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Central Coast Amateur Radio Club in Kariong | Electronics

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Central Coast Amateur Radio Club

Locality: Kariong

Phone: +61 2 4340 2500

Address: 4 Dandaloo street 2250 Kariong, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Check out Garry’s blog from our friends at Tecsun Radios Australia! Doesn’t matter if your interested in being an amateur radio operator or just for SWL, Garry and the team can help you out with a great rx rig!! You’ll be able to check them out at our next event; Mayham!! 30th May!! Or head over to their website!!

24.01.2022 Not doing anything this Saturday? Want a sausage sandwich with a choice of onions on top or below the sausage? Come on up! The club will have a large amount of bits and pieces of up for sale at the Westlakes Amateur Radio Club car boot sale.... Kicks off at 8:00am, York Street. Teralba.

21.01.2022 Central Coast Amateur Radio Club The Clubs repeater team has recently commissioned a VK-DMR based repeater in conjunction with the ARNSW Radio Network Group and reports are the coverage is great! One station was transmitting from Inner Sydney and reached the repeater on 2 watts via Handheld. The Club appreciates the support from ARNSW with this project. The repeater is accessible on 438.850 MHz with a negative 7.0mhz offset with VK-DMR based talk groups.... The 2021 Wyong Field Day is still going ahead with traders already booked in. If you are interested in attending or are looking to sell goods at the car boot sale and would like to register or obtain further information, please email [email protected]. Remember to lock the date into your calendar’s, Sunday the 28th of February, there are also whispers of fox hunts occurring on the Saturday prior again too, Both Mobile and Pedestrian, so Keep your eyes and ears peeled. Please keep in mind that this event is subject to Government health advice which the team are monitoring closely. Updates will be provided as progress continues. For the latest information, please check out the club’s website. The Clubrooms are scheduled to re-open again on Saturday the 9th of January, however with the current Greater Sydney area rising health situation, this may be changed at short notice. The Club’s Thursday evening nets are currently on hold and will resume on the 7th of January 2021. Bob VK2AOR who has been hosting the daily morning tea net is taking a short break and will return in early 2021 with a new structure. To keep the wheels turning, the amazing Dave VK2KFU has stepped in as net host, With Dave’s vast experience facilitating nets along with his own spin on This Day in History it is a very enjoyable net to be involved with. Both nets are held on the VK2RAG 2 Metre repeater, 146.725Mhz with a 91.5hz sub-audible tone. You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at; or Search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club on social media platforms to find us. Remember to give the club a like to follow for any updates. 73 one and all, enjoy time with those close to you, stay safe out there, and remember many friends are just a kerchunk away. Brad VK2NMZ Vice-President & Publicity, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.

21.01.2022 Tuesdayitis can be solved by a quick walk to the local reserve, putting out whatever flavour of antenna you desire and getting on air :) P.S how amazing was 20 meters this afternoon! How was everyone else's day?... #bushwalking #amateurradio #yaesu #elecraftkx2 #sotabeamsbandhopper #sotabeamstactical7000hd See more

21.01.2022 Hey Folks, The club is seeking expressions of interest and suggestions regarding the continuation of the Slow Scan Television net on our repeater. So we're putting it out to you.... What are your preferences? Is there a preferred date / time that is more suitable for the majority. The previous fortnight, our net host Adrian facilitated only had one check in for the evening. Tonight was less. So for our friends out there who would participate... What dates would you prefer? Maybe on a Saturday evening? Would you prefer this to be a monthly occasion instead of fortnightly? Is there a specific mode that would be more suitable for operators out here? (currently utilising Scottie-2) Your feedback and input is greatly appreciated. Cheers. -Adrian VK2ABS

21.01.2022 Some kind words from the folks up at Westlakes Amateur Radio Club We had an absolute blast there. Big shoutout to all those involved with putting the event together.

