Central Catholic Bookshop in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Religious book shop
Central Catholic Bookshop
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9639 0844
Address: 322 Lonsdale St 3000 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.catholicbookshop.com.au/
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25.01.2022 Now in stock: the Scripture Diary 2021, $12.50; and the Josephite calendar 2021, $12.00 #marymackillop #scripturediary #2021calendars #2021diaries #catholicdiaries #catholiccalendar
25.01.2022 Let's unite ourselves with the Holy Mass by singing His praises in the psalms in the Prayer of the Church. Let's unite ourselves with our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world...every nun in every convent, every monk in every monastery, all priests, and the many lay people who love the Liturgy of the Hours. "As over continent and island The dawn leads on another day The voice of prayer is never silent... Nor dies the strain of praise away The sun that bids us rest is waking Our brethren 'neath the western sky And hour by hour fresh lips are making Thy wondrous doings heard on high.
25.01.2022 Read something different today #confortzoneout #readdifferently
25.01.2022 Since so many new books have come in this week, here is a glimpse for you... #newcatholicbooks #newcatholicreleases #catholicbookshop #catholictheology #catholicspiritualreading
24.01.2022 What Im reading in mid-July Reclaiming our Roman Catholic Birthright: The Genius & Timeliness of the Traditional Latin Mass Peter Kwasniewski... As I started reading this book I soon realised that it was even more timely than the title implied, especially for those people in Melbourne who are currently deprived of attendance at Mass. After only a few chapters I felt like I was participating in a virtual retreat, concentrating on the spirituality of the Mass. Even those chapters with strongly apologetic titles such as A new (old) Perspective on Active Participation take you on a trip deep into the liturgy, and give you a multitude of concepts for meditation, along with instruction so beautifully expressed that it is not like a lesson at all. Take this passage on the classical liturgy: It offers shelter to the pilgrim and hospitality to the beggar, a gleaming of facets to the artistic, an intricate mesh of symbols to the intellectual, a starry vault to the dreamy. To the working man it offers graced repose, to the simple man an immediate contact with the divine, to the cultured a colourful tapestry for contemplation, to the God-fearing an endless series of provocations and illuminations, to the contrite repeated opportunities to stir up and express repentance (from the chapter, The Mass that Demands More, Delivers More, p 89). Or this one: Although the classical rite is the most complex and highly structured work of art known to man, its architectural spaciousness offers innumerable points of entry, its creviced solidity provides countless handholds to grip on to, and its reliable solidity permits a calm continuous relationship with it as one progresses in the spiritual life (from the chapter, The Dire Need for a New Habit of Mind, p 99). Dr Kwasniewski has a particular knack for choosing the perfect metaphor to express difficult concepts, and he knows so much about the different aspects of the liturgy that you can be sure you will learn something worthwhile from everything he writes. Cant wait to read the next chapter #peterkwasniewski #catholicliturgy #romancatholicmass #classicalrite #liturgicaltheology #catholicspirituality
24.01.2022 Think I need to re-arrange my bookshelf; there seems to be a total lack of any ordering principle known to the human brain...
24.01.2022 I feel like celebrating retrospectively the feast of St John Henry Newman with some sermons and some Spanish wine! #johnhenrynewman #newmanparish #stjohnhenrynewman #feastdayfun
23.01.2022 Just received a new shipment of pure beeswax candles, including the 25 x 7 cm pillar candle, which burns for 160 hours!! #beeswaxcandle #churchcandles #catholiccandles #devotionalcandles
23.01.2022 We love these little pocket prayer books; so tiny and yet so packed with prayers!!! #pocketprayers #prayerbooklet #catholicprayerbook #stationsofthecross #kidsprayers #rosaryprayers
23.01.2022 Thoroughly enjoying revising my rusty Latin with the 7th edition of Wheelock’s Latin: especially the Scripta in Parietibus (graffiti from ancient walls) reproductions. But I wish he didn’t decline nouns with genitive coming second after nominative! Accusative should be in second place, with genitive after that. Surely that makes more sense??!! #learninglatin #classicallatin #churchlatin #wheelock #catholicbookshop
22.01.2022 Now in stock! The keenly awaited book from Anna Silvas, from the University of New England, NSW, and formerly of the Melbourne John Paul II Institute: The Mystery of Christian Marriage through the Ages: The Scriptures and the First Thousand Years, Cascade Books, PB, $48.50. #christianmarriage #annasilvas #jpiiinstitute #catholicmarriage
22.01.2022 Just say the world doesnt end in the next few weeks; well you will definitely need one of these invaluable 16 month planners for 2021...!!! Now in stock $34.95 #2021diary #saintsplanner #2021iscoming #afterthevirus
21.01.2022 In case you were wondering...we are still operating under the Victorian Stage 4 restrictions! So please feel free to order from our website catholicbookshop.com.au or call us on 03 9630 0844 on weekdays from 11am4pm. #stillopenforbusiness #catholicbookshop #catholicprayerbook #catholicbook #rosarybeads
20.01.2022 Lovely newly arrived sacramentals made in Italy. These beautifully detailed medals are 100% 9ct gold or sterling silver. Phone camera photos don't do them justice. More photos of other medals in this range to follow next week!
