Croydon Hills Baptist Church Internship in Croydon Hills, Victoria | Community organisation
Croydon Hills Baptist Church Internship
Locality: Croydon Hills, Victoria
Address: 6 bemboka rd 3136 Croydon Hills, VIC, Australia
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24.01.2022 Day 7-9 Update *sorry the post didn’t send* Our trip has taken a slower turn now as we settled in at TMK school and focused on building relationships with the teachers and students. ... It has been awesome getting to know them personally, sharing teaching responsibilities with the local teachers and helping run the church service. One highlight was visiting a local higher ed school and being able to share about Australia, hear their stories and answer deeper questions and hope. This has been a fantastic experience for everyone and especially the focus on building deeper relationships and getting to know each other personally. Day 10-home The last few days of the trip we spent time relaxing and sharing. It is awesome to be home now with everyone safe and recovered. What a fantastic experience this has been for everyone involved. So many people have been challenged and impacted by this experience and the Karen people.
21.01.2022 Day 3&4 update. We spent some time visiting some of our friends and were able to see the effects of peace for an extended period of time. There is nothing that can replace the feeling of knowing the youre safe and can focus on building a community. It is amazing to see how God is continually working to restore us and our world. We were able to visit multiple schools, churches, community events and projects and Matt and Ben even got a role in a local soccer tournament Australia in each team (the better player and team won). Health wise a couple of people are starting to wear down with one feeling sick and feverish, another with a cough and cold, general tiredness from the team but today we have most of the day off to rest and recover. Thanks for praying for us.
20.01.2022 Shannon Van Twuyver - Introductions I’ve been involved with Croydon Hills virtually my whole life, and the environment has been a massive influence on who I am today. Over the years I’ve been involved in serving in the library, morning tea and face painting for kids’ services - more recently helping on the coffee cart and participating in Portland SUFM and Winter Shelter.... I’m in my second year of university, studying Arts, majoring in Politics and International Relations. It was this interest of mine that got me wanting to intern with The Hope Project, and subsequently, the CHBC internship. I’m really excited to get the opportunity to do placement with The Hope Project, to not only see how a non-for-profit organisation runs, but also to be a part of something that I deem very valuable; programs enhancing the health, education and wellbeing of refugees and internally displaced people (in the case of The Hope Project, of the Karen) and I look forward to the trip in September. I also have just begun a political discussion group at Swinburne, as I’m someone who really enjoys discussing politics and ethics (my family might say a little too much sometimes) and societies that allow people to live to the best of their abilities and God-given potential. I love learning, challenging myself, playing sports and games, coffee catch-ups, puns, watching YouTube videos and reading. My hope for this year is to learn about how I can be a more effective leader and an efficient person in my day-to-day life. I’m interested to explore how God uses people’s various gifts and talents in their careers to serve Him. I hope to question what I believe and grow in my faith and relationship with God. I hope that He will be my foundation and source of strength wherever my passion for politics takes me. I’m really excited for the year and all the opportunities and learning experiences it contains. I’m honoured to be able to serve a community that has given me so much throughout my life.
20.01.2022 Penny Shipman - Introductions After relocating from South Africa and settling into Aussie life, my family found Croydon Hills Baptist Church which I have been attending for about 8 years now. Once I finished up with the busyness of Year 12 and dance exams, I could finally join in on youth group nights and have been involved as a leader ever since. Ive also been teaching at the dance school that runs here at CHBC for over 6 years. In my final year at university, I became ve...ry passionate about being a driving force for change. In the context of my degree, this passion was for community health and sustainable food systems. In the context of my faith, however, I have a great deal of fun exploring with God where and how I can apply this passion. I chose my placement area as community engagement as I feel this is a very active space in bringing about change in our community and will not only help me in my exploration journey but will develop in me the necessary skills and tool to be affective in this area. I wanted to do the internship last year coming straight out of university, but the program didnt run. I think this was God making sure I got the rest I desperately needed. At the very beginning of last I was married to Nick and so I focused on settling into married life and used my extra time to try support those around me in a greater capacity than what I would usually have time for. So far working in placement with Gitta has involved a great deal of networking with members from our local and extended community. Its been great to see how communities working together in partnership to achieve a greater goal. I am looking forward to being further involved in the programs and events lined up for the year in the community engagement area.
