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Amanda Erskine cerebral palsy naturally in Sandford, Tasmania | Alternative & holistic health service

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Amanda Erskine cerebral palsy naturally

Locality: Sandford, Tasmania

Phone: +61 417 727 065


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25.01.2022 I have a whole new website and it's gorgeous! You are now able to book a consultation and buy my teas with ease. Some weeks ago my website needed a small update so that everyone could buy my teas simply.... Well, you know how these things go..... a small update and the entire website crashed and retrieval became impossible. Sometimes you just have to start again and let's face it - there more to life.

25.01.2022 The Four Key Sources of Pain 1. Inflammatory pain largely associated with tissue injury, eg osteoarthritis, sports injuries, and pain involved when muscular contraction becomes inflamed at joints like ankles, toes, elbows and the jaw!... 2. Inflammatory pain generated by autoimmunity and auto-inflammation, when the body is attacking itself eg rheumatoid arthritis, lupus 3. Pain due to muscular tension and/or spasm, Eg. tension headaches and the spasm created by cerebral palsy 4. Pain due to nerve interference (pressure, impingement), neuralgia, or nervous debility including central effects such as sciatica, cancer pain, fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) and, if youre sitting all day in a wheelchair or sitting because its safer than standing it can cause pain. Unfortunately, many people with cerebral palsy can endure the effects of three of these sources of pain regularly if not daily and, if like me, also have an auto- immune disorder four of these sources of pain. We know that pain greatly effects day-to-day function, but if the pain is severe enough it can cause loss of appetite as well as shutting down the bodys digestive function (reducing growth) and reducing immunity. There are things you can do like give over the counter anti-inflammatory pain medication however, its not always a good idea if the person is already on lots of medication and you dont know what the interactions are. Here are my favourite natural ways to reduce pain; Foods; Turmeric, ginger, cayenne pepper (both easily added to blends) Herbal teas; (Im a big fan) Chamomile, skullcap Mineral therapy; there are a range of Celloid minerals on the market that are both easy to use and very, very safe (no interactions with meds) a cheap. You need to see a health professional for an individual prescription. Hands on therapy; including chiropractic care, massage, Bowen Therapy and acupuncture. Doctors are usually at a loss for dealing with muscular pain apart from anti-inflammatory medication alternatively, a good chiropractor or Bowen Therapist can effectively switch off muscles giving them a chance to relax and to gently put muscles back where they should be so that they no longer impinge on bones or organs in a way that causes discomfort. Always go and see someone who is reputable and qualified and preferably experienced with cp. Get a referral from a friend if possible. When Im in pain (especially with my hips) I make a turmeric smoothie, reach for a skullcap tea, take mineral therapy which relaxes the muscle enough for relief and then phone my Chiropractor. Luckily, Im seeing him tomorrow! I know there are a few people on this page who understand how movement can provide relief for pain If you have anything to add please do.

24.01.2022 Hello, my name is Amanda E I have cerebral palsy - spastic quadripelgia, some of you reading this post would understand what this means, for those of you that don't, there was an issue either in utero or during delivery that caused scarring on my brain. The scarring on my brain causes the messages from my brain to get mixed up on there way to my legs and arms and other muscles in my body. Now, I know many of you are into specifics - I was born at term weighing less than 4 pou...Continue reading

23.01.2022 I wanted to make a dairy-free, yoghurt with a huge amount of calories for Mum's and carer's. I was going to create a coconut yogurt recipe involving pots and pans, temperature gauges, and a complicated method, but thats really not my style. Unless it's easy I won't even attempt it. This Super Easy Coconut Yogurt has three ingredients*, two minutes prep time and one tasty end result. I hope it satisfies your need, and if youve been buying store bought coconut yogurt, saves y...ou a small fortune. This recipe costs less than $4 and makes 400g. (Just quietly, I actually cant believe I paid so much for so little yogurt, no matter how delicious it is!). Ingredients 1 can full fat coconut cream 1 probiotic capsule** 1 tablespoon tapioca/arrowroot flour Method Firstly, chill your coconut cream in the fridge. I popped mine in overnight, .but a few hours will do. Combine coconut cream, powder from inside of probiotic capsule and tapioca in a sterilised jar. Stir well and seal the lid. This is important! Turn your oven light on and leave the jar in overnight. Do not turn the oven on. The heat from the light is sufficient to incubate the yogurt and allow it to thicken. The longer you leave it, the thicker it becomes. Finally, Remove from the oven and leave on the bench for another few hours. Store in the fridge for a week. ** A good-quality probiotic capsule with a variety of different strains Sorry no photo

