fridge, and join my fridge declutter and reset webinar, this Sunday afternoon: Its 'giftivist', so finances don't have to be an obstacle. ... Saving the world is fun, but the results come in very slowly, and there is always someone out there waiting to undo your good work. Transforming your fridge, however, is a miracle you can see in a few hours. It changes you too, and you both stay that way. Avoid rules. Use patterns. They will have beauty as a side effect, get to amaze your family and friends, and they are usually inspired to join in. Once fridge life is easy, all these other food-related things in life become light, go right, all by themselves. You can sign up to my blog to hear about upcoming webinars. They are wonderful.

01.01.2022 In a few weeks, my cat Gilmore and I will be setting up my very first 'Retrosuburbia' in Melbourne, after a dream-like interlude living at Gardenfarm. Monday we sculpt the mud into swales, and act as conductors for the symphony of edibles which are about to be planted. Neighbors and collaborators Geoff and Robyn just asked me about which beans I recommend and the answer is 'Beautiful ones'. Here are glamorous vegetable pictures I took at one of my favorite places in the world, Tivoli amusement park. Tivoli is a Danish version of Disneyland, but 150 years old and faultless in its realness. Apart from pretty beans, who will come live with me in Rosanna? I'm thrilled to watch it unfold.

01.01.2022 I felt embarrassesd when I emerged at my little neice's birthday dinner with this home-made mask on my face. The people in the room felt awkard too. You could see their brains ticking 'is Cecilia a threat'? Thats not a nice position to be in. A few minutes later, we all got used to it, and did the proper birthday revelry That little 'half-a-family' gathering turned out to be our last one, for a long time. We have a whole new normal to create, in our culture. Mask wearing... is not a part of western culture. Its primarily an attempt to protect people around you, and looking after others happens to be a good way to look after ourseves. My home-made mask won't make me safe, but studies I trust show it will make me less unsafe, for when I absolutely have to leave the house. Its something I can do myself, without depleting masks that essential workers need. Here is a link if you want more facts: See more

01.01.2022 "Where does the clutter go", people ask me. It doesn't go somewhere else in the house. It gets digested. It never comes back. You are invited to my 'Giftivist' Declutter and Reset workshop this Sunday.

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