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Central Coast Quarter HorseAssoc in Somersby, New South Wales | Sport & recreation

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Central Coast Quarter HorseAssoc

Locality: Somersby, New South Wales


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25.01.2022 Dear Friends, please let us know you are coming to our next Show by booking your stable and camping.....also just to let you know where powered sites for campin...g are located and non powered and day parking. FYI stable map and booking form See more

24.01.2022 There are still some places available for our Will Hupp Clinic being held on Sunday October 11th. Get in quick before they all fill up, it's going to be a Great day. PM the page to book :)

23.01.2022 Our December 6th CCQHA Christmas Special is open on nominate for Entries. Don't miss this show it's going to be a Cracker !!!

23.01.2022 Members please see below information for our Ride Day to be held at Somersby Paddock on Sunday the 23rd of August. Please see pic for details. Note in order to maintain good Covid practices we are requesting that people complete and email their membership forms. Additionally no cash payments will be taken on the day. PM the page to book and we will send you bank details to deposit your membership and ride day fees.

21.01.2022 The Excitement just keeps coming. Join us on Sunday December 6th for our Christmas show at Somersby Paddock. Entries will open on nominate in the next couple of days. It's going to be a Great show !!!

21.01.2022 Patterns for this weekend’s show, please let me know if you would like me to email you a copy

20.01.2022 Make sure you keep an eye on our page this week :)

18.01.2022 Hi Everyone. Firstly I apologise for the not so great photos this show. I was still struggling with the loss of our family dog the day before and just was not on my game. This arena is difficult to photograph in with it's open sides and I just could not get things right. They are all now loaded onto my website. You are welcome to share to social media but do not remove my watermark. There is no video summary of the day as I have not had enough spare time this week. Cheers.

18.01.2022 We are so Excited our March 29th show is just 2 weeks away and Entries are open on Nominate. It's going to be a Great show. Link to enter :

18.01.2022 The Clock is ticking, entries close at Midnight tonight for our Christmas Special Show !!! Don't miss the show it's going to be a Great one :) We also have a Free Lunch on the day !!!

17.01.2022 Attention Members : Trust me you do not want to Miss this day. A Clinic with the Amazing Will Hupp A Great opportunity to increase your skills at the beginning of the season.

17.01.2022 Hi Members don’t forget ......., let’s do something together... please post a pic of you and your horse riding this week ... add a CAPTION of what You’ve been doing and We will sponsor a new hoof pic for the winner ! Just for fun ! Get your entries in by Friday 15th May ... and enjoy riding and junior members pics welcome

14.01.2022 CCQHA would like to say a Huge Thank you to everyone that attended our Christmas Special today, we are grateful to everyone of you and appreciate that some of you travelled quite a distance to attend. We had such a Great show and we hope you did too. A Huge Thank you to our Judge @Tara Goring Our Ring Steward Kirstin Duncliff... Our Gate Marshall Peta Oliver A huge Thank you also to our Amazing Photographer Judy Hicks. We are so lucky to have you at our shows capturing all those beautiful moments that become memories. Congratulations to our Sportsmanship Award Winner for this show : Charlize Halligan Congratulations to our High Point Winners for last season : High Point Youth Joshua Wilson High Point Quarter Horse Halter : Lazy Jetsetter Carla Cox High Point Paint Bred Halter : TBS Black Velvet Caroline Clack High Point Novice Amateur : Keren Linton High Point Jnr Horse & Amateur Jnr Horse Sure a Temptation Michelle Southgate High Point Snr Horse & Amateur Snr Horse Lazy Jetsetter Carla Cox Our Trail Chsllenge Winner with the Overall Highest Trail Score for the Season is Carla Cox. We hope you all have a Great Christmas & a Safe and Happy New Year

13.01.2022 Our ride day is only a week away. A Great opportunity to get your horse out ahead of the shows commencing. We will be taking all precautions with regards to Social Distancing. It's going to be a Great day.

