Celly W Brown | Entrepreneur
Celly W Brown
Phone: +61 438 449 730
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25.01.2022 It’s Time to Live into Your VISION And Create the Life You Desire and Deserve! It’s TIME to learn HOW! As a single mum of 3...Continue reading
25.01.2022 What Challenges Are My Fellow Coaching Friends Facing? I want to blow some Myths up!! If you are anything like me ...... I joined the industry because I wanted to make a difference And during my training and business I felt like my soul lit up and My passion for my new career intensified As I began to work with clients The satisfaction would ignite me When I saw realisations and breakthroughs And loving the impact I could have In the lives of others I began my journey filled with excitement And then the obstacles of building another business Began to show up! I also realised that whilst this was my passion I was also trading time for money And perhaps the time freedom / money freedom That was promoted Was a myth?? And the cycle of trading time for money Was again my reality Whilst I was fortunate to have some Word of mouth clients The challenge for a steady flow of clients Was my reality! I began to research and listen to other successful coaches Some at the top of this game And what I began to realise Is that there are myths In this industry (Which I am still totally in love with and don’t want to stop my passion!) But I also needed to be true to some of bigger goals and dreams That are within me And have a pathway to freedom so that I could be true to myself To create financial and time freedom What I discovered along with so many other coaches And you may already know .. You may have been told that successful coaches build Their 6 & 7 Figure empires on their coaching income alone. The truth is.. many of the successful coaches you see today Have multiple revenue streams and passive investments. So if you would like to find out more on how they create their empire Where we will also be Exposing The 5 Biggest Myths & Misconceptions In The Coaching World And hear from some of the industry’s top and most successful coaches And find out how the have created their wealth Drop COACH below! Remember it’s never too late to live your best life! Much love Celly xx
25.01.2022 Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Making a decision to change my life To shift my thinking Choose new beliefs... Surround myself with high vibe High energy entreprenuers Who continue to expand my vision Of what is possible Has changed my life! Register for the FREE Workshop Over 4 Days (about an hour a day!) To learn from some of my amazing mentors That have helped me go From broke to 5 and multi 5 figure months So much more joy and happiness each day Saying Yes to the things I want to do Feeling so excited about my vision! Truly believing to me core this is possible! Releasing stress, worry and anxiety That haunted me daily Trying to put on a brave front With no real belief behind the facade Till it all crumbled around me. Today my life is so different The shifts have been transformational Not only in my external world But it all began within Making a decision to change Afterall nothing changes if nothing changes right! I decided .. That I would not tolerate what was going on in my life any longer! That my current circumstances were not going to be my future! Learning more about what shaped my life And releasing beliefs that did not serve my new vision Getting back in touch with who I was And what an alignedlife looked like I felt like I was coming alive again Moving from existing to living! Waking up excited and engergised for life Now you can learn some of these strategies To create shifts in your life Take your life and business to the next level! There is always a next level But it is key to learn from those who have actually achieved the results This FREE 4 Day Workshop Has had such an impact already Creating shifts and breakthroughs Women feeling connected to themselves And their visions So I invite you to join We are about to start Day 4 in less than 2 hours But you will have access to the recordings Now is always the best time to make a decision To change what is not working in your life Or to expand and up level what is working Sometimes a small tweak Can create a massive change! So don’t miss out.. This is the last day You do not often get so many 6- 7 figure earners In the online space So willing to openly share And bring real and implementable strategies That have radically changed lives for themselves and their families And I am talking almost unbelievable shifts in a couple of years! The are showing new ways things are being created In the NEW ERA OF FREEDOM! Drop below and I will get you the link to register And also will drop this below in the comments! Remember it’s never too late to live your best life! Much Love Celly xx
24.01.2022 Energies are contagious! If you are not getting the results you want .. In any area of your life find people who reflect how you want to be and feel! ... Surround yourself with these people! You would have experienced when someone’s mood is contagious (positive or negative). Being around people who are being and living in the state you want .. Their energies are contagious and will raise your vibration and open up and allow new opportunities and people into your life! Have an amazing and abundant day! And remember it’s never too late to live your best life! Much love Celly! Xx
