Chatterbox Public Speaking in Perth, Western Australia | Consultation agency
Chatterbox Public Speaking
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 431 287 496
Address: Newcastle Street 6000 Perth, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 THIS GUY The man. The legend. The hero. ... The best. My Dad
24.01.2022 BACKSTAGE PRESSURE . . This is an intimate video of how rattled I was backstage before coming out to face a full house at Gamechanger .... . Only 2 people were backstage with me and I was so nervous I didnt even notice them! I kept telling myself, 100 people are waiting for you. Dont mess this up! . . At one point I thought I was going to throw up - thankfully I held it together and I was able deliver my Gamechanger talk to a wonderful audience . . Life Films . . See more
24.01.2022 40 Under 40 Just over 2 years ago I had this crazy idea of pursuing a career in public speaking. I say crazy because public speaking terrifies me Most people thought I was insane. Some people believed in me and most of all, I believed in myself (balanced with a healthy dose of imposter syndrome!) ... Fast forward to today, Chatterbox is flying and at the end of 2020, I was nominated for the 40 Under 40 Awards for start up / small business of the year. I'm also on the list for the People's Choice Awards Business News encouraged nominees to share this recognition online with their networks - something I've felt anxious and uncomfortable doing but after speaking to my friends, family and mentors over the Xmas break, they all pushed me to do what I always preach, "get comfortable, being uncomfortable" And so that's what I'm doing. If you have followed my journey and feel I've done an OK job - then you can vote for me on the link (below in the comments) and hopefully your support will propel this crazy adventure to making an even bigger impact in 2021
23.01.2022 EEEEXCELLENT . . This is my best impression of Mr Burns from The Simpsons .... . See more
23.01.2022 . . For those of you who werent able to make Gamechanger a few weeks ago, we had a massive introduction to the talk with Eminem Lose Yourself playing as I walked out to the stage . .... Picture a pitch black room with this video, full volume thumping on two massive screens and these words popping up . . When you read the words closely youll realise why I have always thought they perfectly relate to public speaking . . Watch the whole 1.30min for full affect! See more
22.01.2022 CHATTERBOX VIRTUAL REALITY The reaction when somebody experiences Chatterbox VR to practice their public speaking = priceless ... Got any questions about Chatterbox Virtual Reality? Drop them below
22.01.2022 CLASSIC! . . Thanks for the humour Sir Winston Churchill .... . See more
21.01.2022 WINNING MINDSET . . I once scored 4 goals in a single game of football when I was a kid. 4 GOALS! The local newspaper even did a write up on me and called me the Homeside Hero .... . What people dont know is that I went into that game feeling scared of my opponent - a big, intimidating guy who looked like he was going to kill me . . At one point in the game he tackled me really badly. That tackle pissed me off and sent me on a warpath. The rest as they say... is history . . The Perth Entrepreneurs Podcast Crib Creative See more
21.01.2022 THE ONE PERCENT I am soooo excited to be speaking at Australian Institute of Management WA on September 30th Its amazing that people want to hear me talk about my journey and how public speaking can elevate you to the 1% of your game ... Tickets via the link below or DM me for more info
19.01.2022 2 YEARS! . . Chatterbox turned 2 this month! .... . Last year I bought myself a pair of sneakers to celebrate 12months and this time my reward is these photos . . So... Im told Chatterbox hosted Australias FIRST MAJOR / LIVE SPEAKING EVENT post-COVID which is something I am pretty damn proud of . . Seeing my logo in the Pan Pacific Hotel Perth ballroom like this was effing EPIC and I cant wait to do it again . . Chris Hayne Media . . See more
18.01.2022 IN THE MOMENT The moment when you are in flow and presenting confidently, you feel unstoppable I love that feeling! ... Credit to my man Chris Hayne Media
16.01.2022 MUSIC . . Before every presentation, no matter the audience, size or occasion - I listen to music. Music calms me down, settles my mind and gets me in the zone to perform .... . My music of choice? Well I love progressive house, breaks and liquid drum and bass - all streamed from my favourite station . . I also have my go to tracks. Motivating, thumping beats which I never, ever get tired of listening to: . . Numb / Encore - JAY-Z and Linkin Park . . Scram - Plump DJs - . . Clubbed to Death - Rob Dougan Official . . Lose Yourself - Eminem . . Lose Yourself was the opening /entry track at Gamechanger a few weeks ago and got me puuuuumped to hit the stage . . Chris Hayne See more
15.01.2022 WING IT . . I recently had somebody come up to me at an event and confidently say moments before presenting, Im just going to wing it today! .... . Sadly, the presentation wasnt very good at all . . Lesson learned . . See more
