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Chabad of Tasmania in South Launceston, Tasmania | Community organisation

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Chabad of Tasmania

Locality: South Launceston, Tasmania

Phone: +61 3 6344 9129

Address: 3/292 Wellington St 7249 South Launceston, TAS, Australia


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24.01.2022 We're often told that money can't buy happiness; joy must come from within. But let's be honest: Are we really supposed to think that having nicer things doesn't mean anything? And yet we all know that person who seems to have it all - and is somehow still miserable. So which is it? Classic Jewish sources suggest that what matters most is how we appreciate our life curcumstances and how regulary we express that appreciation. The first class of this years course will be taking place tomorrow evening. To sign up click here or contact me 0420 550 405

24.01.2022 Yesterday was an auspicious day in the Chabad Calendar. It was the 22nd day of Shevat which commemorates the Yartzeit of Rebbetzen Chaya Mushka. The wife of the Rebbe, and the woman who is responsible for the Rebbe taking on the leadership role he did. The world has much to be grateful to this unassuming woman who did what needed to be done without any fanfare or publicity. World Jewry has forever been changed due to the farsightedness the Rebbetzen had in her husband, the... Rebbe that gave him the confidence to change the world.

23.01.2022 Chanukah shop, and ready to roll.

23.01.2022 For most of us Yom Kippur is a laborious and heavy day, but can you imagine it as exciting and uplifting? This lesson will transform Yom Kippur for you, and help you appreciate it as a profound and joyous opportunity. We will explore the theme of Yom Kippur as a day on which G-d yearns to forgive us, examine its many traditions, and learn how each fits the overall theme. We will guide you through the many stages and prayers of the day, exploring their spiritual undertones, while offering step by step guidance coupled with uplifting and inspiring insight. You will learn to appreciate Yom Kippur as a spiritual ladder that we climb through the day until night falls and victory prevails. Tomorrow - Wednesday 7:00pm

23.01.2022 Join us tomorrow at 12 PM for a special event entitled Overcoming Tragedy with three very special guests on our Facebook page. Prepare to be inspired by these empowering women: Mrs. Rachelle Fraenkel is the mother of Naftali Fraenkel who was one of the three boys kidnapped and killed by Arab terrorists in the summer of 2014. Mrs. Fraenkel is also the Dean of Students at the Nishmat Center for Advanced Torah Study for Women.... Mrs. Lynda Fishman lost her mother and siblings in a plane crash at the age of 13. She is the author of Repairing Rainbows: A True Story of Family, Tragedy and Choices and an internationally known speaker and therapist. Mrs. Sherri Mandell is the mother of Koby Mandell, killed by terrorists in 2001. She and her husband are the founders of the Koby Mandell Foundation and Camp Koby, which work to serve those bereaved of a loved one due to terrorism.

23.01.2022 16 of the Wildest, Boldest and Most Interesting Menorahs What sort of Menorah should we install in Hobart?

23.01.2022 Chanukah On The Water 10th ANNUAL CHANUKAH LIGHTING - LAUNCESTON

22.01.2022 For those who are unable to join the full Rosh Hashanah services, there will be an extra Shofar blowing.

22.01.2022 Yesterday morning, when entering the Synaogogue for Shabbat morning services , we were greeting by a sight non of us ever expected. It seemed that in the week prior a squatter had found a place to call home. The damage, desecration and defacement that occured was shocking and devastating. With less then 2 weeks until Rosh Hashana, we intend that the Synagogue will be fit for services. It will take effort, finances and hard work but it will get done. ... There is no better way to fight and conquer desecration whether from unfortunate circumstances or anti semetism then to show up in Synagogue during the holiest days of the year. Sign up now

21.01.2022 Sukkah is up, (despite the strong winds) The Schach (roof) is struggling, hopefully it will be up and stay up ;) Looking forward to seeing you tonight - please let me know if you are joining. 03 6344 9129 For an opportunity to shake the Lulav and Esrog and make a blessing in the Sukkah - please come round on Sunday from 4pm... Candlelighting tonight: Launceston: 6:01 pm Hobart: 6:01 pm Devonport: 6:04 pm Wishing you a Chag Sa'meach and a windless beautiful Sukkot :)

19.01.2022 Prime Minister Scott Morrison's high holiday message.

19.01.2022 Chanukah Shipment has landed on Australian shores. It will be arriving in Tasmania next week. make your order while stocks last There will also be a stall at the Lightings in both Launceston and Hobart.