23.01.2022 Working on my relationship with money Was one of the key changes That turned my life around! And you can jump on an learn some of these strategies... In this incredible Free Workshop That over 4000 amazing humans have been attracted to! 3 more transformational days to go And today is all about Money Vibes My life went from One of struggle Constant worry, stress and negativity To loving on money Doing the money dance To feeling I am worthy of abundance With money flowing into my life With more ease and flow Changing this relationship Helped me go from zero To creating multi 5 figure months! Lots of travel last year And just being able to say hell YES! to things When I always had to say no! I have such deep gratitude For these lessons For the shifts in my life And the continued growth and expansion in this area As my money and abundance story expands! It’s not too late to register (Day 1 is recorded So, you still have time to create your epic vision of your reality Reading the scripts gives my goose bumps On the life that people are calling in). This is how amazing women have created life changing shifts And results in their lives It began here for many! So, are you ready to work on activating an abundant mindset? Into your conscious reality so you can start to receive more money To support the vision, you created? Drop below and let’s get you registered And create the shifts in your life and business That you know is your birthright! Remember it’s never too late to live your best life! Much love Celly xx
23.01.2022 RELEASING THE STRUGGLE AND CREATING AN ABUNDANT MINDSET I was looking at a journal entry over 2 years ago... It was filled with struggle Overwhelm Desperation I didn’t know how I was going to shift my current reality I was looking for external solutions I was wishing and hoping that something would change What I didn’t know on that I The day I wrote that entry Was that the Abundance Happiness Freedom That I so desperately wanted Had to start from within I had to deal with my inner world first You see ... Your outer world is a reflection Of what is going on within You see my thoughts, feelings and actions Had created the experience I was in So as confronting as that was The awesome thing was If I created this I also had the power to change it ... The power to start creating the reality I wanted Not just for me .... but for my family When I realised this In my line in the sand moment I began to do the inner work daily To be grateful To become aware of my thoughts To release those thoughts and beliefs That no longer served my vision My future reality .. the one I am creating! So if you are feeling stuck Understand you have the power To decide That you no longer choose your current reality And begin the inner work Because if you maintain your current Thoughts, feelings and habits Guess what? Today will be your future! You are literally creating the same future over and over... That you are experiencing today if you don’t change! So begin the inner work You have the power to change My life is so different to the day I wrote that entry And my passion is to help others Create their own transformation So you too can live your version Of happiness, abundance and purpose Remember it’s never too late To live your best life! Much love Celly xx
19.01.2022 You Can Change Your Money Story! What has the lack of money in your life Made you miss out on?... For me Over the years It’s caused me immense stress And worry Sleepless nights And always been on my mind! Consuming energy And stopping me from being present And enjoying the moment Prevented me from travelling over East To spend time with my family Taken me away from time I want to spend with my kids And being able to provide for them the way I wanted to Stopped me from travelling And attending events with friends and family Even the small things Like doing yoga classes Taking surfing lessons (have just booked one!) Not living in the area Or house I wanted Not having a reliable car Buying nice clothes Eating in nice restaurants Now so much of this has changed So many of these things now flow into my life I have travelled Been able to some things on my bucket list Help my kids! Yes there is still work to be done And something recently emerged Which has been a great reminder Of the work I need to do But my life in the past 2 years has radically changed Because I worked on my money story! If you are seeking more abundance Flow The power to choose Without money blocking your way! Then today’s FREE money mindset training (Part of an epic 4 day workshop) May just change the life you are living now! And the more we expand And create a bigger container The more abundance we receive So if you no longer want your money story To dictate the pages and book you are living Join me in what I can promise you Will be high energy High vibe And you will blown away how quickly You can change your money story With so many testimonials from our last workshop On money unexpectedly arriving in their bank account Or an opportunity / dream job / promotion being offered! What are you waiting for? Life can be so different Your money story can be soooo different! But you have to decide You have to do the work You have to take the first step Drop Money below And I’ll send you the link to the FREE workshop! You are going to love it! Remember it’s never too late to live your best life! Much love Celly xx
17.01.2022 Your life becomes the sum of the 5 people you surround yourself with the most! Choose wisely! Remember it’s never too late to live your best life! ... Much love Celly xx
