Central Newcastle Swimming Club | Other
Central Newcastle Swimming Club
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24.01.2022 Merry Christmas everyone Nicole , Kate & Matt
24.01.2022 Events for this Friday are: Freestyle and Breastroke for all grades - E grade can swim 2 x freestyle races if they are not confident to do breastroke. The Open event is 100m backstroke and only A, B and Seniors are eligible to compete. Please let us know by return email what events you would like to compete in and also let us know if you will not be attending on Friday night. All financial members will be on the list for prepaid entry into the pool from 5.30pm. Sign in proced...ure at the pool will be as follows:- * Identify yourself as belonging to Central Swim Club * Tick your name off the Central Swim Club list * Scan the pool's QR code as per COVID entry If you have a fitness passport/corporate fitness, you can use this instead of taking advantage of the prepaid entry - don't mark off on the Central Swim Club sheet if you are using a pre-paid pass already. See you on pool deck
23.01.2022 Happy New Year Swim Club is back this week Friday 17th. Race events for tomorrow night : *Freestyle *Breaststroke... *Open 100m Freestyle See you all on pool deck
22.01.2022 Events for friday 1st *Freestyle *Butterfly 400M freestyle championship event will run for those that have entered with Nicole . If you are in ... A/B or seniors and wish to swim the 400m freestyle and weren’t at club last week to enter please reply and let me know . Championship forms will be available to fill out this friday night and will run friday 8th and friday 22nd . No club on friday 15th See you all on pool deck
22.01.2022 Events for friday 15th : * Freestyle only * Scambrey Relay See you all friday
22.01.2022 Race events for Friday 31st * Freestyle *Butterfly * Open 100m Breaststroke A&B grade freestyle & Butterfly are 100m swims ... See more
22.01.2022 AGM tonight at 7pm Hamilton North Bowling Club Please come along and become involved in our wonderful club . Volunteers play such an important role in our club and we want YOU so our club continues to give our swimmers the best we can . We all work as a team and help each other and make it fun and social . Don’t be shy and stay away come and have a chat with us and see how you can help even if you can only give a little . ... See you there 7pm Cheers The A Team Nicole , Kate , Matt & Rod Really its not as bad as the volunteer caption ha ha
20.01.2022 Due to the poor air quality , the smoke haze & falling of ash from the fires and for the safety of our members ,the committee have decided to cancel swim club for tonight 6/12. Enjoy your weekend and see you next week .
19.01.2022 Congratulations to all our awesome swimmers on a fantastic season Well done to all our award winners for the 2018/2019 season A big thankyou to my committee for another successful season I hope everyone enjoys the off season , take care and see you all next season
17.01.2022 Hoping for fine weather tomorrow for our Junior Dolphin Carnival . 25m freestyle , 50m freestyle, relays and games . Sausage sizzle , raffles and lollies . A morning of fun and swimming
16.01.2022 Weather update: Pool has reopened and swim club will go ahead at this stage .
16.01.2022 Events for friday 22nd : *Freestyle *Brace Relay If you haven’t put your teams in with times please do so by today as no entries on the day .... If you are attending the Dolphin Carnival on sunday make sure you let us know for catering and race events
16.01.2022 Families that have completed volunteer duties for the season Please volunteer next week if your name isn’t on this list .
16.01.2022 Swim Club is going ahead tonight at this stage We will keep you updated as the storm rolls in . Fingers crossed we will get a swim
15.01.2022 Just a reminder that all families need to volunteer for timekeeping 4 times over the season to ensure that your children are eligible to swim Club Championships. If you need to timekeep to reach these 4 voluntary nights please come and see me tonight as we only have 4 weeks after tonight before club championships start. We want to make sure that all swimmers swim club championships
15.01.2022 Weather update: Pool is currently closed and is scheduled to reopen just after 5pm if no more lightening strikes . We will keep you updated .
14.01.2022 Friday 29th race events : *Freestyle *Butterfly *Open200m Freestyle (A,B & Senior swimmers only)... See you all on pool deck
14.01.2022 Sunday 24th Dolphin Carnival . Events are listed below . Please let us know if you are attending as its a fun morning for everyone .
14.01.2022 Update on families who have completed their 4 volunteer times . *Crossley *Phillips *Crouch. *Price *Davey. *Quinn *Golledge. *Royan... *James. *Scott *Jeffriess. *Winter * Lakmaker. *Key * Matzen. *McClure *Morris. *Malcom *Newham. *Shah *Brownlee If your name isn’t on this list you need to help out and volunteer again . With championships commencing on the 8th March please make sure you have completed all volunteering so your child/children can swim . If you are going to the Dolphin Carnival and help out this is a volunteer ticked off See you all tomorrow night See more
13.01.2022 Race events for friday 8th : * Freestyle *Backstroke *Open 100m Butterfly ... Remember to come and see me about entering the Brace & Scambrey Relay .
