Cercle Romand Sydney | Society & culture website
Cercle Romand Sydney
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24.01.2022 IMPORTANT - we are no longer accepting registrations / booking closed URGENT - FINAL CALL: the online repatriation flight from Australia will depart from Sydney to Zurich on 04.04.2020, Register as soon as possible on : https://www.eda.admin.ch///aktuell/repatriierungsflug.html
21.01.2022 A loccasion de la fte nationale Suisse le comit souhaite tous ses membres et amis un bon 1er aot. Une anne bien particulire ou le nombre des activits ont t rduites du cette pandmie, le stand raclette naura pas lieu Castle Hill mais nous esprons vous retrouver en 2021. Bonne sant tous
20.01.2022 Looking forward to tomorrows Brunch & Ptanque in Birchgrove. A few important things to remember..... for the Ptanque players please arrive by 11am for registration ... dont forget to bring your picnic for the brunch and sun protection from that glorious weather For all details about this event please visit the Cercle Romand website See you tomorrow ! https://www.cercleromand.com.au
20.01.2022 La prochaine sortie du Cercle Romand et ce dimanche 2 fvrier. Brunch et Ptanque Birchgrove partir de 11h00. Toutes les informations se trouvent sur le site internet du Cercle.... The next event organised by the Cercle Romand is on this Sunday 2nd of February from 11am at Birchgrove. For all details about this event please visit the Cercle Romands website. $5.00 entry Bring a plate to share Bring your picnic gear,cutlery, plates and glassware. Bring your Ptanque balls, (we should have plenty of sets on the day) Its a fun relaxing day of play, good food and great company https://www.cercleromand.com.au
20.01.2022 The Latin phrase Unus pro Omnibus, Omnes pro Uno means One for all, all for one and is Switzerlands motto that symbolizes the unity of the country and the cohesion of the 26 cantons. A meaning that is more important than ever these days!
19.01.2022 Aujourdhui 6 dcembre cest la journe de la Saint Nicolas . Bien clbre en Suisse, un peut moins en Australie. Quel est votre souvenir du St Nicolas o,,,,du pre fouettard ? un biscme ou une verge prte fouetter les enfants qui ont t moins sages pendant lanne ! Jai vcu les deux expriences mais je me souviens plus pourquoi je navais pas t gentille....oh oui,,,, lge de 4ans javais dcid damliorer le nouveau canap que mes parents avait fait retap...isser dun tissus rayer vert et blanc; a manquait de couleur, alors jen ai rajout avec mes feutres de couleur toute bonne Saint Nicolas Photo via swissinfo See more
19.01.2022 Dans ldition Domain parue aujourdhui, on peut lire sur les rgions touches par ces feux catastrophiques de ces derniers mois. Lide de cette dition spciale est de nous inviter visiter ces rgions avec une liste dtaille de restaurant, caf, intrt culturel dcouvrir ou revisiter et logis. La prochaine sortie des Romands est Berrima dans les Southern Highlands. Un magnifique coin qui est bien dcrit dans cette dition de Domain. ... Venez passer un week-end sympa dans cette rgion, tout est dj organis, il reste plus qu vous inscrire ! Le samedi soir nous nous retrouvons pour un dner gastronomique au restaurant Eschalot Berrima. Les dates: le 21 et 22 mars Dlais dinscription le 8 mars Mme une mention du restaurant Eschalot y est inclue dans cette dition! A hatted restaurant Eschalot, a sandstone beauty with shuttered French windows and a stone flagged timber verandah, a venue favoured for special occasions Vous trouverez les dtails de cette sortie special occasion! sur la page web du Cercle https://www.cercleromand.com.au
19.01.2022 Superbe video dune magnifique balade dans les Pralpes fribourgeoises. Rafraichissant aprs ces grosses chaleurs!