22.01.2022 This recipe is from another awesome student from my class. It's great for any gut issues.

22.01.2022 These hints will help weight gain; 1. Manage pain. If the body is in pain it doesn't do digestion very well or at all. 2. Lots of people with cerebral palsy can't manage their body temperature very well - for those who have difficulty keeping warm. Hot water bottle on tummy and behind lower back. 10 mins on and 10 mins off before a meal. Warmth helps with digestion. No cold foods. The body needs to warm the food up before it's digested so cold food can slow digestion down.... 3. Increase water intake. The area inside the stomach that needs to work for digestion to happen needs water. However, Don't give drinks close to a meal, it can stop digestion. You may have been told that water before a meal reduces reflux. This is because it waters down the stomach acid. Watering down stomach acid can mean that less nutrients are absorbed. 4. People with cerebral palsy need lots more protein daily than regular people. Shock, horror I'm telling you something that other medical professionals don't. The focus has been on carbs because 'our muscles burn extra energy' that's kind of true but if carbs were the answer we wouldn't have so many skinny people with cp! Cerebral palsy is a muscular issue. Muscles need protein!

21.01.2022 Hello, my name is Amanda Erskine. I have cerebral palsy (spastic quadriplegia). Over the last 15 years I have found ways to improve the way I move and be pain-free (most days) by eating well, exploring different therapies and having a holistic approach to my health. I'm now a final year Naturopath/Nutritionist aiming to help others live more comfortably with cerebral palsy. I also support parents and carers to find ways to manage the complex needs of people living with cerebral palsy. I will be posting about eating well, vitamins and minerals, managing pain and boosting immunity and much more.

21.01.2022 Hi I'm AmandaE I have cerebral palsy - spastic quadriplegia, I had Failure to Thrive as a child and epilepsy and many other issues that are cp related. I was still 21 kilos at 14 years old. I'm now a Nutritionist and Naturopath specialising in complex needs, cerebral palsy and failure to thrive. Have you been doing your best to feed your child well and yet there's no improvement in weight gain. There are many reasons for no weight gain - it's not as simple as calories in an...d energy out. If it was weight gain wouldn't be an issue. There are many ways I can help. Let me help you - help your child.

21.01.2022 Cashew milk is delicious in smoothies, creamy cocktails, desserts, soups, and stews. I use raw cashews for their creamy goodness. Unsweetened cashew milk: 1 cup raw* cashews, soaked overnight (to make this recipe extra healthy soak overnight then cook them in an oven on a very low temperature for 6-8 hours or more. This kills any nasties.) 3 cups filtered water ... Pinch of Himalayan sea Salt Store in an air tight container in the fridge. When making cashew milk, purchase fresh raw cashews from a supplier with a high turnover. Cashews are a good source of protein, vitamins B and E, and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, and calcium to support heathy bones, teeth, and muscles. Cashews have a lower fat content per serving than peanuts, almonds, walnuts and pecans, and their monounsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic acid help regulate blood pressure and cholesterol for heart health. These nifty nuts also have a high energy density to combat fatigue. * For the purposes of this recipe RAW means not roasted. For those using blended diets cashew milk may make a good alternative base for your blends.

18.01.2022 Hi, do your children need an immune boost now that they are back at school? I'm a student naturopath (final year) with a special interest is children's health and wellbeing, chronic illness and special needs, wellness and weight loss for women and all things nutrition. I'm available for face-to-face and skype consults now. Coming to Newcastle NSW 20th-24th Feb.