15.01.2022 STAGE FRIGHT! . . Weve all heard of stage fright havent we? Well.... some people (ahem - Kerrie) have whats called clumsy fright .... . Its always fun chatting with Kerrie, especially when she reveals how shes more afraid tripping over than she is of being front of an audience . . Oh and dont be fooled by this clumsiness, Kerrie runs a few successful business and is the Founder of Guerrilla Establishment so this is definitely a one off! . . See more
14.01.2022 2020 Thank you ESPN FC for this awesome graphic - I had to steal it and re-post Here’s hoping fans can return to football stadiums and Manchester United win the Premier League title
14.01.2022 MAKING AN IMPACT . . I am so proud to once again be a pitch mentor for one of the amazing charities with @impact100wa .... . The power of being able to articulate your message through a pitch and story can have an immense impact on peoples lives - so this is such a fun way for me to do work I love, with people I like and give back to the community . . Chris Hayne Media See more
13.01.2022 SLEEPY MC . . Contrary to how I LOOK in this first photo - Im tellin ya I was FULL of beans and energy when I MCd Dave Clare's 2020 Business Evolution Summit .... . Big ups to Dave for organising the day and hosting us! . . See more
13.01.2022 PRESENTING . . In my element. I absolutely love it .... . Lenspresso photography . . See more
13.01.2022 TAKING RISKS . . I have never, ever been a risk taker. Ive always stuck to my routine and played it safe - until I left my job and started Chatterbox .... . Ever since that day everything I have done has been one massive risk, none more so than my event a few weeks ago . . People have made wonderful comments about how easy it looks and how I seem to handle the pressure of public speaking - however the reality is very different and the pressure is enormous . . As the saying goes, with great risk comes great reward and my entire experience with running Chatterbox has been an incredible reward . . See more
13.01.2022 SPEAKER FACES Not all speaking photos look like a money shot especially when youve got a talented photographer like Chris Hayne Media making sure he captures all the weird and bizarre faces I make Thanks Chris - youre awesome my man
12.01.2022 PUBLIC SPEAKING VR . . Decades of being afraid of public speaking .... . Hundreds of presentations and learning experiences . . A plan 12 months in the making . . 1 epic event . . All led to 1 game changing idea . . See more
12.01.2022 A few weeks ago I was invited to join Neil Gibb as a guest on his legendary PEP Talk podcast. We could chatted for hours and somehow managed to keep it to 45mins Thanks for the chat you legend!
12.01.2022 GET COMFORTABLE BEING UNCOMFORTABLE Yesterday I was MC for the Perth Business Evolution Summit and spoke in front of 50+ people Id been feeling anxious for a few days because my stutter was wreaking havoc and I couldnt get the speaker bios to flow with my rhythm ... While I was presenting, I had several nasty stutters. It felt like a whack to my head and I momentarily lost my breathing The last time it happened, I leaned against the lectern and thought, Fuck it. If I stutter, its no big deal and its part of who I am Its exactly what I needed to tell myself so I could take a dose of my own medicine and get comfortable being uncomfortable
11.01.2022 IMPROMPTU SPEECH A few weeks ago I went to an event with around 20 people Once everybody arrived we were all asked to stand up and introduce ourselves ... I could sense most people were nervous (and so was I!) Some people were totally rattled and you could see their minds working furiously to come up with something Finally, my moment arrived! My heart was thumping, my nerves were racing but I delivered my 45second "impromptu speech" EVERYBODY clapped! No joke - the WHOLE DAMN ROOM CLAPPED and so many people came up to me after to talk to me and ask me more about what I did Delivering those 45seconds took me ~3 weeks to prepare and all that preparation was absolutely worth the effort
10.01.2022 GLOSSOPHOBIA . . Did you know the technical term for fear of public speaking is Glossophobia, which is derived from Greek language? .... . Maybe I should get this tattooed on me . . See more
10.01.2022 FAMILIARISE My Executive Speaker Series has produced some quality one liners from every guest and this one is from Dinesh Aggarwal, the Managing Partner of Fortuna Advisory Group When I asked Dinesh about his preparation methods before his speaking engagements he said this - and I love it! ... Quality stuff
10.01.2022 I AM INTROVERTED . . So heres the thing - contrary to what I do, Im massively introverted and crowds make me very anxious .... . Ive learned you can still be introverted and stand out from the crowd. You just need to be comfortable with yourself and dare to be different . . Chris Hayne Media See more
09.01.2022 CRAZY HAIR! . . I used to have some epic, ridiculous hairstyles when I was in my 20s .... . I would try all sorts of crazy stuff - like this! I had a cornrows effect cut into my hair for the @fifaworldcup in 2010 - and it got me interviewed on TV before one of the major games . . Im contemplating doing something crazy with my hair again..... See more
09.01.2022 JOE BIDEN Did you know Joe Biden has had a stutter since childhood and he was bullied about it for decades? He's now a mentor to others who stutter ... Oh, and he's also the incoming US President
09.01.2022 UP, UP and AWAY! Only one way to go in ‘21
