Christian Family Church in Charters Towers, Queensland | Church
Christian Family Church
Locality: Charters Towers, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 4787 7314
Address: 163 Gill street 4820 Charters Towers, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 We hope you have all had a most wonderful Christmas and enjoyed your time with family, reflecting on the reason for the season, eating lots of yummy food and opening your presents. Merry Christmas to all. Don't forget there is NO CHURCH TODAY. Next church service will be on Sunday 3rd January. Wishing you all a very happy New Year!
24.01.2022 CFC is going LIVE at 9:30am. ZOOM TO YOUR ROOM LIVE SERVICE will START at 9:30am. Meeting ID: 913 369 7837
23.01.2022 Was a great service on Sunday with Special Guests Kahl & Rochelle Miller sharing about discipleship and growing in God. Rochelle brings a powerful word on the heart of worship followed by a wonderful communion message by Kahl. We hope this blesses those who were not able to attend our online service and those who would like to hear it again.
23.01.2022 It is with much sadness we say farewell to an absolute general of the faith Pastor John Lewis who passed away peacefully in the early hours of this morning. Ps John was a mighty man of God and wonderful leader who served at State and National level of the ACC for decades with his wife Val. Ps John ministered numerous times at CFC. Off to receive his great reward... well done good and faithful servant!
22.01.2022 3 Really Awesome reasons to come to church tomorrow: 1. To Worship our wonderful Savior 2. We have a guest speaker- KEVIN MUDFORD... 3. We have A VERY EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT! This is a Sunday not to be missed. Bring your friends and family to hears Kevin's testimony and powerful message. And don't forget to get there early so you can check your children in to CFC Kids. Hope To See You There at 9:30am
22.01.2022 On Tuesday 2nd June CFC will be providing lunch for approx 30 Woolworths Staff as a thank you for the service they provided for our community during the COVID-19 Crisis. Caroline Matthews in partnership with Peppers Cafe and Catering have organised a Healthy Lunch Box for ever member of staff. Ps Bennett will be interviewed on ABC Radio today at 4:07pm sharing about the initiative. Tune in to listen:
22.01.2022 CFC Auditorium is open tomorrow at 9:30am to those who are unable to watch our services online. Due to COVID restrictions were are only able to accomodate 20 at this stage as we have not opted in to the COVID Safe Industry plan which means we have to comply with Stage 2 restrictions. Our Zoom Online Service will be showing on the big screens in the auditorium in the meantime and you are able to have some fellowship with those who also attend. ... If you have online access, we would love for you to join us on Zoom at 9:30am. Just click on this link to join our meeting: Our Meeting ID is: 913 369 7837 We will keep you posted with any changes to our services as we navigate the many requirements expected in order to allow more people to attend. Lets continue to pray and believe for further easing of restrictions so that we can all meet again in person soon. Missing you all.
21.01.2022 We have had significant progress on The Shack the last 2 weeks. After 12 months of Re-Stumping and fixing the sub structure, a new sub floor went down last week. And this week we have nearly completed inserting 12 new Truss support beams and once its all tied down will be solid as a rock ready for a brand new roof. A massive thank you to Jeff Lauder and his team for doing such an awesome job, and also to Roger Stillwell for organising all the materials. Also thank you to all those who have helped demo The Shack to get us to here including David Platt who has been a big help too. Please pray we can get the roof on before Christmas and before we get too much rain.
21.01.2022 A powerful, relevant and encouraging word. Specifically the Lord is speaking to the women of God but this word is very relevant to us all and to CFC as a church. Its time pick up our sword, shake off the burdens of the attacks and press forward in Authority and get back into alignment with Gods divine intention.
21.01.2022 Don't miss out on church tomorrow, we have a power packed morning for you. Neill Matthews will be sharing a powerful word followed by Communion. CFC Kids is up and running and our children are having a blast. Immediately after the service we have our 2020 Annual General Meeting. We hope you can join us.