18.01.2022 La randonne urbaine cest bien passe sous un magnifique soleil dhiver. Ce dimanche, le Cercle Romand avait donn rendez-vous ses membres pour une randonne urbaine, The Great West Walk. Dpart 10h00, pour les 6 participants, o les distances sociales ont t trs facilement respectes.... Nous sommes partis de la gare de Parramatta en direction du Parramatta Park travers les rues du centre. Le parc est splendide avec ses grandes avenues et btiments dpoques. Nous avons quitt le parc travers un jardin de glycines pour longer la parramatta rivire qui continue jusque prs de Westmead. Aprs quelques mauvaises indications et fermeture de sentiers pdestres nous nous sommes promens dans les quartiers de Winston Hills pour retrouver le sentier le long de la Toongabbie Creek. Cette marche a t trs facile et plaisante sur les sentiers battus entre eucalyptus et ruissellement deau. Le lunch a t pris sur un banc de parc au Third Settlement Rserve o nous avons conclut cette sortie en plein air. De retour en bus sur Parramatta, pour finir avec une boisson chaude chez Max Bremner avant de ce quitter. Merci Beatrice pour la suggestion de cette sortie, une rgion que lon oublie souvent dcouvrir car on a trop lhabitude de la traverser sur des routes congestionnes. Amitis, Anne ------------------------------------------------------------- This Sunday, the Cercle Romands Urban walk went well under a beautiful winter sun. We started at 10:00 am for The Great West Walk. All up we were 6 participants, a perfect number for easy social distancing. We left from Parramatta station towards Parramatta Park through the streets of the center. The park is splendid with its large avenues and period buildings. We left the park through a wisteria garden to follow the Parramatta river which continues towards Westmead. After some bad indications and closing of hiking trails we walked through the neighborhoods of Winston Hills to find the trail again along Toongabbie Creek. This walk was very easy and pleasant on the beaten track between eucalyptus and water runoff. Lunch was taken on a park bench at the Third Settlement Reserve where we concluded this hike. Back by bus to Parramatta, to finish with a hot drink at Max Bremner before leaving. Thanks to Beatrice for suggesting this outing, a region that we often forget to discover, run by large and busy roads. Amitis, Anne
18.01.2022 nos chers membres, le repas de fin danne aura lieu le samedi 7 dcembre. Pour votre inscription veuillez consulter le site web du Cercle Romand. On se rjouis de clbrer cette anne 2019 en votre bonne compagnie! https://www.cercleromand.com.au
18.01.2022 Chers membres et amis, En esprant que ce message vous trouve tous en bonne sant. Vu les circonstances du cette pandmie, le comit vous informe que le calendrier des sorties est en pause jusqu nouvel avis.... Les membres seront informs par e-mail/newsletter quand les activits reprendrons. Visitez le Cercle Romand virtuellement, la page GALLERY pour vous rappeler que le Cercle Romand cest que du bon temps! La page LINKS pour vous informer des diffrentes organisations et autorits. https://www.cercleromand.com.au/ Amitis, Anne Resplendino
18.01.2022 Avec un peu davance nous souhaitons nos membres et amis du Cercle Romand un Joyeux Nol
17.01.2022 Dear compatriots, The Embassy and the Consulate General are aware of the difficult situation that many Swiss currently encounter. We are making every effort to... respond to all written and telephone inquiries quickly. For any consular assistance please contact us by calling on weekdays during working hours (02 8383 4000) or by writing an e-mail anytime to [email protected] in order to make an appointment. Please also consult our website for new information regularly. We thank you for your understanding and patience. Stay safe and healthy https://www.eda.admin.ch//embassy-i/consulate-general.html
16.01.2022 Comment le Cercle Romand Sydney a dbut voil pass 40 ans. Une photo archive de la premire sortie raclette en 1978 Sydney! Cette photo nous a t gentiment confie par notre chre membre honoraire Madame Claude Middleton accompagne dune jolie description de cette sortie.... "La toute premire sortie raclette du Cercle Romand, en avril 1978, Elle avait eu lieu dans un hangar situ sur un terrain appartenant une association yougoslave. A lentre, il y avait un criteau demandant que lon dpose ici ses armes! Il pleuvait des cordes, on ne pouvait se dplacer quen marchant sur des planches car il tait impratif de ne pas tomber dans lpaisse boue qui nous entourait! Le consul gnral de lpoque, tait l, un Bernois nomm Raymond Tellenbach. Il a beaucoup facilit la cration du Cercle Romand et nous a constamment aids par la suite. Il doit rester une poigne de membres qui ont gard un bon souvenir de lui. Il est dcd il y a quelques annes. ++++++++++++++CR++++++++++++++ How the Cercle Romand in Sydney started over 40 years ago. This photo was kindly entrusted to us by our dear honorary member Mrs. Claude Middleton accompanied by a nice description of this outing. "The very first raclette outing of the Cercle Romand, in April 1978, It took place in a hangar located on land belonging to a Yugoslav association. At the entrance, there was a sign asking that we put down our weapons here! It was pouring rain, we could only move by walking on planks because it was imperative not to fall into the thick mud that surrounded us! The consul general of the time was there, a Bernese named Raymond Tellenbach. He greatly facilitated the creation of the Cercle Romand and constantly helped us thereafter. There must be a handful of members who have fond memories of him. He died a few years ago. "