17.01.2022 What’s keeping you so LOYAL To a life that’s keeping you so STUCK? I heard this from one of my mentors recently And it keeps popping up in my head!... It really is quite a strange thing Loyalty I know that I value this However, there is a line When we do need to ask ourselves What is this loyalty costing us? Sometimes are so being so loyal to A job we hate To a business that is consuming us Or is no longer aligned with our vision (this has been me!) Or perhaps a business where we love lots about it But we are working really hard and not getting results for effort And feel burnt out (also has been me!) Or it may be a relationship (Romantic or a friend) That is draining our energy and making us feel depleted and unhappy (Again I have been there!) So I do think it is interesting that so many People I talk to Including myself Keep ourselves so loyal and stuck In lives (or parts of our life) That are no longer serving us! If you want to feel back in alignment To do a bit of a stocktake of where you are at To get real clarity about how you would love To live your life Think about that perfect day! And how that looks and feels And just get around some high vibe Genuine women who are here to serve! Then I invite you to listen to the recordings of a recent 4 Day FREE Workshop! Day 1 is all about getting this clarity And then the value just keeps going over the next 3 Days! Imagine how it would feel to really Hone in on what you really want And get crystal clear clarity around this To shed some limiting belief Particularly around Money And raise your money vibe! To expand your vision and what is possible As well as listening to those who have made these transitions And they will share with you their strategies on HOW!! It feels so good when we take that first step Of doing something for ourselves We start to feel that we are taking back some control! So listen to your inner guidance You deserve to create a life That lights you up And fulfills you And I truly believe we deserve to live our best life! So drop your favourite emoji below And I will get you the link to the recordings! Much Love Celly xx
17.01.2022 WHAT would it FEEL like ... To be in .... and living from a heart centred place Your passion and purpose? ... To feel in alignment with your inner self? To be expanding your vision! To feel so grateful for the life you are creating To practice self love each day and fill your own cup! And to feel joy and happiness each day? To shed the worries of what others think And follow your bliss. That’s my wish for you all today And to live life from this place everyday forward And remember it’s never too late To live your best life Freedom begins from within Much love Celly xx
16.01.2022 Create A Crystal Clear Vision! Success Leaves Clues! If you are ready to take your life or business to the next level... You don’t want to miss the opportunity ..... To hear from some amazing women who have created the success and lifestyle that most of us dream of! (And in around 2 years!) I know when I started to look and delve on line I heard so many claims and promises from people in the space But they were not living the life Or creating the success That was being promoted! Rarely to you get to learn from People who are not just talking about it But they have created The Freedom The Money The Impact And they are ready to Pull back the curtain And share their stories And the How! With you! It’s not too late to register If you are serious about up levelling And accelerating your success! Just taking in a few things last year From these mentors My business increased by 50%!! Now I’m ready to fully embrace their strategies And so excited for what’s to come! It’s not too late to get your FREE spot! Starts today!! Drop I’m ready To get you registered! Live your best life!! Much love Celly xx
14.01.2022 We are always growing, learning and evolving .... For me recently I worked myself to BURNOUT! I thought I was past that Aware!... Had worked through the thoughts Shifted the limiting beliefs and Self worth stories that got me there before! But .... There was a FEAR still lurking in my subconscious! Now on some level I had worked through this But this was deeper than I realised! And because I had achieved another level This presented differently! So I have been doing the inner work Practicing self love and nurturing Regaining my energy Getting back to practices That fill my cup And light me up! So I just want to remind you all Stay committed to your personal development And self evolution journey There is always another layer to work through Fears and limiting beliefs Despite being a coach We all need coaches and mentors to help us break through to our next levels And learn from those who have had the same Blockages and are where we want to be! So head off those limitations Acknowledge them Work through them Seek help and guidance where you need it To fast track your success! And create more empowering beliefs and stories That serve the life and goals you are creating And so deserve! Remember it’s never too late to live your best life! Much love Celly xx
13.01.2022 How are you showing up each day? Your energy Your vibration Your frequency ... Is your signal! To what you are attracting! It’s so important To do activities And practices That raise your vibration And frequency! Remember your Frequency Is your Currency!! It’s never too late to live your best life!! Much love Celly xx
11.01.2022 Every moment Every minute Every day Is important As these time’s... Shape the life we are living So pay attention To how you are spending your time And how you feeling Doing the things you do First comes awareness To figure out if How you are spending Your time is serving you To live a life That truely lights you up! And is aligned with your vision. Stay in tune! Listen to your inner guidance! Remember it’s never too late to live your best life! Much love Celly xx
