Celebration of Birth in Byron Bay, New South Wales | Pregnancy care centre
Celebration of Birth
Locality: Byron Bay, New South Wales
Phone: +61 421 510 512
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25.01.2022 COMBINED SACRED BIRTH DOULA & BLISS BABY PRENTAL YOGA TRAINING The perfect combination! Next in person trainings - Bliss Baby Prenatal Yoga - 13 - 15 NOVEMBER in Newcastle... Sacred Birth Doula - 11 - 14 FEBRUARY nr. Byron Bay SAVE when you choose to combine the in person Sacred Birth Doula training with either in person or online Bliss Baby Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training. Celebration of Birth Doula Academy has joined with women’s yoga specialists Bliss Baby Yoga to offer the highly regarded Bliss Baby Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training hand-in-hand with the Sacred Birth Doula Training for this Special Dual Certificate option. Register through the link or email [email protected] https://www.celebrationofbirth.com/bliss-baby-prenatal-yog/
24.01.2022 Newsletter - When Women Gather - https://mailchi.mp/c87006febc1c/newsletter-when-women-gather
24.01.2022 THE SITTING MOON Chinese wisdom for the postnatal period. I have known the early days & weeks of mothering as the 'Babymoon' (coined by childbirth educator, Sheila Kitzinger). I do like this Chinese alternative to honour the precious time of transition and gentle emergence as a new mother.
23.01.2022 Saturday sweetness
23.01.2022 The Blessing Of Pregnancy Circles Nourishing the gift of connection Enjoy reading my guest Blog for Bliss Baby Yoga
21.01.2022 Sharing the Tao of Motherhood The ancient mothers knew. There was no need for books and experts. Today we have lost much. We need to re-learn the Way. Be cautious about what the experts tell you.... What sounds complex and clever may have no roots. Wisdom has no cleverness in it. It is pure and simple, and when it is practiced the results are obvious. The wise assist a child's being rather than his doing. ~ The Tao of Motherhood, by Vimala McClure, with thanks to @sacredbirthsacredearth . . #Repost @droscarserrallach . . . #mother #mothercare #themothercareproject #motherhood #matrescence #mothermorphosis #postnatal #postnataldepletion #postnatalrecovery #thepostnataldepletioncure #pregnancy #birth #baby #matrilineal #sacredfeminine #maternal #maternalvalues #family #futureisfeminine #droscarserrallach
20.01.2022 BONDING SUPPORT FOR MUMS & BABIES We want women to receive the specialist mental health care they need, as well as the opportunity to form a bond with their babies in these all-important formative months," she said. Mental Health Minister Bronnie Taylor said the unit would support 120 women a year with acute or ongoing severe mental illness. "Perinatal mental illness can impact a parent's relationship with their baby, family dynamics and the ongoing development of a child," Mrs Taylor said. Each of the eight bedrooms at the unit will be able to accommodate a mother, up to two infants aged under one and a partner or family member. SMH
20.01.2022 Love Birth Stories like this... and the wonderful care of our friends at FreMo Medical and Birth Centre, Kawangware-Nairobi Kenya
19.01.2022 LISMORE PREGNANT MOTHERS Wonderful pregnancy/birth preparation group @ the Lismore Birth House on Saturday mornings
19.01.2022 Celebration of Birth Newsletter: Spring Equinox - https://mailchi.mp/20dfdab4fcc5/newsletter-spring-equinox
16.01.2022 The Wild Things - sweetest mothers & babes Beautiful words from author, Sue Monk Kidd ...When my soul grows ragged, I usually turn to poetry, art, writing, drawing, laughter, the dog, and family. Also gelato. Today, though, I sought out this little collection of wild things. Remembering what the poet, Wendell Berry called the peace of wild things, I gathered together these images. Mother and baby animals, magnificent creatures, who feel and suffer and love, who are ...beings in their own right. Contemplating them gave me a sense of their strength and vulnerability, of how ‘other’ they are from me and yet how we are the same. I don’t understand how nature (even pictures of it) engenders peace. I only know there was something restorative about being vicariously with these creatures. It offered me empathy, perspective and quietude. I’m not sure we can completely get off the Coronacoaster or the Election Train, at least for now. Just be good to yourself. Practice radical acts of self-care. Try coming into the peace of wild things.
15.01.2022 POSTNATAL DEPLETION FREE Event with Dr Oscar Serrallach https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/postnatal-depletion-what-it
14.01.2022 The Benefits of Water Birth Just love this mum’s surprise!
12.01.2022 Monday morning cuteness
11.01.2022 Do not Rush Birth! Birth is a journey not a race... Love this ‘Code of Conduct’ from Lorena the Doula
10.01.2022 GRIEVING THE LOSS OF SACRED SPIRIT TREES "Our land is sacred, our trees are sacred, our Country is sacred." Our heart goes out to all Djab Wurrung people, who have been working to protect Country. This is absolutely heartbreaking. ... The Djab Wurrung birthing trees have seen 50 generations of women give birth on Country. These are spirit trees, and have supported Djab Wurrung people for 800 years. A highway upgrade has threatened the trees and Djab Wurrung people have been calling on all Australians to support them to stop bulldozers from destroying Country and the sacred birthing trees.