19.01.2022 Lets go! See you tomorrow in the house! 9:30am Sunday morning service
18.01.2022 Morning service starts at 9:30am
18.01.2022 CFC Life Groups. CREATIVE WORD - Hosted by Theresa on Tuesday evenings at 7pm, where we creatively use different artistic expressions to spend time in Gods Word, and then come together in our Zoom Group each week to share with each other. MUMS WITH YOUNG CHILDREN - Hosted by Sharon on Wednesday evenings at 8pm, includes material from Wisdom for Women Devotionals (Author Debbi Bryson), devotions through the proverbs.... The ZOOM Groups will be delivered in a similar way to our Sunday Services, and are live via Zoom at various times throughout the week. Our new website also includes links to all ZOOM GROUPS If you scroll down to OUR LIFE GROUPS Click on JOIN A ZOOM GROUP Select the Group you want to join, click on the ZOOM ICON and it will take you directly to the ZOOM GROUP Live meeting.
18.01.2022 2 Corithians 4:8-9 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed We will ARISE.
16.01.2022 A BIG shout out to Caroline Matthews who has been instrumental in organising, on behalf of CFC, a thank you lunch box for 30 employees at Woolworths in recognition of the service they have provided to our community during the COVID-19 crisis. We will be handing out the lunches in person next Tuesday in partnership with Peppers Cafe, as well as offering our support to the staff. Each staff member will also receive a fridge magnet with our Prayer Hotline details in a hope to further extend our prayer support. Pastor Bennett was interviewed by ABC Radio Nth Queensland today and CFC also featured on Page 3 of the Northern Miner. If you missed the radio interveiw a sound bite will be uploaded tomorrow. Go CFC!!!!!
15.01.2022 SUNDAY IS COMING.... Bring it on! See you all tomorrow!
15.01.2022 CFC is going LIVE on Sunday. ZOOM TO YOUR ROOM LIVE SERVICE will START at 9:30am. Meeting ID: 913 369 7837... Pastor Bennett will be sharing a message that is titled "A Heart Of Worship" so dont miss that. A reminder that we will be sharing communion tomorrow so please bring your communion elements to the service.
14.01.2022 Yay it's Sunday! Another wonderful day in God's house. Pastor Bennett will be continuing his series 'Behold I Do A New Thing' and also has some great news to share. Also tonight CFC are hosting this month's Combined Churches Service at 7pm.... We hope you will join us as we worship, hear the word of the Lord and come together as one.
14.01.2022 Great to have a bit of a clean up of the site at The Shack... things are moving along licely... a big thanks and shout out to Neill, Paul, David, Adam and Ps Bennett for clearing everything away this morning...looks alot better now.
14.01.2022 On behalf of David (Albert) and Charles I would like to inform you that there will be a Graveside Funeral Service for Sue (Zoe) Dziadek next Tuesday 6th October at 11am at the Charters Towers Memorial & Lawn Cemetery. All are welcome. At this stage due to COVID-19 and other curcumstances there will not be an official wake at this stage.... Although this will be a sad occassion we will certainly be celebrating Sue's life and rejoicing in her salvation together as we say farewell.
13.01.2022 2Co 12:9-10 TPT But he answered me, My grace is always more than enough for you, and my power finds its full expression through your weakness. So I will celebrate my weaknesses, for when Im weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me. So Im not defeated by my weakness, but delighted! For when I feel my weakness and endure mistreatmentwhen Im surrounded with troubles on every side and face persecution because of my love for ChristI am made yet stronger. For my weakness becomes a portal to Gods power.
13.01.2022 Today is a historic day for our CFC Family and for our CFC Kids. We are launching our Children's ministry today after months of planning and work behind the scenes. A big shout out to Lydia, Theresa and Sharon for making this a possibility. Kids aged between 5-12 years are welcome. Please sign you children in before 9:30am. If you haven't registered please arrive at church early so we can get all the relevant information. Praise God for breakthrough! We hope to see you there!
12.01.2022 In Part 1 of this new series, The Heart of Worship, Pastor Bennett takes us through some insight into where we are being called to in our worship and relationship with God. Our desire is to see everyone in CFC able to overcome the things that can easily distract us or cause us to fall into a routine christianity, and come back to The Heart Of Worship. This word will release in you a passion and desire once again to worship God in spirit and in truth.
