Roman and Annalie | Public figure
Roman and Annalie
Phone: +61 412 337 076
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22.01.2022 & .
22.01.2022 Last Sunday, CO-CREATING with these Epic Human Beings at our 2nd Sacred Cacao Ceremony and Medicine Drum Journey! What a powerful Ceremony & totally different to the last one! We continue to be amazed at what shows up when you surrender & space is created. What is inspired has the space to become exactly what it was intended to be. Each person receiving exactly what their soul needs. It is such a privilege and honour to be able to journey & grow right alongside you! Thank yo...u for your Courage, your strength your vulnerability & your beautiful hearts! We learn and receive so much from each one of you! Thank you for the work you are doing on yourselves for humanity & Mama Earth. We are all in this together! Our next gathering will take place Sunday 16th Feb 2pm - 5pm @ 3 Loop Rd, Werribee VIC 3030 With Love, R&A More Info & Reserve your spot
20.01.2022 You journey is yours and yours alone. You have your own path to walk. Whatever you are moving through honour and accept where you are at. Know that this very moment is offering you medicine and an opportunity to learn & grow....for whatever you do from a place of non-acceptance will cause you to continually put pressure on yourself and punish yourself for not being where you think you should or need to be. This takes you out of the process of learning the things needed in this moment that will support you greatly in your next learning opportunity. Open yourself to receiving the medicine non-acceptance is trying to teach you.
17.01.2022 It is far easier to blame and to hold onto anger. It is far harder to choose LOVE. When you choose to hold onto blame and anger the only person that ends up suffering is YOU because in order for you to hold onto blame and anger you have to COMPROMISE the very ESSENCE of who you are, your true Nature - UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!... What you do to end up doing to others and to yourself. Old ways of being are beginning to crumble. Change is challenging but when will enough, be enough? You can decide what kind of world you want to leave behind for our future generations. The cycle can stop with you. It takes a tremendous amount of heart, courage & honesty to choose to surrender your blame and anger to be transmuted by the unconditional love that resides within your heart. Change always starts from within & from that place we can BE the world we want to see. Photo by @alexandra.sea
16.01.2022 Roman is running another Men’s Mentorship! Posted @withregram @romanzakirov1111 Men's Mentorship - Space for Healing is BACK... Its been almost 5 months since my last post Whilst being on a social media detox and COVID lockdown I had my first Men's Mentorship which was the most amazing experience for me and for the men. SO......... I'm calling in my Soul Brothers to Connect and Heal once again - Are you struggling emotionally in this crazy time? - Do you want to connect and experience intimacy in a safe and non-judgmental space, even if it might scare you a little? - Are you wanting to be seen and witnessed? - Do you want a space to share your REAL truth? - Are you ready to uncover what gets in your way of connecting to yourself and others? In this space, ALL PARTS of you are welcome. You will learn how to listen reflect your internal reality, and start to understand your internal landscape. You will have opportunities to connect to your physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic body. We will discuss certain topics and themes and let the circle do its magic You will feel safe, supported, heard, and understood. There's so much wisdom in a group dynamic because as a group we co-create a safe container and an AMPLIFIED field. In this amplified field we get to see and feel SO much more and our healing can be accelerated in this environment. Now... If after reading this, you feel a slight pull, a slight nudge, or if you feel uncertain but curious about what this Mentorship is about - I invite you to check out the link in the comments below. OR You can express your interest by commenting "INTERESTED" or DM me. This will be an interview process to make sure that the men joining are in alignment with this space. Lastly, if you feel a man you know may be interested or could benefit from this space please tag them or share it with them - I really appreciate your support. Lots of LOVE Roman
16.01.2022 Happy New Year We hope this year is everything you dream of and more!! 2019 Has been an incredible year for us, filled with challenging and exciting experiences - with twist and turns. There has been plenty of opportunities for growth and healing, going deeper into ourselves and integrating parts that we have not loved and disowned. ... We have been shedding illusion, healing ancestral lines and going deeper into what gets in the way of LOVE - for self and others. We are looking forward to seeing how 2020 unfolds Lots of Love R & A Roman Zakirov Annalie McKeough
16.01.2022 Roman sharing his experience of the Hygienic Dark Room Retreat. Some great nuggets in there
15.01.2022 Last Sunday we held space for another powerful ceremony that we co-created with these Amazing Human Beings We cannot thank each of you enough, for who you are and what you bring to these gatherings. Thank you for allowing us to do what we do, it truly is a space where we feel like we can both be who we really are and that is such a gift! We do not take it for granted! Thank you for trusting us, thank you for trusting yourselves and being so open and willing to dive into your... inner world and cultivate a deeper relationship to you. Our next ceremony will be SUNDAY 22nd March If you feel called to experience a Sacred Cacao Ceremony and Healing Medicine Drum Journey check out details below to see if it speaks to you. With Love, R&A
