Cefe & K2 | Entrepreneur
Cefe & K2
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25.01.2022 Happy AUSTRALIAN DAy! Let’s celebrate a day of peace and UnItY.
24.01.2022 LEARN HOW TO BUILD A SUCCESSFUL ONLINE BUSINESS Do you want to know how we start our online business and How it’s effectively works using only the power of social media! Take a simple step by providing your name and email address to the link below and watch our complementary Workshop!... www.cefedonline.com Here’s Some interesting facts about the business: Step by step training provided that you can follow at your own pace Supportive Global Digital Business Community No business or technical background required, our marketing experts will teach you how No selling involved as our proven system does the selling 100% Legitimate with a proven track record LIVE WEBINAR SCHEDULES: Sydney, Australia (12:00pm) Wed & Fri Canada (5:00pm PST/8pm EST) Tue & Thu Philippines (8:00am) Wed & Fri USA (5:00pm PST/8pm EST) Tue & Thu Spain; Germany (2:00am)Wed & Fri London, UK (1:00am) Wed If the sched is not fits for you, you can always watch the replay anytime at your own convenience. Have a lovely day and god bless you all. www.cefedonline.com #onlinebusiness #beyourownboss #maketheswithchonline #bossmum #childofGod
23.01.2022 Feeling the summer vibes here it will be 36 degrees today. A good day starts with a Good Mindset. Allow your self to release all your doubts about your ability and be the best version of you! New day!... New things New opportunities Expand your horizons Embrace change And take a leaf of faith. Have a lovely and blessed Monday Morning falks. Cef.
22.01.2022 What a great way to end the night, a congratulations to my business partners Shyrabel and Ed&Carol for getting a great results in their online business. We are delighted to share with you the journey, learnings and the successes of everyone in the community. If you are coachable, willing to learn and want to create a better future. Tune in to our live free webinar and get your direct access at... www.cefedonline.com
21.01.2022 Secure your future and start your online Business On the Side! With what happening right now, nothing is certain! A lots of people are suffering due to recessions. This is the perfect timing to switch your career and start your online business on the side! Because going digital is the new norm now!’ If like me and other of thousands people who would like to secure the future, Why not try to have a look of our complementary workshop and see how everyday people are making the... switch online! To find out more! Please register your name and email address : www.cefedonline.com #maketheswithchonline #beyourownboss #BestOnlineBusiness #bossmum
21.01.2022 Learning requires desires and commitment to push through to something unknown and the best way to learn is through action! Imagine how awesome having the right resources and the platform where continuous learning, training and mentorship are provided if you keep plugged in. This is what i feel right now after Joining the digital world of entrepreneurs!... Willingness to learn is a choice and choices is the hinge of destiny. Be wise and be brave in making choices! A Lovely evening to all. cef
19.01.2022 Another business blessing for our team to celebrate this weekend! Congrats to these two amazing bossmum! If you want know more about this amazing online business, connect with me by providing your name and email address to below link.! Thank you! God bless you all! www.cefedonline.com
16.01.2022 Been Inspired in Thursday’s Mastermind Being in this business everyday’s always a new learning! A motivational factor to keep going amd be inspired to work hard towards your life’s goal. Today’s mastermind guest speaker is a powerful couple from Canada and one of the successful business owners who shared their journey of success in such a short span of time, in just over 2 years of being a Global Online Business owner, they have received multiple blessings in this communi...ty, and become financially independent and secured. If you want to know more about the business and be one like Michelle, please feel free to message me or register your spot for our free Workshop that runs every Wednesday and Friday! 12AEST! www.cefedonline.com
15.01.2022 LEVERAGE THE POWER of DiGITAL SPACE and WORK and EARN ONLINE; We are group of online entrepreneurs who would like to help people who wants to start their own digital business online. Meet our team from different walks of life. A real people getting a real results. Be our partners and together we will build the life we love and dreams of the future. Tune in to our LIVE FREE WORKSHOP today at... 12pm Sydney Time. Get your DiReCt AcCess link atsee you inside. www.cefedonline.com
15.01.2022 Soaked in the sun on a Super hot Sunday feels this morning, with an impromptu fishing/ picnic at the beach . This is the Beauty of having a portable hustle where i spent the day with family and my business running in the background 24/7. So grateful for yesterday’s online business blessings!... Me with my Sunday office and family having fun!
14.01.2022 Had some virtual strategy planning for 2021 with my ever-trusted friend and mentor here down under this morning. Time to give some light with my list this year! aJa!!! Thank you marsi Aleli for the help and patience. God bless you. ... #businesswithapurpose #digitalbusinessowner
14.01.2022 we’ll never learn something new if we do the same thing every day. If you want to grow and take the path where you would like to be, you need venture outside your comfort zone and face the unknown. Blessed Wednesday to all! #maketheswithchonline... #beyourownboss #bossmum #childofGod See more
08.01.2022 A new beginning for a brand new day to start the month right! Positivity is choice and our life is a reflection of what we believe and the choices we make, be brave, be fearless to explore and seize opportunities outside confort zone! Left behind all the doubts and believe to your self that you can make it, with hard work, focus and determination, provided with the best tools and resources everything is possible. Offer everything to GoD and he will direct us and guide us t...o the right path. A blessed Morning Tuesday to you all! Hello December! -cefe
08.01.2022 A simple act with courage toward the direction we want us to be could be the biggest achievement we can give to ourselves and to our family! We might encounter failure during the journey but with failure we learn, we try and we win! Your small act towards your goal could lead you to a destination you never imagine.... Have faith and take the next step! -Cef
06.01.2022 Another amazing lady has take the leap of faith of becoming a digital business owner and start her journey towards financial freedom and life change balance for her family. And to our two addtional action taker! CONGRATS What a great way to welcome December!! And SHOUT OUT to our business Partner VELMA for your success! If you want to start a successful business online, please register below and details and step will be sent to you shortly...... www.cefedonline.com, #EverydayIsABlessings #ForeverGrateful #FoundAProvenBusinessSystem #DigitalEntrepreneurs #Running247 #LeveragingSocialMedia #DigitalMarketingAdvertising #EarnOnline
02.01.2022 Blessed Saturday Morning!
02.01.2022 Mindset is everything! Our life is the reflection of what we believe And the choices we make. This is Worth of your time!
02.01.2022 There is no such comfortable way of running your business from the comfort of your kitchen while doing your duties as mom! So glad for the blissful and productive SATURDAY!
01.01.2022 As we say goodbye to the month of November below are the AMAZING Team Rockstar summary Achievement for the month C O N G R A T S to all and more success for everyone in the future. welcome 19 New Action Takers from Australia, UK, Belgium, Spain, Papua New Guinea, Philippines. 3 New Digital Business CEO... 1 Business Partners achieved Major Milestones If you’re looking for successful online business or side hustle that will work to your busy schedule, please feel free to register by providing only your name and email address. https://www.cefedonline.com Small steps can lead to big changes
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