11.01.2022 This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. There has been a sense of anticipation of what God is going to do this week as we celebrate the outpouring of Holy Spirit and the birth of the Church. Theresa Simshauser will be sharing a powerful word and no doubt we will share a wonderful moment of worship together. Dont miss our Zoom Live Service at 9:30am. For those who missed the message last week, here is Pastor Bennetts Part 3 of the series ENCOUNTERING GOD. We hope to see you this Sunday.
11.01.2022 A vital message in the life of CFC, The Church I See is an encouraging message that will help you to get through these tough times and continue to walk forward towards Gods prophetic vision for our church and for your life.
10.01.2022 A reminder to ALL REGISTERED VOTING MEMBERS that we have a SPECIAL MEETING scheduled for this coming SUNDAY 23rd AUGUST at 12 Noon. Your vote is very important and you have an opportunity to vote a significant decision in the life of our church, so please come along on Sunday and stick around after the service. If you cannot attend, please fill out the PROXY FORM you were provided, and forward to Bennett or any other member indicating YEH or NEH or who will be voting on your behalf. We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.
10.01.2022 A wonderful Testimony: After an amazing Pentecost Sunday Service, Stacey and I were extremely blessed when both Lily and Eliott gave their hearts to the Lord and were Baptised with Holy Spirit. Such a precious moment on such a glorious day. Thank You Jesus.
10.01.2022 CFC is going LIVE at 9:30am. ZOOM TO YOUR ROOM LIVE SERVICE will START at 9:30am every Sunday... Meeting ID: 913 369 7837
10.01.2022 WOOOHOOOO! CHURCH IS BACK! We are so excited to announce that CFC will be meeting again in person as of this coming Sunday 2nd August at 9:30am. We have been working hard to comply with the COVID Industry Safe Plan for Places of Worship and have implemented all the necessary safety measures to ensure we are providing you with a safe environment and to allow as many people as we could to attend.... With the current restrictions under the Industry safe plan, we are only permitted to have A MAXIMUM of 50 in attendance. Please be here early/ontime as only 50 people including children will be allowed to attend and we do not want you to miss out. In order for us to continue to provide services at CFC, we need your help with the following: Please stay home if: You have any symptoms associated with COVID-19 (e.g. fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, sneezing/runny nose or loss of sense of smell) You have COVID-19 You are awaiting results from being tested for COVID-19 You have been in contact with a known or suspected case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days You have returned or been in contact with anyone else who has returned, from overseas or a declared COVID-19 hotspot within Australia within the last 14 days. We also encourage anyone over 70 or who is a First Nations person over 50, who have any exisitng chronic illness to excercise judgement and consult their doctor for advice regarding attending church. The Flu Vaccination is also recommended for you. If you cannot attend in person, we will be streaming our service online VIA ZOOM. Meeting I.D: 913 369 7837 so be sure to log in. We hope you can join us for this coming Sunday Service at 9:30am. We look forward to seeing you there. Many Blessings.
10.01.2022 A wonderful word from Neill Matthews at our Zoom Live Service on 17th May 2020.
10.01.2022 Here is Part 2 of Pastor Bennetts latest series The Heart Of Worship. We have been on a journey of discovering what it means to have a true heart of worship and how to unlock the expression of it.
10.01.2022 CFC Kids is now up and running... woohooo!! Don't forget to check-in before 9:30am and bring a drink and a snack for your child. Ages 5-12. Going to be a blast.
09.01.2022 Gods power works in people who have resolve. It works proficiently through people who have decided they will never turn back until the assignment is finished. God delights in using people who are steadfast and unmoving in their conviction. He takes pleasure in those who have stamina, spunk, and a doggedness to hold on to the vision God put in their hearts and who are tenacious and diehard in their commitment. -- Rick Renner
09.01.2022 What a good word this morning!
09.01.2022 Please be advised there will be NO ZOOM LIVE STREAMING TOMORROW due to technical issues. We apologise for any inconvenience.
