Centre for Invasive Species Solutions in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Environmental conservation organisation
Centre for Invasive Species Solutions
Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Phone: +61 2 6201 2887
Address: Building 22, University of Canberra 2617 Canberra, ACT, Australia
Website: http://www.invasives.com.au/
Likes: 1150
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25.01.2022 Two new #weeds specific projects have just begun, as well as the development of WeedsAustralia, a new national weeds website, akin to PestSmart, which is progressing extremely well, and is a deliverable of our Centre’s current portfolio.
25.01.2022 Introducing the #PeopleOfCISS Murray Rankin is currently a Board Director with our Centre and Chair’s our Centre’s Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee. He has extensive director, executive and senior consulting experience gained over a 35-year career.
25.01.2022 Welcome to Andrew Mitchell who has recently joined the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions as our Automated Weed Identification Program Manager, to work on the weeds automated identification app project.
24.01.2022 Aimed at reducing the impacts of #wilddogs on livestock, aerial baiting campaigns are meticulously planned, highly coordinated and informed by the latest scientific research. Watch this short video of how baits are laid using GPS coordinates More at https://wilddogplan.org.au/spring-baiting/
23.01.2022 A largescale monitoring program in the Richmond Range National Park, which is part of one of our research projects, has delivered the first official confirmation of a spotted-tailed #quoll in the area, in nearly 30 years. A great outcome for biodiversity in the region, with the team now expanding efforts with their partner agencies to include dedicated quoll surveys in the park to gain a better understanding of population levels of spotted-tailed quolls. Find out more about this largescale monitoring program led by our member NSW DPI Biosecurity via the link below
22.01.2022 Rego’s open now for this upcoming virtual workshop, discussing building a mass movement for biosecurity in Australia
22.01.2022 UOW: University of Wollongong, Australia is currently advertising a PhD scholarship for a student to undertake some social science research to build new knowledge about how governments at local, regional, state and national scales can support community-led collective weed management to inform the next generation of biosecurity, agricultural and environmental policies in Australia. More details are available via the link.
21.01.2022 Check out our monthly research, development and engagement update https://mailchi.mp/invasives/chronicle_august2020
21.01.2022 Do you need best practice, practical advice on how to use #softnettraps for #rabbitcontrol? Soft net traps consist of a flexible metal frame and netting and/or bag which collapses over the animal when triggered. Find out more on our #pestmart site https://bit.ly/3fhQowF
20.01.2022 We are proud to announce that our popular #PestSmart best practice management website has had a major upgrade to make it even simpler and easier for farmers, producers, land managers and group coordinators to find the most accurate information to effectively manage pest animals within Australia. Check it out - https://pestsmart.org.au Dr Ian McDonald, project leader for the website upgrade and Communications Manager for the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions said the newly... upgraded websites have been designed with land manager, producer and program coordinator users front of mind. "The websites have really been developed by our users, for our users, ensuring it will support their needs and requirements". Read more at https://invasives.com.au//pest-animals-the-target-of-revam The PestSmart website upgrade project received funding from the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment through the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions and included input from all levels of pest animal stakeholders to ensure that the site meets user requirements. Meat & Livestock Australia Australian Wool Innovation Invasive Species Council Animal Health Australia NRM Regions Australia Biosecurity Queensland NSW DPI Biosecurity ACT Parks and Conservation Service Agriculture Victoria Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development - DPIRD Biosecurity Tasmania Primary Industries and Regions SA Landcare Australia Cattle Council of Australia WoolProducers Australia Sheep Producers Australia
20.01.2022 Has 2020 got you down? Want to plan something to look forward to? Wondering where and how you can take action on stuff that matters for the environment in north-east Victoria and beyond? ... Join Intrepid Landcare for a series of free online events. #invasivespecies
20.01.2022 Introducing the #PeopleOfCISS Peter Noble is an executive leader and senior lawyer with an international profile developed with prominent global law firms, seats on numerous boards and executive leadership teams, including our Centre’s Board of Directors.
19.01.2022 Our findings revealed that a desire to keep an #exoticpet is heavily biased towards species threatened by trade, species already popular in the U.S. Trade, and species with a history of invasions elsewhere in the world, Adam Toomes said.
