Centre For Infertility Solutions | Medical and health
Centre For Infertility Solutions
Phone: +61 1300 243 533
Address: Suite 4, 252 - 254 Clayton Road, Clayton North
Website: http://www.centreforinfertility.com/
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25.01.2022 From 11.59pm Wednesday 22 July 2020, it will be mandatory for all Melbourne and Mitchell Shire residents and visitors to wear a face mask when out in public. This is especially important when attending medical appointments so please ensure that you bring and wear a face mask to all your appointments. Furthermore, it is important to note that the face mask MUST cover the mouth AND nose. ... Face masks are available from pharmacies and some general stores. If purchasing a cloth mask, ensure that it has at least 2 layers (preferably 3) for maximum protection. If you have any questions regarding this or anything else you may be concerned about, please ring our rooms on 03 9544 2107 and one of our staff will be able to assist you further. No Fask Mask, No Treatment #drnicklolatis #cis #staysafe #facemask #fertility #centreforinfertilitysolutions #inthistogether #beatingcovid #doingourpart #selfisolate
23.01.2022 Happy Easter Everyone! We hope you have all had a good one thus #stayhome #savelives What have you been up to this Easter long weekend? Give us a look see 1. DM (direct message) or email us ([email protected]) ONE picture or collage (include a caption if you wish), that best represents your #QuarantineEaster2020... 2. Over the next 24 hours, we will post all the pictures we receive to Our Story 3. Dr Nick will pick the picture(s) he likes the best and the winner(s) will get a prize 4. We will announce the winner(s) on Wednesday 15th April 2020 Follow our story above to see what everyone has been up to! We will post a few pics to get you started! Lets have some fun! #quarantineeaster2020 #selfisolation #socialdistancing #covid19 #easter #CIS #drnicklolatgis #eastercompetition #easterlongweekend See more
23.01.2022 THE LATEST IN IVF NEWS We have been advised that the government will be reviewing the restrictions placed on elective surgery next week which could mean the recommencement of IVF Treatment We will have further details regarding these developments and what exactly this means for IVF so stay tuned for an update in the coming week!... QUIZZ WEEK Thank you all again for participating in our impromptu #quarantineeaster2020competition. Congrats again to @nthomson, we hope you enjoy your prize. We will be holding our first #LOLAQUIZZ commencing Monday 20th of April. Two questions will be asked each day with a total of 10 by Friday, 24th April. At 8:30pm on Saturday, 25th April, we will launch a post for you to submit your answers. LIKE the post AND submit all 10 correct answers in the comments section The first person to fulfil the above criteria wins Dr Nick will also post a short video following to address any questions or IVF/Fertility misconceptions that you may have. ***MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS AND INFO WILL BE INCLUDED WHEN WE POST THE FIRST QUESTIONS ON MONDAY*** We hope you have had a #positive week and wish you all a #safe weekend ahead. #lolaquizz #lolatgis #drnick #centreforinfertility #ivf #fertility #qanda #factsandmyths #selfisolation #socialdistancing #telehealth #2020 #gettingthroughthistogether #hope #positivity
22.01.2022 TUESDAY NIGHT QUESTIONS . 1 How many eggs do you have in your ovaries at puberty? 2 How many eggs do you lose every month over the lifetime of your fertility? (i.e. until menopause)... 3 How long does it take a man to create one sperm? . . 5 Question down and 5 more to go*** . . . . #thefuncontinues #lolaquizz #mythbusters #drnick #centreforinfertilitysolutions #nationalinfertilityawarenessweek #ivf #fertility #eggs #sperm #tuesdaynight
22.01.2022 FINAL QUESTIONS . 1 If a single embryo is transferred into the uterus, what is the percentage risk of that embryo splitting into two and resulting in an identical twin pregnancy ? . 2 What does MIFT stand for in the IVF setting?... . 3 How often should a man ejaculate for his sperm to remain healthy? That is, how many days or weeks between ejaculations. . . As we require all answers to be listed in the same place (for accuracy in determining the winner), the final post for your answers will only be available INSTAGRAM @centreforinfertility. We will create a post at midday on Saturday 25th April 2020, for you to submit your quiz answers. We will accept answers on the post for a period of 24 hours. Any submissions after this time will not be considered. All 10 answers need to be submitted as ONE COMMENT (post). If you submit multiple posts under the same username, you will be disqualified. If you edit your submission AFTER you have posted it, you will be disqualified. Please ensure that your answers correspond with the numeric order of the questions asked otherwise they will not be accepted. (All the questions will be listed for your information). . . **Please note, to be in the running you need to do the following** . 1 LIKE the post (which will be put up on Saturday for your submissions) 2 Post your answers in the Comments section on Saturdays post (in the correct order) 3 Answer ALL 10 QUESTIONS correctly (or have the most correct answers). . Please see previous posts for all of the questions that Dr Nick has asked this week. If you have any questions regarding the above rules or need clarification on any questions, please comment below or send us a DM. GOOD LUCK! . . #mythbusters #lolaquizz #drnick #centreforinfertilitysolutions #fertility #ivf #eggs #sperm #finalnight #gameon See more
22.01.2022 Here’s to all the fathers and special men in our lives. Have a great day. #fathersday2020 #centreforinfertilitysolutions #ivf #donoreggs
22.01.2022 In these tough times, Dr Nick and the staff at CIS will continue to strive to make our patients journey to achieving their family as smooth as possible. Infertility and IVF is an emotional journey, it can take a toll on all of us including our staff. For us to continue to provide you with the best care we can, we need to be in this together, no matter how tough the journey may get. ... Remember: There is always a Solution and we are here to help We welcome your feedback and are ready to listen. You can email us on [email protected] or ask to speak to our Operations Manager, Jasmine on 03 9544 2107. We will aim to do our best to support you. #letsgetthroughthistogether #cis #drnicklolatgis #mutualreapect #staysafe #maskup #covidwillpass #respectmedicalstaff #mentalhealthawareness #letsbekind
