Chatterbee Speech Pathology | Interest
Chatterbee Speech Pathology
Phone: 0415464142
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25.01.2022 With the Easter long weekend and school holidays in full swing why not try a game of I spy to entertain the kids. They get to have a fun (& slightly competitive in out house) game and practice their language skills at the same time. Its a win win! #happyeaster #languagegames #speech #language #speechandlanguage #communication #speechpathology #speechtherapy #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
25.01.2022 The funny thing is I cant ride a bike... but give me a speech pathology session and Im in my element and can change things to suit the child in a heartbeat! #justlikeridingabike #speech #language #speechandlanguage #speechpathology #speechtherapy #communication #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
25.01.2022 We are proud to be a sponsor of our local football clubs bear cubs program! This is a great program that helps to build childrens social skills, teamwork skills, problem solving skills and turn taking through a sports related focus. Go the Bears!
24.01.2022 Hi everyone! Theres only 3 days to go until I run in the City2Surf and Im so close to my fundraising target. It would be fantastic if you could help me reach my target by sponsoring me to help support a cause that is close to me!
24.01.2022 As my office is at home sometimes the inevitable happens and I need to make a phone call with my children in the house. This is so accurate that I still havent stopped laughing! #worklifemumlife #noquiettimesinthishouse #speech #language #speechandlanguage #speechpathology #speechtherapy #communication #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
24.01.2022 Sometimes its hard to know when to be concerned when youre child starts to have fluency errors or stuttering. These are some great tips from Nash Speech Pathology about what stuttering is and when to seek help from a speech pathologist
24.01.2022 Time to update my first aid certificate! Its always great to know you have the knowledge to help in an emergency #cprfirstaid #training #professionaldevelopment
23.01.2022 This study helps to show the importance of reading with your children from a young age to give them the best start before they begin Kindergarten.
22.01.2022 A quick way of screening your childs speech at home. If your child appears to have any of these errors then it is recommended you call a speech pathologist to book an assessment. #babyshark #speech #language #speechandlanguage #communication #speechpathology #speechtherapy #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
22.01.2022 Chatterbee Speech Pathology would love to wish everyone a Happy New Year! May 2019 be filled with lots more laughs and fantastic memories! #happynewyear #2019 #speech #language #speechandlanguage #speechpathology #speechtherapy #communication #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
21.01.2022 In our house we seem to play a lot of I spy. This is a great breakdown of how to use this game to help work in your childs language skills without them seeing they are completing language work!
21.01.2022 There is less than 2 weeks left until the City2Surf, and so far I've raised an amazing $224 for Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect). In the next couple of weeks, I am hoping to reach my target of $500 to make an even bigger difference to the lives of children who have an Autism diagnosis and their families, and would love it if you could help get me there! To make a donation, just head to my profile page:
21.01.2022 A little bit of speechie humour heading into the holidays! #subordinateclauses #speechiechristmasjokes #christmastime
20.01.2022 Hi everyone! I have officially signed up for the City2Surf as my first official run before I attempt to run my first half marathon in November. It will also be the first time I have ever attempted to run the entire 14km One of the reasons Im running is to help raise awareness and support for Autism Spectrum Disorder for all the kids I work with and their families.... If you are able to sponsor me to help support this cause and Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) I would truly appreciate it!
20.01.2022 Phonological awareness is so important as a stepping stone to learning how to read. Check out these tips from Nash Speech Pathology to help your child become more confident with these skills!