20.01.2022 Working with me in Community Engagement means all sorts of experiences. Today CHBC interns Penny and Sarah had the privilege of interviewing Maria and Gerardo and enjoyed a home cooked Mexican meal. Originally from Mexico, we loved them sharing their story of life in Mexico and their settlement here.
18.01.2022 We are ready and excited to have our 7 new Interns starting for 2019. Packs done and countdown on to the kick off session! Cant wait to see how God is going to move over this year!
18.01.2022 Introductions - Sarah Gibbs Ive been attending CHBC my whole life and have loved being a part of the church community here. I now mainly attend the 6pm services and it was at one of these services late last year that I first heard about the internship program. Around the same time, I was finishing up with my final year of uni studying Speech Pathology and I was beginning to consider where God was leading me once I graduated. I had never thought that an internship would be a ...part of Gods plan for me but as I began to learn more about the vision for this internship and what it would involve I knew that God was leading me to take this opportunity. During the internship this year, I will be doing placement within the area of Community Engagement. This will involve working with the Karen community and also networking with other members and organisations to advocate and provide assistance to individuals requiring support in the community e.g. winter shelter program. With the rest of my time during the week, I will be doing disability support work. I also occasionally do some administration and waitressing at a catering company. One of my passions is being creative, I love calligraphy and painting but I wish I did more of it. As much as I love creating I also really like to be out enjoying Gods creation (particularly at the beach!) Id also say I have a passion for baking but my love for eating what Ive baked probably outweighs the actual baking! Over the past years, God has revealed in me a heart for serving others but a passion that I have more recently discovered is working with people who have disabilities, specifically to support their communication. During the internship, I am really hoping to discover more of God and build a strong foundation of faith for wherever God may be leading me in the future. I am excited to be challenged to step out of my comfort zone and learn more about who God has created me to be and how I can serve in His kingdom.
16.01.2022 So impressed by each of our interns as they have helped lead and set culture over the last couple of days of momentum camp. We have seen so many lives changed over this weekend, stronghold broken and people set free.
15.01.2022 O-Week Day #2 Today we kicked off our first personal and spiritual input sessions. Over these we looked at what our year will look like and how the greatest depth of knowledge is not with one person but rather through what the Spirit reveals through each of us. In our first session we were challenged to abandon balance in the pursuit of passion for all the leaders who made the greatest impact were those who pursued all the areas of their life with passion. In our second sessi...on we wrestled with the question why is Jesus becoming human significant and if he steps into our world what does that mean for us stepping into other peoples worlds? At night we were blessed to have Mat and James come down to lead us in a time of worship and praise for God before we headed into a time of sharing about where God has brought us from and who he has created us to be.
14.01.2022 In full swing getting ready for the Easter services this week. Loving seeing each of these guys use their creativity and enthusiasm to shape these services. Join us for our Easter Services Beauty for Ashes Thursday 7:30pm Friday 9am and Sunday 10am and 6pm
12.01.2022 Loving getting to hang with this awesome crew for this year. They are just finishing their first week of placement and have all kicked off the year in such a great way. Over the next couple of weeks we will be introducing you to each of them to you as they share on this page. Remember when you see them to encourage them and hear how they have been going this year.
12.01.2022 Day 1&2 Update. So we have kicked off our Sharing Hope Trip on the very wet Thai Burma Border over the last two days. Everyone has made it through with only a few slip overs (mostly within our accomodation). So far it is been awesome being able to see the Karen people express their faith and hope in Jesus across refugee camps, schools and villages along the border. It hasnt come without challenges however...Cody has struggled to make it through a location without bumping head on one of the low lying timber beams in the houses. Please continue to pray for Heath, safety and that we can have eyes to see what God is doing over the trip.
