Cell to Soul | Medical service
Cell to Soul
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25.01.2022 Early mornings. Late nights. Because I want to be the catalyst for change in people’s life. I want them to say It was her.
25.01.2022 https://podcasts.apple.com//04-bio-hack-your/id1525574710 This has got to be my most epic poddy so far I enjoy these so much... Here’s what we talk about; the influencing factor of nutrition on who we become -ditching marketing and keeping things simple at the supermarket (19:42) functional tests for environmental toxins (23:50) gentle detoxifying of the body (34:35) why magnesium is an important supplement for the body (37:50) how cortisol affects our hunger (45:50) I To enrol in my course we discuss here head on over to www.celltosoul.com.au
25.01.2022 2 Epic Lessons in Mindset
24.01.2022 Imma try to explain this in 1 caption... follow the photos for easy visuals! Basically, Candida (a yeast found mostly in the gut that LOVES sugar) lives in us always, but can overgrow (usually after multiple rounds of antibiotics) OR can be contracted commonly from hospitals. Eventually, if not brought into balance, it grows a long tail right THROUGH the gut cells so far that it penetrates immune cells living on the other side of those cells.... It hooks it’s long tail into the immune cells, causing the cell to produce an inflammatory chemical called IL-6 as just one of many potential inflammatory chemicals. IL-6 is an especially potent activator of the HPA axis which means it tells the adrenals to step up and start producing more cortisol, leaving you FEELING stressed without a jusitfiable emotionally stressful situation. This is an example of what I refer to as a physical stressor. Your body can be physically stressed when you’re not emotionally stressed about anything. Kinda crazy huh?! Did you learn something new? Give me a below if you did
24.01.2022 https://youtu.be/yb8mzejVXOQ
23.01.2022 Grateful for Sunday
23.01.2022 Let’s get honest Which pillar of health do you need to work on most?
23.01.2022 Where I would’ve been today... Honestly I’m so lucky to be just as happy at work as on my holiday Wishing everyone at @empower_u_program an empowering weekend
22.01.2022 https://youtu.be/_F2NpSjeYJo
22.01.2022 JUST GONE LIVE!!! 1. Why is it recommended that we cut gluten and dairy out of our diet? What do they do to the body? 2. Is it true that sugar is more addictive than cocaine? And what happens if we consume too much of it in our diet (through not only sweet foods, but through carbs as well?).... 3. How do we know if our gut is inflamed, or if we're suffering from leaky gut? How do we heal the gut and reduce inflammation? What foods should we consume? 4. How can we help reduce and heal systemic inflammation (chronic inflammation occurring over long periods of time)? What foods are good to eat to help reduce inflammation in the body? 5. How are the gut and brain connected? How does our diet impact our mental health? 6. What are some foods/supplements that can help with hormone imbalances? And how can someone help heal hormonal acne? (Rather than take harmful medication for it)? What are some of the biggest causes of acne?
21.01.2022 Remember the time we made Billie capture our Lady & The Tramp moment? ...you drive me nuts, but I love ya guts Happy Valentines Day & Happy 5 years... Love you bae
21.01.2022 YOU GUYS, I have the best followers - any instagrammer will tell you 100 engaged followers are better than 100K non-engaged followers and I just wanted to say how thankful I am especially to the few followers I tagged for their ongoing support on my IG - liking every post, commenting their tips and own experiences. I just LOVE it So... thank you!! And while we’re here, because thanking people makes THEM feel good and YOU feel good, tag someone below and tell them why you’re thankful for them
21.01.2022 Have you been experiencing one or more of these and think they’re all unrelated? You actually might have candida overgrowth! It’s starts the gut but can become systemic (meaning it affects a lot more areas of your body than just your gut!!) ... It can occur often after; recurrent antibiotics AND/OR a high sugar or refined carb diet for too long. These are only SOME of the effects of candida overgrowth - other symptoms also include; sinusitis and tonsillitis (something I’ve struggled with my whole life!) Props where props are due though candida is SO smart that if it hangs around for long enough, it becomes like a transformer and goes from an annoying yeast to a dangerous beast! (I didn’t even mean to rhyme but I’ll take it, and please be sure to quote me when repeating this cool fact to your friends... like if you ever get to chatting randomly about Candida )!