20.01.2022 Club News! Last week the club attended the Westlakes Amateur Radio Club car boot sale and would like to advise the club still has a large amount of equipment available for purchase to those interested, If you do require any test equipment or components, please reach out to the club directly. Last week's foundation training and examination session took place and saw a number of candidates sit for their licences, the feedback received has been incredibly positive and Kudos go t...o the club's education facilitator Karen VK2AKB for single handily facilitating these sessions. Best of luck to Heath, Roger, Catherine, Paul, Robert, and Stephen who eagerly await the exam results. The club is planning to hold another education and training day in early 2021. If you are interested, please email [email protected]. The Club is in planning mode for the upcoming 2021 Wyong Field Day. Lock the date into your calendar’s folks, Sunday the 28th of February, Subject to Government health advice. Updates will be provided as progress continues. For up to date information, please check out the club’s website. The Clubs repeater team has been busy preparing for the rollout of a VK-DMR based repeater which is close to being installed to the Central Coast region, It might be a good time to revisit your DMR Code plugs and Program in 438.850 MHz with 7.0mhz offset with VK-DMR talk groups. The Club’s Thursday evening net this week was facilitated by Alan VK2MG, the evenings topic was With Summer coming on, do you have any plans with an amateur radio focus Many stations spoke about a wanting to get more involved into the outdoors and finish off some long-awaited antenna builds. A big thank you to all the stations that participate in the net both locally and interstate. Are you interested in Packet Radio? A reminder that the Club has a digipeater VK2RAG-1 which connects to VK2EHQ and is available via 147.600Mhz. The club will be holding a Christmas luncheon on the 12th of December and all club members are welcome, To Ensure COVID compliance, If you wish to attend, please reach out to the club directly. Today marks day 240 that Bob VK2AOR has facilitated the Morning tea net on the VK2RAG 2 Meter repeater. The club would like to acknowledge Bob for the enormous effort he has dedicated and continues to receive check-ins from both local and international stations. Both nets are held on the VK2RAG 2 Metre repeater, 146.725Mhz with a 91.5hz sub-audible tone. You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at; or Search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club on social media platforms to find us. Remember to give the club a like to follow for any updates. Brad VK2NMZ Vice-President & Publicity, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.

20.01.2022 Central Coast Amateur Radio Club A reminder about the Club’s Mayham event, on Sunday the 30th of May 2021 at Wyong Race Course. For those who have attended previous Wyong Field Days, this event will be very similar, but with a new name and new date. If you are looking to attend, be a trader or exhibitor, please email the team at [email protected]. For the latest news and information regarding this event, please check out the club’s website and social media, as well as up...Continue reading

19.01.2022 CCARC SSTV 2m net 26/02/2021 Net host: Adrian VK2ABS

18.01.2022 And we are online! 438.850 with a 7mhz negative offset. This repeater is connected to the VKDMR network.... Again, a huge shout out to ARNSW for this initiative. Some quick shake down testing revealed this repeater could be reached with just 2 watts on a handheld from a location 60 kilometres away.

17.01.2022 I'm sorry folks, the gremlins have got in and I can't get an audio feed from the radio to the computer. As such I won't be able torun a facebook live feed this evening. Please feel free to comment on the topic below though. With Summer coming on (down under) do you have any plans with an amateur radio focus

15.01.2022 Some Friday #qrpradio by the beach to welcome the weekend. What's your plans?

12.01.2022 The first net for 2021! CCARC Thursday evening net Also available via Echolink and IRLP *CCARCNSW* or #9509 Net Host: Brad VK2NMZ... Tonights Topic: Welome to 2021!

12.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone. Here's a shoutout to the "I have a guy that does it cheaper" The more you look, the better it gets.... :)

12.01.2022 Hello all, As many of you may have seen in the local Media Outlets, COVID-19 or the Corona Virus as commonly known is beginning to return again. Multiple spots have been identified within the Greater and Western Sydney areas with 49 current active cases in the past week, ... A decision has been made by the club's executive team to extend the shutdown period of the CCARC rooms until further notice. This has been a decision that is not taken lightly and many aspects have been taken into consideration and the health and safety of our members is the number one priority. All face to face club activities including the February business meeting, weekly meetups, lectures, and exams are for now suspended. This closure does not include essential maintenance and upkeep of the club's repeater system or facilities. If you require access to the clubrooms for any reason, We ask that you reach out to the club's executive team where arrangements will be worked on a case by case basis. The club's team will fall back to online conference/telephone dial in services for any meetings that are required. All other lines of communications such as phone, email, radio, and mind control are still open as normal and club admin duties will continue. If you have any queries regarding this (and I encourage if you do), please reach out to the clubs executive team directly Thank you for your ongoing support, 73.