19.01.2022 We are accelerating research and innovation to progress national registration of Eradicat an effective #feralcat toxic bait, develop new biocontrol and genetic technologies, develop improved thermal and acoustic technology to detect pests, as well as foster uptake of best practice #feraldeer management through a new national feral/wild deer management coordinator. The $2.75 million invested in these second phase projects by the Australian Department of Agriculture, Water an...d the Environment is part of its $20 million commitment to the Centre. Through a strategic partnership between the Australian Government, all States, the ACT, two RDCs, CSIRO, five universities and the NZ Government, this investment has been matched through $2.99 million in-kind financial support. Thanks also to our members and partners for your continued support of our RDE program - Meat & Livestock Australia, Australian Wool Innovation Biosecurity Queensland NSW DPI Biosecurity ACT Parks and Conservation Service Agriculture Victoria Biosecurity Tasmania Primary Industries and Regions SA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development - DPIRD The University of Adelaide University of Canberra La Trobe University Murdoch University University of New England, AU Department of Conservation
18.01.2022 Learn about how we are developing a systems approach to detect 'National Priority Exotic Environmental Biosecurity Pests' using the Asian Black-spined toad (ABST) hitch-hiker pathways as a case study Find out about this great project here led by CSIRO https://bit.ly/3448taC
18.01.2022 Do you have #rabbits on your property? #RabbitScan is a free resource for landholders, landcare groups, community groups, local Councils, professional pest controllers and biosecurity groups. Download the app today https://bit.ly/2GjOCID
18.01.2022 As a final deliverable of the former Invasive Animals CRC #carpbiocontrol program, Dr Ken McColl and Dr Agus Sunarto from the CSIRO have published a review paper in the journal Fishes joining many years of important research findings into one paper.
17.01.2022 Great work, showing the wildlife conservation #pestanimal control can achieve! Mr Jirgens said, until now, both species had become easy prey for the #Europeanfox and he put their comeback down to a successful #foxbaiting program around the Cambewarra Village. Shoalhaven Landcare
17.01.2022 Our Centre is currently working on a project led by Dr Brad Page at Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA), which is looking at a feed structure that essentially aggregates #deer through its trapping functionality. Learn more here https://bit.ly/2WZGbxG
17.01.2022 Introducing the #PeopleOfCISS Jan Ferguson OAM is a leader and strategist for the 21st Century. Her deep experience in innovation, knowledge and enterprise management is fused with a passion for people, teamwork, social justice and especially for rural and remote Australia.
17.01.2022 Our CEO was interviewed by ABC Australia on our biocontrol research program. "...we've brought together a range of top-notch researchers from the CSIRO and state governments such as NSW and South Australia and also key universities," he said. More https://www.abc.net.au//surge-of-rabbit-numbers-i/13078048
16.01.2022 Our Centre is currently delivering a project, as part of its national #deer RDE collaboration, looking at the role of feral/wild deer in the transmission of diseases of livestock. La Trobe University NSW Department of Primary Industries
15.01.2022 Visit #PestSmart today https://bit.ly/2QCA4eL The website has been upgraded! The newly upgraded PestSmart site hopes to build on its current success to ensure users are equipped with best practice knowledge to act on #pestanimal problems across the country.
15.01.2022 Murdoch University PhD Candidate Moses Omogbeme is examining whether contemporary control practices effectively reduce the abundance of #wilddogs, and whether wild dog populations benefit biodiversity in the Western Australian rangelands.
14.01.2022 Testing the alert function under harsh Australian conditions was critical to designing the #WildDogAlert system. Here Heath Milne is burying a trap alert mole to test and measure transmission distance. More via https://bit.ly/2YtdfzG Image provided by Dr Paul Meek (NSW Department of Primary Industries) University of New England, AU
14.01.2022 Hop to it! Our popular #FeralPhotos and Video competition is back and being reignited in a major way with close to $5000 worth of prizes on offer. Enter here https://feralphotos.invasives.com.au/ Many thanks to our competition collaborators Animal Trap Solutions, CSIRO Publishing and Outdoor Cameras Australia
12.01.2022 Visit #PestSmart today https://bit.ly/2QCA4eL Our #PestSmart website has had a major upgrade making it even simpler and easier for farmers, producers, and land managers to find the most accurate knowledge to manage #pestanimals within Australia.