11.01.2022 Introductions - Liam Tatterson I grew up in New Zealand until I was about 9 and then we moved to Australia. I have been involved at Croydon Hills for about 10 years primarily in the youth group while attending various services. I believe these experience in youth and our church community have grown my faith, particularly in the last few years. As well as my experiences with Croydon Hills Baptist Church I also spent time with Mooroolbark Baptist's Boys Brigade. It was here tha...t I experienced faith and personal growth particularly in leadership training, small groups and the community. I decided to undertake the Internship in 2019 as I wanted to spend a year focusing on growing my faith and applying it in my life. I am excited by the focus of one day of investment and one day of practical placement and the opportunities it presents to facilitate this. I am really passionate about NextGen and I love the opportunity to be working with the team in that area for the internship. I will be mostly involved with both the Real Youth and Rock programs. Over 2018 I was involved in leading a boys Connect Group before youth and will continue to do this for 2019, as well as volunteer at Boys Brigade. Over this year there are many other areas of passion that I hope to explore how to use in a God honoring way. I am passionate about finding ways to invest in others, particularly for younger people; for writing stories with a meaning, although I want to find a more practical way for this; and about nature and the natural world, as I have found it is through nature that I find myself feeling closest to God. As I consider 2019 I find myself both excited and nervous about all that it may hold, but ultimately at the end of the year I hope I will be able to look to my future with a stronger faith and sense of purpose. I am thankful that I have been given this opportunity, and I pray we can all get the most out of it.
10.01.2022 Had a great time with Dave Home learning about cultural appreciation and how to work in such a way that that doesnt disempower those you are desiring to help. #thebubleswerealie #chbcinterns
10.01.2022 What an amazing trip it was, being able to see how God is moving both on the Border and in each of our lives. I cannot be more prouder of the team. (Video Credit goes to Katy Heath - thanks for joining us for the adventure)
10.01.2022 Natalie Berg - Introductions Church community has been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was little I lived in the town of Cootamundra, and the church that was right next door to where I lived and felt like an extension of home. My family started attending Croydon Hills Baptist Church in 2017, three years after moving to Melbourne. I have chosen to undertake the Worship stream as it aligns with my passions and gifts. As well as this, I am hoping to g...ain a deeper understanding of what it means to worship God through music and across all areas of life. It is both exciting and a privilege to be placed into this area, with Leah and the Worship team. Im excited and feel blessed to be part of the Internship this year and look forward to what the year will hold. I anticipate that it will set foundations in my faith I will always be able to hold onto and so Im excited for this year and for what God has in store! Im passionate about expression through creativity and am inspired when I see how others use their creativity for Gods glory. I have enjoyed singing and dance since I was little, although as I have grown I have focused more on singing and music. I begun to learn how to play guitar and when I was able to pick up enough chords I undertook learning piano. These two passion then came together as I started to experiment with writing my own songs. Over time songwriting has become one of my favourite things and its something Id like to continue to cultivate over this year. In 2019, I hope to take the opportunities to learn, grow in faith and trust in the Lord with my path. I would also like to gain practical skills for being able to carry out Gods purposes for me and to make a positive impact in others lives.
08.01.2022 O-Week Day #1 Internship 2019 is officially underway for Cody, Liam, Ohpwe, Penny, Sarah and Shannon. O-Week kicked off with each of our interns being able to spend some time with their placement coordinators learning about all the possibilities that this year entitled for them. This was then followed by a welcome session from Andrew Harris which covered off the key vision for us as a church and the internship. ... The interns then all headed down to Philip Island where we spent time together getting to know one another better, learning about the history of the Karen People and how then ended up being a part of our community. As the sun rises on Day #2 please join with us in praying for them all as we kick off the foundation of our training material today with our Personal Input Sessions and Spiritual Input Sessions.