11.01.2022 I want to see your beautiful soul shine through!
11.01.2022 Abundance is your birthright! You could be 3 steps away From opening this flow into your life! And claiming your birthright.... Join our FREE Master Class to learn The 3 Steps to more Freedom Money & Impact Drop Abundance below to access This amazing Master Class tonight And claim your birthright! I truly believe There has never been A more important time To take control of your life Than Now! My passion is shifting the lives Of women in their 40’s and 50’s To empower them in what is possible And to reignite their dreams And show them how they can bring These dreams into their reality But I am Surrounded by incredible women Including this gorgeous girl From 18 to people in their 60’s Learning this life changing content And forever changing their own life And that if their family’s To change ... something has to change And it’s never to late to live your best life! Much love Celly xx
09.01.2022 Really know and connect with your WHY!! Hold onto this vision To create intention And focus this week... So that you are super productive And smash out your goals Living life by design! You are a powerful being And Manifester So tap into this energy And have an amazing week! Remember it’s never to late to live your best life! Much love Celly xx
02.01.2022 Always remember... You have the power to choose! So decide today to make the rest of your life... The best of your life! Sending you love, joy, peace and happiness On the Friday! Much love Celly xx
01.01.2022 Have you ever felt like you are LOST In a LIFE that you don’t want? Recently I was swollowed up and into a life I didn’t want... Feeling disconnected Out of alignment And totally consumed In a pressurised environment Simply by saying yes Out of loyalty Out of fear And obligation To a large project That took me further away.. So far away.. From the life I am desiring to create One where I have The freedom to choose The freedom to create Abundance and leverage And the ability to make an impact And a real difference in the lives of others I’m still swirling In the feeling of burnout Exhaustion The lessons to be learnt... But what I do know To the depths of my soul Is I never want to feel like this again! It’s time to get back on track And reclaim the life I want! So ... If you are feeling lost in a life That you don’t want Or just not sure how to get clarity On what you want Or your vision for life And how to take the first steps To a life you desire Or maybe you need to work on your relationship with money? If any of these things resonate Or you just need to refocus like me! I invite you to join me for a 4 day FREE value packed workshop about vision, money, income v profit, strategy, branding and so much more! What you can learn here Just might help you reclaim your life And get it on track to create the life you really desire and deserve! As our last workshop has already Changed the lives of so many I’m so many ways! Their stories are mind blowing! Drop I’M READY below And I’ll get you the link To join this life changing 4 days! Remember it’s never too late to live your best life! Much love Celly xx
01.01.2022 I am here to tell YOU You Are Worthy You Are Deserving You Are Enough... We often have faulty beliefs that block What we truly desire showing up in our lives! And often they come down to these 3 faulty beliefs I am not worthy I am not deserving I am not enough So, have to figure out what our faulty beliefs are To spend time going within Meditate These are buried in our subconscious And since we live 80% or more each day on auto pilot It’s no wonder things that we don’t want Continue to show up in our lives And we repel what we do want These faulty programs and beliefs Are running our lives! So, what can we do? Like anything We have to want to change And make a decision to change There are a number of ways to do this And some include Self-awareness Become an observer of your thoughts Shine a light on your faulty beliefs! Sometimes this is enough! Active self-talk As repetition can reprogram the subconscious mind Repeat it over and over I AM worthy I AM enough I AM deserving (I AM statements are super powerful!) Say these beliefs Over and over again That’s how you can change And replace faulty beliefs! With repetition you are creating New neurons And the more repetition. So every time you say I AM ENOUGH They neurons fire and wire together And you keep doing this And it creates clusters! Your belief is getting stronger And replacing the faulty belief! The new belief will become part of your programming And then Just see how your life will begin to change If things are running deeper There are other ways you can Access these faulty programs Through medication Hypnotherapy Listening to Re-programming audios So to what it takes and re-program those Faulty beliefs That are currently running your life I am here to tell you YOU are enough YOU are worthy YOU are deserving And remember it’s never too late to live your best life! Much love Celly xx PS. I know that I often talk about these things But his post is inspired by Adrian Z Wesley And a recent powerful Master Class I listened to as part of The Freedom Era
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