11.01.2022 Introducing the #PeopleOfCISS Dr Glen Saunders AM has more than 40 years’ experience in #pestanimal management and research. In that time he has conducted extensive research with particular focus on improving management strategies for invasives species.
11.01.2022 Our Centre would like to make a statement regarding a recent ABC Hobart article published on July 1st, titled ‘Nervous rabbit owners beg for effective calicivirus vaccine in Australia’. In 2015, an exotic strain of #RHDV of unknown origin, known as #RHDV2 was discovered in the Australian landscape. Researchers from across Australia have been monitoring this virus intensively over the past few years and have found that it has suppressed feral rabbit abundances by an average of... 60%, with impacts most pronounced in southern and western Australia. Pet rabbit owners can protect their rabbits from RHDV1 strains by giving them the #Cylap vaccine which can offer protection, but we recommend always consulting your veterinarian about this. Unfortunately there is not an effective vaccine available in Australia that offers protection against RHDV2. Our research collaboration is developing a prototype monovalent vaccine for RHDV2 and this is progressing well. We will continue to update this development through our digital channels. Feral rabbits in Australia need to managed and are the biggest vertebrate pest threat to Australia’s environmental biodiversity - with over 300 nationally threatened species impacted - and agricultural productivity. For more information about the latest research findings on RHDV2, visit the link below Australian Veterinary Association Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment CSIRO NSW DPI Biosecurity Biosecurity Queensland Agriculture Victoria Primary Industries and Regions SA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development - DPIRD ACT Parks and Conservation Service ABC Rural ABC Landline
11.01.2022 Visit #PestSmart today https://bit.ly/2QCA4eL Our new-look #PestSmart website now includes a brand-new Community Action portal, to further support and provide coordinators access to information, to help manage community-led programs.
10.01.2022 For more information visit the Grant Connect website (https://www.grants.gov.au/) Do you have an innovative solution to better manage and control some of Australia’s most invasive priority established pest animal and weed species? Or a control tool or technology that is ready for on-ground distribution, but just needs a bit more investment?... The $13 million Australian Government’s Advancing Pest Animal and Weed Control Solutions competitive grant round is now open for applications. The round is targeting organisations with a proven research and development capacity, that will target priority established pest animals and weeds. If you have an idea and fit these criteria, put in an application today. Applications close 25 September 2020.
10.01.2022 We have released a beta version of #WeedsAustralia, a new nationally focused #weeds website providing best practice information on weeds management within Australia. Visit the website here https://bit.ly/2N7IdG8
10.01.2022 Introducing the #PeopleOfCISS David Palmer is a current CISS Board Director with extensive agricultural experience, as well as leadership and governance experience spanning 30 years.
10.01.2022 With #illegalwildlifetrade a major concern in Australia, The University of Adelaide researchers have validated a new technique which uses forensic chemistry to identify provenance of an individual specimen from an alien species.
09.01.2022 The popular #WildDogScan community resource has reached an exciting milestone this week, with 100,000 community records of #wilddog activity entered across Australia!
09.01.2022 Along with Animal Health Australia, the Invasive Species Council and Plant Health Australia we invite you to attend the Australian #Biosecurity 2030 Workshop looking at the theme - 'Building a mass movement'. Find out more and register here
09.01.2022 The Upper Goulburn Landcare Network is presenting a webinar on 'encouraging landscape scale #foxcontrol projects making a long term difference across Victoria' it is happening this Friday at 1030am - register below https://us02web.zoom.us//register/WN_fUdaHcPBS4egKhVE3AVeRg Upper Lachlan Landcare Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Australian Wool Innovation
08.01.2022 Thank you to our Australian farmers who are supporting Australian innovation Today we celebrate National Agriculture Day with you. #AgDay2020 #AgDayAU ... You can learn more about our Centre's innovation program via our website https://invasives.com.au/
08.01.2022 The eradication of #feralcats from the eastern end of Kangaroo Island began in May and the community are getting involved by downloading our free #FeralScan app to log sightings, droppings and tracks to support #biosecurity officers target management.