21.01.2022 https://youtu.be/7A6q52wSpMs
20.01.2022 INCOMING KNOWLEDGE BOMB Are you or your child on the spectrum? Did you know the gut plays a massive role in Autism? Did you know most Autistic individuals have elevations of Dopamine (a brain chemical involved in pleasure and reward) and are unable to convert that Dopamine to Noradrenaline and Adrenaline? ... ? It occurs due to a BLOCK of the enzyme that turns one chemical (Dopamine) into another (Noradrenaline and then Adrenaline). Think of this enzyme like a change agent. If that change agent isn't there, they can't facilitate that change and so Dopamine begins to build up. ? Clostridia is a bacteria that when overgrows has the ability to freeze the change agent (enzyme). We need to remember that like us, bacteria are living organisms with the ability to create their own substances just like we create energy and hormones. A 2018 Review: The results of the present systematic review demonstrate an interrelation between Clostridium bacteria colonization of the intestinal tract and autism. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6024569/ ? Sure can. I do these tests at my clinic. There are still no universally accepted causes for Autism, but this body of research on the gut/brain connection in Autism had gained a lot of momentum in alternative medicine ? Give me a in the comments www.celltosoul.com.au
18.01.2022 When you’re doing YOU, and like really staying true to what you believe in, the universe just does some magical sh*t! I can’t explain it, it just does. Know the WHAT by having a vision for yourself - and don’t stress about the HOW.... Trust that the how will work itself out
18.01.2022 I keep running into the same problem lately... every time I try to buy convenience foods to help speed up the cooking process, I’m finding extra additives to sweeten the foods and enhance the taste. It’s a reminder to go back to basics and cook it myself. Tastebuds Change Give yourself a few weeks on a NO sugar diet, then suddenly, the things you once found bland become sweet. As a human being, you should find that fruit curbs your sweet tooth - if not, you’ve probably li...ved a little too long relying on store bought foods... Everything edible you buy in a store has had a research scientist behind it figuring out how to get it to taste better. Hidden Sugars Are Everywhere A TED sugar scientist reported 70% of the average grocery store has added hidden sugars even things that aren’t sweet!!!! e.g. Frozen dinners and almost all baby foods Best Substitutes Without a doubt fruits the best way to go and the most versatile are: Berries (organic too!) Banana And when you’re really wanting something extra sweet, my best advice is; Protein Powder It’s almost always already sweetened and the better quality you buy the better quality natural sweetener is in there like stevia or monk fruit. PLUS You’re adding extra protein which helps curb cravings but still getting that sweetness that you find you need to satisfy before you get too binge-y... ....we’ve all been there!
14.01.2022 Hands down the 3 best foods for acne prone skin IMO. Here’s why; Oily fish is not only high in omega 3 fats (which are essential for the skin of our cells) which is just about the most anti-inflammatory nutrient known to man, it’s also high in zinc, iodine and selenium AND protein. Nutrient gaps /deficiencies usually play part in acne so oily fish packs a nutritional punch! My favourite picks are salmon and sardines. Leafy Greens are high in Magnesium and fibre, and ...are so nutrient dense for how few calories they are. Stress plays a big role in acne (both emotional and physical) and magnesium is amazing for that in particular. Also, fibre is essential for gut health. Brassicas are the bees knees for improving detoxification of old hormones especially which is usually the reason for most people’s acne!
14.01.2022 WOOP THERE IT IS! 1st #YouTube video out And it’s one of my MOST asked questions ... Watch it NOW! https://youtu.be/GfKcxnYg-BA
11.01.2022 Aluminium does not belong in our bodies. ’ ! It’s a heavy metal and create problems for us mentally, as well as gut and skin issues. ... ? It’s something our body must DETOX through our livers and most of us have pretty mediocre livers. ? So sometimes it just lives inside us creating problems waiting for it’s go in the liver to be pooped out, not to mention forcing the CREATION of FAT CELLS (because our body can’t just have it wandering around - it’s way too dangerous!) ... We are exposed to SO MUCH aluminium and my image shows only SOME of the common exposures! ?
10.01.2022 The ZiBrunos are officially on holidays! SWIPE for the best of Billie’s faces Out of office until Wed 3rd March @ Sydney, Australia
09.01.2022 https://www.vichealth.vic.gov.au//high-sugar-toddler-milks Basically, marketing fools us again....! Do you buy toddler milk and toddler snacks?... You might want to read how much extra you're spending..... See more
09.01.2022 Dear Changemakers & Trailblazers, It’s ok to be tempted - we’re all human - but if something doesn’t feel quite right, don’t do it. You might think oh it’s so small and insignificant that nobody will notice, but let me tell you - shit ALWAYS comes back to bite you in the arse. ... Moral of the story? Be a good human. Take action that aligns with you. Stay in your lane and when the time comes that integrity that made you feel like you missed a good opportunity will pay you back ten fold. Don’t get greedy or impatient. Trust the universe and trust your gut. One day when people know who you are, and the spotlight is shone on you, you can life your life fearlessly knowing that every step you took was one you’d back on a good day too.
