Charlestown Scout Group, NSW | Community organisation
Charlestown Scout Group, NSW
Phone: +61 421 343 187
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25.01.2022 Buy an Entertainment Membership through Charlestown Scout Group today and receive a BONUS $10 Woolworths WISH eGift Card! Hurry, offer ends 11:59pm AEST, 14 July. Click here to purchase
25.01.2022 Love means total acceptance. And there is no denying that when we accept someone completely, we also have to accept some not so pleasant elements which can us and cause pain. True love means to figure out how to deal with those elements in a way that the expression of our love can be the fullest. Video credits: Innerlight Media Group #saturdaymorning #relationshipgoals #love #acceptance #positivity #helpothers #lifesamazingsecrets #gaurgopaldas #dailymotivation #inspiration #saturdaywisdom
25.01.2022 During this health pandemic, you can still commemorate and support our servicemen and women through our 2020 ANZAC Blanket Badge. Pre-orders being taken now, with 10% of sales being donated to Soldier On Australia.
25.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day. To all our mums - have a great day.
23.01.2022 Daylight savings starts tomorrow! Remember to set your clocks forward by 1 hour. This is also a good time to change the batteries in your Scout Hall's smoke alarm.
22.01.2022 Scouts NSW celebrates diversity in all aspects of our program. Today is International Day for Tolerance, a day to recognise the achievements we've made in bette...r understanding different cultures and people. Learning about our differences only makes our communities stronger, and Scouts NSW is honoured to provide a safe space to come together. #UNInternationalDayOfTolerance #Diversity #Acceptance #Together
22.01.2022 Charlestown Scouts commemorating Anzac Day at Dudley Dawn Service and Charlestown Lions Service, the first year of Charlestown Scouts doing Catafalque Party. A big thankyou to Kaz for the beautiful wreaths.
22.01.2022 Are you heading to the beach this summer? As a former surf lifesaver I constantly find myself when I'm at a beach automatically in patrol mode, and I'm always ...troubled seeing the amount of swimmers that enter the surf straight into a rip zone. This includes, and most worrying of all children. I know a lot of people are kind of aware of what to do if caught in a rip, but it has been brought to my attention recently that a lot of people aren't aware of what a rip actually looks like or where the safest place to swim at the beach is if there is no flagged area. One person will drown every two to three days this summer... 90% of those fatalities will be rip-related. Here are a few things that will help you and your kids stay safe this summer. I have also put together a few images that show what to look for. 1. The easiest thing to remember is that often the safest/calmest most enticing looking area along a beach is usually a rip. A rip is usually the area void of wave activity and appears darker and deceptively calmer. It can sometimes appear milky or turbulent, but it is always pretty much void of wave activity. All that water coming in via waves has to go back out somehow, this is what a rip is. (see pics). 2. Always take 5-10 mins when you get to the beach to observe surf conditions and identify where these areas are. 3. If you are caught in a rip, DO NOT PANIC. Go into floating mode and raise one arm as a distress signal when possible. See which direction the rip is taking you, is it straight out or at an angle? once you have determined this, and if you have the energy, swim to the right or left of the direction of flow, never against. Some rips can move at 3 times the speed of an olympic swimmer, you won't win! If you cannot swim out to either side of the rip, just go with it. Most rips won't take you out very far, and will usually spit you out not long after they take you, so keep calm and save your energy for the swim back to shore. 4. If you have kids, show them these pictures, educate them and make them aware. You can't always be watching them, and it is only a matter of a few metres each way of the point of entry to the water that could mean them being safe, or instantly caught in a rip. Obviously the safest place to swim is always between the flags on a patrolled beach, but this isn't always practical given the immensity of our coast line and number of beautiful beaches. Of course there are many other factors that can come into play when it comes to beach safety, but rips are the No.1 killer. They are not hard to identify, and 10 mins observation before entering the surf is much easier than body retrieval. *The darker/calmer areas in the pics are rips. The one with purple dye shows rip movement. Courtesy: Kenny Jewell - Official Surf Life Saving NSW, Newcastle Surf Life Saving Club, Nobbys SLSC Newcastle, Dixon Park Surf Life Saving Club, Merewether SLSC, Newcastle City Council, Stockton Surf Life Saving Club, Port Stephens Council, Fingal Rovers Surf Life Saving Club, Birubi Point SLSC, Lake Macquarie City Council, Redhead SLSC, Swansea Belmont Surf Club, Caves Beach Surf Club, Catho SLSC
22.01.2022 Thank you to those members who have let us know about Rohan and his actions to help an elderly woman who had fallen. While he may have learned first aid in Sc...outs, on this day he demonstrated much more than those skills - leadership, compassion, generosity and kindness. What a wonderful affirmation of the Scouting spirit. BRAVO Rohan! See more
