Centre for Perinatal Psychology | Psychologist
Centre for Perinatal Psychology
Phone: 1300 852 660
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23.01.2022 Most babies are born without any need for assistance, but there are times when assistance may be required for the safety of mother and baby. On Wednesday 30th S...eptember at 8pm (AEST), I will be speaking Live on Instagram with Dr Tilak Weerasiri about assisted birth. We will discuss the reasons why help with the birth might be needed and also look at the most common instruments used to assist with delivery. We will also address breech and twin deliveries - so be sure to listen in if your baby is breech (baby is lying bottom first or feet first) or you are expecting twins! Dr Tilak Weerasiri is highly experienced obstetrician and gynaecologist having trained extensively in both Britain and Australia. He has a special interest in infertility and is an Associate Gynaecologist at Monash IVF. Tilak has great empathy for women. In his family, he has had personal experience with miscarriage, infertility, micro premature birth and twin pregnancy. We hope you can join us on https://www.instagram.com/nourish.baby/ at 8pm on Wednesday.
23.01.2022 ~ AUSTRALASIAN PERINATAL LOSS CONFERENCE: Online live 02 & 03 October and on-demand for 90-days ~ Focus on Session 1: Bringing the grief of infertility out of the shadows | Narelle Dickinson The experience of infertility and its treatment can bring unexpected emotional reactions, and for many, there is intense grief for the loss of a the anticipated easy journey towards parenthood. Narelle will provide an overview of the experience of infertility and the common emotional r...eactions associated with assisted reproductive treatment, and provide a framework for treatment to professionals who support parents whose fertility has been compromised. Pregnancy after early loss | Sam Payne To right the story of early pregnancy loss, we must consider all aspects of the journey one that is often overlooked is pregnancy after loss. If 80% of women go onto have a healthy full-term pregnancy after experiencing a loss there are many women wearing a ‘brave face’ whilst hiding their anxiety, after all the myth perpetuates that women should be grateful for a subsequent pregnancy not anxious or scared. The Pink Elephants Support Network CEO & Co-Founder Sam Payne will bring to life real-life case stories of women who have faced this as well as her own lived experience to provide a unique insight into this often overlooked part of pregnancy loss. REGISTRATION: https://www.centreforperinatalpsychology.com.au/perinatal-/ #APLC2020
22.01.2022 We welcome the announcement from the Federal Government to extend Medicare-subsidised psychological Telehealth services for a further six-months. Centre for Perinatal Psychology remains dedicated to supporting parents and infants in their journey - infertility, perinatal loss, pregnancy, postnatal and parenting issues. https://www.centreforperinatalpsychology.com.au
22.01.2022 #perinatalloss #findingrelief PREGNANCY & INFANT LOSS AWARENESS MONTH Self-compassion can provide temporary relief to the unbearable reality of pregnancy loss or infant death. You are not alone many many women have experienced perinatal loss across centuries, across borders and from all walks of life. They know your pain.... At times when you are struggling or hurting, if can be helpful to remind yourself of this that you are not alone. If you can, try placing your hand on your heart (or caress/cradle your face) (and notice the warmth of your hand. And notice how soothing that feels and notice that your brain instantly responds to that sensory data -& bypasses your thinking brain and notice it is still soothing even if it’s not a hug from someone else). And while aware of your situation, acknowledge: This is a moment of suffering Suffering is part of life So, may I be kind to myself in this moment May I give myself the compassion I need. (Adapted from Kristen Neff and Julie King). Illustration by Jesses Mess - Illustrations
21.01.2022 Anyone else forget about being productive when your little one finally gets to sleep? Love the illustrative work of Common Wild
21.01.2022 On Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day, we acknowledge the precious babies who have died. We honour those mums, dads, grandparents, and siblings who are walking this journey and know all too well the grief, loss and love that comes from experiencing the heartache of having a baby die.