17.01.2022 I am a paediatric Nutritionist and Naturopath. I take a very different approach to treating cerebral palsy and Failure to Thrive because I live with it. I have cerebral palsy, spastic quadriplegia, all my limbs are affected. I have special interest in treating disability and chronic illness. Clients who have come to see me have had issues including; Anxiety Issues eating food orally Difficulty putting weight on ... Insomnia Constipation Reflux and vomiting General gut issues Spasticity, muscle spasm and pain Neural deficits As a nutritionist I take a whole body approach to health and wellness. There are many factors that can cause a child or person to struggle to maintain weight. I have used a combination of herbs, supplements and meal plans to successfully help children to put on weight. Located in Hobart Tasmania, online appointments also available. Contact Amanda on 0417 727 065 See more

15.01.2022 Join my closed group for parents of children with cerebral palsy - I post nutritional information as well as hints about living more comfortably with cerebral palsy.

15.01.2022 Case study - weight gain Three year old boy with level 4 mixed cerebral palsy - spastic quadriplegia and ataxia, non-verbal and enteral fed weighing 13 kilos at last paediatric appointment. Mum wanted help with severe constipation. ... I explained to Mum how digestion and the bowel may be affected by cerebral palsy and we discussed foods and herbs that may help relieve the constipation. Mum was not confident switching to a blended diet so we discussed trialling exchanging two meals a day for a fortnight. Mum left with a simple protocol increasing protein, herbal tea for constipation relief and a supplement for reducing muscle spasm. Mum called me 3 days later - her son had pooped a fully formed poo and was no longer cranky! Two weeks later Mum emailed to let me know that her son was going to the toilet at least once a day sometimes twice. His skin was no longer translucent and his hair was growing. No weight gain. Six weeks later at their booked consultation Mum said that she had a therapist ask her what she had changed as her son was rosy- cheeked and had more stamina in therapy. Mum said her quiet boy was now vocalising a lot. He likes a chat - No weight gain. We added some new foods to blend and asked that she try blending what "Daddy ate for breakfast on the weekend" (Eggs and bacon and some added extras). We kept going with the herbal teas - No weight gain. I e Plaines to mum that weight gain is a marathon not a sprint. Six weeks later after an appointment with the paediatrician Mum rang - weight gain of 580 grams. Woohoo! At our last consult before lockdown - Mum reported that he had put on 2 kilos in two weeks! He is taller and heavier and has already grown out of the clothes she just bought - that has never happened before! Mum was so happy.

15.01.2022 Herbs are food too. I can make a herbal tea that will reduce muscle spasm, anxiety and constipation and improve sleep! I make teas that are mild tasting and turn pink so kids find them attractive to try. The pink is hibiscus - so nothing nasty. For tubie kids herbal teas can be used in water that you're cooking your veggies in or you can make it as a base to a blend. Lots of my clients have had weight gain success using teas this way ... Find my teas at For individual prescription book a consultation.

13.01.2022 WHY Zinc is SO important! Zinc has a huge amount of functions in the body. Its important for Growth and repair, it is the KEY to digestion, it plays a role in mood and sleep, energy cycles, glucose regulation, hormone regulation, immune defence and its for neurotransmitters to work optimally. Zinc is even more important for children with developmental delays. Improving zinc in the body means that a person is less likely to succumb to infection. How this works: Zinc makes the cells in the stomach slippery so any virus that comes into contact will slip off into the stomach acid and die. So zinc is an amazing protector against infection. Excellent Sources of Zinc oysters, beef, veal, pumpkin seeds brazil nuts, almonds , cashews, hazel nuts, walnuts, rice, sunflower seeds wheat, olives, herring and liver.

