Parents on a Mission | Product/service
Parents on a Mission
Phone: +61 434 380 735
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24.01.2022 Two amazing people donated 8 information packs for parents, Leanne's Gift, to parents connected to the Family Inclusion Network, SEQ! Pictured is Diah Triandini from FIN collecting the donated bags from Leanne Claussen, CEO of Parents on a Mission. #workingtogether #workwithparents #parentsonamission #socialimpact #helpushelpthem #donation #thankyou A very big Thank you to the two people who have made it a bit easier for 8 parents to get through the system.... To donate a bag/s and help a parent a need, please visit:
23.01.2022 Parents on a Mission met with Foster Carer, Linda Little yesterday, to talk about parents, carers and staff working together. Linda is a member of Parents on a Mission and is passionate about using her lived experience to help improve these relationships; creating solutions for better outcomes for children in out of home care. Parents on a Mission has been meeting with parents, carers and staff over the last week, for Child Protection Week, 2020. Watch out for a follow-up about these discussions very soon. More can be found out about Parents on a Mission at:
20.01.2022 Important facts to know about Child Safety in Queensland: Did you know that the Qld Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women is now called something different? It's now the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs. ... Leanne Linard is the Queensland Member of Parliament for Nudgee on Brisbane's northside, and is the Minister for Children and Youth Justice and Minister for Multicultural Affairs, meaning she is the new Minister for Child Safety Find out more about the support I offer parents at:
20.01.2022 The new version of my self-help guide is now available. Only $10 per digital download, $20 per physical copy! Grab your copy today!
18.01.2022 Leanne's Gift has now gone digital! Buy the digital pack now for yourself or someone you know who is involved with the Department of Child Safety. Check it out at:
15.01.2022 Parents on a Mission is going to be zooming with some CSOs, to talk with them about how to positively work with parents, using my information pack, Leanne's Gift. This is an important step, as a trial of Leanne's Gift is about to take place at selected service centres in South East Queensland. I'm proud to have created a product that not only gives parents the information they need to get through the system but also helps professionals who work with parents, to guide these pa...rents through the process - creating a positive working relationship between them. I am looking for parents, carers and professionals who work with parents, to help build Parents on a Mission. Let's build a network together. Let's support each other a create a wave of change throughout the system... Check out my website, at for more information. #workwithparents #socialimpact #professionals #socialworkers #livedexperience #childsafety #parenting #children #parentsonamission
14.01.2022 Check out a recent review of my self-help guide for parents of children in out of home care. My self-help guide is available in both physical and digital versions. Purchase your copy today. #livedexperience #parentsonamission #betteroutcomesforfamilies #workingtogether #childsafety #socialimpact #parenting #socialworkers
13.01.2022 Parents on a Mission has just had a zoom meeting with Mary Kay (from the DGs office) and some CSOs from the Redcliffe and Caloundra service centres, about a trial at each service centre of Leanne's Gift! How fantastic! Leanne's Gift is finally on its way into the hands of parents Parents on a Mission would like to thank the Queensland Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women, for their commitment to this project #childsafety #workingtogether #livedexperience #workwithpa...rents #parentsonamission #betteroutcomesforfamilies See more
11.01.2022 I have lived a life full of very big life experiences; some very good and some very, very bad. I've learnt to step back and take stock of the immense learnings along the way and pass that knowledge on to others. We all go through things that are difficult and painful and we've all had many dark nights of the soul. Many of you come from a generation where it was not ok to talk about your experiences and it's hard to break that conditioning but today, in 2020, the year that we ...will never forget, it's ok to talk about these things. I have seen healing take place before my eyes when this happens. It's ok to tell your story, because someone else may be living a similar story, right now. The wisdom that you have gained, the insights that you've learnt, can and should be passed on. By using our life experiences to help others, we give hope and comfort that, even if what we went through was terrible, we SURVIVED... Parents on a Mission are seeking parents with a lived experience of the Queensland Child Protection system, to use their lived experiences to help others. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please go to: for more information
10.01.2022 For this year's Child Protection Week, Parents on a Mission sought the views of its members, which include parents, carers and former Departmental staff, on the topic of working together. The insights of all stakeholders have been captured during this past week and are now available to view by visiting my website: Click on the POAM, the journey so far section. It's been a privilege to work closely with all involved, to gather evidence of lived experience, to further demonstrate the commitment of Parents on a Mission, to provide the lived experience of our members to Government and NGOs. Below is a sneak peek of the report...
10.01.2022 I am here, I am willing to stand up for you. I know it's hard, I know that you feel alone but you are NOT alone. If you need support, if you need advice, reach out to me today...
09.01.2022 It's almost time for Child Protection Week and, as the CEO of Parents on a Mission, I'm doing my bit to keep the conversation alive, about how we can all work together to improve outcomes for families involved in the Child Protection system. What am I doing? Over the next week, Parents on a Mission will be meeting with stakeholders, as well as members of POAM, to discuss our collective experiences and collect much needed feedback to bring the voices of lived experience of Pa...rents on a Mission members to the Government and community organisations. We are working together - parents, carers and workers, all to create better outcomes for families Check out what Parents on a Mission have been up to at: #childsafety #workwithparents #socialimpact #livedexperience #parenting #childprotectionweek #workingtogether
09.01.2022 Its the first day of Child Protection Week, 2020. This year, the theme is putting children first. Parents on a Mission puts children first, by educating parents, carers and workers to work together to support the best outcomes for children in out of home care. Visit my website, to find out what I am doing to change the system from the inside. Check out my latest blog - The case for working together
08.01.2022 You may never know the impact you have on people. If you are passionate about something and believe you have solutions to problems in our world, use your voice, be proactive and take a stand for what you believe in. It's an incredible feeling to have your ideas not only listened to but for people to share in your vision to make things better for others
08.01.2022 Lets open up the conversation about parent support - Parents on a Mission believes that parents who are involved in the child protection system need strong leadership and advocacy from peers who have already been through it. We have peer mentors/support people for mental health, addictions, DV, disability etc... Why not child protection? Please add your views in the comments section #socialimpact #parentsonamission #betteroutcomesforfamilies #livedexperience #workwithparents #leadership #childsafety #peersupport
06.01.2022 Hi everyone, are you interested in attending an online event on 14/9/20, 6.30-8.30pm that will be the largest and most impactful event of the 2020 Qld election? Join the event by clicking on this link: The event will feature community groups and members talking to Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and LNP Leader Deb Frecklington about negotiating solutions to current state issues ... Parents on a Mission will be attending this event.
05.01.2022 Parents on a Mission is attending the Maroonprint Election Assembly Social impact and investment by our Government is extremely important and Parents on a Mission support this cause
04.01.2022 On Wednesday, Parents on a Mission will be a participant in the Griffith University non-dispensing pharmacists in general practice steering committee. Internationally, the positive benefits of the integration of non-dispensing pharmacists in general practice are recognised, however, large-scale implementation has not yet taken place in Australia. The benefits to the general public are more positive health outcomes and a better patient experience. The benefit to medical prac...titioners is improved job satisfaction. This is important work that will provide feedback to the Government and Parents on Mission are proud to be involved in a project that will provide better health outcomes for Queenslanders. #health #parentsonamission #steeringcommittee #generalpractice #healthprofessionals #betterhealthoutcomes #patientinsights
03.01.2022 I have just finished another Talk with Leanne session, where I was able to use my lived experience to help a parent. It's so important to me to pass on the knowledge I have gained to others. If you need help or support or know someone who does, please visit my website for more details...
02.01.2022 Parents on a Mission would like to wish all the Dads out there a happy Father's Day