11.01.2022 If you are reading this and you feel the resonance, then like us you too feel a strong call to break through all the old paradigms of cycle, patterns, programming, conditioning that keep us feeling seperate from... Ourselves Others Mother Nature Life itself... You are here to pave a very different path forward for yourselves & for our future generations. . You are here to courageously and consciously navigate the impact that personal & collective trauma & wounding has had on your own experience of your present moments so you can begin to choose to create the future you want to see for yourself and your human family. For you know that you can never truly be free, without facing the deepest roots of your darkest shadows. By no means is this a walk in the park... We both know exactly what it takes to do this type of work & you will either be called to it or not. It is definitely not for everyone. We want to THANK YOU for your commitment & contribution to creating what you want to see in the world! Keep going, don't give up. Please know the difference you are making! It will not be seen immediately but it will be felt by those that will come after you. Thank you #Truthworker & ! ! With Love, R & A @ Earth
10.01.2022 This is one of the many and biggest challenges we see within ourselves and with clients we work with. There is an unconscious program that runs covertly - where on an intellectual level you understand and get that "it's ok to feel your feelings" but on a biological/physiological level you cannot seem to get your being to do what you understand. That's because our bodies hold cellular memories/programs.... There are 2 common reactions we see happening when there is no awareness of this programming operating. ~ Falling into a rabbit hole of drama and into the vortex of shame & self-judgement that you cannot seem to escape or ~ The nervous system is alerted to the minefield and initiates a survival coping mechanism strategy to avoid having to face the feelings that have surfaced. On a subconscious level you are running this program. If you become aware of it playing out - shine a light on it so it can no longer hide in the shadows and run you. As you do this it stops the automatic perpetuation of this program in your life, in our society and stops with you. It will no longer be a burden our future generations have to carry. Remind yourself ~It's a constant practice~ This is not something you do once and automatically you will do it every time - it will become a conscious choice. Sometimes you won't become aware until after that fact and that's ok - try your best to exercise compassionate understanding. You are creating a whole new template of relating to yourself! Are we experts at this? - ummm no but We have experienced the freedom on the other side when you give yourself permission to feel and F*^#K it feels so Good! You are not your feelings - your feelings do not define who you are! , . It only needs to be expressed, validated, acknowledged, felt, seen, heard & understood! Love yourself fiercely, R&A Thank you Christian Pankhurst for this #truthbomb your medicine & your guidance.
10.01.2022 I felt a deep inner call and pull to create a small series of // videos for the , /, , , , & who need some extra support These videos are divinely guided, intuitively led, and co-created by your being and my greater being so when I begin these videos I set the intention and let the rest unfold so I never know what I will receive and what wants to be communicated. I was guided to leave out the details of the healing/clearing/activation we move through in the videos as the intention is for you to completely surrender to the process of trusting that pull and receiving exactly what you need in that moment even if it is not what your mind thinks it needs. Think of it as a lucky dip! These videos are intended to pierce the veil of time & space, so if you are coming across this video "now" or in the "future" know and trust that it was meant for you! - I invite you to share your personal experience of the energy healing/clearing/activation with me and share any insights or messages you may have received. If you feel the series has supported you, I invite you to please leave a COMMENT, LIKE or SHARE with someone you feel it may support! With Love & Gratitude Annalie xx
08.01.2022 How relationships can be a source of great healing. Bringing unconscious wounding to the surface for the opportunity to be healed. We give two clear examples that we recently experienced.
08.01.2022 REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE . The way that this transmission - this song came to me was truly something magical! I have never written a song with lyrics before nor am I well versed in recording either so it took a lot of courage to for me to surrender in trust with what was arising from my soul and it became exactly what it was meant to be. I experienced what can be possible, the beauty of non-attachment and Surrender as a result of this co-creation which I am so grateful for but ...most importantly, the opportunity to deliver a message on behalf of Mother Earth. . Being so sensitive to energies, last week I was in avoidance of feeling the deep collective soul pain, and the swirling array of emotions that surround us not only as a country but as a human family as a result of the bushfires that continue to burn our land, devastating our communities & wildlife. . When I allowed myself to FEEL and HONOUR ALL the emotions, a space opened up for something else. I was guided to sit with the intention to connect to Mother Earth. I asked her How can I...How Can WE as a collective, support her at this time? Her message was clear!after receiving it, I felt so inspired to record a medicine song to relay her message. This song is a result of that inspiration! . It is sad but tragedies ignite the human heart & spirit they connect us to our humanness to each other and to our motherland (something that has long been forgotten). Communities rally together to support all those in need which demonstrates the true beauty and potential of our humanity. She is sacrificing her body so that we have the opportunity to access our TRUE NATURE our HUMANITY so we can WAKE UP to what is really going on, calling us forward for CHANGE, calling us back HOME into our HEARTS in connection to ourselves and to her. If we continue ignoring our connection to land, our humanity & our hearts there will be nothing left of us or of her to pass along to our future generations. My Deepest Thanks and Gratitude to everyone who is supporting and risking their lives for those in need I hope you receive your own medicine from this song just as I did. If you feel called to SHARE please do! With Love, Annalie xx @AlexandraCoutts