12.01.2022 A few of us are doing this great remote learning it’s been wonderful in this worrisome time to have some purpose

12.01.2022 Attention Members our AGM was held yesterday and we would like to advise the Committee for the 2020/2021 season is : President: Jenni Johnston Vice President: Leanne Somerville Treasurer: Keren Linton Secretary : Peta Oliver... General Committee Michelle Garrett Kirstin Duncliff Emma Crowfoot We look forward to a Great 2020/2021 Season

11.01.2022 Coronavirus COVID-19 Update March 29th Show Dear Members, It is with great disappointment that we advise our Members that we are cancelling our March 29th show. Our Committee is following advice from Government Heath Authorities in order to ensure the protection of the health and wellbeing of our Members, staff, volunteers.... We are going to investigate the possibility of holding a show later in the season COVID-19 dependant. This decision was not taken lightly and we hope all Members support and understand our decision. See more

11.01.2022 Hi Everyone, we are looking for a Steward for our CCQHA Christmas Special on December 6th. If you are able to help us out could you please message the page. You must be over 18 years of age :)

10.01.2022 We are Excited for our First show of season being held at Sugarloaf Cobbitty on Saturday August 29th and would love to know how many of our members are planning to come along. It's going to be a Great weekend with SQHA running a show on Sunday August 30th. Please let us know if you are coming along.

10.01.2022 We would like to wish all of our members both 2 and 4 legged a very Happy Easter. We hope you are all enjoying the long weekend.

09.01.2022 Take a peek a a few happy snaps of today’s CCQHA show. Thank you to all that came from local, far and wide and enjoyed the day with us! Thank you committee for all the work done on show day and behind the scenes. Thank you to our wonderful sponsor, Judy Hicks who donated lovely prizes once again, thank you Leanne Somerville for lunch including the cupcakes and cookies oh and the chocolate prizes for the youth. Thanks to Tara Goring for judging. After a trying year trusting everyone will have a chance to catch up with family & have a super Christmas and a safe new year, see you all Feb 2021! Look out for the coming post that Judy will post of her amazing photos & video.

09.01.2022 Happy Birthday to all our 4 legged members. We hope you all get spoilt today with lots of

09.01.2022 Please see below ways to Join our AGM at 1pm tomorrow Saturday 25th of July To Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Password: 664405... Or iPhone one-tap: Australia: +61370182005,,97689685959# or +61731853730,,97689685959# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): Australia: +61 3 7018 2005 or +61 731 853 730 or +61 861 193 900 or +61 8 7150 1149 or +61 2 8015 6011 Meeting ID: 976 8968 5959 Password: 664405

08.01.2022 Attn all Competitors new rules Effective August 1st from the AQHA

07.01.2022 All Riding positions for this Clinic have now been filled. However we do have plenty of Fence Sitting spots available. Please message via the page if you would like to Fence Sit :) We promised you Exciting news and although we are running a little late here it is : After such a successful clinic last year We are running another Lauren Louw Clinic in January !!!! Please message the page now to Secure your spot, make sure you get in quick as this Clinic will fill fast !!!

07.01.2022 How Amazing is this !!! We are so Excited to have Lauren as a Clinician in January.

07.01.2022 Hi everyone. Photos from our first show of the season at a beautiful new venue are now on my website. Here is a little video summary of the day for you to enjoy and please share if you wish to. Cheers Judy.

07.01.2022 Attn Members, Please see below advice today issued from NSW Health via Equestrian Australia. Unfortunately this means we need to cancel our Ride Day and our September show. The Health and Safety of our members remains our top priority. We will advise ASAP of future dates.

07.01.2022 Attention Members The Health and Safety of our members is our Top priority. Please see below change in Venue for our AGM to a Zoom Call. Details to follow.

05.01.2022 What a Great Opportunity to win a Pivo !!! Remember you have to be in it to Win it !!!

05.01.2022 Such a Great video, thank you so much Judy Hicks

03.01.2022 Wilson and Terence practicing their riding during lunch

03.01.2022 Wilson and Terence were having so much fun riding today that they didn't even want to stop for lunch ;)

02.01.2022 Due to a sick pony we have One rider spot available for our Clinic with Lauren Louw on the 16th & 17th of January. $150.00 per rider per day. Don't miss this opportunity it's Going to be a Great Clinic. PM the page to Secure this spot :)

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