08.01.2022 What does your 2020 look like? The CHBC 2020 Internship is now open for expressions of interest. This is a year great chance to explore who God has created you to be, ask questions of your faith and discover how you can maximize your impact on the world. For more information visit or speak to one of the team...
06.01.2022 Introductions - Matthew Hotchkin-Van Neuren I have been a part of Croydon Hills Baptist Church since I was born, so this community has been a part of my story for my whole life. Over the years I have been involved as one of the youth and have often looked up to the leaders. Having a supportive family and community around me has been one of the key factors that has grown my faith. I was baptised 3 years ago during a summer beach mission to Portland after experiencing the power... of the Holy Spirit in a new way as the community of mission leaders worked for one purpose. Together we were united in expressing God's love to the people of Portland. It was during this that I realised that God was calling me to serve him for the rest of my life. I wanted to be a part of the internship program for 2019 to grow my faith and gain more opportunities and responsibilities with the church. It was my relationship with God and and the impact of the youth programs and other church leaders that encourage me to join the internship this year. I am looking forward to the opportunities that it presents, especially to do with Next Gen placement and youth work. In conjunction to the Internship I will also be taking part in a Business course at Deakin University, majoring in Events Management and Human Resources and working part time for my old school as a soccer coach. Im super passionate for playing soccer, and facilitating young peoples ability to talk about their dreams and struggles and exploring where faith fits into this. I hope to become a youth pastor and or preacher in the future. Given that I am only 18 I am seeking to invest these years in building the foundation and exploring this desire and calling. So over the internship I am desiring to grow in my wisdom and maturity particularly in these areas.
06.01.2022 Day 5&6 Update On Saturday we took the morning off to rest and recover after pushing really hard for the last few days. In the afternoon we headed down to Thoo Mweh Khee school where we are taking up residence for a few days. TMK is a school that sharing hope have supported for over 10 years and it still one of its 3 main supporters and is its largest. TMK has now grown to 963 students and is doing amazing work in equipping the next generation of leaders. They have successf...ully outgrown their entire facility and are now trying to raise funds to build more classrooms. So far we have been involved in building relationships with the people at TMK and helped run a church service and are now involved in teaching in the classrooms. Most people are doing well health wise. The general feel is that people are tired from traveling and sleeping on the floor, some upset stomachs but not too bad and some colds from being in AC and out of AC so much. Please continue to pray for the team as we enter into our last few days on the ground.
05.01.2022 O-Week Day #3 Today was the last day of O-Week and we were privileged to have Mat Weller come and share some of his tips on getting the most out of an internship experience. This was base on his experience as a CHBC Intern Alumni and a planetshakers Intern. Our remaining time was spent focusing on our views of leadership. In this we challenged some of our preconceived ideas of leadership and determined that it is more important to look at what makes us a good leader (things like our faith and values) and not just what makes us effective in leading (such as our skills and talents). It has been a real honour to be able to spend this time with such a fantastic group of young people who are passionate to discover who God has made them to be and to step into where he is leading them for this year!
04.01.2022 Ohpwe Htoo - Introductions I grew up in a refugee camp in Thai/Burma border called Mae La refugee camp. We migrated to Australia in 2008 when I was 14 years old. I have always been attending CHBC since I have arrived in Australia as part of the Karen Community. Over this time I have been involved in both the Karen & Kaw Ler Wah (Australian) Youth Groups. It was through youth group and the community I share with the Kaw Ler Wah and Karen that helped build me up to be who I am... today. Most importantly they have both contributed to helping me find and grow in my faith in a personal way. I can remember a time, back in 2012, when everything seems dark and I felt like I had too much weight on my shoulders. I dont know where I would be today if it wasnt for the youth group and the community that God has put in my path that helped showed me the way to the light. I believe that God has brought me through to be where I am today. I am really passionate to help people who are in need and I am also passionate about music, particularly playing bass and drums. I find that through music, it helps me find a space where I can freely praise and to worship God. This year I have decided to undertake the internship in worship, as I want to grow spiritually stronger in my faith and also to help me cultivating music into worship for myself and others. I also want to learn what it means to worship, not just through music but in everything that I do. I am really excited to see where God is leading me and for the plan that He has for me. Throughout the internship I will be continuing to work as a nurse for the rest of my time during the week. I am also involved in the Karen praise and worship team where I will be applying into practice and sharing what I am learning throughout the internship.