12.01.2022 Si vous tes Suisse et que vous voyagez ltranger, inscrivez-vous maintenant sur la "Travel Admin App". Cela permettra au DFAE de vous fournir un meilleur soutien lors de votre retour. #CoronaInfoCH #Coronavirus Communiqu de presse:... https: //www.admin.ch/gov/en/start/documentation/media-releases.msg-id-78498.html Application dadministration de voyage: https: //www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/fdfa/representations-and-travel-advice/travel-advice/travel-admin-app.html IOS: https: //apple.co/2vEuxxm Android: http: //bit.ly/394gAqb
12.01.2022 Le calendrier 2020 du Cercle est sur le site web, on vous y invite le dcouvrir. Le comit vous souhaite une bonne et excellente nouvelle anne! Meilleurs vux de Sydney! https://www.cercleromand.com.au... depuis Barrenjoey Lighthouse Palm Beach See more
11.01.2022 La raclette! Perfect winter dish! Sydney Home Delivery on Each Friday! (please check your surburbs if it is on our list). #raclettecheese #raclettesydney #saucissonaustralia #saucissonsaustralia #frenchinsydney https://www.saucissons.com.au//aged-french-raclette-le-col
11.01.2022 I hope everyone is staying safe with this crazy downpour we are experiencing this weekend! The ptanque / brunch event was on one week ago and its hard to believe we were melting under that heat! The website has had a little makeover on its home page, while you are checking it, do look at the gallery of photos, a lovely reminder how sunny last Sunday was ... Thank you @swissclubnsw for the great photos!
11.01.2022 Ptanque & Brunch 2020 What a great day today in Birchgrove for the annual Brunch & Ptanque event. The Sydney heat didnt stop the members of the Swiss community to join in the fun! We had a magnificent table, full of wonderful culinary choice for the brunch. ... 32 Ptanque players got to play for the Paul Lambert Trophy. The spirit was high, rules were well followed and everyone kept suitably hydrated during the day. Our 2020 winners are 3rd place: Daniel & Martine 2nd place: Marcel & Erika 1st place: Andre & Anne Le Cercle Romand que du bon temps ! If you have photos of the day, please tag the Cercle Romand. A big thank you to the committee for a fantastic day! Anne Resplendino
10.01.2022 Hier soir a eu lieu la deuxime runion de lanne pour le Comit du Cercle. Une premire o tous les membres taient prsents flicitations aussi tous pour stre mis faire du video conferencing Nous avons organis une randonne urbaine, qui aura lieu le dimanche 5 juillet. Les dtails vous seront donns dans la semaine prochaine.... Nous avons discut de la sortie gastronomique Berrima. Cette sortie avait du tre annule au mois de mars, du la pandmie. Nous esprons reporter cette sortie au week-end du 12 & 13 septembre. Les dtails seront communiqus aux membres via la newsletter. Le site web https://www.cercleromand.com.au/ est rgulirement mis jour, veuillez le consulter pour tous les dtails des sorties et liens des autres organisations Suisse en Australie. _________________________________________________________________________ Last night was the second meeting of the year for the Cercles Committee. A first where all the members were present congratulations to all for starting to video conferencing" We have organised an urban hike, which will take place on Sunday, July 5th. Details will be given to our members in the coming week. At the meeting, we discussed the gastronomic outing in Berrima. This outing had to be cancelled in March, due to the pandemic. We hope to schedule this outing for the 12th & 13th September weekend. Details will be communicated to members via the newsletter. The website https://www.cercleromand.com.au/ is regularly updated, please consult it for all the outings details and links of other Swiss organisations in Australia. Amitis, Anne Resplendino
10.01.2022 Au Sofitel Sydney pour la dernire runion de comit le comit est prt pour le dner de fin danne
09.01.2022 A l’occasion de la fête nationale Suisse le comité souhaite à tous ses membres et amis un bon 1er août. Une année bien particulière ou le nombre des activités ont été réduites du à cette pandémie, le stand à raclette n’aura pas lieu à Castle Hill mais nous espérons vous retrouver en 2021. Bonne santé à tous
09.01.2022 Le week-end 9 et 10 novembre aura lieu The Arcadian Artists Trail. Week-end o les artistes de la rgion nord de Sydney ouvrent leurs studios. Vous avez loccasion de dcouvrir une magnifique rgion ainsi que des artistes de grand talent.