10.01.2022 Hey folks, This weekend the CCARC will be attending the Westlakes Amateur Radio Club car boot sale event this Saturday at 8 AM. 1 York St, Teralba NSW 2284 Here is a small preview of some excess gear we have including multiple oscilloscopes, assorted Andrews connectors (lots of these!), multimode fibre patch leads and fibre rolls. Folded dipoles. Yagis, verticals and mobile whips.... Grab yourself a bargain See you there!

09.01.2022 Jump on it from the many authorised retailers here in Australia :) Great deal!

09.01.2022 CCARC Thursday Evening Net 19/11 With added Echolink! Echolink - *ccarcnsw* IRLP - 9509 Tonights Topic - Carboot sales & Flea Markets: What is your best catch?

08.01.2022 WICEN NSW doing the good thing! :)

08.01.2022 Have your PCs ready as Adrian VK2ABS will be hosting a SSTV net at 7:30pm The net will be run on the WICEN 2m repeater - 147.125mhz +0.6 offset... 91.5hz tone See more

03.01.2022 Westlakes Amateur Radio Club Carboot sale! 1 York Street Teralba. Come and check it out!

03.01.2022 When operating portable, what's your go too? High on a mountain or next to the water? Very different results for both! #portableradio #mountsugarloaf #blacksmithsbeach #sotabeams

02.01.2022 Gday folks, struck a deal with emdrc for some ctcss boards, if anyone wants some they should be in the post shortly. Great simple mods for your non ctcss radio! Proceeds will go to our club and emdrc. Enquirers to [email protected] for specs and orders! - Jaye VK2FOMG

02.01.2022 Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Yesterday the club made a visit to the Westlakes Amateur Radio Club’s car boot sale, and what an amazing day it was with bargains to be had all around. The Club set up a table at the Teralba clubrooms and had there were some great conversations and banter during the event. As the weather was kind to us, both the CCARC and Westlakes then headed up to Mount Sugarloaf for an outdoor adventure. With a BBQ and some Portable HF operations, it was th...e first combined club activity for many years and the club looks forward to working closely with the Westlakes team for future events. A thanks goes to all the club members who assisted with both sorting through the equipment and taking part on the day. The club is running licence and training assessments this weekend. Classes were held yesterday and as this news bulletin goes to air, examinations are now underway. Planning is underway for the next education weekend, early next year; for more details or to book a seat, please email the Club’s education facilitator, Karen VK2AKB at; [email protected]. The Club is in planning mode for the 2021 Wyong Field Day. Lock in the date its Sunday the 28th of February 2021, subject to public health directives remaining favourable. There will be more updates on the Club’s website, and here on VK2WI News. The Clubs repeater team have also been busy planning and preparing for the rollout of a new DMR repeater on the Central Coast. It might be a good time to get your Codeplugs ready, and program in 438.850 MHz with 7.0Mhz offset, and with VK-DMR talk groups. The Club’s Thursday evening net this week was facilitated by Brad VK2NMZ, with the evenings topic of car boot sales & flea markets what is your best buy? One station recalled purchasing a Bird Watt meter with all the connectors for $10, whilst another purchased a portable QRP for an incredibly cheap price. A Thank you to all the stations that participate in the net both locally and interstate. Today marks day 233 of the Morning Tea Net, hosted by Bob VK2AOR on the Club’s VK2RAG 2 metre repeater. The club would like to acknowledge Bob for the enormous effort he has dedicated to the net, which continues to receive check-ins from both local and international stations. Both club nets are on the VK2RAG 2 Metre repeater, 146.725MHz with a 91.5Hz sub audible tone. You can find out more about the CCARC on the web at; or on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Simply search for Central Coast Amateur Radio Club - and give the club a like to follow for updates. Brad VK2NMZ Vice-President and Publicity Officer, Central Coast Amateur Radio Club.

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