19.01.2022 #gogently #selfcaresunday Hand on Heart and Breathe A little skill for inducing calm and self-soothing when upset or overwhelmed. ~ Place your hand on your heart... ~ Close your eyes if you wish ~ Take a deep breath, or a few slow breaths ~ Say something kind to yourself: I am doing my best’ This is hard right now, but it will pass’ ‘I am a good enough parent’ ~ Feel the warmth from your hand warming your heart This is something that can be done throughout the day or night by yourself or in the company of your baby Practice when the seas are calm rather than stormy, so you can ride the storm when it happens * And for some self-compassion guided meditations and exercises, check out the work of Dr Kristin Neff: https://self-compassion.org/category/exercises/
15.01.2022 We are long-time admirers of Bobbi Lockyer's beautiful work and have shared her posts before. But this is next level special as her works can be now seen online via the Museum of Freedom and Tolerance and Google Arts & Culture. "Lockyer’s maternal grandmother was taken away in the Stolen Generations, and her story underpins Lockyer’s love for maternity and country. Her grandfather’s story of social activism and fight for country gives her determination and pride. She is p...assionate about Birthing on Country as a healing practice for the intergenerational trauma imparted through colonisation." Enjoy this beautiful exhibition
15.01.2022 "We are shocked and in the kind of deep pain you only hear about, the kind of pain we’ve never felt before. We were never able to stop the bleeding and give our baby the fluids he needed, despite bags and bags of blood transfusions. It just wasn’t enough."
15.01.2022 #gogently #selfcaresunday Healthy Mind Platter for New Parents As much as your baby needs you to love and care for her, she also needs you to be healthy so you can be there for her taking care of yourself is taking care of your baby. After all, if you fall apart, where does that leave your family? Read on to find how to take care of yourself emotionally while balancing the demands of parenting a baby.
14.01.2022 ~ Early Pregnancy Loss Commemorative Certificate ~ While not a legal document, we love that the Victoria State Government is offering these beautiful commemorative certificates in recognition of the significance of early loss. This is a wonderful acknowledgement at a time when often there is a lack of acknowledgement for early pregnancy losses. Find more information here: https://www.bdm.vic.gov.au//early-pregnancy-loss-commemora
13.01.2022 #miscarriage #perinatalloss PREGNANCY & INFANT LOSS AWARENESS MONTH ~ Sometimes people are clumsy in their response to loss. It’s well intentioned, but responses that minimize the enormity of the loss or minimize your feelings to your loss are not helpful. ~ Here are some common responses parents have had in response to miscarriage, and what they wish they heard instead.... Illustration by Jesses Mess - Illustrations Created by Bronwyn Leigh, Carla Anderson, Charise Deveney & Julie King
11.01.2022 Listen along to our Sunshine Coast-based psychologist Carla Anderson from Perinatal, Child & Family Hub; Carla Anderson Psychologist. Carla talked to Birth HQ on their podcast about all things perinatal. Check out the link below to listen
09.01.2022 ~ AUSTRALASIAN PERINATAL LOSS CONFERENCE: Online live 02 & 03 October and on-demand for 90-days ~Focus on Session 2: *Medically complicated pregnancies and end-of-life decisions. From Baby Steps to Giant Leaps; The Impact of Genomics in Pregnancy | Pauline McGrath* Genetics is now playing a significant role in fetal screening and diagnosis in pregnancy. Genomic testing raises many questions and issues during pregnancy: How great are the risks of the test and how reliable ...is it? What does this information mean for me, for my partner and for my baby, for my family, for future generations? What is the nature of the disorder? How severe is it? What options are available? How do I choose? What medical and support services may be required? What does this information mean for social stigma, and discrimination? What resources are available? What does the future hold for health and quality of life? Together with these questions, people bring a wide variety of experiences, values and personal health beliefs about the issues raised by genomic testing to the counselling experience. This presentation explores the communication of information and the process of genetic counselling. * *The warm embrace of Hummingbird House: the role of a children’s hospice in supporting parents facing a perinatal loss | Fiona Hawthorne & Andrea Coe* This presentation will include an overview of Hummingbird House and the work that we do followed by a case study following a baby and her family through from diagnosis to her death at 3 weeks old and beyond. REGISTRATION: https://www.centreforperinatalpsychology.com.au/perinatal-/ #APLC2020 See more