19.01.2022 9ct gold and sterling silver medals made in Italy. Sacred Heart, St Michael, St Christopher, St Francis, St Benedict and miraculous medals.
19.01.2022 Pure beeswax candles are so popular at the moment! Our new shipment includes some different sizes and shapes: Box of 2 candles 8x4.5cm $34.95 Squat pillar candle 6x7cm $29.95 Remember, beeswax candles burn longer than paraffin or soy candles (the 8cm candles above burn for +/- 20 hours each) and also smell good!... #beeswaxcandle #queenb #devotionalcandles #religiouscandles #catholicbooks #sacramentals
17.01.2022 So good to see all our wonderful customers back in the shop at last, and to be able to display all our Christmas stock... Our opening hours are 10am4.30pm on weekdays currently. #catholicbookshop #nativities #christmascards2020 #openforbusiness
17.01.2022 Our Lady of Czstochowa, pray for us!
17.01.2022 Just arrived today! The new bestseller (no 1 on Amazon.com the day it was released in the US last week) by the author of The Benedict Option, Rod Dreher. This one deals with how to live under the soft totalitarianism we are all facing today. #benedictoption #livenotbylies #americanconservative #roddreher
17.01.2022 Gorgeous new gift book just arrived today, filled with recipes and photos from the Vatican...the perfect present for your family Vaticanophile! $75 limited stock only
16.01.2022 Just arrived, these wonderful titles from Cana Press, the new imprint of Notre Dame Priory: Abandonment to Divine Providence by Jean Pierre de Caussade, $17.95; Prayer, the Great Means of Salvation and of Perfection by St Alphonsus Liguori, $14.95; and also The Grace to Desire it: Meditations on St Benedicts Twelve Degrees of Humility, by Pius Noonan, $15.95. Anyone who has been on one of Fr Pius retreats (he is the founding prior of Notre Dame in Tasmania) will not want to miss out on this treasure of a book! #canapress #frpius #abandonmenttodivineprovidence #stalphonsusliguori #monasticspirituality #notredamepriory #catholicbookstore
16.01.2022 Get a free copy of Gods Word 2021! Place an order on our website for a minimum of $75 before 26 September 2020, and receive a free copy of Gods Word 2021, just arrived from the printer. Gods Word is our most popular daily devotional aid, and contains the readings for daily Mass, plus reflections and other prayers, RRP $19.95. To qualify for a free copy:... 1) place your order at catholicbookshop.com.au for at least $75 worth of goods (not including freight); 2) enter the words Gods Word 2021 in the shipping instructions field Well send out your free copy with your order. Dont forget, this offer is only available on our website before 26th September, so dont delay! #godsword #2021devotionals #liturgicalresources #catholicbookshop
14.01.2022 Look at these stunning hand made Christmas cards, with a bush Christmas theme. Made by a talented local artist (who also happens to work at the bookshop!) they are now in stock @ $9.95 each. Limited stock only, so order soon... #handmadechristmas #catholicchristmas #catholiccards #australianchristmas #melbournechristmas #buylocalart
