Chapter 2 Australia in Subiaco, Western Australia | Consultation agency
Chapter 2 Australia
Locality: Subiaco, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 6102 7717
Address: 230 Nicholson Rd 6008 Subiaco, WA, Australia
Likes: 325
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25.01.2022 Virtual citizenship ceremonies: NSW seems to be the first state to set up virtual citizenship ceremonies‘: the Department of Home Affairs has started to send emails to approved citizenship candidates inviting them to register their interest to participate in a virtual citizenship ceremony in the coming weeks. Based in the email, at this stage virtual citizenship ceremonies are only available to applicants in Australia and are offered on an ‘opt-in’ basis: the plan seems to be that applicants who do not express an interest in attending an online ceremony will be invited at a later time to participate in a traditional ceremony - once they resume.
24.01.2022 Most temporary visa holders with work rights and affected by the Corona-Crisis are now entitled to access their superannuation fund to help tide them over these difficult times. For further measures to ease hardship, including concessions for employer-sponsored visa holders see the official media release of 4 April
20.01.2022 Face-to-Face citizenship set to resume...and by the looks of it, the online ceremonies could continue even after ‘normal’ ceremonies resume, depending on the individual council. This seems like a good chance to catch up on the backlog of ceremonies - in most cases the waiting time for an online ceremony has been around 8 months from date of approval of citizenship application. #dualcitizenship #Australiancitizenship... #BBG #Beibehaltungsgrnehmigung See more
17.01.2022 Drastic measures...but not unexpected, and definitely in line with the approach taken in Germany (and in the present circumstances they make sense to me)
16.01.2022 I really admire this woman: what an inspirational mix of all-encompassing empathy, rational arguments and positive thinking
15.01.2022 International flight options from/to Australia are rapidly disappearing: today Thailand has followed Singapore in its decision to close its doors even to transit passengers (for Thailand there is an exemption for passengers who can prove they are Covid-19 free AND are covered by insurance for at least USD 100,000)
14.01.2022 Australian citizenship ceremonies set to go ahead via videolink - great news especially for German Permanent Residents who aspire to dual (German/Australian) citizenship and have a deadline to meet in connection with this.
07.01.2022 Germany eases border controls and travel restrictions Mandatory quarantine for people entering Germany from neighbouring countries is to be lifted, if the recommendations of Germany‘s Interior Minister Seehofer are adopted by the states. Border controls to Luxemburg are to be lifted from 16 May, with plans for Denmark to follow as soon as the country has concluded consultations with its Scandinavian neighbours.... Border controls to France, Switzerland and Austria are to remain in force until 15 June, and the strict regulations governing air travel from Italy and Spain remain unchanged; also: people in Germany are still expected to refrain from travelling to other countries for leisure purposes.
06.01.2022 Australian Citizenship Did you know: Western Australia is currently the only state, that has resumed Oz citizenship interviews (which currently must be conducted face to face); this obviously has created a backlog for interviews with significant waiting times; updates/changes to the citizenship interview arrangements are published as and when they occur on the upside: in WA citizenship ceremonies are now being conducted online AND face-to-face, so with a little luck the wait times should be decreasing...
04.01.2022 Iwhat a year: Human Biosecurity Emergency Period in Australia extended to 17 December 2020. This will take the total period in Australia to nine months (and counting) by the end of 2020.
03.01.2022 Are you ready to become Australian? While Chapter 2 Australia doesn’t offer a Magpie-Protection-Service‘ (yet) , we can assist with (dual) citizenship matters, expiry of visa/citizenship approval and travel exemptions, including associated translations (German <>English) To book a consultation email us at [email protected] #dual citizenship #beibehaltungsgenehmigung ... #travel exemption #visa expiry See more
03.01.2022 (Unterm Strich) Erfreuliche Nachrichten vom BVA Osnabrück (Stand 24.3.): Die nette Dame in Osnabrück hat mir gestern die Maßnahmen/Strategien genannt, die sie dort ergreifen, um Verzögerungen/Nachteile für Antragsteller, deren BBG-Antrag schon in Bearbeitung ist, soweit wie möglich zu minimieren: 1) das BVA Osnabrück arbeitet weiterhin, wenn auch mit Einschränkungen... 2) BBG-Anträge werden weiterhin bearbeitet bis zum Punkt der Entscheidung, aber diese Entscheidung wird momentan nicht formalisiert: Das heißt, es werden momentan keine BBG-Urkunden ausgestellt, um zu vermeiden, dass diese womöglich (aufgrund der reduzierten Arbeitseinsätze bei allen Ämtern) ein paar Monate lang irgendwo hängen bleiben, bevor sie ans Generalkonsulat Sydney gelangen Diese Strategie ist meines Erachtens sinnvoll und Customer-focused‘ angesichts der Tatsache, dass die BBG eine auf 2 Jahre begrenzte Gültigkeit hat, und zwar ab dem Datum der AUSSTELLUNG (nicht an dem Datum der Aushändigung). Da die Gültigkeitsdauer der BBG-Urkunde gesetzlich vorgegeben ist haben die Sachbearbeiter keinen Spielraum, diese zu verlängern. Somit ist ein Hinauszögern der Entscheidung (während der COVID-19 Krise) die effektivste Maßnahme, die negativen Auswirkungen für die BBG-Antragsteller möglichst gering zu halten. Wenn ich die Dame richtig verstanden habe, so wird diese Strategie auch dazu führen, dass später (wenn die Krise überstanden ist) ein ganzer Schwung von Urkunden mehr oder weniger zeitgleich ausgestellt werden wird. Fazit: üben wir uns in Geduld und lassen die armen Sachbearbeiter in Frieden, denn sie denken mit und geben sich wirklich Mühe in diesen schwierigen Zeiten.
01.01.2022 Good to be heading home...while we still can
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