08.01.2022 For those who were unable to watch our online service, Sundays message was an insight into the season of TRANSITION we are currently in and how God is using it to enlarge and increase our capacity, both personally and as a church. We believe that as the Lord draws us nearer unto himself and calls us deeper as we journey through the wilderness of the unknown, he is bringing us out, through and into a season of increase.
08.01.2022 Was a wonderful opportunity we had last Tuesday to thank the staff and management at our local Woolworths store for their courageous, kind and professional service to our community during the COVID-19 crisis. We provided a Healthy Lunch Box to 30 staff. It was also great to partner with Andrew at Peppers Cafe & Catering in providing the lunch. A huge thank you once again to Caroline for organising the event and to Stacey, Neill and Bennett for also helping out on the day. For those who missed the article in the paper, here it is:
08.01.2022 We hope you can join us at Charters Towers Worships today as all the churches come together to worship and pray over our community. From 10am till 2pm at the Unting Church. Theresa and Ps Bennett will be leading us from 11am till 12pm so come and join in any time from 10 till 2 as we exalt Him over all the earth.
08.01.2022 Tomorrow night, Friday 28th August is another chance for the ladies to get together at Carolines Womens Life Group. Starts at 6:30pm at the CFC Auditorium. Will be a wonderful time of worship, fellowship and Caroline will be continuing her series on Psalm 23. We hope you can join us.
05.01.2022 When you continue to embrace all that I teach, you prove that you are my true followers. For if you embrace the truth, it will release more freedom into your lives.- Jesus John 8:31-32 TPT
05.01.2022 It is with great sadness we farewell a dear member of our church family, Zoe (Sue) Dziadek, who passed away early this morning at the grand old age of 96. Zoe was a precious soul and wonderful woman of God who served others in love and whom loved the Lord with all her heart. Off to receive her great reward and to be united with her loving saviour. Our loss is heavens gain. Zoe will be greatly missed by many.
05.01.2022 Sunday is Coming and we are BACK! CFC is open again and it is exciting to be able to meet again in person this Sunday at 9:30am. We can have up to 50 people currently and would love to see you there.
04.01.2022 John 15:4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. Abiding in His Word, His Presence and His Promises is critical in this hour. With so many things distracting us and speaking fear and calamity over our lives, abiding is so important. ... As we abide in Him we connect to His desire for our lives as expressed in John 15:8, that we might glorify the Father, bear much fruit, and be His disciples. Abiding allows the precious goodness of the Vine to flow through us to sustain us and provide what we need to flourish. Abiding is choosing to tune into Gods voice above all the noise and the voice of others.
03.01.2022 The CFC 2020 Annual General Meeting is being held this coming Sunday, 15th November at 11:30am immediately after our morning service. All registered voting members are encouraged to attend. If you cannot be there you are still able to submit a vote by Proxy Form to Bennett or Ken prior to Sunday. If you are not a voting delegate but would like to come to hear what goes on behind the scenes in the governance of our church and hear of the many things we are planning, you are more than welcome to stick around after the service and join us. We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.
02.01.2022 There has been a Road Closure on Gill Street out the front of CFC due to a car accident. ChURCH IS STILL OPEN. Please park near Prospect or at the Eastern end of road closure. See you all soon
02.01.2022 We hope you can join us online this morning at 9:30am on ZOOM. Ps Bennett is starting a series on John 15. To join the Zoom Meeting just go to and join meeting (Meeting I.D: 913 369 7837). If you you are unable to join the Zoom Service why not head on down to the CFC Auditorium, Lydia is there to welcome you and take you through the COVID Safe process and join with others in fellowship and watch the online service there.
01.01.2022 SUNDAY IS HERE! Don't miss church today! We have a VERY EXCITING ANOUNCEMENT as well as Guest Preacher KEVIN MUDFORD. Starts 9:30am. Don't forget to get here early for CFC Kids Check-In See you there!
01.01.2022 Did you know that if you cannot attend church you are able to watch our service live online? Just go to Zoom.Us and Join our Meeting: 9133697837 Joining us Live is a great way to stay connected.
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