18.01.2022 Are you spending Rosh Hashanah at home unable to come to Synagogue or programs? This is for you! Or if you know someone who would appreciate a High Holiday 'lift me up' order one for them! *Free of Charge* Zap through an email [email protected] or fill out the form online

18.01.2022 Rosh Hashanah Whether you will be at home this Rosh Hashanah or at the synagogue, at a full or an abridged service, this lesson will bring Rosh Hashanah to life and make it meaningful for you. We will examine the underlying themes of the day, its highly symbolic rituals and foods, and its signature prayers. We will explore why we sound the Shofar, what it accomplishes for us, and why its requirements are so precise. Throughout, we will pepper our explanations with deep and fa...scinating insights. You will walk away with a comprehensive understanding of Rosh Hashanah, a profound appreciation for its deeper meaning, and an awareness that we turn over a new leaf as we embrace a new beginning. Tonight 7:00pm And on FB live

18.01.2022 Tune in now to listen

18.01.2022 On the eve of Yom Kippur it is customary to bless ones children with the priestly blessing and to bless that they should grow up to be like Efraim and Menashe (the 2 sons of Yosef) and like Sara, Rivka, Rochel and Leah the Matriachs. It is also an opportunity to bestow any other personal blessings to one's children. This has been the custom for generations and there is no age limit. So if you are blessed to have parents or a mother or a father , now is an opportune time ask for their blessings. Ultimately we all have our father in heaven who blesses each and every one of his children as if he or she is His only child. May we all be inscribed and sealed for a year filled with only good things, and blessings in every area of your life.

17.01.2022 Baruch Dayan Ha’Emet. It is with the deepest sadness that we regret to inform you that Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (HaRav Ya’akov Zvi ben David Arieh z’’l) passed away early this morning, Saturday 7th November 2020 (Shabbat Kodesh 20th MarCheshvan 5781).

16.01.2022 Prepare to be inspired by these empowering women:

14.01.2022 Spotted. One of the Read it In Hebrew students taking learning Hebrew reading to another level. #RIIH #OFFICEWORKS #SPOTTEDREDHANDED

10.01.2022 Nothing like getting 2 Mitzvos in 1. Rosh Hashana-on-the-go and #Mezuza4shua To have a mezuzo placed on your door in memory of our nephew get in touch today. To order a Rosh Hashana kit do so at

10.01.2022 We salute the memory of a giant of the spirit, former UK Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. Credit: JLI - The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute

09.01.2022 Making it meaningful part 3 Sukkos

08.01.2022 How to do Rosh Hashanah if you are at home or in Synagogue this year.

07.01.2022 How to celebrate Yom Kippur even during Covid!

07.01.2022 New shipment arrived. to make an order. Chanuka shipment is on the way.

07.01.2022 These should have arrived in your mail box over the last few days. If you didn't receive one or you would like one, please let us know and it can be mailed out to to you. Making the calendar for this year was a very interesting eye opener....classes in person, or virtual? Programs? Kids event? We can't predict the future and who knows what this year brings but one things remains consistent, Shabbat and Jewish holidays. TGFS ... Shabbat Shalom xxx

07.01.2022 High Holidays goes on - through Covid or not. In fact this year, Chabad in Tasmania has upped its game in ways never done before. There are Rosh Hashana Kits waiting to be hand delivered to those home-bound and isolated throughout the state. The next 10 days will see us on the road (some highways and many gravel, dirt and back roads) ensuring that no one is left behind this High Holiday season. To comply with all healthy and safety regulations including social distancing, a ...meaningful program for Rosh Hashana is being held in a hotel, services and all meals, FREE of charge - as the only way to bring together those who can come in a safe environment. As with every other part of life in this current climate, nothing is simple. Getting Kosher food into Tasmania the last several months has been a mammoth of tasks at astronomical costs. High Holiday shipments were no different. We know you care, and we are so fortunate to count you in as part of the Jewish story in Tasmania. Thank you for your support. Wishing you and your family a happy, peaceful, health and sweet new year with blessings in every part of your life. Yochanan and Rochel See more