13.01.2022 AWESOME AMARANTH Ive been experimenting with different ingredients to come up with some highly nutritious blends for my clients. I wont recommend anything without trying it myself! Ive discovered amaranth an ancient grain cultivated by the Aztecs and still a staple in Peru. I was dubious at first - yet another gluten-free grain so I had at hand dates and maple syrup just in case it was awful. Its smoother and creamier than oats and I found it easy to swallow and warming... and not gross! Its high in nutrients and very easily digested. Ive tried it as porridge and to thicken a smoothie so far but it can also be used as a rice alternative. Amaranth can be used as an exceptional thickener for sauces, soups, stews, and even jellies. Eaten as a snack, amaranth can have a light, nutty, or peppery-crunchy texture and flavour. Best of all, amaranth is even more nutritious than its true-grain counterparts. Amaranth has an exceptional protein profile. It's higher in minerals, such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, and carotenoids, than most vegetables. It has truly remarkable protein content: cup for cup, 28.1 grams of protein compared to the 26.3 grams in oats and 13.1 grams in rice. Amaranth is a great source of lysine, an important amino acid with protein content comparable to that of milk, more easily digested; neither can be said of other grains. To support this positive aspect of amaranth, it also contains primary proteins called albumin and globulins, which make it more soluble and digestible than wheat . One cup of raw amaranth contains 15 milligrams of iron and 18 milligrams of fibre; in comparison, white rice contains 2.4 grams. At 105% of the daily value per serving, the manganese in amaranth is off the charts, yet it contains fewer carbohydrates. Amaranth contains more than three times the amount of calcium and it's also high in magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Amaranth contains 6 to 10% oil, predominantly unsaturated, or around 77% unsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic acid, required for optimum nutrition. Not least in this list, amaranth is the only grain with documented vitamin C content. Amandas Awesome Amaranth blend 1 banana 2 organic dates sliced 1 large tablespoon of LSA mix (fibre) 1 tablespoon of tahini (calcium) 1 teaspoon of turmeric (anti-inflammatory great for pain) you can also add cacao nibs (magnesium) 1 cup of amaranth (cooked as a porridge) Blend Sprinkle black pepper and cinnamon on top to help with digestion.

12.01.2022 Just a quick note on using onions (including garlic) in blends...... onions oxidize and become toxic within two hours of being sliced, diced or peeled. If you plan to do a bulk blend - and plan store your blend in the fridge or freezer rather than use it straight away don't use onions! Onions and garlic are both fantastic for building the immune system and great for blood when used immediately after slicing them. So if you want to use onions in blends. Add cooked onions just ...before giving a blend. For anyone who doesn't eat orally or has difficulty chewing don't give raw onion as it could result in terribly uncomfortable tummies. Amanda Erskine Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbalist

11.01.2022 Pain is prevalent in cases of mild, moderate and severe cerebral palsy. For people with cerebral palsy pain is part of day-to-day living however the location(s) of the pain and the quality (whether its sharp or dull) of the pain can change daily. Pain is either acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term) chronic pain is anything that lasts over 6 months. Pain has been shown to increase a persons heart-rate, increase blood pressure, increase muscle tension and anxiety and to d...Continue reading

11.01.2022 Calcium and magnesium are both ions (positively and negatively charged) and they work together to make muscles work. Calcium makes our muscles contract and magnesium makes our muscles relax. Calcium and magnesium and Vitamin D all work hand in hand to make bone and hormones that are made by the kidneys and the thyroid gland. The body needs all these things to be in balance. Without magnesium calcium will float around in the blood until magnesium attaches to it. Magnesium atta...ches to calcium and forces it into the bone. A little bit of magnesium into the bone makes them a little bit bendy which is what we need them to be. Without magnesium to draw calcium into the bone calcium can accummulate in the joints creating arthritis. Too much calcium can make bones brittle. If you have rubbed your child's muscles and found that they feel gritty it could be a sign of calcium build up. However, Vitamin D is also needed for calcium to get into the bone and vitamin D is needed to increase bone strength. Please note that studies show that pasteurised cow's milk is not very absorbable in the body. Other food sources are almonds (only 6 a day, more can upset tummies), broccoli, buckwheat, egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, molasses, sardines, soybeans, Tofu, White beans, Navy Beans, pinto beans, chickpeas and unhulled tahini. Magnesium is the hero of the minerals it's essential for; muscle power, sleep regulation, muscle rexalation, calming down the nervous system (good for epilepsy), concentration and overall all mineral balance in the body and improving the immune system. Food sources include; Almonds (as above), barley, cashews, cocoa, cod, eggs, figs, kelp, leafy greans, legumes, lima beans, molasses, parsnips, seeds, soy beans ans whole grain cereals. Vitamin D we get from sunlight and people with CP have notoriusly low levels of vitamin D. Of course get out in the sun as often as you can but you need to have more than 20 percent of your skin to the sun for more than 20 minutes each day which is not always achieveable. Food sources include; Fish liver oils - cod, herring, tuna. butter, egg yolk, milk and sprouted seeds and fresh mushrooms . See more