09.01.2022 Wouldn’t you love to have a forum built by someone you TRUST show you how you can eat FOR health? Like... How to eat for #happiness How to eat for #energy... How to eat for #hormonebalance How to eat to stop #bloating How to eat for #FatLoss How to eat for #MuscleGain ...and a whole bunch more! PLUS a place you can ask me Qs AND I educate you along the way? Well you just wait my munchkins... it’s coming!! If you want to know when this amazing service opens up, add yourself to my C2S Tribe Newsletter by heading to www.celltosoul.com.au and scroll right to the bottom!
09.01.2022 There was a time in my life I was actually sick of hearing how negative and down I was. Granted, I was young, but I knew deep down I wasn’t the person I wanted to be. I started catching up with positive people, following accounts whose messages I liked hearing and surrounding myself with like-minded friends - rather than staying in my cliche and being worried I would be judged. In fact, in Yr 12, I decided my goal of getting over 90 in my ATAR was more important to me than... spending lunch time in the yard - to the point someone asked me if I still went to school. It’s because I was studying in the library. ? A little, but not enough to stop me from studying in the library every lunchtime. ? Heck yeah. () ? . ABSOF*CKINGLUTELY. Yeah, it was hard. Even now it’s hard - but I continue to grow exponentially while so many others choose to stay the same. Personal development is always hard, otherwise it wouldn’t be personal development. But it’s ALWAYS worth it. @celltosoul x
08.01.2022 A girl from school once told me she never forgot a comment I made about her since high school... that she had man hands. I’m sorry Jess, I must’ve been a bitch that day I’m only saying that because this pic of me #earthing between clients displays my feet and I’m VULNERABLE to your comments people. The point of the post - EARTHING! ... But this image is not about man hands or ugly feet - it’s about how important #earthing is to reduce #inflammation. It’s a bit of a theme for me at the moment because of my injury, and I bet during your next injury you’ll want to come back to my posts about #natural #remedies for inflammation so save this one! STUDIES ON EARTHING Studies have shown after only 30 mins of earthing, the drastic reduction of inflammation in human bodies using thermal imaging. So for me, right now, still nursing my sprained ribs and having a pretty packed day, I’m grateful the sun is out and the grass is dry so I have 10 mins to do my best to lower my pain and inflammation - and even get some immunity & mood boosting Vitamin D Have a beautiful #Monday everyone
06.01.2022 #AnotherOne Under 2 mins giving you a quick explanation of a seriously overlooked topic!! I’ve also attached some really helpful links for people who want accurate, further info ... https://youtu.be/BLGigfsIrR8
05.01.2022 Food Cravings & Stress! Let’s keep this ! When we experience or our stress response kicks in. This might be thinking stressful thoughts/fear/worry/overthinking OR nutrient gaps/undereating/overeating/overexercising. ... When the stress response kicks in, our clever body thinks, Hmmm what’s the best way I can help? How about I signal a cue for a fast fuels. I don’t necessarily mean a fatty burger, more like a food that requires little work from your digestion - SUGAR & PROCESSED CARBS! This is why, when we get to the end of a work day we unleash the junk food monster and eat every we can get out hands on. Our body is just trying to fuel us for the stress we’re experiencing while trying to prevent our body from having to work too hard. So how do we prevent cravings? I’ll chat about it on my IGTV next week - stay tuned!
05.01.2022 You know how you hear about taking great action to show the universe you have faith while you wait for the universe to shower you with all the things you want? ......... Well, persisting with the little tasks that get you closer to your goal without any finished product is ALSO showing faith. ... . Massive action doesn’t need to be something irresponsible or over-the-top like spending your life savings on a pipe dream you’ve done zero research on. ’ When you keep working on a long project, studying every day for those final exams, working through a relationship struggle - all of that is taking massive action and showing great faith because you’re not guaranteed a good outcome in life ever. ’ . So keep chipping away my loves - it’s only a matter of time!