21.01.2022 Paying our respects to the fallen.
21.01.2022 Charlestown Scout group at the Dudley War Memorial Remembrance Day service.
21.01.2022 Did you know only 9% of plastic is recycled every year? Just because we toss it in the recycling bin doesn't mean it ends up getting recycled - sometimes it'll end up in a landfill, an ocean, or on the street instead. This year, let's say no to plastic.
20.01.2022 Troop C108 - Warners Bay, Belmont, Rathmines, Charlestown, Edgeworth
19.01.2022 Baggy will be participating in Relay for Life on Saturday, please help him reach his goal. Any help would mean a lot. Thanks
19.01.2022 The perfect way to celebrate Mothers' Day, Give mum the VIP treatment with an Entertainment membership! We think mum will love it even more for supporting us:
19.01.2022 Doing or bit for Cancer Research. Please come down and say hello and help show support.
18.01.2022 Scout badges represent growth, development and skills and are worn with pride, however unless you’re a sewing ninja or have a sewing nanna on hand, most of us h...ave a love/hate relationship with sewing on uniform badges! This handy tip changed everything both as a parent sewing on Cub badges and teaching said Cub, now Scout to sew on his own badges See more
18.01.2022 Say this fast five times... Way deep Scouting mantra going on! #GodzillaStrikesAgain #GetKnotted #IfYouCantTieKnotsTieLots #SpiritualStuff #TongueTwisters ~Pteropus - for Godzilla
17.01.2022 BONUS OFFER! When you buy an Entertainment Membership from us, not only will you be supporting Charlestown Scout Group but you will also receive a bonus $10 Woolworths WISH eGift Card! Hurry, offer ends 11:59 May 12 AEST. Get yours today:
17.01.2022 Scouts wouldn’t be possible without the support of thousands of dedicated women who volunteer their time as Leaders, Adult Helpers and supporters. Thank you to ...those amazing women in our lives who lead and empower us , who encourage adventure in our lives , and who inspire us to do our best every day. Happy Mother's Day from Scouts NSW!!
16.01.2022 Because every young person deserves the chance to do their best.
16.01.2022 Windlines: The Scout Compass of Discovery, is a major public sculpture located at Scout Place along Alfred Street at Circular Quay in Sydney. The artwork the ever-changing nature of the wind to inspire journeys of discovery, and includes a number of Scouting phrases including ‘lead the way’, ‘do your best’ and ‘be prepared’. It was funded by Dick Smith AO and Pip Smith to commemorate the centenary of Scouts in Australia in 2008, and ten years later, on Sunday 18 November 2018, it will be where dozens of Scouting members gather to renew their Scout Promise to celebrate 110 years of the Scouting movement in Australia. Photo credit: City of Sydney
16.01.2022 Market Day AJ2019
16.01.2022 Have you seen this photo on local billboards, bus stops or train stations? It's an incredible photo taken by a NSW Venturer Scout in the World Heritage Blue Mou...ntains, and made famous by an Apple iPhone campaign! There's been photos of this well known and popular canyon sighted across Australia and the United States. Read the full story here: See more