20.01.2022 Wishing all of the fathers a wonderful and relaxing Fathers day! #happyfathersday #speech #language #speechandlanguage #communication #speechpathology #speechtherapy #communication #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
19.01.2022 Today I helped out with reading groups in my sons kindergarten class. I love seeing the different skills each child brings when learning to read and helping them to learn new skills. Sometimes the hardest thing as a parent, speech pathologist (or in my case - both) is to wait and give the child a chance to attempt it first even if it takes longer than you think it should. ... Sometimes they may just surprise you with how they can combine multiple skills to read a word that you know they previously havent been able to read. #literacy #reading #earlyreaders #readinggroups #speech #language #speechandlanguage #communication #speechtherapy #speechpathology #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
19.01.2022 We would like to wish all the mothers out there a wonderful Mothers day! Hopefully you get a few minutes to relax and spend time on yourself #happymothersday #speech #language #speechandlanguage #communication #speechpathology #speechtherapy #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
18.01.2022 The final City2Surf post today I eventually found Greg and we decided to get a photo together that I didnt have to take! (Bonus!) I found the @autismspectrumaustralia charity tent, got a wonderful massage and had a lovely chat with the ladies who were running it today. ... All in all it has been a wonderfully fulfilling day and for those who see me in the next 48 hours I might need some help getting up and around #City2Surf #Ifinished
16.01.2022 Today was my first day back at work and I received the loveliest belated Christmas present... I believe there may have even been a few tears. Some days I dont think I could love my job more! #mademyday #bestfirstdaybackever
15.01.2022 Play is great way to get kids to not only learn new concepts or goals but also have fun at the same time. It also makes it much easier for parents to practice homework when its a game of Snap, Go fish or I-Spy instead of drill work. Bring on the play and the fun!... What are your favourite games to help with play-based learning? #playbasedlearning #makinglearningfun #snap #gofish #Ispy #speech #language #speechandlanguage #speechpathology #speechtherapy #communication #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
15.01.2022 Some great tips about how to help build your childs language skills and vocabulary. A child centered approach to building their vocabulary helps maintain their attention and interest and in some instances allows you to learn new information together! My kids always seem to want to learn more information about the most abstract things... the latest being the exact definition of a continent
14.01.2022 Today we are at the Pearson Autism Forum 2019: Embracing Strengths Based Practices Today we are focusing a lot of resilience and this slide focused on some of the protective factors that resilience can provide not only children with autism but any child or adult #AutismForumAU #autism #speech #language #speechandlanguage #communication #speechpathology #speechtherapy #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
13.01.2022 Chatterbee Speech Pathology would like to wish all of their clients, families and friends a very Merry Christmas! Enjoy this time together as families and stay safe. #merrychristmas #happyholidays #seasonsgreetings #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
13.01.2022 A new study has been released outlining the average age speech sounds are heard in children. You can download this new resource on the development of when speech sounds develop from: If you have any concerns about your childs speech sound development you can contact us via our website #speechsounddevelopment #developmentalmilestones #earlyintervention #speech #language #speechandlanguage #speechpathology #speechtherapy #communication #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
11.01.2022 It's still dark, it's cold but we're here and waiting for the bus to take us to the City2Surf! To all those who have supported me already, THANK YOU so much for your support in helping to provide the best opportunities for people with autism. If you would still to support me, it's not too late. ... Please find a link to my fundraising page Wish me luck!!
10.01.2022 Congratulations to the winner of our Christmas Giveaway competition... Tillie! I will bring your bag of goodies this week for you to take home for Christmas. I hope everyone enjoys the last two weeks of school. We will be working until Monday 17th December.... Merry Christmas! #christmasgiveaway #christmastraditions #christmastime #speech #language #speechandlanguage #speechpathology #speechtherapy #communication #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
10.01.2022 Christmas Giveaway With the end of the year quickly coming around and Christmas just around the corner we are running a Christmas competition to finish up the year! There are two ways to enter:... 1. Every therapy session attendance over the next two weeks (26/11 - 7/12) will count for one entry 2. For a bonus entry - Go to our Facebook or Instagram page and comment with your favourite Christmas or holiday tradition that you do with your family. You will receive one bonus entry per post (You can enter as many times as you like with different traditions!) 3. Thats it! Entries close on Saturday 8th December at Midnight with the winner announced on Sunday 9th December (Entries from Australia only) We have lots of Christmas traditions in our house with Christmas celebrations often going for 4 days! One of my favourite traditions is doing a Christmas advent countdown with books. We wrap or place 24 Christmas books under our Christmas tree and read one each night in the lead up to Christmas - a great way to encourage reading as the school year winds down! #christmasgiveaway #christmastraditions #readingadventcalendar #speech #language #speechandlanguage #speechpathology #speechtherapy #communication #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
09.01.2022 There is less than 2 weeks left until the City2Surf, and so far Ive raised an amazing $224 for Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect). In the next couple of weeks, I am hoping to reach my target of $500 to make an even bigger difference to the lives of children who have an Autism diagnosis and their families, and would love it if you could help get me there! To make a donation, just head to my profile page:
08.01.2022 I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter today celebrating with their family, friends and chocolate! Our house is currently in the crazy zone of three little boys on a very big sugar high! #happyeaster #eastersunday #familytime #speech #language #speechandlanguage #communication #speechpathology #speechtherapy #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
07.01.2022 Its still dark, its cold but were here and waiting for the bus to take us to the City2Surf! To all those who have supported me already, THANK YOU so much for your support in helping to provide the best opportunities for people with autism. If you would still to support me, its not too late. ... Please find a link to my fundraising page Wish me luck!!