03.01.2022 COMFORT FOOD We know we aren’t hungry, so why do we eat? Especially at times of stress, worry or sadness? ... This explanation by @drstevenlin about the vagus nerve can explain what nervous system change we’re craving when we reach for food to make us feel better. What it’s doing is calming our body down. ANY food has the capacity to trigger our #RestAndDigest response via the #VagusNerve... ...and why do we reach for #JunkFood as opposed to #HealthyFood? Marketing. Marketing + Physiological Need = Junk food. Awareness of Physiological Need + Physiological Need = Better food choice OR alternative ways of activating the rest and digest response... ...deep breathing!!! #DeepBreathing VS #ComfortEating
03.01.2022 Why is this important? Do you take vitamin supplements? Do you make an effort to top of on your high B & C foods every day? ... WATER SOLUBLE VITAMINS ....when in excess, we simply pee out and are not stored in the body so we need to have these DAILY B vitamins || are incredibly important for energy, detoxification and methylation Vitamin C || a potent antioxidant that also improves skin tone and texture FAT SOLUBLE VITAMINS .... should be eaten WITH fat. This occurs naturally in nature e.g. nuts are high in Vitamin E BUT if we’re taking isolated fat soluble supps, we need to take them with fats We can also overdose on fat soluble vitamins as we can STORE them and is also a reason why we can go a whole winter without dying of Vitamin D deficiency BOTTOM LINE: eat fats with your therapeutic doses of fat soluble vitamins don’t OD on A, D, E or K top up your water soluble supplements DAILY!! #Vitamins #Multivitamins #Fat #Water #Health #NowYouKnow #Education #Health #Healthy #HealthHacks #Nutrition #EatHealthy #EatYourVeggies #Wellness #HolisticHealth #Supplements
03.01.2022 I see SO MANY posts on social media advocating processed foods can be part of your daily diet and still help you lose weight. i.e. Magnum ice cream for dessert every night. That’s true - it can still help you lose weight - but that doesn’t make you healthy. *IN FACT* here’s how the average store-bought food is slowly damaging your brain and body...... https://podcasts.apple.com//how-do-preservat/id1527893577
02.01.2022 You want to know why we overdo everything? Why we are all so stressed? Why we feel so out of touch with our bodies? We push ourselves way too hard because we are over-medicating ourselves. ... ’ ’ I was recently asked on a podcast, what’s more dangerous cocaine or sugar? My answer was sugar because it’s so readily available, and something we have ALL the time. At least with cocaine we’re aware it’s bad so you’d know if you’re not feeling right what to remove first - p.s. I’m absolutely not advocating you take drugs! I’m using this to illustrate a point. We don’t know how coffee makes us feel unless we remove it, and the one thing I get more than anything when people experiment going off coffee is how tired they are like YEAH girl that’s how tired your body’s been for ages but you couldn’t tell because your brain wasn’t getting the signal to slow down. It’s the same for pain killers. I’m amazed at how many people pop those like it’s going out of style. I for one have always been a person who’s only ever taken those if I was DESPERATE (like my recent sprained ribs situation where there was a point I actually couldn’t breathe without crying). ’ I would much rather KNOW what movement or pressure is too much for my body than block my pain cues, push myself too far and actually do some serious damage to myself. This isn’t a post to get you to stop enjoying your coffee (or your pain killers which I hope you’re taking only as needed), but to explain to you why you might be caught off-guard: burnt out, needing a holiday without a clue why.! Living in pain and relying on coffee is not healthy. Do a little stocktake on your daily/weekly medications that are masking how your body truly feels. ? When you get to that point of no pain and great energy, THAT is when you know you’re "healthy"
01.01.2022 I couldn’t imagine a world without fruit. Could you?! The juicy bite of a mango in summer or apple over my (probably gluten-free) porridge on a cold winter morning. Fruit is SO packed with goodness, that scientists STILL haven’t identified all the phyto(plant)chemicals that are beneficial for human health YET. ... But Does fruit have sugar in it? Yes it does. Fructose. And actually, I spend a lot of time in my clinic trying to get people to cut OUT sugars but I am never referring to fruit. ’ I’m referring to processed foods - especially ones that are savoury that you don’t think is sugar e.g. cheetos, twists, burger rings. ZERO nutritional value. ? The taste. ’ But we’re all human and those foods hack our brain’s reward and pleasure system so we’re only as strong as our biochemistry right? (They have scientists working on how to hack that for every company that makes a food product) ’ ? Every now and then, once you’re healthy something like that won’t equal Diabetes or insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome, but eating it OFTEN, does. Now I’m not saying food only is what creates those mentioned conditions, because it’s not. Diet, exercise, mindset, lifestyle, environment, sleep stress ALL have a huge influence on the biological processes in your body. ’ ? Roughly 2 serves a day on average seems to be ideal for most people. Like anything, taking it to extremes is 1) NEVER something I would advocate for 2) Never going to end well! Fruit is good for you, and is part of a healthy approach - just like moving your body and working on your mental health is, so don’t deprive yourself, but don’t go overboard either. And if it’s a trigger food for you, just pause on it for now and come back to it when you’re ready
01.01.2022 BEST BDAY EVER I spent it with my favourite pair at the worlds most beautiful beach, and then snorkelled around the Great Barrier Reef @ Airlie Beach, Queensland
01.01.2022 Hands up if you’re proud of the way you make your money I am SO proud of myself For following my passion and making money helping people
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