02.01.2022 Day 7-9 Update *sorry the post didnt send* Our trip has taken a slower turn now as we settled in at TMK school and focused on building relationships with the teachers and students. ... It has been awesome getting to know them personally, sharing teaching responsibilities with the local teachers and helping run the church service. One highlight was visiting a local higher ed school and being able to share about Australia, hear their stories and answer deeper questions and hope. This has been a fantastic experience for everyone and especially the focus on building deeper relationships and getting to know each other personally. Day 10-home The last few days of the trip we spent time relaxing and sharing. It is awesome to be home now with everyone safe and recovered. What a fantastic experience this has been for everyone involved. So many people have been challenged and impacted by this experience and the Karen people.
01.01.2022 Introductions - Cody Penglase I am easy going Queenslander from the Sunshine Coast and last year moved down here to Melbourne to do an internship with the missions agency Operation Mobilisation. Throughout the year, I was able to connect and be more engaged with Croydon Hills Baptist Church through the 6pm service and Young Adult Community. I was at the final stages of the Operation Mobilisation and I was considering and praying about what my future will hold and seeing where... God was directing me. This was when the Croydon Hills Baptist Church internship was announced. I was really excited by the possibilities it held and God created the way for me to be able to apply and be an intern for this year. During 2019 I will be doing placement in the NextGen Ministries, which will involve children, youth and outreach opportunities. For the rest of my time outside of the internship, I will be working and finishing my part time study of a Diploma of Ministry that I started in 2018. Most of my passions are based around creativity and knowledge. Music is something I value a lot and currently learning the ukulele and also just in general listen to a lot of different genres styles. Another fun creative outlet I have is skateboarding. I am still newish to it but I am enjoying every moment to it, another hobby that is much slower and quieter pace is reading and basically reading practically anything. And finally serving. I love to serve in communities, behind the scenes of events and also help people in need. I am looking forward to all that is in store this year and am eager to learn more about God, be challenged and dive more into my faith. Already I understand God deeper, feel more equipped for ministry and serving, and I am looking forward to being available to help people and walk alongside them over 2019. - Cody. P.
01.01.2022 Shannon Van Twuyver - Introductions Ive been involved with Croydon Hills virtually my whole life, and the environment has been a massive influence on who I am today. Over the years Ive been involved in serving in the library, morning tea and face painting for kids services - more recently helping on the coffee cart and participating in Portland SUFM and Winter Shelter.... Im in my second year of university, studying Arts, majoring in Politics and International Relations. It was this interest of mine that got me wanting to intern with The Hope Project, and subsequently, the CHBC internship. Im really excited to get the opportunity to do placement with The Hope Project, to not only see how a non-for-profit organisation runs, but also to be a part of something that I deem very valuable; programs enhancing the health, education and wellbeing of refugees and internally displaced people (in the case of The Hope Project, of the Karen) and I look forward to the trip in September. I also have just begun a political discussion group at Swinburne, as Im someone who really enjoys discussing politics and ethics (my family might say a little too much sometimes) and societies that allow people to live to the best of their abilities and God-given potential. I love learning, challenging myself, playing sports and games, coffee catch-ups, puns, watching YouTube videos and reading. My hope for this year is to learn about how I can be a more effective leader and an efficient person in my day-to-day life. Im interested to explore how God uses peoples various gifts and talents in their careers to serve Him. I hope to question what I believe and grow in my faith and relationship with God. I hope that He will be my foundation and source of strength wherever my passion for politics takes me. Im really excited for the year and all the opportunities and learning experiences it contains. Im honoured to be able to serve a community that has given me so much throughout my life.
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