09.01.2022 Introduction to the new HOLISTIC BIRTH PREPARATION online course with Anna Watts, Sacred Birth & Doula Educator PREGNANT WOMEN ~ DOULAS ~ PRENATAL YOGA TEACHERS ~ BIRTH PROFESSIONALS Learn the spiritual wisdom of the chakras and how they relate to pregnancy and birth with 7 video tutorials, self-exploration journaling, meditations and birth affirmations. JOIN NOW TO RECEIVE THE FIRST INTRODUCTORY CLASS FREE https://www.celebrationofbirth.com/birth-preparation/
09.01.2022 Seeding new Women’s Circles We talk a lot about nurturing the flow of oxytocin, the hormone of love and trust, in birth and postpartum circles. The great news is that sitting in circle boosts oxytocin in all phases of life through loving connection, holding us in the rise and the fall Thank you @musingsfromthemoon @ohmmumma ... This poem from gorgeous @musingsfromthemoon has been sitting with me for a few weeks now On the weekend I attended a @sacredbirthsacredearth postpartum doula training and it was the first time in my life that I’ve sat with women. It was a profound experience to hold, witness and be held by a group of strong and beautiful women. Here’s to making women’s circles a huge part of my life! #byronbaydoula #northernriversdoula #themummamovement See more
06.01.2022 BANNING WATER IN LABOUR Recent RANZCOG recommendations have banned Water in Labour due to unsubstantiated risk of Covid-19 transmission, without clear evidence. This is currently in Victoria but likely to spread to other states, it's another restriction being place on birthing families at this challenging time! Please sign the petition
06.01.2022 LAST DAY TODAY @ the 'lockdown special' - with unlimited access to complete in your own time. CHAKRA BIRTHING WISDOM ONLINE COURSE SPECIAL $49 (Value $149) ends 31 July https://www.celebrationofbirth.com/birth-preparation/
06.01.2022 Moving from Head to Heart... Trusting your Intuition for Birth. - https://mailchi.mp//moving-from-head-thinking-to-heart-wis
05.01.2022 Delayed cord clamping proves beneficial... or ‘science catches up with nature’ We’ve understood the benefits of delayed cord clamping for years. Now research shows babies who need CPR have better outcomes when the umbilical cord is left attached.
05.01.2022 Doula Conference ~ 27/28 March 2021 ‘Doula Dreaming’ Online in the Clouds I’ll be presenting along with a rich resource of presenters sharing all things doula ... Link to tickets https://www.doulaconference.com.au/tickets.html
05.01.2022 Is My Baby Too Big? A good reminder that ultrasound accuracy is less than 50%
03.01.2022 Good news finally... mum & baby Harvey reunited! So sad this shocking separation happened in the first place hoping the health services can use more compassion and common sense in future.
03.01.2022 DOULAS SUPPORTING FAMILIES These certificates are far more than ‘pieces of paper’... They represent the mothers, babies & families the doulas have walked alongside during pregnancy, birth and postpartum. They reflect the mentoring the doulas have received during their own journey of personal growth supporting births. ... They are a symbol of completion, acknowledging the commitment and passion it takes to be in service to mothers and community. Whilst it is true Doula-ing is not an accredited role in Australia (or worldwide) - nor do we wish for those type of restrictions - it’s essential for doulas to receive training and mentoring that supports them fully as they step into their new role. Congratulations Heidi & Tenille, blessings on your Doula path @heidieastdoula & @tenille_awomanswellness Beautiful Mother Goddess by Lucy Pierce @hearth_song A special gift from birthing mama Sarah @sarahholroydhill #peaceonearthbeginswithbirth #sacredbirthdoula #celebrationofbirthdoulaacademy
03.01.2022 XMAS BABY REFLECTIONS by Prof. Hannah Dahlen Having a baby at Christmas can be both a joyous time and a cause for anxiety. This Christmas, with a pandemic sweeping the world, there may also be some unique considerations on parents’ minds. So if you’re one of the women on the maternity ward around Christmas time, you might want to know what to expect.
03.01.2022 A FAMILY IS BORN Gentle caesarean birth with skin-to-skin
01.01.2022 * BIRTH TRAUMA AWARENESS WEEK * @birthtrauma.org.au defines birth trauma as a wound, serious injury or damage it can be physical or psychological (deeply upsetting and distressing) or a combination of both. Both mother and the father/partner can be affected by birth trauma. . According to statistics; it is estimated that up to 1 in 3 women who give birth may experience birth trauma, an estimated 1 in 20 mothers may show signs of PTSD at 12 weeks after giving birth & more s...hockingly the #1 cause of maternal death, during pregnancy & within the first 12months after birth, is suicide. . Your story matters Acknowledge your birth journey Start the conversation Seek out support Gain an understanding of your why’s ~why your or your partners birth journey happened the way it did & for what reason.. Allow space & time to heal You are not alone & be kind with yourself . . For information & great resources regarding Birth trauma check out; @birthtrauma.org.au @pandanational See more
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