07.01.2022 Christmas Giveaway Dont forget to comment with your favourite Christmas or holiday tradition before midnight on the 8th December for your chance to win this Christmas pack with books, a Santa letter kit, crayons, stickers and activity book. I cant wait to draw the lucky winner!... #christmasgiveaway #christmastraditions #christmastime #speech #language #speechandlanguage #speechpathology #speechtherapy #communication #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
06.01.2022 Wishing all the mums, grandmothers and women out there a Happy International Womens day! #happyinternationalwomensday
06.01.2022 Hi everyone! There's only 3 days to go until I run in the City2Surf and I'm so close to my fundraising target. It would be fantastic if you could help me reach my target by sponsoring me to help support a cause that is close to me!
06.01.2022 Now that school is back sometimes its hard to work out how to find out what your kids have been up to all day! This is a great list of questions to help you find out about your childs day without using the question "How was school today?" #schoolsback #howwasschooltoday #questions #speech #language #speechandlanguage #speechtherapy #speechpathology #communication #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
05.01.2022 I love the feeling of a fresh new haircut on a work day! #itwastimeforachop #freshhairfeels #workday #speech #language #speechandlanguage #communication #speechpathology #speechtherapy #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
04.01.2022 TOMORROW, Im taking part in the City2Surf to raise funds to support people of all ages on the autism spectrum and their families. To all those who have supported me already, THANK YOU so much for your support in helping to provide the best opportunities for people with autism. If you would still to support me, its not too late. ... Please find a link to my fundraising page Wish me luck!!
03.01.2022 TOMORROW, I'm taking part in the City2Surf to raise funds to support people of all ages on the autism spectrum and their families. To all those who have supported me already, THANK YOU so much for your support in helping to provide the best opportunities for people with autism. If you would still to support me, it's not too late. ... Please find a link to my fundraising page Wish me luck!!
02.01.2022 I made it! I ran the whole way even after getting cramps in both legs at the 11km mark and no longer being able to move my neck but I did it! Thank you to everyone who supported me and sponsored me. You definitely helped me keep pushing through the pain! Next challenge is to find my husband who is not at the allocated meeting spot ... #City2Surf #sotired #somuchpain #sohappyididit
01.01.2022 We are so proud to be a sponsor for Winston Hills Little Athletics Centre, our local Little Athletics Centre. It has been wonderful to work with some of the youngest kids at this club over the last two years, building their self confidence and fitness skills and seeing how their social skills improve. My favourite part is seeing the sportsmanship that they display each week and how they support each others achievements as well as challenge each other to improve.... Its also been lovely to provide some speech pathology information to curious and concerned parents! #whac #WinstonHillsAthleticsCentre #proudsponsor #localclub #speech #language #speechandlanguage #communication #speechpathology #speechtherapy #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
01.01.2022 Each child learns language skills at a different pace and in a different way so this is a fantastic list of strategies to help your child build on their language skills. #speech #language #speechandlanguage #communication #speechpathology #speechtherapy #languagestrategies #communication #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
01.01.2022 A big day of baking for Christmas on my first proper day of holidays resulted in 36 stockings, 66 gingerbread men, 59 Christmas trees and a gingerbread house that has yet to be assembled! #almostlikethe12daysofchristmassong #gingerbreadfordays #festive #christmasbaking #christmastime #myhousesmellslikechristmas #ilovethepatternsonthestockings #thekidslovehelpingwiththedecorating #chatterbee #chatterbeespeechpathology
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