Celsius Turf and Lawn Services | Businesses
Celsius Turf and Lawn Services
Phone: +61 401 285 911
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25.01.2022 It’s running and filling. Some increasing temps this week is doing great. Decided to rip the diosma hedges out too. #lawnrenovation #springshere #aeration #scarifications #kikuyu #foliarapps #floratinefoliar #smallbusiness #covidsafe #easternsuburbsmelbourne
23.01.2022 Update on kikuyu lawn in officer that had the full treatment.
20.01.2022 Run little kikuyu RUN!!!!! After 3 days torrential rain in Melbourne, I’m chuffed at the new shoots and runners opening up. NB This is my personal lawn. Don’t try this in Melbourne yet!!!!! . . .... . . . #lawnrenovation2020 #turflyf #lawnlyf #lawnaeration #lawnscarifying #easternsuburbs #celsiuslawn #floratinefoliar See more
19.01.2022 Study,study and learn. At times I wish I was young again,technology isn’t my friend lol. Just had an amazing conversation over soils and samples of a lawn I was asked to inspect. It will be good to provide our customer with a plan once lockdowns over.#soilamendmentsneeded #lawnmaintenance #lawnservice #turflyf #soilnutrition #smallbusiness #owneroperator #easternsuburbs #celsiuslawn
18.01.2022 Beautiful result after 8 weeks of lockdown.#turfmaintenance #lawnmaintenance #turflyf #lawnlyf #gardenmaintenance #kikuyu #edges #easternsuburbs #smallbusiness #springtime #celsiuslawn
18.01.2022 For our western suburb followers. We will gladly support all in our industry.
17.01.2022 Kikuyu stripes at home. Changed so cars passing can see.#lawnporn #turflyf #lawnstripes #lawnmaintenance #lawnrenovationprogress #smallbusiness #easternsuburbs #hardworkpaysoffs #floratinefoliar #celsiusturfandlawnservices
17.01.2022 https://spark.adobe.com/page/HyN5Dwk7F9rez/?w=10_222
16.01.2022 Back to work tomorrow. New front box on the trailer for this season and false floor to put hand tools and ramps under.#lawnmaintenance #turflyf #lawnlife #lawncareservice #smallbusinessowner #easternsuburbs #supportothersmallbusinesses #celsiuslawn
16.01.2022 Couple of the products we are using this season after renovations and on our high wear yards.. Interested to see the products over the growing season.
15.01.2022 She’s moving, beautiful weather this week has started to warm the soil up. Only foliar applications of @hg_xtreme_lawn_addicts Protesyn,Carbon tiger and Knife Plus at this stage.
15.01.2022 The size of that paw at 8 weeks.
12.01.2022 Almost done with Reno’s. 300m plus in Wantirna today. Scarify core and topdress. It was extremely uneven out back and I got as close to level as possible. #lawnrenovation #lawnrenovationcompany #turflyf #llawnmaintenance #lawncare #coreaeration #scarify #topdressing #hondamower #billygoatindustries #gropower #easternsuburbs #smallbusiness #hardwork #celsiuslawn #celsiusturfandlawnservices
12.01.2022 14 years ago heading north through Warwick QLD on a Sunday afternoon into Brisbane.#freightliner #trucksofinstagram #northbound #anothertime #cummins #cumminsrecon
10.01.2022 New arrivals all day. A new family member with our little girl Freya, found an amazing supplier of turf dressing, delivery and first application of gro power greens grade fertilizer to trial and lastly trimmit pgr and new spray mask.#tunzapowerbulastiffs #turfsand #turfrenovations #lawnrenovations #springtime #appliedagronomics #gropower #turfmate #turflyf #lawnmowing #lawnmaintenance #lawncare #smallbusiness #easternsuburbs #celsiuslawn
10.01.2022 Welcome back. This buffallo is looking good after pre lockdown fert. Today we used our @billygoatindustries coring machine. We will be doing a second round next month when I topdress this lawn. Applied some fertilizer and wetting granules before rain tomorrow. Owner found clay in rye grass area ,while while I cleaned up.#billygoatindustries #shindaiwa #lawncore #lawnaeration #coreaeration #lilydaleinstantlawn #sirwalterbuffalo #lawnrenovations #turflyf #lawnmaintance #smallbusiness #easternsuburbs #celsiuslawn
09.01.2022 The HG Xtreme Lawn Addicts program was formed for the Lawn Addict to take their lawns to the next level. All our products are specifically designed for Turf and... NOT Agricultural based as some of our competitors. Our products were designed by Professional Superintendents for Professional Superintendents World Wide which means Lawn Addicts have access to Professional grade products. All our products have been University trialled and tested have all come out on top of the trials conducted. Our company has combined over 150 years of Turf knowledge to fall back on to assist our HG customers. All our Territory Managers have Turf qualifications and University degrees. We have the backing of our product supplier from the US that has employed a full time Turf Chemist, former Golf and Turf Professional Superintendents and over 50 staff World Wide etc. Our products are utilised on over 8000 Golf Courses, Stadiums, Race Tracks and Sporting facilities in 25 countries World Wide. Our pricing for the programmes is extremely competitive and guarantees to deliver results, if you are not satisfied and you have followed recommendations to the letter, we will refund your money back ASAP. Shane Summerhayes Managing Director
07.01.2022 Santa Ana couch. Replace and relay half,then renovate the other half. The right side of path was had lots of issues, from grub ,wintergrass invasion and compacted soil and rock under it. Left side was core,scarify and dress. All new jarrah edging .#santaanacouch #newturf #lawnrenovation #turflyf #billygoatindustries #coreaeration #scarify #hardworkpaysoffs #easternsuburbs #celsiuslawnandturfservices #celsiuslawn
05.01.2022 Spots filling fast. Book early to save a spot. #lawnaeration #lawncoring #lawnrenovation #lawnrenovationspecialist #turflyf #lawnlyf #springtime #auslf #melbourneseasternsuburbs #smallbuisness #celsiuslawn
03.01.2022 Biggest ever Reno. Was a team with effort for over 980m2 with Matt,Zac and Mairead. Scarifying,coreing, scalp and topdress. Fertilizer from gro power and floratine foliar products of per 4 max,protesyn,knifeplus and carbon tiger.#lawnrenovation #coreaeration #scarifications #billygoatindustries #hondamowers #turflyf #lawnlife #lawnmaintenance #lawncare #gardenmaintenance #gardencare #sirwalterbuffalo #topdressingsand #burdettsandandsoil #hardworkpaysoffs #easternsuburbs #wongapark #celsiuslawnandturfservices #celsiuslawn #floratinefoliar
03.01.2022 For the Northern suburbs followers give travis a call for the spring Reno package.
03.01.2022 Ok everybody, this is a great example of how much thatch can be hidden in your lawn. This is a fellow contractor based in WA already into their Reno season. Ours starts after lockdown ends but have had questions about waste prices and hopefully this can shed some light on charges.
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