08.01.2022 Tomorrow Saturday Oct 13 is the start of the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge! Were super excited to be a part of this adventure! Follow our journey under: ht...tps://www.worldsolarchallenge.org/dashboard/map And check out our social media chanels for recent updates: https://twitter.com/SERdotCH https://www.linkedin.com/company/solar-energy-racers/ https://www.instagram.com/solarenergyracers/ See more
07.01.2022 Semaine de la musique clbre avec France musique.
07.01.2022 Watch French movies at home with SBS On Demand We have partnered with SBS Australia to highlight a legendary actor, director or theme each week and to bring y...ou a selection of great French films ready to enjoy at home with SBS On Demand. This week, Philippe Platel, Artistic Director of the Alliance Franaise French Film Festival, has chosen Audrey Tautou. "After last weekend dedicated to Romain Duris, we are logically continuing with Audrey Tautou, since those two French stars often crossed each others path throughout their careers. "Im an interesting subject" said Tautou to the Guardian about her self-portraits exhibition in Arles in 2017, as if it was necessary to state it, as if it wasnt possible for her to exist when the myth of the young Amlie Poulain was brutally arriving very early in her career. Yet, Tautou is without a doubt interesting, even fascinating, whether she is playing in the delightful and subtle comedies by Pierre Salvadori (2 to watch this weekend, including the hugely successful "Priceless") or when she is shining under the soft and sad glance of Tran Anh Hung." You can find the movies easily by adding their ID number on to the end of the following URL: https://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/video/ 1 - TERNIT ID number: /1288867395856 Valentine is twenty years old when she marries her beloved Jules. Ecstatic to be united, the two are further delighted to bear many children. However, the bliss does not last and tragedy befalls the couple, leaving the family scarred by the fragility of existence. In the years that follow, joy is reinstated with new romances, marriages and births. With the introduction of each new generation, one thing remains consistent: the unavoidable cycle of passion, love, turbulence and sorrow. 2 - HORS DE PRIX ID number: /1419360323991 Irne is the paid escort of wealthy older men in the south of France. Suitors and their credit cards in tow, she hops from one ritzy Cte dAzur hotel to another. Wandering down to the bar one night after Jacques, her current lover, has fallen asleep on her, she sees Jean, whos deserted his post behind the empty bar for a nap on the sofa. Soon after, she decides that hes wealthy, therefore eligible. It doesnt last, and the morning after brings exposure, recriminations and bitter farewells. Irne makes no excuses: she wants men who can provide her with clothes and jewellery and meals at the finest restaurants. Time passes and Irne and Jean meet up again in the south of France where she spends all his money just to teach him a lesson. Broke and dispirited, Jean is looking for a job as a dishwasher when Madeleine, a wealthy widow, takes a liking to him and launches him on a career as a gigolo. 3 - DE VRAIS MENSONGES ID number: /169143363836 This delightful French comedy stars Audrey Tautou as Emilie, a hairdresser who receives a beautiful, but anonymous love letter. She initially throws it away, before realising that it could be the way to rescue her mother who has become lonely since her husband left her. Without thinking further, she sends the letter on to her, but Emilie doesnt yet know that Jean, her shy employee, is the letters author. 4 - LE FABULEUX DESTIN DAMLIE POULAIN ID number: /31127107877 Mischievous Amlie lives alone and works in a caf. When she finds a trove of toys hidden for 40 years behind a skirting board in her apartment, she sets out to find the owner. This impulse of generosity sparks more benevolent acts and along the way she discovers love. This engaging and beautiful film has delighted audiences around the world.