05.01.2022 You know on an intellectual level what you need to do to shift your energy or to change direction but somehow find a part of yourself in resistance to doing the very thing you know. Your inner critic takes over and begins to criticise you causing the part of you that was in resistance - to resist and rebel even more. Before you know it you are gridlocked! Can you learn to understand and love the part of you that is in resistance? Can you be ok with not being ok? Can you sof...ten your heart and receive the beautiful medicine that your inner resistance is here to teach you? What is the part of you that is in resistance afraid of? See more
05.01.2022 I know it’s a really tough time right now for so many. My Home Region of Melbourne has gone back into lockdown for the 2nd time. . To be totally transparent the first time we went into lockdown it completely rocked me! As an Empath & sensitive soul I FEEL so deeply. I got caught up in the vortex and the drama of my own and collective fear, pain, anxiety, depression, helplessness, trauma, grief, anger frustration & uncertainty. It was all too much! I knew that I had to take b...ack my power and focus on what I could control, reconnect to my centre and give generously to myself. I’ve been through a very deep, transformational & creative process I just knew that if I wanted to be a support and of service to others I had to look after myself first and be a support to me! . I know intimately the ways this challenging situation we are in right now can affect us deeply on an emotional, mental, energetic, physical and spiritual level and sometimes we may not be consciously aware of how it may be affecting us. I know that I am in a position where I can effectively be of service to my community - so I wanted to create A SPECIAL OFFER for anyone who FEELS that INNER PULL to receive support & guidance. (((Full disclosure- I also received a universal nudge synchronistic push to put this offer out there even though it challenged a lot of untrue beliefs I am moving through. When I had this idea come to me and I questioned whether I should do it or not, I received confirmation - a person reached out to me literally 20mins after and asked me if I did private readings!! Now I know when that happens, there’s a universal wave and assistance that I need to surrender to and surf! Following the energetic flow ))) . 30% off 30min or 1hr Intuitive Soul Readings!Offer is Valid - 10th July to 17th July Enter Coupon Code: IAMLOVE30 . To find out more About the readings I do or To BOOK head on over to -> If you have any questions please reach out With Love, Annalie
04.01.2022 Calling on the MEN. Im thinking of creating a Men’s Mini Mentorship, it will be an online program for about 5 - 10 men. It came to me last night, put this out and see what happens ... I feel inspired to share what Ive learnt over the years, especially what Ive gone through the last couple of years. Being able to double my income, navigate a very intense and powerful relationship with my Twinfalme, learn to set boundaries and ask for what I want, overcome my addictions, transform my health and heal deep childhood trauma. It has been an INTENSE and POWERFUL process, with LOADS of Golden Nuggets taken away and I want to share them with the men that are ready. This mentorship is designed to help men become more grounded, connected, embodied and feel more harmony with in. Some of the themes/topics Im thinking of putting in this Mentorship is; - Embodiment Practices - Mother and Father Healing - Healing The Mamas Boy Syndrome - Sexuality - Addictions - Trauma - From my Experience - Power of Intuition - Redefining what it is to be a man - Tools to navigate relationships - The power of Healing through relationships - Superpower of Sensitivity This is for men who want to learn how to; - Set boundaries - Let go of Guilt and Shame - Feel and Connect to their Emotional Body - Express their Emotions - Get their needs met - Hold Space - Heal through Relationships I struggled and still struggle with the above, it’s a process to healing but I know I have come a LONG way to embody what Im going to be teaching. This doesn’t mean I have it all together or that I don’t deal with any of this any more - I just know there are men I can support. I felt inspired and wanted to follow the call and see if there’s men who resonate with this and want to answer the call and take the journey. If the above speaks to you Comment I’m in or Interested You can also send me a private message if that feels more comfortable. This will be a 3 month commitment - One group call a week and access to me through group chat. If I get enough interest then I’ll create the program with more details, Im letting the universe decide if there’s a need for me to do this right now. This will be an application only as I want to make sure the men are ready and are in the right space to go through this mentorship. Lots of Love Roman ps. putting this out scares the CRAP out of me
01.01.2022 Roman's Men’s Mini Mentorship is going ahead Little update on my Activation
01.01.2022 - . . This audio was inspired by an experience I had and an awareness that came to me as a result of this experience. It felt like it really wanted to be shared in this way. In the readings/healings/mentoring I do with clients I see that the very things I am supporting them with are the very things I am finding... myself having to move through and experience too. Everything I share always come from my own lived experience. My intention for sharing this audio is to support you in hopes that by me sharing my own experience something else becomes available to you or it ignites your own awareness and wisdom within. In the past I would question the perfection of how this piece was created or even how easily it came together as I had unresolved wounds around being inadequate or not good enough or so terrified of rejection or It has to be hard and I no longer want to live from that place so by me sharing this piece I am letting go of that story and stepping into more of who I am and what I am here to do. I hope you receive the medicine just as much as I did! With Love, Annalie
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