16.01.2022 As long as we live, they too will live; for they are now a part of us, as we remember them. Lest we Forget.
15.01.2022 On Tuesday we went to see the Westpac Helicopter. It was lots of fun. One of our Charlestown cubs got to sit in the pilot seat for her birthday, unfortunately nobody else got to, but we got it go inside the back of the helicopter. We even got to see it land, it was awesome! Krystal (Cubs)
15.01.2022 Today is Harmony Day, an opportunity for us to celebrate diversity and inclusivity across our nation and our Scouting communities. Our Scout Groups give young p...eople from different cultural backgrounds, faiths, identities and abilities the chance to come together and take up new adventures! Thank you to our youth members, Leaders, volunteers and supporters who help foster a safe and inclusive environment for every Scout to belong. How is your Group celebrating Harmony Day? #HarmonyDay #HarmonyWeek See more
15.01.2022 Come get a sausage sandwich and a cold drink from us at Bunnings Kotara
14.01.2022 Tonight we had lots of fun cooking some pancakes on the BBQ, we put put some chocolate sauce and sprinkles on them and they were warm and yummy in our tummies. By Amitiel, Krystal and Josie.
14.01.2022 Shine when it’s your time
14.01.2022 Last Thursday Cubs joined Teralba Cubs at Belmont Ambulance Station. All the Cubs had a wonderful time. A big thanks to Jeanine Bond for showing us around and Kaa for inviting us. Here is what one of our Cubs and a Joey thought of the night. I liked how we got to hear the siren and learn about how one of the sounds can make the car infront vibrate. I liked how we got to see all the different stretchers and all the equipment kept in the ambulance. It was good to see that has a heart when he got hooked up to the machine. I think i might like to be a paramedic when i grow up. Cooper Gardem I just liked all of it. Mason Gardem
13.01.2022 Tuesday night we finished a great term with a campfire and sausage sandwich at Glenrock. Thankyou to the leaders and parent helpers on the bbq.
12.01.2022 Paying our respects at Charlestown. 1st year as catafalque party and a job well done.
12.01.2022 What better way to mark #WorldKindnessDay than by performing a random act of kindness to someone around you. Simple actions can have an enormous impact.
11.01.2022 Who loves helping the environment and supporting their local community at the same time? Thanks to our exciting new partnership with the Return and Earn prog...ram, now you can! Until 25 August, you can take your eligible cans, bottles and cartons to one of the 318 Return and Earn reverse vending machines across the state and donate your refund to Scouts NSW! Every 20 containers donated will fund one night of Scouting for a youth member, with all proceeds going towards the Family Support Fund. myTOMRA Australia
10.01.2022 SPECIAL OFFER FROM ANACONDA NEWCASTLE Anaconda Newcastle has heard a rumour that there's a big Jamboree coming up in the next few months. This means a lot to u...s, as camping people ourselves, we love when we hear stories about people getting out into the great outdoors and out into Adventure, whether it be camping, hiking, or even just getting outside. We also know that there might be a few of you who need a few extra things to help make this camp as easy as possible, so we want to do something for you! On Tuesday, the 23rd, we will be opening our doors just for you, after hours. When 5.30 rolls around, we'll keep the doors open for another 2 hours to let you come in and buy all the essentials like stretchers, sleeping bags, boots, clothes, sleeping mats, dinner sets, tents... whatever it is you need. And because we really like Scouts (because I'm a Scout Leader myself), we're going to do our best to make it as cost effective as possible, knocking down prices on a few things we think would be essential for Jamboree. I don't want anyone to feel left out either though, so if you know there's some gear in the den that needs upgrading, maybe the big sleeping tents, hiking tents, poles, pegs, or cooking equipment, we'd be happy to let your whole group come through and get what they need, and we'll do our best on those prices too. To sweeten the deal, any Scout family that wants to come is invited to RSVP to the event by emailing [email protected], and they will receive a voucher in their email inbox giving them $10 off for spending over $50 on the night! So, to recap Tuesday 23rd October from 5.30-7.30, Scouts and Scout families/groups special night. RSVP at [email protected] for a special voucher Discounted stock across the store specifically for you (Exclusions apply, we're not going to discount Fishing or Bikes)
10.01.2022 Tonight Charlestown invested its newest member to Cubs. Welcome Oliver! Cubs also had 2 members, previously Joeys, join the Cub section. It is great to have Billy and Cooper join our growing pack.