10.01.2022 WEIGHT GAIN IS LIKE AN ORCHESTRAL SYMPHONY Focusing on calories for weight gain is like to listening one musician playing the trumpet whilst ignoring the beautiful orchestral symphony going on around him. The trumpeter can be amazing but without the rest of the Brass section, the String section and Percussion section he is one lone performer without anyone to play in harmony with. In order to get good weight gain (or weight loss for those of us who are interested in that) t...he gut needs to be healthy and working in harmony with all the other body functions. The String Section: in most orchestras the String section is the most important section in the orchestra it provides the melody for all the other sections. Our stomach lining is like the Guts string section if its healthy the gut lining determines what nutrients are absorbed and what toxins, allergens and microbes are kept out. Its part of our internal ecosystem and when healthy stops us from getting sick. The Woodwind section: just as an orchestra cant play beautiful symphonies without its flutes, oboes, clarinets and bassons the Gut cant do its essential work of digestion without essential vitamins and minerals. Zinc for instance, lines the gut and acts as a gatekeeper for digestive processes. Without enough zinc in the diet there wont be enough gatekeepers to let nutrients through. The Percussion section is the specialist section it provides the drama in the story that the music is telling, likewise the enzymes in our stomach are specialists in what they do which is break apart small food particles ready for absorption if the gut digestive enzymes are out of balance it can lead to reflux, bloating after meals and gas (percussion of a different kind). The Brass section: this is the fun of the horns and the trombones and the tuba and the trumpet. This is the food and water we put into our bodies to provide the much needed energy to get on with our days and for children to grow. In order to grow and make muscle we need protein in every meal,protein also gives us stable energy for our day. Also a wide variety fruit and vegetables and food with good fats provides the nutrients we need to keep our bodies healthy. However, high trans-fat and sugary foods may give quick short-term weight gains but in the long term they disrupt the string section, the woodwind section and make parts of the percussion section run off the stage making the whole orchestra off-key. In our gut it leads to poor gut function, poor immunity, and poor growth (weight gain), and much less sleep for parents and carers. Im a student Naturopath/Nutritionist and will graduate very soon. Currently, $45.00 for first consult and $30.00 thereafter (within Australia only). If you think I can help and would like a consult please PM me. These prices will increase after I graduate.

10.01.2022 I'm visiting Queensland in June! Consults available on Friday 1st of June. Brisbane Saturday 2nd of June. Gold Coast Monday 4th of June.... Nutritional and Naturopathic consults on weight gain, gut health, managing anxiety and managing pain and other issues in cerebral palsy and complex needs. Let's work on living more comfortably with cerebral palsy together! First consult - $95 Follow up consult - $60 Private Health rebates available For bookings call 0448 388 558 I'm so excited!

10.01.2022 When calories aren't enough You're working really hard as a Mum or carer to make sure your child is getting his or her required calories everyday but nothing is happening - they're not gaining weight no matter what you do. Here are some possible reasons why (every child is different);... Gut dysbiosis (big word but it means that the gut isn't doing its job) - When babies are born they get good bugs from their Mother through the birth canal. It can take a bit longer for the good bugs to build up when a babies born by caesarean. Now, if the baby was ill or had an infection or was in NICU for some time it's likely that they got a dose of antibiotics. Antibiotics kill the bad bugs and the good bugs. We need the good bugs in our system as they do most of the metabolising of nutrients to get them into our blood stream so we can grow and repair ourselves. If there aren't enough good bugs in our system we can be more susceptible to colds and viruses, ear infections, get abdominal pain, diarrhoea, constipation and REFLUX. It can take up to 12 months to build up a good level of good bugs in our system after a dose of anti-biotics. We can get good bugs from real food like yoghurt (Australian brands like Vaalia, Jalna drinking yoghurt and Yakult all have strains specific for Gut Dysbiosis) if you're outside Australia look for yoghurts containing Lactobaccilus rhamnosus GG Bifidobacterium lactis HM 019 Lactobacilus Johnii And the big one for Reflux is Lactobacillus reuteri - this can only be found in specialist probiotic products Your child might need a dose of a good probiotic supplement. Other things to consider when calories aren't enough is to ensure your child is getting protein with each meal and that their zinc levels are optimum. Ask your Dietition or Nutritionist if you're unsure or ask me! Amanda