22.01.2022 Happy Easter Sunday everyone. Enjoy what the day brings, keep safe, healthy and happy!
22.01.2022 In these tough times, Dr Nick and the staff at CIS will continue to strive to make our patients’ journey to achieving their family as smooth as possible. Infertility and IVF is an emotional journey, it can take a toll on all of us including our staff. For us to continue to provide you with the best care we can, we need to be in this together, no matter how tough the journey may get. ... Remember: There is always a Solution and we are here to help We welcome your feedback and are ready to listen. You can email us on [email protected] or ask to speak to our Operations Manager, Jasmine on 03 9544 2107. We will aim to do our best to support you. #letsgetthroughthistogether #cis #drnicklolatgis #mutualreapect #staysafe #maskup #covidwillpass #respectmedicalstaff #mentalhealthawareness #letsbekind
21.01.2022 From 11.59pm tonight 22 July 2020, it will be mandatory for all metro Melbourne and Mitchell Shire residents and visitors to wear a face mask when out in public. This is especially important when attending medical appointments so please ensure that you bring and wear a face mask to all your appointments. Furthermore, it is important to note that the face mask MUST cover the mouth AND nose. ... Face masks are available from pharmacies and some general stores. If purchasing a cloth mask, ensure that it has at least 2 layers (preferably 3) for maximum protection. If you have any questions regarding this or anything else you may be concerned about, please ring our rooms on 03 9544 2107 and one of our staff will be able to assist you further. No Fask Mask, No Treatment #drnicklolatis #cis #staysafe #facemask #fertility #centreforinfertilitysolutions #inthistogether #beatingcovid #doingourpart #selfisolate
20.01.2022 Our office will be closed between 9-10am and 12.30 - 1.30pm while we continue our system upgrades on Thursday 3 September. If you have an urgent query during these times you can email our nurses [email protected] or page Dr Nick on 03 9387 1000.
19.01.2022 Dr Nick live now with Monash IVF.
17.01.2022 Today is world mental health day - Look after your mental health, Australia. Connect with a loved one, have a chat, sit and listen. Be kind to yourself and others. #wmhd2020 #lookafteryourmentalhealth #bekindtoyourself
17.01.2022 Its your inexhaustible love, Mum #ETERNAL
17.01.2022 MOTHERS DAY COMPETITION With Mothers Day just around the Corner, Dr Nick Lolatgis and the CIS Team would like to give you the opportunity to win a gorgeous Mothers Day Hamper, thanks to @plantoneonme.shop and @taniazaetta #doterra ... We will post the Mothers Day Quiz Questions on our News Feed this Saturday 9th May 2020 at around midday QUIZZ RULES 1 LIKE the Mothers Day Competition post tomorrow (Sat 9th May 2020) 2 Post your answers (in one post) in the comments section 3 Make sure that your answers are numbered clearly 4 The first person to have answered all the questions correctly on our Instagram page (@centreforinfertility) will be the winner 5 No editing or changing of answers once posted 6 You will have up to 24 hours to submit your answers 7 The Winner will be announced on our feed on Sunday 10th May 2020 **Visit our news feed @centreforinfertility to reveal the Special message, from Dr Nick and the CIS Team to Mothers everywhere! ** #mothersday #sacrifice #devoted #loyal #unconditional #love #dedicated #eternal #thankyou See more
16.01.2022 And I thank you for it all! #THANKYOU
15.01.2022 Tonight on ABC nightlife at 10pm listen to Dr Nick and Despina Meris speak about one womans journey of surrogacy and success: Surrogacy in Australia and overseas. https://www.abc.net.au//progr/nightlife/nightlife/12236620
14.01.2022 Our 1300 numbers are currently down. Call us on 9544 2107.
14.01.2022 Happy Easter everyone from Dr Nick. Watch out for our quiz launching soon to test your knowledge of IVF fact or fiction! Stay safe everyone and we will continue to update you as things unfold. ... Our offices close at 4pm today and we will reopen 9am Tuesday.