06.01.2022 Chers membres et amis, L’assemblée générale du Cercle Romand prévue pour ce dimanche 23 août a été reportée à 2021. Les membres du comité ont accepté de poursuivre leurs fonctions pour l’année prochaine.... Les membres ont été avisé de cette décision par courrier électronique la semaine dernière. Veuillez consulter le site web du Cercle pour toutes les informations sur les activités et mise à jour des événements. Merci pour votre soutient tout au long de l’année 2019-2020 For the first time in the Club history, the AGM scheduled for Sunday 23rd August has been cancelled. We have not been able to book a venue because of the limit of 10 people per group booking. The committee has met online last week to confirm that every member is willing to continue in their current function until the AGM can be organised. The Cercle Romand website is updated regularly on events schedule, please check it out for updates on upcoming events. We thank you for your continued support and we hope we can soon resume to a new normal. https://www.cercleromand.com.au
06.01.2022 Chers membres et amis, Lassemble gnrale du Cercle Romand prvue pour ce dimanche 23 aot a t reporte 2021. Les membres du comit ont accept de poursuivre leurs fonctions pour lanne prochaine.... Les membres ont t avis de cette dcision par courrier lectronique la semaine dernire. Veuillez consulter le site web du Cercle pour toutes les informations sur les activits et mise jour des vnements. Merci pour votre soutient tout au long de lanne 2019-2020 For the first time in the Club history, the AGM scheduled for Sunday 23rd August has been cancelled. We have not been able to book a venue because of the limit of 10 people per group booking. The committee has met online last week to confirm that every member is willing to continue in their current function until the AGM can be organised. The Cercle Romand website is updated regularly on events schedule, please check it out for updates on upcoming events. We thank you for your continued support and we hope we can soon resume to a new normal. https://www.cercleromand.com.au
06.01.2022 Financial help for Swiss families affected by bushfires If you are a Swiss citizen residing in New South Wales, Victoria or Queensland, and you have been affect...ed by the recent bushfires, contact your local Swiss benevolent society. You might be eligible for financial help. Swiss Community Care Society NSW https://swissccs.org.au/ Swiss Society of Victoria https://swisssocietyvic.org Swiss Community Care Society QLD https://www.swissclubqld.org.au/swiss-community-care-socie/
05.01.2022 Although we are unfortunately not able to go ahead with this years French Film Festival, we can still recommend you some great movies that are available on str...eaming platforms Here are the first 3 of our Netflix French film recommendations which you can enjoy from the comfort of home, a cup of tea in hand or with a glass of wine... 1 - NOTHING TO HIDE (LE JEU): 2018 dramatic comedy film directed by Fred Cavay. A group of old friends and their partners meet up one evening for a dinner party (clearly prior to COVID-19 restrictions...!) and decide to play a game. All must surrender their phones and any messages, emails, or calls received must be shared with everyone else... what could possibly go wrong? 2 - WEDDING UNPLANNED (JOUR J): 2017 comedy film directed by Reem Kherici. Mathias and Alexia have been together for years, but Matthias is currently having an affair, with Juliette, a wedding planner. When Alexia finds Juliettes business card in Mathias pocket, she thinks that he wants to marry her. In a hilarious turn of events, Mathias unwittingly finds himself torn between his girlfriend and his mistress, and forced to organize an unplanned wedding... 3 - BAD SEEDS (MAUVAISES HERBES): 2018 dramatic comedy film directed by Kheiron. Wael makes a living from small scams with his adoptive mother and partner-in-crime Monique. When this unconventional duo swindles the wrong guy, Victor, they have no choice but to become his interim secretary and educator in order to find redemption while mentoring a group of difficult students. Stay tuned for more suggestions - bientt!