09.01.2022 Hi, I am a Nutritionist with cp. I have been working with children with cp and chronic health problems for over 5 years with a particular focus on weight gain. I'm in the early stages of writing a book about managing cerebral palsy naturally. I'm going to cover; Differences in digestion and how digestion works or doesn't work in a person with cp... Managing constipation Managing reflux Improving sleep without pain Behaviour and cp Anxiety and cp Managing muscle spasm Oral health and chewing * Edited to add Recovery from Coughs and colds and Chest infections. Nuggets for today: 1 Everything in our bodies are either muscle or attached to muscle so need to be treated as if they are affected by cp. 2. People with cp need more water! Look up the recommended daily intake of water for WEIGHT and add 100mls per day. 3. No sugar! Sugar causes muscle spasm. Is there anything you would like to see? What makes me qualified to write this? I have spastic quadriplegia, I have had failure to thrive, I had epilepsy as a child. There isn't anything I'm writing about that I haven't experienced myself. B.A, B. Teach (Honours) Adv. Diploma of Naturopathy, Adv. Diploma of Nutrition and Adv. Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine.

09.01.2022 I'm lucky enough to spend time with and learn from this wonderful woman. Ladies get your thyroid tested if you have extreme fatigue, trouble losing weight when you eat like a bird, heavy periods and dry skin and hair.

08.01.2022 Lets talk weight gain and growth. Below is a list of some high calorie foods, but calories are only part of the picture. My mantra is Protein! Protein! Protein! The body cannot grow without protein. Protein needs to be part of every meal for children with cp who struggle to maintain weight. If you're vegetarian care must be taken to ensure that plant proteins are combined with every meal.... High calorie foods; Sesame Butter (Tahini) 595 calories per 100 gram serving Coconut Milk 230 calories per 100 gram serving Avocados 160 calories per 100 gram serving Brown Rice (Cooked) 111 calories per 100 gram serving Oatmeal / Oats (Cooked) 71 calories per 100 gram serving If you are giving protein with every meal and maintaining a good calorie load and still not seeing weight gain there might be a digestive issue or a mineral defiency that needs looking at. It might be worth chatting to your Dr, Dietitian or Nutritionist.

08.01.2022 Choosing Dietitians or Nutritionists Choose whichever practitioner works for you and your situation. Before I started my Naturopathy course I was doing a pre-med course. I REALLY wanted to be a doctor. It was something I wanted to do as a teenager but the specialists I saw when I was sixteen felt that I lacked the capacity to finish high school and suggested to my parents that I be put into a sheltered workshop. I took them seriously for about 2 weeks and sat at home refusing...Continue reading