12.01.2022 Happy feast day! Images from my 1942 office book, from Matins for 15 August
12.01.2022 New books, just in today...
11.01.2022 Diaries and calendars with scripture for 2021. Prices and links to our website found on each photo.
11.01.2022 I’m rationing The Power of Silence now: what will I replace it with once it’s finished?? Sacred silence is truly the place where we can encounter God, because we come to him with the proper attitude of a man who trembles and stands at a distance while hoping confidently. p 121 #thepowerofsilence #cardinalsarahforpope #robertcardinalsarah #catholicbookshop #catholicspirituality #catholicmysticism
11.01.2022 Servant of God, Eileen O'Connor - next Australian canonised saint? Her cause was opened in Feb by Archbishop Fisher. Smitten with severe curvature of the spine due to a broken back at the age of 3, Eileen suffered greatly. Her ailments meant that she grew to a height of only 115 cm. Despite being crippled, she answered the call to establish a society of nursing sisters to care for the poor, sick and dying in their homes.
11.01.2022 Check out the new website www.mydailyrosary.com It has free rosary audio recordings to kick start or re-start your daily prayer habit, you can download it as an app, and since its homegrown, the accents are local.
10.01.2022 Nativity glitter lanterns.
10.01.2022 Scott Hahn's latest book 'Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body'. Great read. $19.95
09.01.2022 Doing a spot of theology in lockdown? Then you might find this book handy. Theology is described by the Churchs divines, not simply as a science, but also as a wisdom. p 31 Tracey Rowland says: This is the most user-friendly and lucidly written introduction to theological study I have read. The Theologians Enterprise: A Very Short Introduction, Aidan Nichols OP, $29.95... #aidannichols #catholictheology #catholictheologian #catholicbookshop
09.01.2022 Getting ready for the new year...Divine Mercy calendars 2021 are now in stock. Pocket size $7 Wall $10 Extra Large wall $20... #2021calendars #divinemercyimage
09.01.2022 Recently I was asked for the best book on why we should pray the Rosary every day. The problem is that there are so many excellent books on the Rosary I wasnt sure which one to advise.... any suggestions to help me out? #praytherosarydaily #rosary #catholicprayers #sacramentals #blessedvirginmaryprayforus
09.01.2022 From the erudite and extremely lucid theologian Dr Joseph Shaw, a guide to participating in the older form of Mass, $8.95 #extraordinaryformoftheromanrite #josephshaw #latinmasss
09.01.2022 Well, it looks like The Secret of the Rosary is your favourite Rosary book by a mile...no wonder it is a perennial bestseller across the world! #secretoftherosary #rosarybooks #stlouisdemontfort #catholicbookstore
09.01.2022 Now that our door is open again, you really need to check out our new releases...
08.01.2022 We’re opening up at last for customers on Monday!!! Some last minute preparations are required.... #openforbusiness #catholicchristmas #reopeningsoon #catholicbookshop #nativity #catholiccalendars #ordo2021 #columbancalendar #tancalendars #bambino #babyjesús #holyfamily #christmascards2020 #catholicchristmascards
08.01.2022 Got the lockdown blues? Maybe you need an exquisite new Rosary to cheer you up... #rosarybeads #catholicrosaries #catholicprayers #catholicbookshop #pearlrosary
08.01.2022 How did we get to the Vigil of the Assumption already? Virgo prudentissima, ora pro nobis!
07.01.2022 New arrival mantillas! Photo 1: Infinity Pink Anne $59.95 Photo 2: Infinity Cream Faustina $59.95 Photo 3: Gold and black Mother of Perpetual Help $59.95 Photo 4: Infinity Black Corazon $44.95
07.01.2022 Sunday morning Divine Liturgy from the Russian Catholic Church in Melbourne, via Facebook #holytrinitystnicholas #russiancatholic #facebookchurch #melbournelockdownroundtwo
06.01.2022 Don't miss out - tomorrow is the last day to make an order and receive a free copy of God's Word 2021. See below for details!