09.01.2022 Anyone else had this experience?
09.01.2022 ~ PERINATAL MENTAL HEALTH WEEK: 8-14 NOVEMBER 2020 ~ >Grief and Loss< Self-compassion can provide temporary relief to the unbearable reality of pregnancy loss or infant death. You are not alone many many women have experienced perinatal loss across centuries, across borders and from all walks of life. They know your pain.... At times when you are struggling or hurting, if can be helpful to remind yourself of this that you are not alone. If you can, try placing your hand on your heart (or caress/cradle your face) (and notice the warmth of your hand. And notice how soothing that feels and notice that your brain instantly responds to that sensory data -& bypasses your thinking brain and notice it is still soothing even if it’s not a hug from someone else). And while aware of your situation, acknowledge: This is a moment of suffering Suffering is part of life So, may I be kind to myself in this moment May I give myself the compassion I need. (Adapted from Kristen Neff and Julie King). For peer support: The Pink Elephants Support Network, SANDS or Bears Of Hope Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support For professional support: Centre for Perinatal Psychology locations around Australia and via Telehealth services. If you need support, reach out, services are available We’re here, we’re listening. #pmhw2020 #perinatalmentalhealth #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness
09.01.2022 For anyone who needs a reminder - Christmas time can be overwhelming for little ones too. Toddler meltdowns are not a personal attack on your competence as a parent and more a reflection of their state and the need for containment and soothing. Go gently, for yourself and your little ones
09.01.2022 ~ PERINATAL MENTAL HEALTH WEEK: 8-14 NOVEMBER 2020 >Support is Available< New parents used to be surrounded by a village community of experienced parents and elders to help them transition to parenthood, to support and teach them to raise a child. Our village has never been more necessary than it is today. For many of us, the first time we hold a baby it is our own. The exposure to childrearing by others and the generational wisdom and experience within the community has b...een lost. You don’t have to go it alone. Support and expert guidance are here. Whether you are facing infertility, perinatal loss, antenatal depression, PND, antenatal or postnatal anxiety, or difficulties feeling bonded with your baby we will help you through. Parents who seek help for their own mental health are better able to support and nurture their baby. For professional support: Centre for Perinatal Psychology locations around Australia and via Telehealth services. If you need support, reach out, services are available We’re here, we’re listening. #pmhw2020 #perinatalmentalhealth #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness
06.01.2022 "Know someone who's struggling with thinking they're a "bad" parent? Tap them on the shoulder with this gentle reminder ...."
05.01.2022 ~ PERINATAL MENTAL HEALTH WEEK: 8-14 NOVEMBER 2020 >Support is Available< A perinatal psychologist works with families during the perinatal period before and after birth. At the Centre for Perinatal Psychology, we see people for: ~ Planning ~ Pregnancy... ~ Postpartum ~ Parenting The reasons for seeking help during these times are broad, but include feeling anxious, depressed, having difficulty conceiving, losing a baby, having a sickly infant, not feeling bonded and not enjoying parenthood. But how would you know if seeing a psychologist during these times would be helpful? It can be hard to know for sure, as there are so many factors that are changing at this time. So here’s one key deciding factor in whether you seek help: if you are distressed by your situation and your distress doesn’t resolve within a couple of weeks, then that is probably a good sign to seek help. A perinatal psychologist can help if: You feel distressed You feel you are not coping You want more support Things are not improving on their own For professional support: Centre for Perinatal Psychology locations around Australia and via Telehealth services. If you need support, reach out, services are available We’re here, we’re listening. #pmhw2020 #perinatalmentalhealth #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness
05.01.2022 More gold from Sketchy Muma... Remember to look for the little treasures and remind yourself of all the things you did well, or things that went well - as little as they may be
05.01.2022 #2020hasbeenhard Here in Australia, we've heard plenty of stories of missing out on such special milestones through pregnancy, labour and the early days of parenting a newborn. We've also heard some silver linings, such as less pressure to be seen out-and-about providing more time to rest and recover in an unhurried way. It's important to hold both sides of the experience if we can - the difficulties and the gratitudes. ~ How have you adapted to restrictions while pregnant or with your newborn? Image Credit: MaternalMentalHealthUtah
05.01.2022 New research with over 1,200 mothers who breastfed during the pandemic revealed how they were affected by the lockdown: "Around 40% of mothers said they felt it had a positive impact on their experience. They valued the privacy, having a supportive partner at home, and having more time to focus on their baby. This made them more confident and they breastfed for longer as a result. However, around 30% of mothers felt lockdown had a very negative impact on them. These mothers felt isolated, abandoned and overwhelmed at the intensity of being alone with their baby. Although some managed to continue breastfeeding, around 82% of this group stopped typically before they were ready. They directly blamed the lack of face-to-face support."
04.01.2022 Today is is World Prematurity Day, a globally celebrated awareness day to increase understanding around preterm births and the pain and suffering that families with a premature or sick baby can go through. Every year in Australia more than 27,000 babies are born premature. We acknowledge the good work of Life's Little Treasures Foundation and Miracle Babies Foundation in this space. We also recognise the need for evidence-based, high quality treatment and care to improve health outcomes of preterm babies worldwide. #WorldPrematurityDay2020