13.01.2022 MONDAY NIGHT QUESTIONS! Our #LolaQUIZZ Myth-busters Como has officially begun! The two questions for this evening are as follows:... 1 At what age do womens eggs begin to deteriorate in quality? 2 From what age does a mans sperm begin to deteriorate? QUIZZ RULES DO NOT post your answers until the very end! We will put up a post on Saturday evening (25th Apr 2020) where you will be able to post ALL 10 ANSWERS to this weeks questions in the Comments section. As we require all answers to be listed in the same place (for accuracy in determining the winner), the final post for your answers will only be available INSTAGRAM @centreforinfertility You are permitted to use the comments section below each daily post as a discussion forum. But once again...please do not post your answers at this time. Any answers posted prematurely will result in disqualification The winner will be determined as the first person who has; 1 LIKED the final post (Sat 25th April) 2 Posted their answers in the Comments section under the final post (Sat 25th April) 3 Answered ALL 10 QUESTIONS correctly **If you have any questions, please DM or email us** #mythbusters #lolaquizz #drnick #centreforinfertilitysolutions #fertility #ivf #eggs #sperm #mondaynight
13.01.2022 If you missed Dr Nick and Despina Meris on ABC Nightlife last night discussing Surrogacy and the journey to success you can check it out via this link https://www.abc.net.au//progr/nightlife/nightlife/12236620. If you are interested in a copy of Despinas book, Every conceivable way we have them available from our rooms for $35 plus $5 postage. Call us on 1300 243 533. #surrogacy #surrogacyaustralia #everyconceivableway
13.01.2022 From 11.59pm Wednesday 22 July 2020, it will be mandatory for all Melbourne and Mitchell residents and visitors to wear a face mask when out in public. This is especially important when attending medical appointments so please ensure that you bring and wear a face mask to all your appointments. Furthermore, it is important to note that the face mask MUST cover the mouth AND nose. ... Face masks are available from pharmacies and some general stores. If purchasing a cloth mask, ensure that it has at least 2 layers (preferably 3) for maximum protection. If you have any questions regarding this or anything else you may be concerned about, please ring our rooms on 03 9544 2107 and one of our staff will be able to assist you further. No Fask Mask, No Treatment #drnicklolatis #cis #staysafe #facemask #fertility #centreforinfertilitysolutions #inthistogether #beatingcovid #doingourpart #selfisolate
12.01.2022 Be a Chauffeur, Cook and friend? #DEVOTED
12.01.2022 The President of the Fertility Society of Australia has announced today that IVF treatments will continue. There will be a few additional checks to ensure the safety of both patients and staff, however at this stage its business as usual. Please contact our rooms on 03 9544 2107 if you have any further queries.... If you are currently in a cycle, your IVF Nurse would be the best person to speak to regarding your ongoing treatment. #drnicklolatgis #centreforinfertilitysolutions #fertility #ivf #staysafe #ivftreatment #monashivf #creatingfamilies
12.01.2022 That made you come whenever Id call, #DEDICATED
11.01.2022 Joining Dr Nick at our next information session on May 13 will be Dr Amanda Waaldyk from Angea speaking on mindfulness and meditation. To reserve your place call us on 1300 243 533 or email us at [email protected] by May 6. May 13 6.30 - 8.30pm... Epworth Richmond Hospital Auditorium 89 Bridge Road, Richmond #Angea #DrAmandaWaaldyk
11.01.2022 How do you do it all, Mum? #SACRIFICE
10.01.2022 We would like to wish all the Mothers a very Happy Mothers Day. You are perfect in every role that you play be it a Mother, Step-Mother, Foster Mother, Adoptive Mother, Surrogate Mother, Mother-In-Law or Grandmother. You are appreciated and loved. Thank you for all you do. CONGRATULATIONS to the winner of our Mothers Day Competition #2020 @christinabouras Your prize is on its way! ... The answers are as follows: 1 Rodan and Fields 2 D - All of the Above 3 Marie Curie 4 Kathy Headlee 5 - - - 6 JK Rowling 7 Indira Ghandi 8 Dr/Professor Dana Suskind 9 Carnations 69 Just missed out @ziaisthebest & @tjp1988 - Chrysanthemums are abundantly available in May which make them Australias most common Mothers Day flower So close @amie_lee_82 (KATHY Headlee & INDIRA Ghandi) JK ROWLING (not Rowlands), so close @katierac86 - you also got the add on question correct! Rodan & Fields = Brand, Proactiv = Product Launched @chrissiecasper @misselliekini 100% @pineapple_princess_007 just not fast enough @misselliekini we hope you enjoyed your first Mothers Day with baby Harper...so special #mothersday2020 #competition -#drnicklolatgis #cis #sunday #family #ivf #motherhood #fertility #love See more