05.01.2022 Have you got your Advent calendar ready to go? Only one week to get ready.... #adventcalendar2020 #adventpreparation #catholicadvent
05.01.2022 We sell cards: not just Mass cards and sympathy cards, but Baptism, First Communion, birthday, Get Well, Thinking of You, blank cards.... #greetingcards #religiouscards #sacramentalcards #sympathycards #birthdaycards #thinkingofyoucard
04.01.2022 What better to do on a rainy winter day in Melbourne than delve into the fascinating Libido Dominandi? From the chapter on Paris, 1792: Those in the thrall of their passions see only what they desire and not the bondage those desires inflict on them. Sexual liberation is, as a result, the ideal form of control because it is virtually invisible. p 61 #emichaeljones #sexaspolitics #catholicbookshop
04.01.2022 St Benedict crucifixes to wear or hang on the wall! Sizes range from 4cm to 8cm. At the top of the cross is the word PAX (PEACE). The other letters on the cross stand for the first letters of Latin words which make up an exorcism prayer. When translated:... The Cross of our Holy Father Benedict May the holy cross be my light! May the dragon never be my overlord! Begone satan! Never tempt me with your vanities! What you offer me is evil. Drink the poison yourself!
04.01.2022 Happy feast day of St Pius of Pietrelcina! Pray, hope and don't worry!
03.01.2022 Thanks so much to our friends at Divine Mercy Publications for making available this lovely Spiritual Communion prayer card. For those who have been deprived of assisting at Mass and receiving Holy Communion for so long it has been a real blessing. We have been sending out lots to people in isolation such as those in nursing homes, rural areas and house-bound folk. Available on our website $1.00 each #spiritualcommunion #massprayers #catholicprayersanddevotions
02.01.2022 Our Christmas window is up! To see it’s full botanical glory, come and visit us in the shop sometime soon...
02.01.2022 Now in stock: Daily Gospel 2021! Get yours before they sell out. $18.95 #dailygospel2021 #massreadings2021 #liturgicalresources #claretianpublications #catholicliturgicallife
02.01.2022 Some resources to help your kids pray the Mass. Several are newish and worth a look, such as the brand new title When I go to Mass by Sarah Hlavacek, $22.95. #massbooks #kidsprayer #childprayerbook #catholicbookshop #catholicprayerbooks #catholicprayerbookformothers
02.01.2022 New books just arrived: Divine Renovation: Beyond the Parish, Fr James Mallon, $34.95 Grounded in Scripture and Sacred Tradition, Fr Mallon offers an analysis of the challenges the Church is facing in its missionary efforts today, along with practical tools to support significant renewal. Loves Scribe: Reading Dante in the Book of Creation, Andrew Frisardi, $35.95 Tarry a while with an eminent translator-scholar of Dantes work as he gently guides you to a depth of understa...nding of aspects of the Supreme Poets symbolic language and poetic expression usually accessible only to specialists. (From the back cover) Mercy: What Every Catholic Should Know, Fr Daniel Moloney, $33.95 In this examination of the often misunderstood concept of mercy, Fr Moloney discredits the idea of a vengeful Old Testament God and a lenient, loving New Testament God. Fr Moloney resolves the supposed contradiction of Gods mercy and justice by highlighting Gods fatherly love and the discipline that characterises this love. Christ the Liturgy, William Daniel, $30.95 This is a work of historical and liturgical theology that articulates how we make manifest both our true selves and God through bodily comportment and particular movements, especially in the way we participate in liturgy. #catholicbookstore #catholicbookshop #catholicbook #catholicliturgy #frjamesmallon #divinerenovation #liturgicaltheology
01.01.2022 Can a Catholic be a feminist? Sex and the Catholic Feminist: New Choices for a New Generation, Sue Ellen Browder, PB $30.95, now in stock Sex and the Catholic Feminist takes the reader on an enlightening journey as to exactly how some of the most remarkable female leaders in history began their quest by helping women, but, ultimately, ended up hurting them in many ways. Understanding history, both the good and the bad of it, is important if we want to learn from it and empow...er women as we move forward in New Feminism. Abby Johnson, Former Clinical Director at Planned Parenthood, Author of Unplanned #catholicfeminism #catholictheology #abbyjohnson #sueellenbrowder #stjohnpaul2
01.01.2022 Its warm enough this afternoon to do a bit of Latin revision outside... #latinlanguagegeek #liturgicallatin #classicallatin #churchlatin #lockdownentertainment
01.01.2022 A number of new titles on St John Henry Newman came out early this year, around the beginning of lockdown, which you Newman fans out there might have missed. Two noteworthy releases: John Henry Newman: A Very Brief History, by Eamon Duffy, HB, $34.95; A Newman Reader, edited by Matthew Muller, PB, $29.95 #stjohnhenrynewman #newcatholicbooks
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