13.01.2022 Race events for Friday 24th *Freestyle *Backstroke *Open 100m Butterfly... See you all on pool deck
13.01.2022 Swim club starts this friday 18th October. Please make sure you are registered so that you can swim Events this week are Freestyle, Breaststroke & Open 100m Freestyle 6pm start so please at the pool around 5.45 to ensure you are ready to start. Volunteers are welcome as we have numerous jobs on the night that need helpers so the night can run smoothly . ... See you all on pool deck See more
12.01.2022 Friday 8th race events *Freestyle *Butterfly *Open 100 m Breaststroke... See you all on pool deck
12.01.2022 Congratulations Part 2 photos of our celebrations on presentation day
12.01.2022 Events for this Friday 4th Dec: Freestyle (A grade 100m) and Breastroke for all grades - E grade can swim 2 x freestyle races if they are not confident to do breastroke. The Open event is 100m Butterfly and only A, B and Seniors are eligible to compete. Please let us know by return email what events you would like to compete in and also let us know if you will not be attending on Friday night. All financial members will be on the list for prepaid entry into the pool from 5.30...pm. Sign in procedure at the pool will be as follows:- * Tick your name off the Central Swim Club list * Scan the pool's QR code as per COVID entry If you have a fitness passport/corporate fitness, you can use this instead of taking advantage of the prepaid entry - don't mark off on the Central Swim Club sheet if you are using a pre-paid pass already. See you all on pool deck See more
10.01.2022 Club Calendar 2019/2020
10.01.2022 Central Newcastle Swim Club Presentation afternoon is Sunday 26th May 4.30pm-6pm at Hamilton North Bowling Club . A great family afternoon to recognise our awesome swimmers and their achievements over the 2018/2019 season. Hope to see you all there
10.01.2022 Remember no swim club this Friday 1st November due to the pool being used for Halloween . See everyone back on pool deck on Friday 8th Nov
10.01.2022 Club Championships tonight . See everyone on pool deck
09.01.2022 Thankyou to our special guests Kurt Herzog & Dolphin Yampu for attending our carnival today. Smiling faces and awesome swimming from everyone. Thankyou to Central Newcastle ,Boolaroo Speerspoint & Lambton learn to swim for making it such a success Thankyou to our Club Captains & all our volunteers for all their help on the day . ... See more
09.01.2022 Race events for Friday 22nd Nov *Freestyle *Backstroke *Open 200IM -You must be in A or B grade for all strokes of the 200IM to swim this event ... See you all on pool deck
09.01.2022 ***REMINDER *** Swim Club Presentation is this sunday 26th at Hamilton North Bowling Club . Please be there at 4.15 pm for a 4.30 pm start . The presentation will run for around an hour . The Bowling club restaurant is open for those wishing to have dinner after the presentation. ... Looking forward to seeing all our wonderful families and swimmers See more
08.01.2022 Tomorrow night you will be given a Club Championship form to fill out . Club Championships are swum in age . The age you are as of Friday 6th is the age you enter club champs for. Open events are only to be entered in if you are in A/ B or Seniors . Please fill in the events you wish to swim and hand it back on the night . No late entries will be taken . ... See more
07.01.2022 Due to Covid-19 and the regulations with close gatherings, swim club this Friday the 20th will be cancelled. At this stage we are unsure of the date for Presentation day due to Hamilton North Bowling club not taking any function bookings. We will keep you updated . Stay safe & well
07.01.2022 Online registrations are now open from our website centralnewcastle.swimming.org.au Press on the Join now and it will take you through the steps of registering with the new Swim Central . Swim club starts in a few weeks time so sign up and we look forward to seeing you all on pool deck
06.01.2022 Events for this Friday are: Freestyle and Backstroke for all grades - E grade can swim 2 x freestyle races if they are not confident to do backstroke. The Open event is 200m Individual Medley and only A, B and Seniors are eligible to compete. Please let us know by return email what events you would like to compete in and also let us know if you will not be attending on Friday night. All financial members will be on the list for prepaid entry into the pool from 5.30pm. Sign in... procedure at the pool will be as follows:- * Tick your name off the Central Swim Club list * Scan the pool's QR code as per COVID entry If you have a fitness passport/corporate fitness, you can use this instead of taking advantage of the prepaid entry - don't mark off on the Central Swim Club sheet if you are using a pre-paid pass already. See you on pool deck See more
05.01.2022 Race events for Friday 28th *Freestyle *Breaststroke * Open 400m Freestyle & also a Club Championship event ... A/B & Seniors can enter the open events . See you tomorrow night
04.01.2022 Club Championships will run on Friday 8th & Friday 22nd March . No club night on friday 15th March. Please view the mark off sheet . These will be available next friday 1st March on club night to be filled out and handed back straight away. No late enteries . You swim age as of 8th March ... Please make sure your child/children qualify with swims & parent volunteer duties . Swimmers must have attended 8 club nights and parents must have volunteered 4 times for your child/children to qualify for club championships A & B Swimmers wanting to swim the 400freestyle next friday 1st March please let me know if you haven’t already .
04.01.2022 Race events for Friday 20th *Freestyle *Butterfly *Open 100m Backstroke ... We are also having pizza at the end of the night to celebrate a great start to the season and Christmas Have a Merry Christmas & a safe & Happy New Year See you all back on Friday 17th January
03.01.2022 Events for this Friday are: Freestyle (A grade 100m) and Butterfly for all grades - E grade can swim 2 x freestyle races if they are not confident to do butterfly. The Open event is 200m Freestyle and only A, B and Seniors are eligible to compete. Please let us know by return email what events you would like to compete in and also let us know if you will not be attending on Friday night. All financial members will be on the list for prepaid entry into the pool from 5.30pm. Si...gn in procedure at the pool will be as follows:- * Tick your name off the Central Swim Club list * Scan the pool's QR code as per COVID entry If you have a fitness passport/corporate fitness, you can use this instead of taking advantage of the prepaid entry - don't mark off on the Central Swim Club sheet if you are using a pre-paid pass already. See you on pool deck See more
03.01.2022 Club Championships tonight. Hopefully the rain has gone . See everyone on pool deck
01.01.2022 Events for week 3 *Freestyle *Butterfly * Open 100m Breaststroke ... See you all on pool deck
01.01.2022 Race events Friday 21st * Freestyle *Brace Relay See you on pool deck
01.01.2022 Last night of Club Championships tomorrow night . We will start 6pm sharp as we have lots to get through. See everyone on pool deck ready to race