09.01.2022 Our 1300 numbers are down. Call us on 9544 2107.
09.01.2022 Tune in this Sunday 12 July at 6pm to Good Evening Melbourne on Channel 31. Dr Nick will be speaking on IVF and infertility. #channel31 #goodeveningmelbourne
08.01.2022 Yet find the time to be my best friend, #LOYAL
08.01.2022 Today we celebrate all the our family and friends who may have been touched by cancer #daffodilday2020 #cancer
08.01.2022 WEDNESDAY NIGHT QUESTIONS . 1 In what year was the very first IVF Baby born, and where? . 2 What does AMH stand for and what does it measure?... . . QUIZ RULES REVIEW . Please DO NOT post your answers until the very end! . We will put up a post on Saturday evening (25th Apr 2020) where you will be able to post ALL 10 ANSWERS to this weeks questions in the Comments section. . As we require all answers to be listed in the same place (for accuracy in determining the winner), the final post for your answers will only be available INSTAGRAM @centreforinfertility . You are permitted to use the comments section below each daily post as a discussion forum. But once again...please do not post your answers at this time. . Any answers posted prematurely will result in disqualification . The winner will be determined as the first person to have; . 1 LIKED the final post (Sat 25th April) 2 Posted their answers in the Comments section under the final post (Sat 25th April) 3 Answered ALL 10 QUESTIONS correctly (or the most correct answers) **If you have any questions, please DM or email us** . . . . . #mythbusters #lolaquizz #drnick #centreforinfertilitysolutions #fertility #ivf #eggs #sperm #wednesdaynight #nationalinfertilityawarenessweek See more
08.01.2022 We Are Open. As Victoria experiences its toughest challenge yet during this Covid-19 crisis, we would like to reassure our patients that our rooms will remain operational. We have put additional measures in place to ensure safety for our patients and staff: Consultation appointments will continue to be provided via Telehealth All patients are required to wear a mask when attending the rooms If you have ANY cold or flu symptoms, please DO NOT atten...d the rooms. We can always reschedule your treatment for another day Please ring our rooms on arrival and our staff will advise you of when to come up for your appointment **IVF Treatment will also continue at this stage. Patients will be notified if there are any changes**
08.01.2022 This is not about human rights, there’s 10 families that are going to be burying someone in the next few days. Wear a mask, it’s not too much to ask, Mr Andrews said. At CIS we are asking all our staff and patients to wear a mask. It’s for everyone’s health and safety so we can continue with the best care possible, and we are serious about that! #covid19 #staysafestayhome #ivf #infertility #drnicklolatgis
07.01.2022 I see now it was love, Mum, #LOVE
06.01.2022 Easter has come early for our lovely Receptionist @ronniestephens9452. Happy Birthday! We hope youre having an amazing day! Love, CIS Team
06.01.2022 Heres to all the fathers and special men in our lives. Have a great day. #fathersday2020 #centreforinfertilitysolutions #ivf #donoreggs
04.01.2022 This is not about human rights, theres 10 families that are going to be burying someone in the next few days. Wear a mask, its not too much to ask, Mr Andrews said. At CIS we are asking all our staff and patients to wear a mask. Its for everyones health and safety so we can continue with the best care possible, and we are serious about that! #covid19 #staysafestayhome #ivf #infertility #drnicklolatgis
04.01.2022 COMPETITION RULES 1 LIKE this post 2 Post your answers (in a single post) in the comments section below 3 Make sure that your answers are numbered clearly... 4 The first person to have answered all the questions correctly on our Instagram page (@centreforinfertility) will be the winner 5 No editing or changing of answers once posted 6 The Winner will be announced on our feed on Sunday 10th May 2020 THE PRIZE Euphorbia Siam Hybridis @plantoneonme.shop ($40) Bergamot & Vetiver Scented Soy Candle @orb_candles ($30) The Nuts to Caramel Collection @kokoblackchocolate ($45) On Guard Hand Sanitiser Mist @taniazaetta @doterraaunz ($30) Complimentary Fertility Consultation with Dr Nick Lolatgis @centreforinfertility (valued at $400) #mothersday2020 #competition #prize #cis #drnicklolatgis #love #stayhome #staysafe See more
02.01.2022 Our 1300 numbers are back up and running. We are ready to take your calls!
01.01.2022 I just cant comprehend. #UNCONDITIONAL
01.01.2022 Lest we forget. #anzacday #anzacday2020
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