10.01.2022 This week for National Volunteers Week, we're thanking all of our members for the work they do in their communities. All our 55,000 youth members, and their 16,...000 adult supporters, volunteer their time to help create a better world. From supporting our young people, caring for the environment, or assisting with disadvantaged communities, our Scouting members put in thousands of thankless hours for activities that improve our society. #NationalVolunteerWeek See more
10.01.2022 Today we celebrate Founders Day! In the busyness of the start of the school and Scouting year, it's important to take a moment and reflect on our roots. Lord Ro...bert Baden-Powell opened the door for Scouts around the world to impact millions of young people, as well as their communities. Like our Youth Members, Baden-Powell fulfilled his potential, writing over 30 books about his travels and Scouting. Like our Adult Members, he freely gave his time and energy to the betterment of the Scouting program and the young people it empowers. His legacy lives on through each and every one of us and our participation in Scouting. #Scouts #FoundersDay #ScoutsNSW
09.01.2022 Pleased to be able to help Charlestown Scout Group, NSW with a grant of $6,600 from the Shortland Stronger Communities Program to help upgrade their kitchen. Ev...eryone who uses the Scout Hall will benefit from the work, which has been carried out by hardworking volunteers. Thanks to Gary Clements and Charlestown Scouts for inviting me along tonight to check it out. See more
09.01.2022 If you need a smile, you need to watch this! We came across this viral video of Cub Scouts playing in Thailand and we thought it was so adorable you should see it too
07.01.2022 We love seeing what our Scouts are getting up to while Scouting@Home! Cobalt from 1st Picnic Point has done an awesome job at creating his own jigsaw puzzle of the Scout logo! We hear jigsaw puzzles are all the rage at the moment, so why not try making one of your own?
07.01.2022 Did you know that you can download the Entertainment Book App for FREE? You can see what it’s all about and the great offers that are available before purchasing! If you like what you see you can order your membership through our online fundraising page . As a BONUS from 23rd July to 28th July you will receive a $10 Woolworths eGift Card when you order through our fundraising page. The best part is Charlestown Scout Group receive $13 from each membership sold! (You can download the app before purchasing from the Apple Store or Google Play Just remember if you wish to purchase, do so through our link above!)
07.01.2022 Families can now apply for and redeem their 2019 Active Kids vouchers with Scouts! It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!
07.01.2022 Happy New Year to all our members, supporters and their families! We hope you are looking forward to another incredible year of Scouting adventures in 2019!
06.01.2022 Please support Baggy if you are able to
05.01.2022 We're proud to share with you the story of our new brand identity, launched last night at AJ2019 - 25th Australian Jamboree Opening Ceremony. Stay tuned for the release of brand assets and guidelines for our members.
05.01.2022 The world's oldest Scout troop was established not by a man, but a woman.
04.01.2022 It's 50 years since Neil Armstrong took a giant leap for mankind by being the first man on the moon! An Eagle #Scout himself, Armstrong took his World Scout to the moon. On the way, he sent a message to US Scouts wishing them a good time at their Jamboree. On July 24, NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration astronauts Nick Hauge, Chrstina Koch and Drew Morgan will inspire new generation of Scouts attending the 24th World #ScoutJamboree in West Virginia directly from the International Space Station. Full story:
03.01.2022 Registrations are now open for Cuboree 2020! Get ready to journey to new lands and explore ecosystems on this adventure of a lifetime. To apply visit for more information visit #cuboree2020
02.01.2022 Wishing all our Scouting families and friends a Happy Easter!
01.01.2022 Scouts from across NSW are having a great time at AJ2019, and in exactly 12 months time it'll be the Cubs' turn to have their adventure of a lifetime! Today mar...ks one year until the opening ceremony of Cuboree 2020! Cubs are in for a treat, with 'What on Earth' set to be the biggest and best Cuboree yet. Applications will open 21 January so keep your eyes peeled on our page or visit for more info. #cuboree2020 See more
01.01.2022 Welcome to the newest members of Charlestown Scout Group
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