04.01.2022 And here are the photos! Switzerlands iconic Matterhorn was illuminated just after midnight with the flags of Australia and New Zealand as a sign of hope and s...olidarity amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you from the other side of the world Zermatt Matterhorn, Michael Portmann and Gerry Hofstetter! Light Art by Gerry Hofstetter / Photo Michael Portmann https://www.zermatt.ch/en/hope
04.01.2022 Delegates of the Council of the Swiss Abroad will participate at the upcoming meeting of the Council in Berne in March. If there are any issues you would like ...us to take to Berne, please feel free to contact us on [email protected]. Its your experiences that shape the discussions with the ASO directorate, representatives of the Swiss Government and members of the parliament. Below is the link to the report from one of last years meetings to give you an idea on the topics - there are others for sure. We need your feedback to be your voice in Berne! #CSAmeeting2020 #Swissinoceania #Swissdownunder #OrganisationoftheSwissAbroad SwissCommunity.org
03.01.2022 Les Caissires, ces hrones, sont de retour en vido en cette priode spciale. Et il parat mme quelles pourraient revenir la radio..! 120 minutes
03.01.2022 Cher membres et amis, Le comit a dcid dannuler la sortie gastronomique de ce week-end. Dcision prise hier suite aux nouvelles mesures que le gouvernement a annonc propos du virus COVID-19 (coronavirus) ... Les personnes inscrites ont t contactes. Nous esprons reporter cette sortie plus tard dans lanne. Nos membres seront aviss par e-mail si les prochaines sorties auront lieu. Merci de votre comprhension, nous vous souhaitons tous et toutes courage pendant ces temps difficiles. Amitis, Anne Resplendino
03.01.2022 La randonnée urbaine c’est bien passée sous un magnifique soleil d’hiver. Ce dimanche, le Cercle Romand avait donné rendez-vous à ses membres pour une randonnée urbaine, The Great West Walk. Départ à 10h00, pour les 6 participants, où les distances sociales ont été très facilement respectées.... Nous sommes partis de la gare de Parramatta en direction du Parramatta Park à travers les rues du centre. Le parc est splendide avec ses grandes avenues et bâtiments d’époques. Nous avons quitté le parc à travers un jardin de glycines pour longer la parramatta rivière qui continue jusque près de Westmead. Après quelques mauvaises indications et fermeture de sentiers pédestres nous nous sommes promenés dans les quartiers de Winston Hills pour retrouver le sentier le long de la Toongabbie Creek. Cette marche a été très facile et plaisante sur les sentiers battus entre eucalyptus et ruissellement d’eau. Le lunch a été pris sur un banc de parc au Third Settlement Réserve où nous avons conclut cette sortie en plein air. De retour en bus sur Parramatta, pour finir avec une boisson chaude chez Max Bremner avant de ce quitter. Merci à Beatrice pour la suggestion de cette sortie, une région que l’on oublie souvent à découvrir car on a trop l’habitude de la traverser sur des routes congestionnées. Amitiés, Anne ------------------------------------------------------------- This Sunday, the Cercle Romand’s Urban walk went well under a beautiful winter sun. We started at 10:00 am for The Great West Walk. All up we were 6 participants, a perfect number for easy social distancing. We left from Parramatta station towards Parramatta Park through the streets of the center. The park is splendid with its large avenues and period buildings. We left the park through a wisteria garden to follow the Parramatta river which continues towards Westmead. After some bad indications and closing of hiking trails we walked through the neighborhoods of Winston Hills to find the trail again along Toongabbie Creek. This walk was very easy and pleasant on the beaten track between eucalyptus and water runoff. Lunch was taken on a park bench at the Third Settlement Reserve where we concluded this hike. Back by bus to Parramatta, to finish with a hot drink at Max Bremner before leaving. Thanks to Beatrice for suggesting this outing, a region that we often forget to discover, run by large and busy roads. Amitiés, Anne
03.01.2022 Pour les cinphiles, le 31eme festival du film franais aura lieu du 10 mars au 8 avril Sydney. Le Cercle Romand organise une sortie cinma, pasta, pizza le samedi 18 avril Leichhardt. Nous esprons slectionner un film franais.....plus de dtails dbut avril.
02.01.2022 La prochaine sortie des Romands est prvue pour le 21 & 22 mars dans les Southern Highlands. Le dlais dinscription est ce mercredi 11 mars. Veuillez trouver toutes les infos sur le site web. The Cercle Romand next event is on the weekend 21 & 22 of March in the Southern Highlands. If you wish to participate, the booking deadline is this Wednesday 11 March.... All information about this event can be found on the website link. Looking forward to seeing you at the next event! https://www.cercleromand.com.au
01.01.2022 Le comit souhaite tous les membres et amis du Cercle Romand un Joyeux Nol ainsi quune bonne et heureuse anne 2020!