09.01.2022 CEO INSIGHTS . . The fear of public speaking affects most people, even accomplished speakers and Thought Leaders like the Chief Executive Officer of Australian Institute of Management WA Professor Gary Martin .... . He has a background in lecturing and is a seasoned speaker yet even he feels the fear! It was so interesting to hear about why he feels this way . . Professor Gary and I chatted for 30min on all things public speaking as part of my new series, The Executive Speaker See more
09.01.2022 THE TOOLKIT Jennifer McMahon is one of the most wonderful humans I know and boy does she have her hands FULL! She's the Founder and CEO of Modern People , the creator of Ecoluxe Events & Workshops and Founder of The Modern Day Woman Movement- she juggles all of this with being a Mum, wife and an influencer ... Jen does a lot of presenting and to deal with her anxieties around public speaking, she's developed a method for picturing a tool-kit whenever she's in front of an audience. It's a simple and clever way to calm yourself and stay focussed for your presentation! Jen was a guest on The Executive Speaker series where I chat with some of our most influential leaders about their experiences with public speaking
08.01.2022 MY TERRIBLE INDIAN DANCE . . That moment you have a mini-dance off against a professional choreographer at an Indian Wedding in New Zealand .... . See more
08.01.2022 LET YOUR WORDS SPEAK . . Im often asked about using images and visuals for presentations and wether they are appropriate. The right images are GREAT however dont hide behind them .... . What you SAY will really bring your images to life . . See more
07.01.2022 Less than one week to go until I get to MC this kick ass event and facilitate 3 brilliant speakers in Dave Clare, Amy Jacobson and Digital With Doyle Buehler
05.01.2022 CEO INSIGHTS Im going to assume all of us - literally ALL of us have been in a situation where we didnt get our message across as well as wed like (If not and you always speak perfectly, Id LOOOVE to hear from you and I could use some of your expert coaching! ) Rupen Kotecha is no exception. He is currently the CEO of WA Leaders and the CFO Centre ... In his former life, Rupen was the CFO for British Airways and he told me a story about how he once he didnt get his message right for an important presentation and what he learned as a result Rupen was a guest on the Executive Speaker Series where I chat to some our most influential leaders around their thoughts and views on public speaking
04.01.2022 EVER MET SOMEONE LIKE THIS? . . Hilarious. Just f***ckin hilarious .... . Thanks Albert . . See more
04.01.2022 MY FIRST BUSINESS CARD . . As I approach 2 years Im reflecting back to where it all began and this old business card is an awesome reminder of where everything started! .... . GameFace I know what youre thinking! Its totally amateur design work but hey, we all start somewhere! . . See more
04.01.2022 WHY? . . Im often asked why I do what I do .... . For somebody who has a fear of public speaking, people ask what motivates me to DO public speaking and what drives me to continuously put myself in front of people to speak in public. Welllllllll - the answer is pretty simple . . Id love to know, why do you do what you do? . . See more
04.01.2022 DREAM TEAM . . Do work you love. With people you like. The way you want .... . And in the process its okay to be totally silly - just like Im always silly with these two awesome humans . . See more
03.01.2022 BAD DAYS . . 6 months ago I shared video about my bad stutter days and today, I had one of those days again! .... . I was supposed to record a video for a new campaign and felt super anxious about going to the meeting, because I knew my stutter was on fire. Instead of bailing I pushed myself, went, and told everybody the truth. Thankfully the group I was with absolutely understood and I didnt have to go through with the recording . . I sat through the meeting relatively quietly because every time I spoke, my heart was thumping with nerves and so I just minimised my speaking . . Its good to know that I could be so open and honest with my tribe and people are so accepting of these bad stutter days. I just hammered the gym and so hopefully tomorrow the speaking cylinders are all firing again! . . See more
02.01.2022 OH DEAR . . Do you know that dreadful feeling when you are presenting and something goes wrong in front of a live audience? .... . Well that recently happened to me! The technology failed at critical point of my talk. My heart sank, my tummy was in knots and my mind started racing, thinking, Ah shit. SHIT!! Please no. No! Dont do this to me! . . I panicked and went back to the most basic rule of speaking. If ever something goes wrong - breathe, acknowledge the issue, smile and move on . . See more
01.01.2022 PUBLIC SPEAKING Professional speaker. A hero shot. With a screwed up face. ... My mind racing with these thoughts: - Breathe - Pause - Slow down - Dont worry - Damn thats a bright light - I cant see anyone - Is the mic working? - Dont stutter - Dont stutter - Dont stutter - Dont stuff up the speaker bios - Dont stutter - A screwed up face
01.01.2022 POWER . . There are few things more rewarding and powerful than being on stage and delivering a confident talk .... . See more
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