04.01.2022 Mums - you sure do matter...
04.01.2022 Health Care Professionals - Did you miss our Australasian Perinatal Loss Conference last week? Well, you missed a wonderful, inspired, informative Conference. But guess what? We recorded it - and tickets are still available for purchase. Watch all three sessions of the Conference in your own time and benefit from the eclectic experience of all seven stunning speakers. Buy Tickets here: https://www.centreforperinatalpsychology.com.au/perinatal-/ Read more on the Speakers and Topics here: https://www.centreforperinatalpsychology.com.au/perinatal-/ ~ If you attended, let us know in the comments what you loved! #APLC2020
03.01.2022 ~ AUSTRALASIAN PERINATAL LOSS CONFERENCE: Online live 02 & 03 October and on-demand for 90-days ~ Join the Conversation! * 3 Sessions: 1. Infertility, assisted conception and early pregnancy loss 2. Medically-complicated pregnancies... 3. Stillbirth: prevention efforts and trauma-informed care * More info and Registration here: https://www.centreforperinatalpsychology.com.au/perinatal-/ * More on our Speakers here: https://www.centreforperinatalpsychology.com.au/perinatal-/ #APLC2020 See more
02.01.2022 Most of our psychologists take a break from consulting over Christmas and New Year and our Head Office will be closed during this time too, closing 23rd December and reopening 06 January. Some psychologists are unavailable in January. If you contact us during this time, our response may be slower than usual. We will reply to any enquiries as soon as we're able. For any emergencies, contact your local hospital. For support in Australia call PANDA Mon to Sat, 9am - 7.30pm AEST/AEDT Call 1300 726 306.
02.01.2022 This is why we take a family view - emotional wellbeing during the perinatal period involves maternal mental health, paternal/fathers mental health and infant mental health. All members of the family develop during this time - parents and infants. This study shows that fathers involvement is beneficial for both his mental health and his baby's. We found that fathers who were more involved with their infants shortly after their birth were less likely to be depressed a year later, says Dr Olajide Bamishigbin, Assistant Professor of Psychology.
02.01.2022 Australasian Perinatal Loss Conference ~ 02 & 03 October ~ Online & on-demand until 03 January 2021 Pauline McGrath From Baby Steps to Giant Leaps; The Impact of Genomics in Pregnancy We are delighted Pauline will be speaking at our 2nd Australasian Perinatal Loss Conference. Pauline is a Human Genetics Society of Australasia Certified Genetic Counsellor. * Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from Pauline outline the role genetics plays in fetal screening and diagnosis in ...pregnancy, as she explores the communication of information and the process of genetic counselling. * For more on Pauline and the full speaker line-up in our conference: https://www.centreforperinatalpsychology.com.au/perinatal-/ * #APLC2020 See more
02.01.2022 ~ PERINATAL MENTAL HEALTH WEEK: 8-14 NOVEMBER 2020 ~ >Support is Available< The Centre for Perinatal Psychology is committed to strengthening relationships and facilitating joyful and confident parenting during the perinatal period. We are Australia’s national group of psychologists dedicated to mothers, fathers, infants, couples and families during the perinatal period, which covers: ~ Planning... ~ Pregnancy ~ Postpartum ~ Parenting We see people when they are thinking about conception right through to three years postpartum, and we understand the difficulties you face. We understand the desperate longing for a baby when it is difficult to conceive; we understand the painful and unbearable loss of a baby at any stage of pregnancy or postpartum; we understand the depths of despair that accompanies antenatal and postnatal depression; and the agitation and preoccupation of perinatal anxiety. For professional support: Centre for Perinatal Psychology locations around Australia and via Telehealth services. If you need support, reach out, services are available We’re here, we’re listening. #pmhw2020 #perinatalmentalhealth #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness
02.01.2022 "The baby kicks and wriggles. I don’t know to what extent I can shape the world this child will inherit, and I’ve grown fearful of hope, but I let myself feel it anyway as I kneel there in the presence of new life and new possibility. What I have, I understand, is not a promise or an assurance of the future I wish to create. It is only the most we are ever given, which is the chance to try."
01.01.2022 "Mother or father, research indicates that we maintain biochemical bonds to our children into adolescence and quite possibly beyond."
01.01.2022 You usually have a lot of appointments where your belly is touched and your blood pressure is taken. Your colleagues at work comment on your pregnancy and you feel like you are sharing the experience. But this time it’s been a very private journey. It’s been a lot lonelier. "Royal Women’s Hospital psychiatrist Lia Laios said coronavirus had added complex layers of logistical and emotional stress to women who are expecting or have given birth. She is now treating a growing cohort of anxious, distressed and depressed women." * We are here for you if you need support or psychological treatment during this difficult time - Australia-wide, Telehealth available https://www.centreforperinatalpsychology.com.au
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