06.01.2022 Global #illegalwildlifetrading is a major threat to environmental #biosecurity, biodiversity, human health and wellbeing and directly threatens tens of thousands of species. It is also a likely source of #invasivespecies. Learn more about illegal wildlife trade and how CISS is tackling this issue here https://bit.ly/2yzmR0O The University of Adelaide
06.01.2022 Australian #Biosecurity Awards nominations now open! The Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment has opened nominations for the second round of the 2020 Australian Biosecurity Awards. Nominations close 2 October 2020.... https://bit.ly/2YSURPt
06.01.2022 As part of our Centre’s $10 million collaborative RD&E investment in feral/wild deer management, including $4.2 million from the Australian Government, a new job opportunity is currently on offer for a National #FeralDeer Coordinator position.
06.01.2022 Our latest monthly research, development and engagement update is now available - https://mailchi.mp/invasives/chronicle_july2020
05.01.2022 Our monthly research, development and engagement update is out now - https://mailchi.mp/invasives/chronicle_sep2020
05.01.2022 In collaboration with our 17 members and partners, we were extremely proud to launch our Centre's first research, development and extension (RDE) innovation portfolio on Tuesday September 18th. With thanks to our speakers the Hon. David Littleproud MP (Federal Minister for Agriculture), Fiona Simson (President, National Farmers Federation) and Andrew Cox (CEO, Invasive Species Council) and all of those who attended. You can learn more about our new portfolio via our website ...- www.invasives.com.au Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources David Littleproud MP National Farmers' Federation Invasive Species CouncilNSW DPI Biosecurity Biosecurity Queensland Queensland Agriculture ACT Parks and Conservation Service Agriculture Victoria Biosecurity Tasmania University of Canberra The University of Adelaide La Trobe University Murdoch Uni Department of Agriculture and Food, WA Meat & Livestock Australia Australian Wool Innovation Bush Heritage Australia WoolProducers Australia NSW Farmers Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra CSIRO Animal Health Australia Plant Health Australia
04.01.2022 Who doesn't love a good milestone birthday. #FeralScan has turned 10 (double digits) and is the largest pest animal database in Australia, helping to support management programs across the country. Give us a shout out if you are a user? There are 25,000+ of you out there!
04.01.2022 With #illegalwildlifetrade a major concern in Australia, The University of Adelaide researchers, supported through our Centre, have validated a new technique which uses forensic chemistry to identify provenance of an individual specimen from an #alienspecies.
03.01.2022 University of Canberra is currently looking for a Research Fellow in Molecular Genetics/Diagnostics. The successful applicant will work with a collaborative team of researchers and to assist and lead research projects that are focused on delivering outcomes for biosecurity and biodiversity. Primarily the research will utilise Environmental DNA (eDNA) as the target material in order to develop molecular markers and undertake analysis either for the early detection of invasive... species and/or for the surveillance of biodiversity and threatened species. Applications close on Tuesday (25th August) at 11:55pm Find out more via - https://uctalent.canberra.edu.au//research-fellow-molecula Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra
03.01.2022 What do all these exotic species have in common? They are only but a few on Australian’s wish list of #exoticpets. Find out why this isn't great news for #threatenedspecies conservation? https://invasives.com.au//why-do-some-australians-desire-/ Red Eyed Crocodile Skink by Piranhapirate used under CC BY-SA... Pygmy Marmoset used under CC BY-SA Iguana iguana Portoviejo by Cayambe used under CC BY-SA Threatened Species Recovery Hub IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Threatened Species Commissioner - Dr Sally Box The University of Adelaide NSW DPI Biosecurity Biosecurity Queensland Australian Biosecurity Biosecurity Tasmania Primary Industries and Regions SA Animal Health Australia Invasive Species Council Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development - DPIRD Agriculture Victoria
01.01.2022 Your monthly research, development and engagement update from the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions - https://mailchi.mp/invasives/chronicle_jan2021
01.01.2022 The National #FeralPig Coordinator is seeking relevant stakeholders to undertake a short 15 minute survey which will assist with the development of the National Feral Pig Action Plan. Survey closes on the 4th September.
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