06.01.2022 Please join us on Sunday 14th Feb, to learn all about Tzedoka! Message us for address (0420 550 405) Shabbat Shalom

06.01.2022 8 Years ago when my mother-in-law was visiting us for the first time, she flew through Abu Dhabi and her flight to Melbourne was cancelled. It looked like she was going to be stuck there for Shabbos. We contacted the "secret Chabad House" in Dubai for help. Although the Rabbi was away he put us in touch with a community member in Abu Dhabi. Lucky my mother-in-law was able to continue her trip and was not stranded in Abu Dhabi for Shabbat. Fast-forward 6 year and my father-in was flying through Dubai when he had a medical incident and ended up in a hospital in Dubai 3 days before Pesach, one of the student rabbi's there for Pesach came to the hospital with food and stayed with him for a number of hours making him feel comfortable in a foreign land. Now for the first time Chabad in Dubai is able to be out in the open, listen to their rabbi on Sinai down under.

06.01.2022 One of the most exciting holidays in the year is around the corner. We sit in the Sukkah, shake the Lulav, sing and dance, while enjoying seven days of wonderful parties and delicious meals. But what is Sukkos all about, why are we so joyful, and what are we celebrating? Join us for a comprehensive lesson on the multiple themes of this fascinating holiday and the deep spiritual meanings that underline them. We will explore the historical and spiritual background of the Sukko...s rituals and examine its unique prayers and traditions. We will walk away with a realization that its many varied traditions revolve around a unique and unified theme that can change the way we relate to each other and the way that we appreciate G-d. Tonigh 7pm

05.01.2022 This Thursday 7:30pm

05.01.2022 Tune in to Sinai Down Under- High Holiday Edition. Tonight 7.30pm

05.01.2022 Living a holistic life inspires by the Torah means having a relationship with G-d in which our indivual selves find expression. "Without knowing what I am and why I am here, life is impossible" - Leo Tolstoy Tomorrow 1:30pm in Launceston. The class will be live streamed also. Please message us for the address or link.

03.01.2022 A Mikvah is the most important and pivotal institution in any Jewish community. In fact a Sefer Torah (Torah scroll) may be sold to fund the construction of a Mikvah! Here is a glimpse of the challenges that Tasmanian women went and continue to go through to use a Kosher Mikvah during Covid-19

02.01.2022 Looking forward to celebrating a covid-safe and enjoyable Chanukah this year :)

02.01.2022 Wow! This story gave me the chills. It is so vital that we recognise miracles when they occur. These are fellow colleagues of ours and it hit close to home, Stay Safe and Shabbat Shalom. To check candle lighting times in your city,

02.01.2022 We're so fortunate that here in Tassie we are able to celebrate Simchat Torah in the traditional way - albeit with some Covid protocol :) Doe the space limits of the venue, it is vital to RSVP Thank you and Chag Sam'each

02.01.2022 Last year when we were organising the first annual Menorah lighting in Hobart, we were sceptical, would people show up? Will the Menorah work out? Would the cou...ncil make it possible? As luck would have it, it was a smashing success and enjoyable by all. Comes 2020, and we figured chanukah would have to be put in the bag until next year (covid?) Not quite, the Hobart City Council are so excited to have the Menorah lit overlooking the water front. Locals are looking forward to enjoying a bit of "normalicy" and my kids are excited to celebrate Chanukah . Here's to an enjoyable #chanukah2020 #chanukah2019

02.01.2022 Join us this evening to hear from four insightful speakers to discover how you can better your relationship. Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch, MA, LMFT is a Family and Marriage Therapist specializing in treating anxiety disorders and OCD. He is the author of three books on family psychology, and has helped hundreds of couples. Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet is the rabbi of Mill Hill Synagogue in London and serves as a member of the Rabbinical Council for United Synagogues. He is one of the most outspoken rabbis today. Rabbi Manis Friedman is the dean of Beth Chana Institute and author of two bestselling books on marriage and relationships Doesn’t Anyone Blush Anymore and The Secret Key. His lectures have been attended by hundreds of thousands and his YouTube videos viewed millions of times. Mrs. Frumma Gottlieb is a renowned educational mentor and a Torah life coach with clients on six continents. She is widely sought after for speaking engagements, as well as for private and group coaching. See more

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