06.01.2022 The importance of calcium and magnesium! Calcium and magnesium are both ions (positively and negatively charged) and they work together to make muscles work. Calcium makes our muscles contract and magnesium makes our muscles relax. Calcium and magnesium and Vitamin D all work hand in hand to make bone and hormones that are made by the kidneys and the thyroid gland. The body needs all these things to be in balance. How it works:... Calcium will float around in the blood until magnesium attaches to it. Magnesium attaches to calicium and forces it into the bone. A little bit of magnesium into the bone makes them a little bit bendy which is what we need them to be. Without magnesium to draw calcium into the bone calcium can accummulate in the joints creating arthritis. If you have rubbed your child's muscles and found that they feel gritty it could be a sign of calcium build up. However, Vitamin D is also needed for calcium to get into the bone and vitamin D is needed to increase bone strength. Please note that studies show that pasteurised cow's milk is not very absorbable in the body. Other food sources are almonds (only 6 a day, more can upset tummies), broccoli, buckwheat, dairy products, egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, molasses, sardines, soybeans, Tofu, White beans, Navy Beans, pinto beans, chickpeas and unhulled tahini. Magnesium is the hero of the minerals it's essential for; muscle power, sleep regulation, muscle rexalation, calming down the nervous system (good for epilepsy), concentration and overall all mineral balance in the body and improving the immune system. Food sources include; Almonds (as above), barley, cashews, cocoa, cod, eggs, figs, kelp, leafy greans, legumes, lima beans, molasses, parsnips, seeds, soy beans ans whole grain cereals. Vitamin D we get from sunlight and people with CP have notoriusly low levels of vitamin D. Of course get out in the sun as often as you can but you need to have more than 20 percent of your skin to the sun for more than 20 minutes each day which is not always achieveable. Food sources include; Fish liver oils - cod, herring, tuna. Butter, egg yolk, milk and sprouted seeds and fresh mushrooms .

06.01.2022 I have been asked to share these tips again These hints will help weight gain; 1. Manage pain. If the body is in pain it doesn't do digestion very well or at all.... 2. Lots of people with cerebral palsy can't manage their body temperature very well - for those who have difficulty keeping warm. Hot water bottle on tummy and behind lower back. 10 mins on and 10 mins off before a meal. Warmth helps with digestion. No cold foods. The body needs to warm the food up before it's digested so cold food can slow digestion down. 3. Increase water intake. The area inside the stomach that needs to work for digestion to happen needs water. However, Don't give drinks close to a meal, it can stop digestion. You may have been told that water before a meal reduces reflux. This is because it waters down the stomach acid. Watering down stomach acid can mean that less nutrients are absorbed. 4. People with cerebral palsy need lots more protein daily than regular people. Shock, horror I'm telling you something that other medical professionals don't. The focus has been on carbs because 'our muscles burn extra energy' that's kind of true but if carbs were the answer we wouldn't have so many skinny people with cp! Cerebral palsy is a muscular issue. Muscles need protein!

05.01.2022 Hands up who finds coping with disability REALLY expensive? Me! Me! Me! I was aware as a kid that my Mum was spending a lot of money on me - much more than my brothers. I always felt bad about this. Mum always bought me more expensive school shoes (in the hope that they would last longer - and never did). Of course, I had physio appointments, speech therapy, occupational therapy and specialists appointments and the medications. I grew up in the 1970's and 1980's so there wasn...'t much financial assistance around. I would regularly get holes in my shoes due to the way I walk and not tell Mum so she wouldn't have to worry. That is until winter when my feet would freeze. I've lived independently since I was 18. Some things have changed, I have a brilliant podiatrist who costs me a fortune but I no longer go through shoes regularly. Some things haven't changed I still have therapy regularly and I'm patiently waiting for the NDIS to cover me. Years and years ago I saw a Natural therapist for fertility (I'll post this story another time) and she gave me magnesium to take at night. The relief I felt was incredible - no more nightly muscle cramps and spasms!. I went back to this person thinking that there were more amazing changes to come, instead I walked out with a $400.00 bag full of supplements - some of which I never took and didn't understand what they were all for. Whilst I'm very grateful for the magnesium revelation and what was my first step into natural health, I will never forget feeling that she was more interested in my bank account than my health. I never want my clients to feel that way about me. I will always find ways to improve the health of my clients that don't have to leave them broke. If there is an more expensive supplement that will help I will always let them make the choice. Remember, whether you see me or other therapists it's your body and your bank account - never feel pressured to buy something you don't feel right about.

04.01.2022 Living with cerebral palsy everyday is different. I didn't get much sleep last night. I'm tired, my shoulder is sore and my jaw isn't working properly. So, this morning I made my 'pain be gone' smoothie 1 Banana 1 teaspoon of turmeric - anti-inflammatory (muscles) 1 handful of LSA mix (linseed, sunflower seeds and Almonds ground) 1 organic date pulled apart... 1 heaped tablespoon of tahini 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon (warming and gets the metabolism going) Blend this up Sprinkle ground black pepper on top - makes the turmeric more bio-available in the stomach. I feel better already. You tube video coming soon. See more

04.01.2022 Constipation and cerebral palsy For anyone constipation is uncomfortable and can become painful. An inability To Go can lead to a toxic dumping of material back into our bloodstream causing irritability, headaches and a range of other effects. For people with cerebral palsy pain leads to muscle spasm which leads to pain and more muscle spasm. For people with low tone it can also be painful and lead to more loss of function.... So why, when some kids with cerebral palsy actually are able to go (at last) do they hold on? Anxiety is common with cerebral palsy even more common if they have experienced pain. The Act of defecation can be extremely painful. Imagine that your body has signalled that you need to go to the toilet, you start to go not only are you getting intense tummy pain but you also get sharp stabbing pains from the region of your anus. Then, when you are able to let go it is hard and feels like you are being torn. Yes there is relief but after all that pain theres also exhaustion. Of course kids would want to avoid that experience again and again. Tips to avoid constipation: Lots and lots of water (a healthy adult needs 1.5 litres of water every day for the liver to work optimally) the liver is important for getting rid of poo. A person with cerebral palsy needs even more water. Google water needs for your weight and if you have cerebral palsy add 100mls more. Vegetables, vegetables and vegetables nothing beats vegetables for the ability to provide the necessary fibre we need daily, vegetables also feed the good bugs in our body that help us digest our food. Fruit: paw paw, kiwi, berries, green grganny smith apples, all help to repair the gut Movement: Exercise your body and it also helps the body to move on the inside! If youre in a chair move your arms and move your legs. Chewing: OMG chewing gets the bowel moving. People often forget that the mouth, lips, teeth and tongue are all the very first part of digestion. The churning of the mouth is similar to the churning action of the bowel. If you chew your food four times before you swallow try increasing to chewing eight times, then 12 times. I know its long and can be boring but relish the taste and you will start enjoying it. When our bowel is working optimally we should be going to the toilet after every meal. Constipation breakfast: 2 kiwi fruit diced 2 large tablespoons of natural greek yoghurt Teaspoon of Slippery Elm powder

03.01.2022 It's been an interesting couple of weeks here in Hobart. On the 11th of May we had a huge storm and flooding. Whilst my house wasn't effected by mobile and internet services have been. My phone service is up and running again but if you need to contact me about upcoming appointments you can also use messenger.

02.01.2022 Hi Everyone, I'm on the mend and have bounced back soooo much faster than in past years. Just 6 years ago I had a bout of flu that left me recoverying for over 4 months. I'm astonished that I have recovered in just over a week. I must be doing something right ;). Flu season has been long here in Australia with lots of people suffering terribly. So I thought I would share this old post. WHY Zinc is SO important! ... Zinc has a huge amount of functions in the body. Its important for Growth and repair, it is the KEY to digestion, it plays a role in mood and sleep, energy cycles, glucose regulation, hormone regulation, immune defence and it helps neurotransmitters to work optimally. Zinc is even more important for children with developmental delays. Improving zinc in the body means that a person is less likely to succumb to infection. How this works: Zinc makes the cells in the stomach slippery so any virus that comes into contact will slip off into the stomach acid and die. So zinc is an amazing protector against infection. Excellent Sources of Zinc oysters, beef, veal, pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts, almonds , cashews, hazel nuts, walnuts, rice, sunflower seeds wheat, olives, herring and liver. Amanda's mantra: If you're sick stay home. Even if you're working with people who are vaccinated, you don't know whose vaccination has worked and whose hasn't. And, taking zinc in the two weeks leading up to a vaccination helps the vaccination to work better in the body creating more antibodies and giving you more protection. Taking vitamin C for 6 weeks after a vaccination helps the body cope with vaccination after effects. Vaccination: I'm in the pro-choice camp. It's up to you.

01.01.2022 In an embryo the brain develops as an off shot of the stomach so it really is your first brain. What are you feeding it?

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